Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 87: Give him a taste of his own medicine

"This is the territory of the immortals. Despicable living people are forbidden to set foot on our territory!"

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Just when everyone was panicking, an empty voice sounded in the sky.


After the voice fell, all the corpse warriors raised their weapons in unison and shouted to the sky.

The sound was like thunder, rushing straight into the sky.

The echo echoed in the valley, making people shudder.

"Great warriors, execute them on the spot! Let them become part of us!"

As the empty voice sounded again.

The eyes of the corpses in the valley fell on a group of players.

Then all the corpse warriors raised their weapons and rushed towards the players.

"Retreat!! Retreat to the entrance of the valley! Don't mess up the formation!"

Seeing that the corpse warriors had already killed them, Wang Yuan immediately issued a retreat order.

The players of the Black Dragon Club were terrified when they saw this scene and had the idea of ​​retreating. When they heard Wang Yuan's order, they retreated to the narrow mountain road at the entrance of Thunder Bluff without saying a word.

"Boss! We can't get out! The door of Thunder Bluff is closed again!"

When everyone retreated to the door, the last player sent a message.

"Brother Niu, we can't run away!"

Long Xing Tianxia hurriedly reported to Wang Yuan: "The door is closed, we can't get out."

"Hiss... Are these monsters so AI?"

Hearing the news from Long Xing Tianxia, ​​Yun Zhong Yihe was shocked.

Even Renzhe Wudi and Shui Linglong and others looked at each other.

If I guessed correctly, the players seemed to be led into the encirclement by the monsters.

At this time, everyone's situation was like a turtle in a jar, with no way out.

Being caught by the monsters.

If this gets out, it's not a matter of strength. Being tricked by a monster is a matter of intelligence.

A group of players were calculated by game data... This is really embarrassing.

"Who said we're going out!"

However, Wang Yuan said calmly: "Form a formation! ! Defense!!"

"Form a formation?"

Hearing Wang Yuan's order, Long Xing Tianxia was a little confused: "No, Brother Niu, that's a level 30 elite monster, ten times more than us, how to defend? You think too highly of us, don't you?"

Long Xing Tianxia was right.

Indeed, any player who has played games like Age of Empires, Red Alert, and Warcraft knows that when you are weaker than your opponent, you need tactics, such as guerrilla assassination, sending small troops to harass and destroy the opponent's barracks, or using spies to occupy the opponent's power station.

When do you start a defensive formation? It must be when you are in a head-on battle.

The necessary condition for a head-on battle is that you must have strength equal to that of your opponent.

There are more than 20,000 level 30 elite monsters on the opposite side, and there are only more than 2,000 players less than level 20 on our side. How can we fight head-on?


However, Wang Yuan laughed and said, "Do you know what it means to give someone a taste of your own medicine?"


Long Xing Tianxia was still confused, but he still listened to Wang Yuan's command and signaled everyone to form a formation.

The players of the Black Dragon Club are all veterans. Although they are not very disciplined, their execution is still good.

With an order, they quickly formed a defensive formation.

The front row of shield warriors raised their shields, the back row was the second tank warrior and the paladin, and the back row was the priest, the mage, and the archer.

"Oh! I know! It's the trick of luring wolves onto the bridge again!!"

When everyone formed a formation, Random Shooting suddenly shouted excitedly.

Now all the players have retreated to the narrow mountain road at the entrance, and the formation is spread out. The front tanks just blocked the corpse warriors outside the mountain road. This scene reminded Suibian Luanshe of the trick Wang Yuan asked everyone to go up the bridge when they were playing the dungeon before.

This moment is just like that moment.

"Huh? Isn't this the skeleton battle formation just now?" Long Xingtianxia, ​​Yun Zhongyihe and others heard Suibian Luanshe's voice and looked up quickly.

The scene of everyone being blocked in the mountain road by the skeleton soldiers just now immediately appeared in their minds.

This... is so similar.

It turns out that Wang Yuan asked everyone to retreat not to run away, but to learn the first level, to use the terrain to set up a formation like the skeleton battle formation to meet the enemy.

No wonder Wang Yuan said to give him a taste of his own medicine.


Thinking of this, Long Xingtianxia and others were shocked again.

A normal person facing an enemy ten times stronger than himself would definitely be helpless.

But Wang Yuan thought of a coping strategy in an instant. What kind of flexible thinking ability is this?

The key is that this coping strategy is still the opponent's.

This is terrible.

It's like two kung fu masters fighting. You didn't hurt the other person with your output, and the other person copied your fighting style and knocked you down...

What is the concept?

It can be seen that the other party is not only extremely talented in learning, but also extremely talented in application.

He can use your moves to fight you in your field and still be better than you. It feels like your combat power is only 6,000, while his combat power has reached more than 10,000.


I have to say that the terrain is really a good thing.

The mountain road at the entrance is only a dozen meters wide and can only accommodate a dozen people passing side by side at a time.

If they charge with weapons, they can only accommodate ten people at most at a time.

And the defensive formation as a static-to-dynamic strategy can fully utilize the terrain advantages in the mountain road.

More than a dozen shield warriors lined up in a row, just like the skeleton battle formation just now, completely blocking the mountain road.

"Use the halo!!"

As the front row of tanks blocked the mountain road, the knight in the middle raised the scepter in his hand.


Colorful halos spread from the paladins.

[Attack halo activated]

[Defense halo activated]

[Wisdom halo activated]

[Wind halo activated]

[Holy healing halo activated]

With the halo blessing, all the attributes of all players have been greatly improved.

At the same time, the corpse warriors in the valley also rushed to the players.


Another shout in unison, the corpse warriors lowered their heads and directly charged towards the front row of players.

"3.2.1! Block!"

Wang Yuan, who was standing on a high place, led the corpse warriors to charge over. At his command, the front row of shield warriors all raised their shields.

Although not as neat and uniform as the shield skeletons, it was enough.


With a loud bang, the two sides collided with each other.

The first wave of corpse warriors that rushed up were blocked by the shields, triggering dizziness...


The next moment, the players' arrows and magic also fell from the sky.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Fireballs, arrows, and ice cones fell from the sky, instantly drowning all the dizzy corpse warriors.

Looking at the fallen corpse warriors in front of them, the players finally experienced the fun of the skeleton soldiers bullying the players by taking advantage of the terrain. They went from being bullied to being the bully. That feeling was simply amazing.

Thousands of words can be summed up in one sentence: "Oh my god! It's awesome!!!"

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