In one year, the strength of Xiangyun City has grown greatly. Due to the approaching Yellow Turban War, coupled with the special building of "Wandering Camp", the population of Xiangyun City has been maintained at a super high level. Basically, there are more than 30,000 displaced people every month. A large number of able-bodied homeless people were trained to become an army, and under the leadership of military generals, they trained, killed thieves, and leveled up. Every month, thousands of villagers are promoted to the junior arms, the junior troops are promoted to the intermediate arms, and the intermediate troops are promoted to the senior arms.

These NPC troops, which are formed by the transfer training and leveling of living NPCs, have better intelligence than the NPC armies recruited by the barracks.

The swordsmen of the infantry legion were all recruited and promoted from the minion barracks, most of the swordsmen were trained by the outcasts, and the other part of the swordsmen and shields were recruited by Li Tianlong in the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Most of the junior units of the infantry corps are engaged in cottages, and large-scale civil engineering construction in various parts of Xiangyun City has led to very few soldiers being promoted.

The size of the Hunter Legion has reached as many as 180,000, and the legion commander Wang Xiaohu has overfulfilled the task. With the 200,000 Great Yellow Crossbow Legion, the Bow and Crossbow Legion of Xiangyun City has reached a considerable scale.

It can be said to be more than enough to guard Xiangyun City. However, when I think of the collision of tens of millions of high-level troops on the Yellow Turban battlefield, such a small number of troops is still not enough. The archery legion, especially the rhubarb crossbow, has a lot to manufacture, and the crossbowmen become an army quickly, and there are crossbows and homeless people, and they can quickly pull up a team with great lethality.

The powerful refresh of the ten horse bandit barracks brought a whopping 250,000 horse bandit troops. However, the number of ironclad horse bandits is still too small, and in more than two years, with the hard work of Luo Fengtian Meng and other generals, only 40,000 ironclad horse bandits have been promoted.

The effect of the training is very average. According to the generals, the use of large-scale horse bandits in the mountains and forests was very restricted. Lack of combat, training alone, and the time it takes to advance to a high-level class is quite long.

I have to find a way to get the bandit army out of the mountains and forests, otherwise I will always be nesting here and unable to advance to the advanced class, which will be a big loss. The strength of the intermediate class is limited, and if you want to be different from those players or NPC bosses in the future, no matter how many intermediate classes there are, it is useless, and it still depends on the strength of the advanced class.

Originally, there were only 3,600 horsemen left, but relying on Su Shuang's vast magical powers, and with his familiar connections in the grassland, Su Shuang spent a lot of money to buy a batch of Karasuma Iron Horses, and replenished the Karasuma Iron Cavalry in Xiangyun City to 10,000 horses. It is a great gift from Su Shuang to Xiangyun City.

However, according to Su Shuang, the Saiwai grassland, whether it is the Karasuma people or the Xianbei people, has developed extremely rapidly. Perhaps in order to balance the strength of the foreign tribes and the Han people in the Central Plains, countless large and small Karasuma tribes and Xianbei tribes have refreshed themselves on the prairie, where there is bloody rain every day, and tribal annexation wars are staged every day.

The current Karasuma Xianbei tribe is not the scene that Li Tianlong had when he went to Saiwai two years ago, when the Shen tribe, which was friendly with Su Shuang, had a population of only 300,000; now, the population of the Shen tribe has reached 1.2 million, and the originally more powerful Gradual tribe, the Wu tribe, has expanded its strength even faster, and the population has exceeded 2 million. Hundreds of thousands of tribes can now only be regarded as medium tribes in the grassland.

Moreover, as the population increased, the Karasuma Xianbei people also built a castle. Basically, most of the tribes with a population of more than 100,000 have their own cities. However, unlike the Han people, many of whom are stone towns, most of the cities of the Saiwaihu people are mud-pounded earth cities. Only a few super tribes were able to occupy a small amount of stone hills, and there were enough stones to build stone towns.

The Rangers have reached the size of 30,000 cavalry after continuous recruitment. From the 150,000 high-level troops recruited by General Sipinyu, there are still 114,000 left unrecruited (10,000 deductions for the recruitment of the ranger captain, and only 4,000 for the 10,000 rangers in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, so only 36,000 recruits were actually spent). According to the half-price recruitment price, the Ranger is 15 guan/cavalry, and 114,000 requires a full 1.71 million guan. This is an astronomical amount, and now with Li Tianlong's financial resources, there is no way to recruit it all at once, and the poor are really distressed.

The remaining 114,000 recruits, Li Tianlong did not plan to recruit rangers. Now that he has Cheng Pu under his command, he can train the "Snake Spear Iron Cavalry", a special type of military with extremely high combat effectiveness, Li Tianlong plans to recruit all the 114,000 recruits to the heavy spear iron cavalry, so that Cheng Pu can be transferred to training to become a snake spear iron cavalry. The more advanced the troops, the better the initial attributes, and the transfer to the snake spear iron cavalry, there is basically a half success rate, 114,000 heavy spear cavalry, how can you get nearly 60,000 snake spear iron cavalry, lucky, it is possible to have 70,000. The hoplite cavalry with the strongest combat effectiveness is always the protagonist on the battlefield, the more the merrier, not to mention the special troops. I have seen Dong Zhuo's Flying Bear Army, the Yulin Iron Cavalry led by Yuan Shao, and the invincible momentum of the heavy cavalry group's charge has long been deeply imprinted in Li Tianlong's heart.

However, it also takes time to train special troops. If you recruit month by month, it will take even more time. 1.71 million guan, no, it is more expensive to change to a heavy spear iron horse, 18 yuan per heavy spear iron horse at half price, and 114,000 heavy spear iron horsemen is 2.052 million guan. There are also a large number of snake spears, flying spears that need to be crafted.

Money, money, everything is money.

There are 3 bandit barracks, 1 thieving female barracks, 10 horse bandit soldiers, and 34 minion barracks in the cottage; a heavy spear iron cavalry battalion and an iron shield sword barracks in Xiangyun City; the water thief barracks, the water pirate barracks, and the intermediate oarsman barracks in Tianshui Village; the monthly barracks recruitment expenses have reached 230,000 guan, plus the salaries of more than one million troops, the salaries of more than 300,000 farmers, and the salaries of military generals, strategists, craftsmen, miners, etc., the monthly expenses have exceeded 300,000 guan. This is still fortunate that most of his salary is back in his hands through consumption.

Although Yunlong supermarkets, medical halls, restaurants, and teahouses have been opened all over the four counties of Tuyin, Xuwu, Wuzhong, and Junmi, and have also opened branches in Yuyang and Liaoxi counties, the profit margins of the stores are growing steadily, and the income of the cottage bandits, but they can only harvest a maximum of 200,000 yuan per month. The difference between income and expenditure is too great. If it weren't for the fact that Su Shuang went to Saiwai twice this year, bringing millions of profits to Xiangyun City, offsetting almost ninety percent of the deficit in revenue and expenditure, otherwise Li Tianlong would have gone bankrupt a long time ago.

A year ago, Xiangyun City still had 1.5 million yuan in cash, but now it is less than 1 million yuan. How to open up sources and reduce expenditures, strive for profits, or at least achieve a balance between payments and expenditures, is the most urgent issue at present.

It is impossible to open up sources and reduce expenditures. There is no lavish public money to eat and drink in Xiangyun City, and you want to throttle, unless you don't recruit soldiers in the barracks and reduce the size of the army. But that's not possible. Li Tianlong still can't wait to expand the army by ten times and a hundred times.

If you can't throttle, you can only open source. Li Tianlong hurriedly ordered someone to call Su Shuang, who was handling official business, over and asked the big businessman for advice (Su Shuang has now stayed in Xiangyun City to concentrate on helping Li Tianlong take care of business affairs, and the affairs of the caravan have been handed over to Su Fang to take over).

The first is to speed up the expansion of Yunlong Supermarket; high-quality blades, Bogui bows, rhubarb crossbows, high-grade war horses, high-grade elixirs, and top-grade charms are the biggest advantages of Yunlong Supermarket, many of which are unique. No matter where it is, it will be welcome. Speeding up the opening of branches in other counties and counties in Youzhou will definitely increase a lot of revenue.

Second, make every effort to dredge the Lulong Ancient Road. Although it is very profitable to do business with the Saiwaihu people, there are now more and more strangers going to the Saiwai through various channels, and the profits of each caravan transaction are gradually decreasing, and they are limited to road conditions, and there are only two trading opportunities per year. If the 300-mile-long ancient road and the 100-mile ancient battlefield in front of Lulongse can be cleared, the time the caravan spends on the road will be greatly reduced, and the 2 transactions per year will become 3, 4, 5, or more... "

When I think about it, I can't think of any other good way. The expansion of Yunlong Supermarket is imperative. The dredging of the Lulong Ancient Road is an excellent idea, but it is not only necessary to dredge the Lulong Ancient Road, but also to build it quickly. When the time comes, he will establish a trading market in Lulongsai that is completely controlled by himself, and trade with the eastern Karasuma Xianbei people all year round, and that will not be a source of money. However, this matter has to be carefully planned, and the players in Youbeiping must not know about it, otherwise, it will all be in vain. Now Ping Xuechang has already started building there, but the Lulong Fortress in the game is too big, and it hasn't been built for more than a year.

The work of hundreds of thousands of junior troops in the past year, the final dredging of the Yunhe River, and the excavation of the Tianxian River have all come to an end. A large amount of manpower was used to dredge the Lulong Ancient Road and build Lulongsai.

"Okay, Su Shuang. The expansion of Yunlong Supermarket will be left to you. Be careful to play it safe and not be rash. I'll arrange the matter of the Lulong Ancient Road. "

Hehe, now that there are enough people, it is estimated that it will only take a year. At that time, once Lu Longsai is completed and the mutual market is established, there will be no money to recruit troops. This year, it's better to tighten your belts for the time being.

"Su Shuang, can you borrow some money from me, I want to recruit all the remaining 110,000 troops, and let General Cheng Pu train them to become a snake spear iron horse.

"500,000 taels of silver, with an annual interest rate of one percent and a term of one year. Su Shuang was very refreshing.

"A year is too short, you also know that now Xiangyun City is developing, money needs to be used everywhere, you are in charge of finance, it should be very clear. Two years, how about it?" "500,000 silver, Su Shuang is also full of fun. Although this guy's family has millions of yuan, he can lend 500,000 yuan at once, which is also very generous. It's just 2.052 million, which is still a big difference.

"Alright then, two years is two years. Seeing the winner's intercession, Su Shuang said helplessly. The dredging of the Lulong Ancient Road and the reconstruction of Lulongsai are imperative, and the sooner the better. Only in this way can the need for funds for the development of forces be met to a large extent.

Gao Dazhuang, the master stonemason who built the watchtower group around Tianlong Village, called back and asked him to be in charge of the dredging of the Lulong Ancient Road and the construction of Lulongsai. As for the construction of the watchtowers of Tianlong Village, it is not a difficult technical work, and it is enough to leave a part of the senior stonemasons.

120,000 long sword soldiers and 120,000 Pu sword soldiers were all under the command of the stonemason battalion of Gao Dazhuang. Xiangyun City's manpower, horsepower, financial resources, and materials fully support this matter. It is imperative that all plans to dredge the 300-mile Lulong Ancient Road and rebuild Lulongsai be completed within one year.

The most important thing in this action is not the huge manpower and material resources, but the most important thing is to hide from the ubiquitous players. Once the intention of the action is understood by the players, it will directly lead to the failure of the action. Lu Longse's potentially huge business opportunities will not be let go of by any player force. Although no player yet realizes this.

In order to ensure the secrecy of the operation, only the 300-mile Lulong Ancient Road is feasible, and the front 50 miles will be completely blocked with obstacles, and the hundreds of thousands of engineering troops led by Gao Dazhuang will build a hidden path from Xiangyun City to 50 miles of the Lulong Ancient Road in the shortest possible time.

In the next two years, the smuggling force led by Su Fang will first enter the control area of Tianlong Village, and then enter the Lulong Ancient Road through this road. At the same time, the engineering army will also build a military fortress at a distance of 50 miles and send heavy troops to garrison it. Just in case a player finds out, with the fortress to defend, the Lulong Ancient Road will be firmly controlled in the hands of Xiangyun City. Because the fortress was located to the left of Lulongse, Li Tianlong named it Zuoluse.

After the construction of Zolusse, the engineering army will begin to dredge the Lulong Ancient Road backwards.

Xu Wu - Dacheng, 1 million square kilometers, 86 people's hearts, county order Tian Yu, county governor Cheng Pu...

Population: 905,000, Strength: 30,000 spearmen, 10,000 spearmen, 30,000 spearmen, 5,000 pikemen, 20,000 pikemen, 10,000 iron shield swordsmen, 30,000 sword and shield soldiers, 10,000 iron shield swordsmen, 30,000 sword and shield soldiers, 10,000 heavy archers, 100,000 longbowmen, 120,000 short archers, barracks: 1 spear cavalry barracks, 1 spearmen barracks, 1 longbowmen barracks, 1 rattan shield sword barracks, 1 rattan shield sword barracks, 1 pikemen barracks, 4 short archers.

Cheng Pu - 50,000 snake-spear cavalry, 40,000 heavy-spear cavalry, 10,000 rangers, 10,000 heavy sword cavalry, 10,000 heavy sword soldiers, 10,000 heavy shield soldiers, 10,000 heavy spearmen, 10,000 heavy archers, 20,000 crossbow soldiers, 25,000 archers, 15,000 sword cavalry, 25,000 sword and shield soldiers, 25,000 pikemen, 10,000 longbowmen, 100 small chariots, and 500 light chariot soldiers.

1 battalion of heavy spear iron cavalry, 1 battalion of archers, 1 battalion of sword cavalry, 1 battalion of broadsword, 1 battalion of pikemen.

With Cheng Pu, a famous general of the Three Kingdoms, in command, not only Cheng Pu's army, but also the army of Xu Wuxian County itself, which is growing extremely fast. A large number of mid-level troops have undergone arduous training and have been promoted to senior ranks.

Xu Wucheng's current strength is more than enough for defense. Come to think of it, the Karasuma Rebellion is unlikely to be as large as the Yellow Turban Rebellion. However, if he wanted to make a difference in the Karasuma Rebellion, the forces were still insufficient. The 114,000 heavy spear iron cavalry must be recruited as soon as possible and handed over to Cheng Pu for training, so as to further expand the scale of the snake spear iron cavalry and enrich the strength of his own heavy cavalry. You must know that the vast majority of Karasuma's army is cavalry, and if you want them to attack, the best thing to use is cavalry. Now we just have to wait for the Yellow Turban to mess up, and then we can reap the benefits of the Karasuma Rebellion.

Knowing that Li Tianlong planned to recruit all the remaining 114,000 recruits into heavy spear iron cavalry, Cheng Pu was very happy. More Heavy Spear Iron Riders means more Snake Spear Iron Cavalry. After this heavy spear iron horse was transferred to a snake spear iron horse, its combat effectiveness increased several times. However, after learning that Li Tianlong had insufficient funds, he only borrowed 500,000 taels of silver from 2.052 million taels of silver, and it was unlikely that Xiangyun City would take out too many silver taels to recruit heavy spear iron horsemen for the sake of future development, Cheng Pu's smiling face immediately turned into a bitter face, and he looked at Tian Yu with a blank look.

Cheng Pu himself was born in a poor family and had no property. Cheng Pu also knows the financial strength of Xiangyun City, and knows that there is indeed no extra funds to use for recruitment. At present, only Tian Yu can have the strength to solve this problem.

Seeing the lord Li Tianlong and his brother Cheng Pu, they both looked at him with blank eyes, Tian Yu smiled bitterly: "Although Xu Wuxian has a good development momentum, all our barracks are recruiting soldiers at full capacity, and Xu Wuxian's finances are also very tight. At the moment, Xu Wuxian can only come up with 200,000 taels of silver. Relying on my face, looking for big businessmen in the city, I should be able to raise 300,000 taels. However, it only adds up to 500,000 taels.

"The lord is 500,000 taels, and you have 500,000 taels here, which adds up to only 1 million taels, which is only half the money." Where can I find the remaining half?" Cheng Pudao looked at Li Tianlong and Tian Yu eagerly.

"That's fine. I immediately went back to Tianjiazhuang and begged my father, the village should be able to raise 500,000 taels. Tian Yu said categorically.

"Brother Tian.

"Needless to say, the Yellow Turban Rebellion is a great opportunity for us, and we must seize it. 114,000 heavy spear iron horsemen, we must recruit them back immediately. Money is something outside the body, and the lord doesn't need to care. Tian Yu said.

Although he was a little embarrassed, Li Tianlong still accepted Tian Yu's kindness. At the moment, there is no other way to do it.

Tian Yu acted very quickly, and on the same day, he summoned the wealthy merchants in the city and borrowed 300,000 taels of silver. The scene of the merchants not delaying it made Li Tianlong have to admire Tian Yu's charm.

Tian Yu returned to Tianjiazhuang to make money, and Li Tianlong flew to Rose Villa. The remaining 500,000 taels of silver had to be solved by Li Tianlong. Although Tian Yu proposed to borrow money from Shi Tian Chong, the patriarch of the Tian family, Tian Yu's uncle, and the head of Youbeiping County, Li Tianlong still refused.

Unlike Tian Yu, Tian Yu has already recognized himself as the lord's father, and Tian Chong is only a nominal subordinate, and he has already given 300,000 taels of silver, if he is looking for money, I am afraid that this friendly relationship will be overshadowed.

After saying that, the Tian family is also a big family, and it also needs to develop.

If you can't find an NPC, you can only find a player. The only well-known super-rich players are the Golden Gun brothers and sisters.

"100 large vultures, borrowing 500,000 taels of silver. "

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