Since Xiangyun City was upgraded to Dacheng, Li Tianlong has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the military, and at this time Li Tianlong brought Su Shuang to his base, and he also introduced his friend Zhang Shiping to Li Tianlong.

Li Tianlong asked the two of them to take charge of their own business affairs together, and also set up a trading bank, Sihai Commercial Bank.

Now the entire Youbeiping is under Li Tianlong's control, and during this period, there are still some counties that are disobedient and have been eliminated by him, and then he thinks of the development of the navy.

Now that Li Tianlong has both the air and land forces, he will have a navy, so he ordered to start encircling and suppressing the water thieves.

Among them, Li Tianlong has accepted several sailor talents, like Zhang Shun, Ruan Xiaoer, Xiaoqi and the like are all sailor generals in the Water Margin.

It happened to be brought to Pingdingshan, and at this time, Li Tianlong led people to Qinhuangdao in later generations and began to build a port.

Li Tianlong had already established a village here. However, at this time, it was not connected to the sea, and there was only a large lake.

"Meet the Castle Lord. "Hunter Wang Zhong took 100 hunters and 1,000 horse bandits, as well as dozens of fishermen, to guard here. One is to guard the camp, and the other is to hunt by the way, providing certain meat and leather armor materials for Tianshui Village.

"Wang Zhong, everything is okay?"

"Report to the city lord, everything is normal. "

Everybody do a good job. The mason camp will be available in a while. When the time comes, we'll build a big barracks here. There will be more people then. "

Zhang Shun, how do you look here? Can you make a water lake camp?" Li Tianlong asked. In the past, Li Tianlong gave the mountain lake a funny name Tianshui Lake, and this lake is close to the mountain lake, so it was named here.

"King, I'll go into the water first to see how deep the water is. If the water is shallow, I am afraid it is not suitable for the lake. Zhang Shun replied.

"Well, you can go down and see how deep the water is. Can you still eat?" has been hungry for half a year, and in just a few days, the body will definitely not be able to recover completely.

"Don't worry, Zhang Shun has been soaked in the water since he was a child, and we don't look at such a little lake water. As Zhang Shun spoke, he took off his clothes and wanted to jump into the water.

"Slow. City Lord, there are often pythons in and out of this lake, and if people go into the water, I am afraid that it will be more dangerous. The hunter Wang Zhong suddenly stopped Zhang Shun, who was about to enter the water.

"Well, let's row a boat into the lake and measure the depth of the water by putting a rope. Li Tianlong said. If Zhang Shun was really unlucky and was swallowed by a python, it would not be a huge loss. This is one of the people who can train special military branches under the water. In this year's water warfare, one of the main combat methods was to send water ghosts to the bottom of the water to drill the bottom of other people's ships, which was extremely lethal.

"No problem, King. The speed in the small water is as fast as an arrow, and a few water snakes can't catch up with mine. Zhang Shun patted his chest and said angrily. Zhang Shun really wants to show his skills in front of this new king. This king is so capable, there are mountains and lakes, there are cities, and now he wants to build a water lake, maybe our Zhang Shun's road to fortune is here. It's better to have a python, so that the king can see our Zhang Shun's ability in the water.

Without waiting for Li Tianlong to stop him, with a "plop", Zhang Shunbian jumped into the lake and swam towards the lake quickly, like an arrow in the water, which was ten zhang away in the blink of an eye. It's worthy of being a white strip in the waves, which speed is better than that.

"Wang Zhong, prepare bows, spears, ropes, and stones, and get on board. "

Yes, Castle Lord.

Just in case, Li Tianlong took Wang Zhong and dozens of hunters on several fishing boats, followed Zhang Shun, and rowed towards the middle of the lake. These fishing boats were bought by Wang Lao Er from the county seat before for fishermen to fish in the lake.

The area of this lake is huge, and Zhang Shunyi alone is not enough to understand the situation of the entire lake. Li Tianlong asked the other hunters and fishermen to row the fishing boats apart on all sides, and used stones to hang ropes to determine the depth of the bottom of the lake in various places, while he himself took Wang Zhong and others to row two fishing boats to follow Zhang Shun, and ordered several rangers to be carefully guarded with Bogui bows.

"What is the python in this lake? "On this day, when the bandits attacked the mountain half a year ago, Li Tianlong picked up the Jade Arrow Fairy and Zhao Yu once. I don't know much about the situation here.

"Yes, Lord Castle. We often see pythons crawling out of the water and basking in the sun on the beach of the lake. Some people have also seen pythons the size of buckets.

"The bucket is thick, you are dazzled. The bucket is about four feet thick, and such a big python can swallow a person alive. Li Tianlong didn't believe it. Although in the game, these beasts and birds of prey are exaggerated compared to their real size, but the bucket-like python has never been seen.

"City Lord, it's true. The villain swears. Another hunter said, "The villain has seen it with his own eyes." The python was covered in scales and glittered in the sun. The villain shoots with a bow and arrow, but he can't shoot through. Frightened, he quickly ran back home. Lord of the City, this is not a snake spirit that has been cultivated. "

Huh. Where there will be snake spirits. It could be a snake king. Li Tianlong said with a smile. It's quite fun to chat with these NPCs. Grandma's, it's a snake spirit, we have to shoot it too. Li Tianlong doesn't like a few things, one is dogs, he was once raised by the little black dog next door when he was a child, and he has been extremely dislike dogs since then. The other is the snake, this thing has a pointed triangular head, a hook-like snake letter, and an ugly appearance, it looks creepy, and in reality, there are still many girls who raise this thing as pets, and they sleep in the same bed, which is terrifying to think about.

Watching Zhang Shun dive into the water all of a sudden, he didn't show his head for a long time, and suddenly came out of the water, it had been two hours, he was still energetic, and he didn't feel tired at all. This guy is really born with a water nature, and he is more energetic in the water than on the road.

The water here is still quite deep, except for the shore 10 zhang range of the water is relatively shallow, the water depth in the middle is more than 10 zhang, and the depth of the place is even more than 50 zhang. It is a typical deep-water lake. Streams from all directions flow into the lake, and the lake does not dry up all year round. The lake water is clear, sweet and delicious, and it is also a good source of living water.

As for the python, there are indeed a lot, Li Tianlong and others also shot a few, and the peeled python skin is just used to make snake skin water, although it is not as good as the shark skin water, the loach water, but it is much better than the ordinary fish skin water. Zhang Shun also performed a solo battle against the snake python in the water, his two water-splitting Emei thorns made it fascinating, moving like a dragon in the water, stabbing a big python 3 zhang long all over the body, and went to see the king of Hades in a moment. It's a pity that the good leather armor can only be used for meat. However, the bucket-thick python that the hunters said was not seen. (Note: Shark, the ancient name of the shark; loach, the ancient name of the whale.)

On the other side of Tianshui Lake, a higher ground was selected and the "primary lake construction drawings" were carried out, costing 10,000 yuan, 100,000 units of wood, 10,000 units of stone, and 5,000 units of iron ingots, and a small water lake camp appeared on the high ground by the lake.

Tianshui Village - Junior Water Village, Commander, Li Tianlong, Navy Generals Ruan Wu, Zhang Shun, Attached Buildings: Lv1 Water Lake Jade: Durability 500,000, Defense 50, Automatically regenerate Durability 50 points per second, Commander's Mansion: Where the Water Lake Jade is located, Where the Water Lake Commander lives, Junior School: For Sergeant Parade,* The use of training; the effect of having military generals stationed is better; the primary martial arts field: the place where soldiers practice and learn from each other; the effect of having military generals stationed is better; the primary shipyard: the shipbuilders need to be stationed in order to play a role; the primary sailor training center: the naval skills (oars, rowing, rudder, sail hoisting, swimming, diving...) Training center, naval generals stationed in the navy is more effective, dock: a place where warships dock;

Then, in an appropriate place near the lake, a junior minion water thief barracks, an intermediate water pirate barracks, and an intermediate oarsman barracks were set up in turn.

Water Thief Barracks: Randomly refresh level 20 short knife water thief, short bow water thief, light crossbow water thief, certain chance to refresh level 25 water thief small boss, level 30 water thief big boss, recruit price 300 Wen/name, refresh speed 30/ Day (Location, Great Northern Lakes, Lowered);Barracks Accumulate Water Thieves Limit of 500;Water Thieves Barracks:Randomly refresh level 40 Broadsword Water Thieves, Spear Water Thieves, Longbow Water Thieves, Crossbow Water Thieves;Equip Snakeskin Armor;Have a chance to refresh level 45 Water Thieves Minor Bosses,Level 50 Water Thieves Big Boss;Recruitment Price: 6 times/name;Refresh speed 30 people/ Day (Location, Northern Great Lakes, Lowered);Barracks Accumulate Water Pirate Limit of 500;Oarsman Barracks:Randomly refresh Intermediate Oarsman, equipped with a short knife;Have a certain chance to refresh Intermediate Helmsman;Recruitment price 2/name;Refresh Speed 30/day (Location,Northern Great Lake, Decrease);Barracks Accumulate Oarsman Upper Limit of 500;Grandma's,This Water Thief,The price of water thieves is actually more expensive than that of Mountain Thieves and Horse Bandits。 Because the construction site is located on the Great Northern Lake, the number of people has been reduced to 30 per day.

Recruit all the water thieves, water pirates, and oarmen in the barracks. Before the ship arrived, they helped the carpenters build wooden fences around the camp and wooden huts for temporary living. Immediately, Wang Lao Er will arrange for people to come and build a brick house. As for the city wall, you have to wait for the mountainside city wall of Tianshui Village to be completed before you can come and build it. In case the python sneaks up at night, Li Tianlong asked the senior hunter Wang Zhong to take the hunter to dig a dense trap around.

In this way, Li Tianlong got busy here, and later Nameless sent a set of intermediate Dao high-level water village drawings, and when he asked, he found out that it was Yan Xingda, and he happened to use them.

When the water village is upgraded to a high level, it will be possible to build large warships, merchant ships, and transport ships.

Seeing this, Li Tianlong seemed to see himself leading the invincible armada across the seas, and after a few busy days, the city walls were built, and Li Tianlong was waiting here, and now Li Tianlong began to ask people to dig the connection between the lake and the sea, and then he could go to sea.

Time passed day by day, after a month of hard work, the ship and the passage were all in order, and it happened that the wind and the sun were beautiful and suitable for going to sea, so Li Tianlong led people to go to sea with the five large warships that had been built, as well as ten medium-sized fifty or fifty small ones.

After turning around at sea, Li Tianlong returned to Hong Kong.

"Zhang Shun, now that you are starting to sweep away the pirates of the entire Liaodong Bay and Bohai Bay, we will go to Qingzhou to do business. At this time, Li Tianlong said to Zhang Shun.

"Lord, you can take a look, we must have a bright ticket. Zhang Shun patted his chest at this time and promised.

"That's fine, if there's any talent, you can decide for yourself.

"Okay, I won't bother you, do a good job. After speaking, he took people back to Xiangyun City.

In Xiangyun City, Li Tianlong accompanied a few girls to play together, and everyone was happy one night, so they started drinking, but they didn't expect this to go wrong, and the next morning Li Tianlong opened his eyes and looked dumbfounded, guess what, okay, a piece of pink arms and jade legs, this is not the most important, the most important thing is that not only Xiaoxiao is here, but there are also Diao Chan, Chen Yuanyuan, Xian Yan'er, Zhao Yu, Zhang Ying and the five beauties rewarded by the emperor last time.

Now it's all here, what a headache, when the women woke up and saw this scene, they all exploded, and they all liked him if they were good to Li Tianlong, so they said that they would find a time to marry everyone, Li Tianlong was in good hands, and he pretended to have the courage to enjoy a big sleep with him, and he still didn't feel it yesterday.

After getting up in the morning, Li Tianlong saw it, Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun were embarrassed, but when they thought that everyone was mine, they had the courage to say it to them.

That expression at that time was really funny, Zhang Liao smiled and said, "Okay, now I finally married my little sister, I'm saying that the lord is good."

Zhao Yun said: "Haha, the little witch will be handed over to you in the future, I am finally liberated, it's not easy, the lord wants to treat my sister well, and when I have time, I will write a letter to my family and say it."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Yu came out and said: "Okay, second brother, see how I clean you up, don't run"

It turned out that Zhao Yun hurriedly ran away as soon as he saw Zhao Yu coming out.

In the evening, everyone celebrated together, especially Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun were drunk, and at this time, all the generals were thinking that my family seems to have a sister and my sister will be called to the lord tomorrow.

If Li Tianlong knew everyone's thoughts, he wouldn't jump up.

Okay, they're all starting to be matchmakers.

In reality, Chen Yuanyuan moved to Li Tianlong's house early in the morning, saying that he would not leave.

When everyone was happy, a month had passed, and it was less than half a year before the Yellow Turban Uprising, when Li Tianlong received news that Zhang Shun had recovered Liaodong Bay and Bohai Bay, and asked a few people to ask Li Tianlong to take a look.

So Li Tianlong rushed to the port with Nameless and a thousand rangers.

After arriving, Zhang Shun began to introduce other people around him, Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai, Gan Ning, Guan Hai, Wei Yan, okay, don't you tell me how they came here in Yangzhou and Jing's Prefecture, so he asked Zhang Shun what was going on.

"Lord, they were found in Qingzhou, and I don't know the specifics. Zhang Shun said at this time.

"Okay, it's all talent, I don't know how you got there," Li Tianlong asked Zhou Tai and them at this time.

"My lord, how to say it, we were also * impatient, so we came together, who knows that the village has not been built yet. "

As soon as they said Li Tianlong, he was speechless, his luck is good, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Zhao Yun are now Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai, Gan Ning, Wei Yan, Guan Hai are all talents, how can they all be in my hands.

In the evening, after they all confessed to the Lord, Li Tianlong began to hold a reception banquet for them to get to know each other.

The next morning, everyone started to act, and yesterday Li Tianlong said that he would go to Beihai in Qingzhou to do a vote.

A county town in Beihai, Qingzhou, was breached with absolute strength, and at this time, Li Tianlong began to grab it with his men and horses.

"My lord. After a while, a scout ranger in the main hall knelt on one knee and looked directly at Li Tianlong with adoring eyes.

Li Tianlong wondered if these standard arms had also learned to use their eyes to pat their ass? He cleared his throat and said, "If there is a carriage entering the city in a while, tell the brothers guarding the city not to stop it, and let them drive to me." Also, tell Guan Hai that they should focus on patronizing blacksmith shops, tailor shops, money houses and the like, and don't patronize women who rob people's houses, well, by the way, let Li Jiang and Li Shan bring the county commanders and governors of this county to meet me. "

Yes, my lord, I'll go and deliver your order at once. The Scout Ranger stood up and slowly exited the main hall.

After a while, several heavy-armored spear thieves pressed the two supreme civil and military officials of Zhuxu County to the main hall, and the two NPCs looked at Li Tianlong, who was sitting on the top of the main hall, their eyes flashed with hatred and anger, because they had seen too many NPCs and heroes in the city who were killed by this group of bandits along the way, and they understood after a little thought that their family members might not escape their hands.

"You heinous mud-legged and thief! The Han Heavenly Empire will not let you go, and Kong Rong Taishou will not let you go!" The military general knew that he had no hope of life, and immediately began to scold angrily.

"Well, of course the court and Kong Rong won't let me go, but... It's a pity that you two won't be able to see it that day. Li Tianlong shook his head, sighed and pretended to reply, and then Li Tianlong ignored the military general who continued to scold him.

"Li Jiang, Li Shan, are you two ready?" Li Tianlong first asked the guards to swell the faces of the two civil and military generals, leaving the two of them speechless, and then opened the attribute panel belonging to the two people and the attribute panel of the two captives.

"Back to my lord, we're ready. Li Jiang and Li Shan glanced at each other excitedly, then knelt on one knee and raised their heads and said.

"Kill!" Li Tianlong waved his hand and motioned for the two to make a move.

Li Jiang took the one-handed knife from the hand of the Yellow Turban guard next to him, and stabbed the NPC general to death with a few swords. Li Shan was not to be outdone, and took his long sword to hack this civil official to death.

Two black air currents departed from the body of the military attaché and flowed down the weapons to the two of them, gradually forming two huge black egg-shaped objects.

"What's going on?" Li Tianlong was a little puzzled, hurriedly walked to the side of the two giant eggs, and knocked on it with his hand.

"NPC generals are evolving..." Li Tianlong glanced at the panel of the two again, but found that this sentence was written on the panel of the two people.

There is no time limit for this evolution, so I don't know what role it will play, the two black giant eggs Li Tianlong let 10 yellow turban guards guard it, and he was thinking about how to talk to Nameless about Qinglou for a while.

"Lord, I've already arrived at the city gate, but what's wrong with Zhu Xucheng? There are dead people everywhere?" Nameless exclaimed as he tried to calm himself down, forced himself to vomit, and turned on the communicator and asked.

"What else, I'll kill you. Li Tianlong replied lightly, but thought in his heart, if he couldn't even stick to this, it seemed that there was no need to communicate, so let her cover up and leave.

"Oh, I'm already at the palace, my lord. After a while, Nameless went to the Zhuxu County Mansion under the leadership of a scout ranger and met Li Tianlong directly.

"Nameless, I'll give you a task now?" Li Tianlong looked at Nameless, who was wearing a cyan soft armor, his eyes lit up, and he said.

"What mission master?" Standing in the center of the main hall with a nameless and generous attitude, he looked curiously at the two black giant eggs not far away, and answered Li Tianlong's question.

"This is the blueprint of the Qinglou and 500,000 Li Tianlong, as your starting capital in Beihai. Li Tianlong said.

"You take Li Tianlong to buy a piece of land in Beihai County, let those two farmers build the Qinglou on the land according to this drawing, and then you can run the Qinglou, remember, I can't go into the city to help you, everything depends on you!" Li Tianlong closed his eyes and thought about it, and then instructed him.

"Well, okay, I understand, do you have any other orders?" Nameless nodded, secretly remembering what Li Tianlong said.

"What I'm talking about next is the right thing, this matter must be cautious, don't let others know, wait for you to bring a few scout rangers with you, let these guys stay in your Qinglou for me, and when no one pays attention to Qinglou, let them disperse to the city to be responsible for transmitting information in Beihai County, if there is news, let them send someone out to report to you." Li Tianlong clapped his hands, and a few scout rangers walked in from outside the hall, but the current rangers did not ride horses, Li Tianlong pointed at them and said to Nameless.

"Oh, I understand what the lord means, are you going to use Qinglou as an intelligence collection network?" Nameless looked at the NPC scouts, and knew what Li Tianlong wanted to do with a slight turn of his mind, so he nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, I look forward to your performance, this place is not suitable for long, I suggest you go to the North Sea as soon as possible. Li Tianlong stood up, walked to Nameless's side, looked at the two black giant eggs, and said to her.

"All right, my lord, I'll leave at once. Nameless nodded, beckoned to the scouts, and walked out of the main hall.

"Don't worry, someone is bullying you in the North Sea, just send me a letter and I will definitely help you get revenge. Li Tianlong looked at the back of the lord of the Qinglou and solemnly promised.

The nameless back paused slightly, looked back at Li Tianlong, said thank you to Li Tianlong, and walked out of the official mansion without looking back. Not long after the nameless left, Guan Hai walked into the main hall of the official mansion, looked at Li Tianlong, who was sitting in the high position of the main hall, and hugged his fists and said: "King, now the entire Zhuxu County has been looted by us, and a total of grain 289997, timber 175645, stone 175898, iron ore 157674, Li Tianlong 45487, a drawing of the Eastern Han barracks, a drawing of the Eastern Han flag, and 30 copies of the fourth-order broken star sword, gun, and knife manufacturing guide. "

Well, are they all empty?" Li Tianlong calculated when he heard these numbers, and when he heard that there was an Eastern Han barracks, he was slightly happy, and raised his head and asked Guan Hai.

"Yes. Guan Hai nodded affirmatively, you must know that the benefits of plundering and occupying are related to the courage of the attacker's main general, like this time, fortunately, it is Guan Hai who is brave enough to lead the team to plunder so much harvest, if it is a lower general, then the harvest will be much less.

"Alright, tell the little ones to assemble outside the city, we're going to retreat. Li Tianlong glanced at the time and found that more than six hours had passed, so he said to Guan Hai.

"Yes, my lord. Guan Hai nodded, turned around and walked out of the main hall of the official mansion.

After a while, Li Tianlong, who was standing at the door of the main hall and looking out, heard a crisp sound of "click, click" in the hall, and before he could turn around, the system prompt sound came to his ears.

"Ding! The historical fifth-level NPC military general Li Jiang has successfully evolved and officially entered the NPC Historical Hero Reputation Ranking!" "Ding! The historical fifth-level NPC has successfully evolved Li Shan and officially entered the NPC Historical Hero Reputation Ranking!".

Li Jiang, a fifth-level military general in history, prestige 199, occupation: two masters of plains and mountains, troop physiognomy: hoplite, level 20, commander 60, brave 130, intelligence 60, internal affairs 20. HP 130000, Strength 6000, Skill: Sweep a Thousand Armies (Wield a circle of purple gun energy, deal 1000% damage of the base attack power to all creatures within the gun gas area, consume 100 energy, and freeze for 0.5 seconds after use, only hurt the enemy), Death Intention (sacrifice 1000 health to deal 5000 damage to all enemies within 50 meters of you), General's Order (Historical General's Basic Skill: Increase all armies within the commander's range by 50% attributes, consume 500 energy, until the end of the battle), military general possession (summons the exalted position possession, the ability is increased by 200%, and the consumption of energy is 1000. Reduces the strength value by 1 point per minute after use). Equipment: Level 4 Star Shattering Spear, Level 3 Cold Iron Armor, Loyalty: Serve Li Shan, Historical Level 5 General, Reputation 254, Occupation: Plains Mountains and Lakes Two Masters, Class Nature: Light Infantry, Level 20, Commander 52, Brave 60, Resourcefulness 120, Internal Affairs 100, Health 60000, Strength 12000, Skill: Righteous Qi (Share 20% of the player's damage) , until death, consume 1 point of energy for every 1 point after use), raise the prestige of our army (increase the morale of all your troops by 20 points, consume 1000 energy, consume 1 point of energy for every 1 point after use), the wisdom of the general (the basic skill of historical strategy: increase the attributes of all armies of your army by 50%, consume 3000 energy, and consume 1 point of energy for every 1 point after use), move mountains (summon the exalted position possession, increase the ability by 200%, increase the attributes of all auxiliary skills by 20%, and consume 3000 energy. After use, it will be reduced by 1 point of strength per minute) Level 4 Shattered Star Sword, Level 3 Loose Robe and Loyalty: After reading the attributes of the two of them, Li Tianlong found that after these two guys became historical generals, their attributes were doubled compared to before, and their skills also changed superbly, and the blood volume was no longer Yongwu *100 but Yongwu *1000, Li Tianlong understood something in his heart, this may be a qualitative leap that the historical generals are stronger than those low-level generals.

Just thinking about it, Li Jiang and Li Shan walked in front of Li Tianlong, knelt on the ground with a "plop", kowtowed to Li Tianlong a few times, and Li Jiangcai said: "Lord, our two brothers can have today, they are all cultivated by the lord, and we will completely obey the lord's orders in the future, even if we commit suicide, we will not frown."

"What Big Brother said is what I want to say. Li Shan nodded slightly, expressing his support and agreement with what Li Jiang said.

There are only tens of thousands of historical generals in the whole game (counts as a few streams, and barbarians are also counted), but there are billions of players, and the typical monks have more meat and less meat, and ordinary players can go sideways even if they have a historical general.

At this time, Li Jiang and Li Shan had just killed two historical generals, which happened to replace the two historical generals on the NPC historical generals list, so for the two people from humble backgrounds, only Li Tianlong was their biggest benefactor.

Up to now, Li Tianlong has really not fought with a really powerful player, but it can also be said that if a strong player touches Li Tianlong, then that player only dies, after all, as soon as Guan Hai makes a move, for now, all players even if the first master of the server comes, they will only be killed in seconds, this is the power of the first-class generals in history, of course, Guan Hai is not invincible, but before many star generals did not appear, he was indeed powerful (there was a bug here in the previous article, Guan Hai should be a first-class general) 。

If Li Tianlong, a mage-type profession, wants to go to the front of the battle to fight alone, maybe Li Tianlong may die miserably, but Li Tianlong can't do this, he has many fighters under his own hands, so Li Tianlong doesn't need to go up to other players to go up and fight with other players to show how heroic he is, in his opinion, pretending to be a hero is looking for death, maybe one day when he competes, he may capsize in the gutter.

Therefore, for players, there is no brain-dead who is willing to fight with Guan Hai under normal voluntariness, which is why Li Tianlong's opponents are very weak, because, the strongmen of more than 20 levels in the entire Beihai County who have worshipped the division, except for a few reasons, all went to other counties to develop in order to avoid Li Tianlong's oppression, which also caused Beihai County to be weaker than other counties.

Those players who are individually strong, none of them are player villages or mountain kings, because they don't have the energy to develop themselves and the village at the same time, compared with the two, it has created two different modes, not everyone necessarily likes the kind of tiring and tired development game mode, and the RPG mode is much easier, nothing to kill the boss to practice leveling, attached to a village, and PK, so, the ratio of choosing to build a village and RPG players has been maintained at 1 to 100.

Although the whole game has billions of players, but the number of villages is not even 100 million, and there are only about 100,000 villages in Beihai County, just Li Tianlong is a mountain lake, in the three months that the game has been open, it has almost opened and destroyed more than 1,000, although these are only a drop in the bucket of Beihai County, but the prestige has broken out, players are not very afraid of Li Tianlong's prestige, their biggest reliance is that they can be resurrected after death, but NPCs are afraid! If an NPC's soldier's morale is 60, then after he meets Li Tianlong, his morale may become 40, and he is likely to turn around and run, and be timid before fighting, that is to say, they.

Therefore, this is also the reason why those Eastern Han Dynasty player village chiefs would rather wait for Li Tianlong to come with a fluke mentality than crusade against Li Tianlong, which is also a sad reason why they chose Beihai County as their birth point.

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