Regarding the content of the conversation between Gao Shun and his son, Li Tianlong, who was far away in the barracks, did not know. Now Li Tianlong is preparing a training plan for the soldiers in the military camp in the near future.

"Zhao Tian, Wang Qifan, the two of you will lead the low-level troops in our barracks to the Happy Valley Brush Cottage in the west of the city from tomorrow to train their troops. Strive to train them into the strength of the intermediate branch of the army as soon as possible. In the central military tent of the barracks, Li Tianlong summoned five lieutenants in the barracks, including Zhao Tian and Wang Qifan, to distribute the training plan.

"It's my lord. Zhao Tian and Wang Qifan got up and answered.

"Song Yusheng, Gu Qin, Pang Wen. After assigning the task of Zhao Tian and the others, Li Tianlong looked at the remaining three captains and shouted.

"The last general!" the three of them replied, standing up.

"During the period when Zhao Tian and Wang Qifan were away, you were responsible for the training of the soldiers in the barracks. "

Yes, my lordship.

In this way, Li Tianlong was training soldiers in the Youbeiping military camp while waiting for Gao Shun's reply.

On this day, Li Tianlong, who was thinking about his future development in the Chinese military tent, received a report from the barracks guards, saying that a young man who claimed to be surnamed Gao had come to him outside the barracks.

"Gao Shun. After listening to the guard's report, Li Tianlong got up and ran quickly outside the barracks.

"Haha~~~ Brother Gao Shun, you're here. I'm waiting for you, my hair is almost gray!" After seeing Gao Shun, Li Tianlong smiled and patted Gao Shun's shoulder and said.

"I'm sorry Lord Taishou, something happened in Gao Shun's family in the past two days, and it was only done today. Gao Shun said to Li Tianlong.

"Oh, what's the matter, if you need my brother Gao Shun, just tell me. Li Tianlong asked.

"It's not a big deal, it's all taken care of. "

Oh, let's go inside. Li Tianlong said and took Gao Shun to the Chinese military tent in the barracks.

As soon as he sat down

, Li Tianlong couldn't wait to ask Gao Shun: "Brother Gao Shun, I don't know how I thought about what I said in the mansion?" Gao Shun nodded and said to Li Tianlong: "Yes, my lord, Gao Shun has already thought about it." This time, Gao Shun just hoped to create a great cause with Lord Taishou. "

Okay, if we can get a general like Gao Shun's brother in our army, why can't we make meritorious contributions and achieve great things!" Li Tianlong applauded Gao Shun and smiled after hearing Gao Shun's words.

"Personal system prompt: The historical famous general Gao Shun wants to recognize the player Li Tianlong, you are the master, do you accept it?" As soon as Li Tianlong's words fell, he heard the pleasant system voice in his ears.

"Accepted. Li Tianlong has been waiting for almost a month. It seems that the task of subduing Gao Shun is the word 'patience'. If the players do something that does not meet Gao Shun's requirements within this month, or run back and forth to Gao Shun's house one after another while waiting for the upset and irritable, there are still those who give up. There is no chance to complete the hidden task of subduing Gao Shun's famous generals.

"System personal tip: Player Li Tianlong successfully recovered the historical star Gao Shun, and his loyalty is 90. "Based on the historical record of Gao Shun, Gao Shun's loyalty is indeed very high! After being captured, when Cao * asked about it, he did not say a word, and calmly accepted his righteousness. The kind of contempt revealed in his speechlessness is a kind of "::Lao Tzu disdains to talk to you"::The courage of Guan Lu Bu Chen Gong and others, after being defeated and captured. Lu Bu begged for his life in many ways, and Chen Gong was also generous and righteous, but before he died, he couldn't help but worry about his old mother and wife, and Zhang Liao scolded him, but in the end, he still responded to the old saying 'good birds choose trees to perch'.

Gao Shun - no word, from Wei County, Jizhou, age 19, lv 78 generals, commander 90, martial arts 87, intelligence 78, politics 60, understanding 85, charm 86, luck 8, internal strength and mental method: "Qiankun Jue" advanced 56%; famous generals common skills: inspiration, provocation, horsemanship, conscription...

Famous General's Special Skills: Earth Roar, Spear Assault, Critical Hit, Thunder Gun, Thunder Lightning Gun, Famous General's Special Move: Thunder Gun, Formation: Circle Formation, Sparse Formation, Several Formations, Cone Formation, Goose Array, Long Snake Formation, Earth Spear Formation, Floating Thunder Landing Formation.

"Gao Shun. After reading the attributes, Li Tianlong shouted at Gao Shun.

"The subordinates are here. "

I now order you to be the general of the army, and to command all the soldiers of the battalion. Back you select 5,000 of the infantry to train and become your own subordinates. Li Tianlong ordered at Gao Shun.

"Thank you, Lord. Hearing Li Tianlong's appointment, Gao Shun excitedly bowed to Li Tianlong.

"Personal system prompt: Player Li Tianlong, your subordinate Gao Shun has made his subordinate Gao Shun's loyalty +2 points because of your trust in him. "

Hehe~~~ I picked it up. After hearing the system prompt, Li Tianlong smiled in his heart.

"Nameless, you go and call Gu Qin and a few of them to the Zhongjun tent, I have something to say. Li Tianlong looked at the nameless beside him and ordered.

"I'll go. Nameless finished speaking and walked out of the tent.

After seeing Nameless leave, Li Tianlong smiled at Gao Shun and said, "Brother Gao, sit down, I'll introduce you to the captains in our army later, they will be your subordinates in the future."

Listening to Li Tianlong's words, Gao Shun sat down and nodded with a smile.

In a moment, Nameless took the three Gu Qin people who stayed in the barracks to the Chinese military tent. Zhao Tian and Wang Qifan were still training in Happy Valley and did not come back.

Li Tianlong's order was that he could not come back without training all the low-level troops in the barracks into middle-level troops. Li Tianlong will send people to send the necessary grain and grass and other military materials at any time. In the past month, Li Tianlong did not send it a few times, basically Zhao Tian and Wang Qifan sent people to the barracks to deliver the spoils. During this time, Zhao Tian and the others had seized a lot of strategic materials!

After seeing Gu Qin and the three of them come in, Li Tianlong was just about to introduce Gao Shun to them. Unexpectedly, they and Gao Shun had known each other for a long time. Yes, they are all from the same city, and after Gao Shun single-handedly suppressed the bandits in the past, a group of them all visited Gao Shun's house. Li Tianlong had heard Zhao Tian mention it to him before, but it had been too long, and Li Tianlong had forgotten about it.

"Haha~~~ Since you all know each other, it's even better. Gu Qin, the three of you must help Brother Gao a lot in the future, understand?" Li Tianlong said to the three of them with a smile.

"Your Excellency, don't worry, we will all help Brother Gao Shun. Gu Qin and the three responded.

"Well, I'm relieved to have your words. By the way, Zhao Tian, do they have any news today?" asked Li Tianlong.

"Yes, my lord, Brother Zhao sent someone to report today, saying that most of the soldiers are now in strength to reach the intermediate level, and a small number of them have not made a breakthrough. Gu Qin replied to Li Tianlong.

"Well, order Zhao Tian and them to step up, so that they can come back as soon as possible. When they come back, I will go to Xu Wuxian, and then you will train well in the barracks. Don't slack off, understand?" Li Tianlong nodded.

"Yes, my lord. Gao Shun led Gu Qin and the three of them to respond.

"Well, okay! Gao Shun stays, and you guys should step back first! Li Tianlong said and ordered Gu Qin and the three of them to withdraw from the Chinese military tent first.

"Lord, do you have any other orders?" After seeing the three of them walk out, Gao Shun said to Li Tianlong.

"Well, it's a bit of a thing. Let me tell you about my situation! Then Li Tianlong told Gao Shun about his troops and cottages in Xu Wuxian in detail.

After Gao Shun heard this, he stared at Li Tianlong in surprise and shouted, "The lord still has two giant cottages?"

"Well, there are 500,000 soldiers." Li Tianlong nodded.

"Such a lord, your strength... Gao Shun stammered.

"Well, the total number of troops has reached 2.5 million. If the other counties could follow my command, it would be more than three million. Li Tianlong smiled and analyzed to Gao Shun.

"Gao Shun should swear to die to serve the lord. "After all, he is an 18-year-old young man, and he has so much enthusiasm in his bones. Although when Gao Shun recognized Li Tianlong as his lord before, he saw that Li Tianlong had great ambitions, but now after listening to Li Tianlong's true strength, Gao Shun is completely convinced of Li Tianlong.

"Haha~~~ Brother Gao. In the future, we will 'enjoy the blessings and the hardships together'. After hearing Gao Shun's words, Li Tianlong laughed and said.

Later, Li Tianlong discussed with Gao Shun the training plan of the military camp in the future, and Li Tianlong also explained to Gao Shun that the Dihuang Turban Uprising would occur in February next year. Due to the system update, players are not allowed to tell specific events in the history of the Three Kingdoms to NPCs in the game, but some brief introductions are allowed. Li Tianlong just briefly talked to Gao Shun, so that Gao Shun could understand that training soldiers now is to prepare for the war in the near future.

"Then my lord, according to what you say, Gao Shun thinks that we should focus on training troops with all our strength during this time. After listening to Li Tianlong's narration, Gao Shun nodded and said.

"Yes, yes. I've been doing this before, didn't Zhao Tian and Wang Qifan lead the low-level troops in our barracks to brush up the cottages? When they come back, you can make a good adjustment according to the state of the soldiers, and strive to make all the soldiers in our barracks give full play to their strength. Li Tianlong didn't want his soldiers to rush to death when they were fighting.

"Understand my lord, I will strengthen their formation training after they come back. Gao Shun nodded and said.

"Well, that's it, during the time I return to Xu Wuxian, everything in the military camp will be under your full command. I believe in your abilities, Brother Gao. "Nonsense! If Gao Shun's ability is not believed, who else can Li Tianlong believe? Gao Shun has an unparalleled talent for military training! In addition, Gao Shun's personality is calm and calm. Also, Gao Shun is good at analyzing the form and then making decisions, and has the ability to be talented.

"Rest assured, Gao Shun will definitely train the soldiers to be tigers and leopards. Gao Shun confidently patted his chest at Li Tianlong and shouted.

"Yes, good. I'll just wait to see the results of General Gao's training. Li Tianlong said to Gao Shun with a smile.

Then Li Tianlong took Gao Shun around the barracks and introduced Gao Shun to the defensive measures in the barracks and the grain and grass reserves in the warehouse. It just so happened that Li Tianlong also had to sort out the various values in the barracks during this time.

The location of the barracks is located in the south gate of the right Beiping, less than 50 steps away from the city wall. There are no civilian buildings around the entire barracks, only dozens of large arrow towers towering on the four sides of the barracks. On each turret there were two soldiers patrolling back and forth. Although it was daytime, and there was no major war at the moment, Li Tianlong still ordered the soldiers to patrol well, Li Tianlong was afraid that the designers of this game would suddenly give the players an event that did not appear in history on a whim when making the game! If that were the case, the beauty that Li Tianlong had just taken over would be snatched away by others.

The seven barracks in the barracks were all planned on the west side of the barracks, and the granaries were behind the central military tents, where a team of soldiers guarded them. The granary is a top priority, and if something happens, it will affect the morale of the soldiers.

Ten days later, Zhao Tian and Wang Qifan returned to the barracks with the low-level soldiers who had gone to Happy Valley to brush the cottage. When I first went there were 130,000 people, and when I came back, there were a little more than 80,000 left.

"My lord, we're back. Zhao Tian and Wang Qifan came to Li Tianlong's side and shouted.

"Well, is everything going well?" asked Li Tianlong with a nod.

"Yes, my lord, everything is going well, except for the loss of nearly fifty thousand brothers. Adult, please, please. Zhao Tian bowed his head and pleaded guilty.

"Brother Zhao doesn't have to be like this, how can there be no casualties in a war? What's more, the soldiers we fight are all low-level soldiers, and it is reasonable that there will be more casualties. Li Tianlong patted Zhao Tian on the shoulder and said.

"It's my lord. Zhao Tian nodded.

Looking at the 80,000 troops who returned to the barracks, Li Tianlong nodded with satisfaction and smiled at Gao Shun beside him: "Brother Gao, I will hand over these brothers to you in the future, and it depends on you how to train."

"Don't worry, my lord. Gao Shun nodded vigorously and said.

"Haha~~~ I said Brother Gao, you finally gave up the mountain?" Zhao Tian laughed after seeing Gao Shun.

"Hehe~~~ Doesn't the little brother want to work with Brother Zhao?" Gao Shun said with a smile.

"Haha~~~ Okay, my old Zhao will listen to Brother Gao's command in the future!" Zhao Tian laughed.

Of the 80,000 soldiers who returned, nearly half were longbowmen, and the rest were 10,000 pikemen, 10,000 swordsmen, and 20,000 swordsmen.

"Lord, do you want to report the vacancy in our military camp to the county guard?" After coming to the Chinese military tent, Gao Shun proposed to Li Tianlong.

"Well, this is a report. I'll go see the county keeper tomorrow. The vacancies of the soldiers in our military camp have to be filled by asking the county guard for money!hehehe~~" Li Tianlong nodded and smiled.

"Haha~~ What the lord said is that during this time, Brother Zhao and they also seized a lot of money, but it was still not enough to recruit vacant soldiers, just let the county guard make up for it. Gao Shun nodded.

"Well, that's what I meant. After receiving the money, we will all recruit into high-level troops. Brother Gao, do you think it is better to recruit rangers or spear iron riders?" Li Tianlong asked Gao Shun's opinion.

"Well... Gao Shun lowered his head and thought about it, raised his head and said to Li Tianlong: "Lord, I think it's better to recruit evergreen iron riders! I heard the lord say that we still have a lot of rangers in Yiyunzhai and Xu Wuxian, so don't recruit rangers." The spear cavalry is also very important on the battlefield in the future, if all are recruited as rangers, we will not have the main melee cavalry that can dominate the battle. Infantry alone will not work. "

Well, according to what Brother Gao said, tomorrow we will start recruiting spear iron riders. Li Tianlong nodded.

Now there is a vacancy of 48,000 soldiers in the barracks, and the pike cavalry battalion can recruit 100 a day, when will it be full!"

Gao Shun continued.

"Well, just let Brother Gao do it. I give it to you with full discretion. Li Tianlong nodded.

"It's the lord. Early

the next morning, Li Tianlong came to the Taishou Mansion to meet the county guard of Wei County.

"Lord Taishou, the old man heard that the soldiers who went to Happy Valley Ridge to suppress bandits yesterday have all returned?" After sitting down, the county guard asked with a smile at Li Tianlong.

After hearing this, Li Tianlong nodded and replied, "Yes, my lord, I came back last night." "

What about the soldiers' losses?" asked the county guard, and that was the main thing.

"The losses were relatively large, because the people who went to suppress the bandits were all low-level soldiers, so they lost nearly 50,000 soldiers. "

The losses are quite large. What about the harvest?"

"It's not bad, there are a lot of supplies such as grain and grass, but there is too little gold. Li Tianlong came to see the county guard this time, firstly, to report to the lord the situation in the military camp recently. Second, I hope that my lord can transfer some gold to me, and I want to fill the vacancy of soldiers in the barracks. Now there is still a difference of 5,000 taels of gold. I don't know adults... Li Tianlong looked at the county guard and said.

The county warden is in charge of the financial power of a county! If you want money, you have to ask the county guard.

"No problem, you can go to the warehouse and get 5,000 taels of gold later. I also hope that we will have a well-trained army in Youbeiping. The old county guard waved his hand and smiled at Li Tianlong.

"Thank you. I won't let you down. Li Tianlong smiled with a smile.

Hey, when will Taishou really take power, it seems that after the yellow scarf, forget it for the time being.

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