"BUG! It's definitely a BUG!"

The priest of the Black Dragon Society walked towards the light and pointed at the Corpse King and shouted loudly.

Light magic restrains undead creatures. This is the basic common sense of the game setting.

Monsters have high resistance, and using attribute restraint to deal damage is also basic common sense for gamers.


There is no doubt that things like the Corpse King are definitely undead.

When Tuma's light magic was completely restrained, it not only had no restraining effect at all, but also didn't even deal any damage. Isn't this a BUG?

"Teacher Wushuang, what's going on?"

Even Xiaobai and Ma Saner were stunned.

Dabai pondered for a moment and said: "It seems that this corpse king may have been a fanatical believer of the Light God Religion during his lifetime! As far as I know, after the light monster becomes undead, the resistance to holy light will not disappear."

"Can this still happen?"

It seemed like it was the first time for Xiaobai and Ma Saner to hear about this setting.

After all, the Warcraft they will come into contact with in the future are not undead creatures, so it is normal for them not to understand this setting.

"No wonder!"

Wang Yuan was suddenly enlightened when he heard this.

Indeed, this corpse king was originally the captain of the escort team. He died on the battlefield because of his fanatical belief in light. It was not his own will to be awakened by the power of death. Although he became an undead, his light attribute did not disappear.

No wonder the resistance to light magic is so high.

Seeing the corpse king in front of them who did not eat light magic, everyone suddenly became at a loss.

After all, undead creatures themselves have extremely high physical defenses. Things like zombies cannot be said to be invulnerable. Conventional methods have very average attack effects anyway, and can only use magic and attribute restraint to deal damage.

But this Corpse King not only has high magic resistance, but also has no attribute restraint, so how can he fight against it?

"It would be great if I knew thunder magic!"

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, Dabai said: "Thunder magic has the property of subduing demons... Although it is not as powerful as the Holy Light magic, it is also very effective against undead creatures."

"Thunder magic!!!!"

Wang Yuan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Dabai's words.

Not to mention, there are actually people in the team who know how to do it. In the weapons arsenal of the Shadow Castle, the God of Death had obtained an off-hand weapon. The off-hand weapon came with the lightning skill.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan immediately sent a private message to the God of Death: "Try the thunder and lightning technique!!"

"Ah? OK?"

"I'm not sure, just try it and then tell me!!"

Wang Yuandao.


The god of death immediately raised his hand.


A thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck the Corpse King on the head without any deviation.


The Corpse King was shocked and froze on the spot. The festered skin on his body emitted bursts of green smoke under the bombardment of thunder and lightning.


A huge blood loss figure floated up from the corpse king's head.

"I am the second best!! What kind of god-level output is this!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes were about to fly out.

You know, Dabai's magic attack can only cause less than 200 points of damage to the Corpse King, and the holy light magic cannot even break the skin of the Corpse King.

The God of Death can directly take away nearly 10,000 HP points of the Corpse King with just one skill. This is ridiculous...

"F*ck! I understand! This is name restraint!!" Casual Shot's eyes lit up and he started talking nonsense.

"Can this still happen?"

Others believe it.

Isn't it, the God of Death, the King of Corpses, this guy is so much higher than me, maybe it's really because of his name.

"Bullshit! If you have to restrain yourself, you have to restrain yourself with the thunder attribute!" After all, he is a hardcore experienced player who is invincible and can always spot the clues at the first opportunity.

"Thunder attribute restraint! Yes, yes! I remember that in the legendary games I played before, thunder could defeat the undead." After hearing this, everyone agreed, all of them as hindsight.

"As expected of a professional mage!"

“The sea is professional!!”

After vigorously performing a miracle, everyone gave a thumbs up to the God of Death, and at the same time stepped on the benevolent Wudi: "Wudi, what the hell are you talking about? You still use light to defeat the undead. You, a priest, are crazy for trying to deal damage!"

"I call you your uncle!" The benevolent man gritted his teeth angrily.

"Thunder magic...why do these guys have everything?" Everyone at the Black Dragon Club looked surprised.

In "Breaking Dawn", thunder magic is a very special existence.

Normally, the magic elements that mages in the game can control are only four categories: "earth, water, fire, wind".

Earth and wind are rare magics, so the common skills of magicians are mostly water and fire.

The thunder magic is a magic element higher than the four elements.

Not only does it have the high damage of fire magic, it also has the high control of water magic, it has the defensive properties of earth magic, and its casting speed is not weaker than that of wind magic, making it the king of elements.

Because of this, the thunder element is also the most difficult element to control in the game, and the thunder magic skill is also an extremely rare skill.

So far, everyone has only heard of the setting of thunder magic, and has never seen thunder skills leaked on the market.

There was even a rich man who spent a lot of money on the lightning-collecting magic skill, but now it is still posted on the forum and no one has responded.

So much so that most players think that thunder magic is not available at all now.

I never expected that there would be people in the small guild of "Strength Works Miracles" with only eight people who knew how to do this.

"not me……"

The God of Death was about to explain that it was Wang Yuan who reminded him that he used lightning magic.

But Wang Yuan made a gesture to keep quiet.

Although the God of Death didn't know why Wang Yuan was so low-key, he still didn't say it.

There was no way, Wang Yuan was a cautious person.

Now Dabai and the others didn't know that Wang Yuan could hear their thoughts. Dabai just said that lightning magic could be used to restrain it, and Wang Yuan suggested that the God of Death use lightning magic. This is too coincidental.

Xiaobai and Ma San'er are easy to fool, but Dabai is not a fuel-saving lamp, so he must be exposed on the spot.

At present, Wang Yuan doesn't want Dabai and the others to know his secrets.

After all, no one wants others to peek into their thoughts.

Besides, Dabai and the others are all sons of the plane who traveled through time.

If they knew that he had no secrets in front of Wang Yuan, wouldn't it be as scary as walking naked on the street?

These guys might do something.

While everyone was surprised, the Corpse King had already released his paralysis, roared and used "Evil Spirit Coil", and the iron chain in his hand flew directly towards the God of Death.


Just when the iron chain was about to fall on the God of Death, the Warrior Wushuang, with the aura BUFF that Hope had just blessed, jumped in front of the God of Death.

"Hua La!"

The iron chain dragged the Warrior Wushuang over again.

The Corpse King's right iron fist flashed with black light, and smashed the Warrior Wushuang who was dragged over.

At this time, the "Holy Light Shield" of the Invincible Benevolent had also cooled down, and the staff was raised, and the holy light enveloped the Warrior Wushuang.


A punch fell, and the Warrior Wushuang did not move at all.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

At the same time, several arrows flew and pierced the Corpse King's eyes. The Corpse King was hit and leaned back, letting go of the Warrior Wushuang, and the Warrior Wushuang took the opportunity to "charge".


The Corpse King was knocked back a step.


The lightning spell of the god of death fell again.

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