"Another way? Brother Niu must be mistaken. Doesn't the quest prompt say that you must go through this door to enter Thunder Bluff? How can there be another way?"

Hearing Wang Yuan's command, everyone was confused.

In the game world, everything is based on the quest prompts. This is common sense for players.

Otherwise, even if you complete the quest, if you do not meet the requirements of the "quest prompts", you may be judged as a failure.

For example, in the material quest that Wang Yuan did before, although Wang Yuan brought higher-level materials, the old man Clyde threatened Wang Yuan with the quest reward because the materials Wang Yuan got were not the materials in the quest.

This is the consequence of not doing the quest according to the quest prompts.

If Wang Yuan hadn't wanted to fight Clyde to the death, anyone else would have suffered a loss in that situation.

So everyone is still very conventional about quest prompts.

Thinking that this is a necessary condition for doing the quest.


Wang Yuan laughed and asked everyone: "The task prompt asked us to go through this door. Did it say that we must destroy this door?"

"Ah... this..."

Everyone was speechless after hearing this.

It should be said that although Wang Yuan's words were a bit nonsense, they were not completely unreasonable.

The system prompt did say that we must go through this door, and this door cannot be destroyed...

Putting these two conditions together, isn't it contradictory?

So, what Wang Yuan said might be true. This door and this door are two concepts. There may be another way on the mountain road for players to open this door before they can go through this door.

Damn, it's really roundabout.

"Everyone, find another entrance quickly!!"

Thinking of this, the front-line tank profession and the archer's firepower attracted under the door, while other players began to dodge on both sides to find a new entrance.

As expected, a moment later, a player not far from the left side of the city gate shouted: "There is a vine here! You can climb up the mountain!"

"There is really another way?!!"

Everyone looked at Wang Yuan in front of them, their faces full of surprise.

For Wang Yuan's words, everyone was just guessing, and they didn't completely believe it. The reason why they listened to Wang Yuan to find another way was because there was no better way.

But they never expected that they really found it.

This is... The system is really a dog, playing word games with players.

"It's worthy of being Brother Niu!"

"I knew Brother Niu wouldn't build it randomly!"

The miracle of great strength. Everyone has long been accustomed to Wang Yuan's prediction of the enemy, and has begun to get used to it. Although they are surprised now, they are not as exaggerated as before.

"Fuck! Is this guy a fortune teller? Why do I feel like he has opened the God's perspective?"

"It's really amazing, just like his fucking half-immortal, it's simply amazing."

"Niu Banxian!! You are right, this guy is Niu Banxian!!"

The people of the Black Dragon Society were surprised and gave Wang Yuan a nickname.

Little did he know that Wang Yuan already knew there was another way before he entered the valley.

Because Dabai had said before that this door was called "Dragon-Breaking Stone", which was known as the hardest stone in the world. Not to mention the current players, even if the strongest creature, the dragon, came, it could not cause damage, so it was called Dragon-Breaking Stone.

To open this door, you must find a hidden way, climb up the mountain to defeat the guarding monsters, and open the mechanism.

The Black Dragon Club player was right in saying that Wang Yuan now really had a God's perspective.

"Go up!" Wang Yuan looked up along the vines, and then pointed to the top of the cliff.


He rushed up first with random shots.

Wang Yuan grabbed him and said, "Let the warriors go up!!"

Just kidding, there are monsters on the cliff. Archers are agile and can climb faster, but if they climb up and are attacked by monsters, they will die quickly.

Soldiers with thick skin and flesh can still resist for a while.

"I'll do it!"

Long Xingtianxia volunteered, grabbed the vines and climbed up.

Soon, Long Xingtianxia climbed up, but at this moment, Long Xingtianxia's eyes went dark, and he was hit by something. A huge force knocked him back and he fell directly from the cliff.

"Ah... Bang!"

With a scream, Long Xingtianxia fell from the sky and smashed a "big" shaped pit on the ground.


Looking at the big pit on the ground, everyone was terrified.

Especially when shooting randomly, his face turned green.


There is actually no pain in the game, and it is common for players to die.

But there is a fundamental difference between being shot out of health and being thrown down from a height.

This is like bungee jumping. Knowing that you can't die, how many people dare to jump casually.

"Ouch! I'm scared to death!"

After a while, a hand stretched out from the human-shaped pit, and Long Xingtian sat up from the pit like a dead ash.

It's not hard to see from his appearance that although his health bar has only dropped half, his life may have been lost.

After a long pause, Long Xing Tianxia said with tears in his eyes: "There's a monster up there!! I was pushed back! Damn!!"

"Okay, okay! Thank you for your hard work, Boss Long." Wang Yuan hurried forward to comfort him.

Look how scared this kid is, he is timid to begin with.

"Who will go up and take a look?" Wang Yuan turned around and asked the others.


Everyone took a step back immediately after hearing this.

Meowing, Long Xing is a timid person in the world, and others are not bold either.

Only the brave warrior Wushuang stood there without moving.

"Okay, Wushuang, come on!"

"Me? I'm afraid of heights!!"

Brave Warrior Wushuang waved his hand quickly.

"Then stand up!"

"I didn't." The brave man Wushuang quickly looked around and couldn't help but cursed: "Ci'ao! Are you human?"

"Brother Wushuang, you are awesome, it's up to you!"

Yunzhong Yihe and several other players from the Black Dragon Club were still cheering (gloating).

"Nah! They tricked me!" Brave Warriors shouted loudly.

"Fuck you, are you embarrassed?" Shui Linglong had a bad temper and started scolding her. Then she did not forget to say: "I will give a hundred gold to anyone who comes up."

"Me! Me! Me! Me!"

What does it mean that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward, and what does it mean to be brave and brave? These bastards showed it incisively and vividly, and they were all rushing to get up.

Even the brave man Wushuang shouted from the side: "I'm going to steal your uncle! A bunch of cowards! Why didn't you stand up just now!"

As he spoke, Brave Warriors kicked away the others who were coming towards him, grabbed the vines and climbed up.

"Brother Niu! You have to protect me." Halfway up the climb, the brave man shouted down.

"Don't worry! You'll be fine." Benevolent Invincible said, patting his chest.

"I don't believe you!"

"Okay! Now that you have something to do, Death, bring me a fireball to burn him!"

"Your sister!"

The brave man Wushuang said he was afraid, and he was faster than Long Xingtianxia, ​​and he had climbed to the top of the cliff in a moment.


Accompanied by the sound of iron chains.

At the same time, a tall black humanoid monster rushed towards Brave Warriors.

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