"No, isn't it a bit unfair for us to watch the battle here?"

After being stunned for a long time, the Black Dragon Club suddenly realized that they were not here to watch the fun.

It was not easy for them to get here through the monsters, just to fight the BOSS. Wang Yuan and Wang Yujie were fighting the BOSS, and they were just paddling by the side, feeling very guilty.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩

"That being said, can we intervene?" Yun Zhongyihe asked back.

"Ah this..."

"You will die if you don't talk, right!"

Yun Zhongyihe's words made everyone collapse.

Apart from the group of Renzhe Wudi, the people on the Black Dragon Club who were able to pass through the monsters to fight the BOSS were all recognized elite masters in the guild.

In the end, they couldn't even intervene to fight the BOSS.

I could only watch, fearing that I would be a hindrance if I took action. That feeling was simply terrible.

It was indeed Garen who used Whisper, Silence and Defense Breaker.



However, just when the Black Dragon Society was depressed, the Invincible Benevolent rushed up with Shui Linglong and others.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Sako was controlled by Xiaobai, everyone surrounded him and attacked.

When Sako was released from control, several people turned around and ran away without wanting to fight.

In this case, although the Invincible Benevolent people could not intervene in the war between professionals and high-level BOSS, as the ceiling among players, they also knew what it meant to take advantage of every opportunity.

Isn't your Sako able to dodge?

You can't dodge again after being controlled.

At other times, everyone can stay out of it. When the BOSS is stunned, everyone rushes up to assist in the output and is still at ease.

"You came at the right time!"

Seeing everyone running over to help with the output without disrupting the rhythm of the battle, Wang Yuan and Wang Yujie couldn't help but exclaimed.

This group of teammates is much more reliable than expected.

As masters, the Black Dragon Club only dared to play soy sauce on the side, while the Invincible Benevolent Club was good at finding output space, which shows that this group of teammates is not only extremely strong, but also has extremely high combat literacy.

Wang Yuan and Wang Yujie are level 15 and level 10 respectively.

Wang Yuan is okay, because the attributes of his two skeleton soldiers are not weaker than those of level 20 players, and he can be used as two people.

Wang Yujie is a pure level 10 trumpet, without any equipment.

The difference between the two is too big in strength compared to Sako. Although they can temporarily suppress Sako, their output will definitely not keep up.

If this goes on, they will be exhausted sooner or later.

The sudden joining of the Invincible Benevolent Club greatly reduced the output pressure of the two.

Sako's health began to drop visibly.

"Let's go too!"

Yun Zhongyihe saw the fighting style of the Invincible Benevolent Club and immediately followed suit, and surrounded them with the Black Dragon Club.

Everyone is an expert, so there is no need to explain how to fight. You can basically understand what is going on after just one look.

Another team of people joined, and Sarco was completely suppressed.

Ma San used long-range arrows to interfere with Sarco, Wang Yujie took the opportunity to suppress him closely, and Xiaobai found the right time to charge and shield, controlling and attacking at the same time.

After Sarco was controlled, the others rushed up and began to focus on the output.

Everyone had their own division of labor, and the cooperation became more and more proficient.

The health bar on Sarco's head dropped faster and faster.






[Despicable human! The great undead king will come back! I, the lich Sarco, am also immortal, you can't defeat me…]

With the joint efforts of everyone, Sarco finally wailed, left a last word, and then the health bar was emptied, and he passed away.

As Sarco fell, the black clouds gathered in the sky above Thunder Bluff began to dissipate.

A golden ray of sunlight shone through the clouds, covering the entire valley with gold.


As the sunlight shone, the corpse warriors who were besieging the Black Dragon Society stopped their attacks and raised their heads to the sky with a sad roar.

At the same time, the soul fire in the eyes of all the corpse warriors dissipated in the sunlight and turned into a ball of blue smoke, and they fell to the ground one after another.

[System prompt: After everyone's unremitting efforts, the Lich King Sarco was successfully killed, all the resurrected heroes were redeemed, and the souls of the warriors who were bound in the undead body and enslaved by others were freed. ]

[System prompt: Defeat the Lich King Sarco, and the crystal of Thunder Bluff Fortress is successfully occupied. ]

[System prompt: Mission completed, your team successfully occupied Thunder Bluff Fortress and obtained the right to reside in Thunder Bluff. ]

[System prompt: You gain experience... gain reputation... gain the honor of the main city...]

With a series of information, flashing before everyone's eyes.

A series of golden lights burst out from everyone.

The rich experience points directly allowed everyone to level up on the spot.

Wang Yuan even directly reached level 20.

Wang Yujie also reached level 18.

The highest-level player in the team, Random Shooting, even reached level 24.

It can be seen that the experience rewards for this mission are very generous.

After all, it is a level 40 station mission, and the experience rewards are definitely a surprise for players around level 20.

"Fuck! Really passed?"

Seeing the information in front of him, the Black Dragon Club player who was just besieged by the zombie army suddenly looked incredible.

Only those who have truly experienced the battle know how dangerous it was just now.

In the mountain road, everyone can still take advantage of the terrain to gain an absolute upper hand.

But after leaving the mountain road, all players were surrounded by corpse warriors, and the pressure was immediately full.

The battle consumption increased dramatically.

Those corpse warriors seemed to be endless, and they came one after another.

The players of the Black Dragon Club have begun to lose members. If they continue to fight, it will only be a matter of time before the Black Dragon Club is wiped out.

Under such a disadvantage, everyone even thought that this mission would fail.

Who would have thought that when everyone was desperate, they actually won...

This is a bit weird.

"That's right! We won! The boss and his team killed the BOSS!"

Some players who are more observant pointed to Wang Yuan and his group in the square, and Sako lying on the ground.

"Haha, awesome! You are worthy of being the boss!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard it.


“I didn’t expect that I could really kill Sarco… I thought it was over just now…” Not to mention those uninformed Black Dragon Club players, even Yun Zhong Yihe and his group felt incredible at this moment.

Everyone had experienced how difficult Sarco was to deal with.

This guy couldn’t be hit from a distance or in close combat, and his mother had turned on the dodge cheat.

When Long Xing was killed, everyone began to collapse.

When Wang Yuan’s Skeleton Mage was killed, everyone began to despair.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, a person with an invincible cheat jumped out… He beat Sarco to doubt his life with a punch and kick.

It was simply a cheat against a cheat, there was no strongest, only stronger.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Wang Yujie at the same time. At this moment, these guys had put away their previous arrogance and prejudice, and their faces were full of respect.

In the future, whoever says that female players are not good, I wish he would meet this girl when he goes out.

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