The room of the village chief of Youzhou Mustang Village.

Li Tianlong took out a set of light armor, a ring-headed broadsword, and a horse-chopping knife. Put it on the table and push it to Village Chief Zhao.

Village Chief Zhao was immediately overjoyed. is so generous, these things are worth 2 times. Worthy of being a VIP player. He served as the head of Mustang Village in the Changfeng Guild, and his monthly salary was only more than 1 yuan. But I still have to prevaricate: "Brother, what does this mean?" "

Hehe, this is just a little bit of gratitude to Village Chief Zhao for helping just now." Please accept it. "

It's just a small thing. You're so polite. I don't know what's going on with you?"

I was ordered by the Captain to come to Youbeiping to find a reliable person. Pre-establishment of long-term relationships. "

Long-term cooperation. "That's a great thing. If we can have a large number of such weapons and equipment, the strength of our Changfeng Guild will definitely be able to reach a higher level. In the future Three Kingdoms hegemony, you can compete with the heroes: "I don't know what my brother said about the weapons and equipment sold by adults today." "

Not bad. Our Liaoxi Army has been suppressing bandits for a long time, and there is a lot of this kind of equipment in the barracks. I don't know if my brother would like to work with me for a long time.

Village Chief Zhao was ecstatic. Good character. I've been exposed to all kinds of things. At present, most of the player levels in the Chinese game area are concentrated in level 10~20. After level 20, it is more difficult to level up. The game has just started running, and now there are not many NPC big wars. In the next few months, the player level will hover around 20~30. This equipment is exactly the most popular in the market. Although it is sold in NPC stores in major cities, the price is scary to death. If your own union masters this source of weapons, then wealth and status are just around the corner.

"I don't know, how are brothers going to cooperate?"

"It's very simple, we will send someone to Mustang Village every month to send a batch of weapons, and you can just hand over the money to us." "

Big brother, I'm afraid this won't work. Now everyone's cash is tight. If the amount is too large, you won't be able to get so many coins in one moment. Is it possible to pay part of the payment in advance? For example, pay 10% first

" "No, what if you swallow the equipment and don't admit it." It's a deal that doesn't see the light of day. To say it in front of you today, I have taken the risk of death. Once, the captain could cover up the past. But after a long time, it will definitely be investigated by the imperial court.

"Brother, rest assured, the court is corrupt now, and chaos has arisen in the world. Heroes from all walks of life have recruited troops. This kind of thing is tacitly known to everyone. And I have friends who work in the Taishou Mansion of Youbeiping. In the right Beiping County, absolutely safe.

"That's right. After a long dull day, Li Tianlong said: "Mr. Guan is also a person of faith. Absolutely. Even if I was punished by the captain, I would call you a friend. When the goods are delivered, 80% will be paid first. "

Big brother, it's too much.

Brother Gongsun, can you look at 20%?" "Brother Zhao, look at your face, 70

%" "Brother Gongsun, I think 30% is already the limit of my ability. "

Brother Zhao. I won't say more. 60% of my bottom line. You know, I'm risking your head to make a deal with you. When I go back, the Captain will definitely punish me. "Schet, why is this guy so stubborn. If it doesn't work, I won't do it. Li Tianlong was very unhappy. With money, we can make great strides in development, and there is no way to get credit.

"Brother Gongsun, can you give the younger brother a little more discount? Now the world is difficult, and it is difficult to make money.

"It can't be less. Brother Zhao, I will be beheaded by the captain when I am young. But I have another proposal: "Now that there is not enough food and grass in the army, you can replace it with money."

"Food? That's a good idea. But the game has only been running for about ten days. The grain has not yet been harvested. I myself have to go to the county seat to buy food for NPCs to eat. "

Dull, for a moment. Village Chief Zhao gritted his teeth: "Okay, I've decided." Promise to pay 60% in advance for the grandson. I think it should be fine to make it together within the family. After

nearly half an hour of discussion, an agreement was finally reached as follows: Gongsun Long would deliver at least 200 pieces per month. The delivery date is at the beginning of each month.

For each delivery, Mustang Village pays 60% of the total price of the item. It can be replaced with grain. The remaining 40% will be paid at the next delivery.

Written in black and white, one by one. Both parties sign and press their fingerprints, one copy for each person.

took out 50 sets of light leather armor and gave it to Village Chief Zhao. This time, he didn't take any credit. 7,500 documents were paid in full.

Before leaving, I had to give 2 jars of soju from the head of Mustang Village. Only then did I learn that the village grocery store also sold shochu. Shochu is the lowest type of liquor with a high alcohol content, similar to that of later generations of yaki knives. Thinking that the cottage upgrade still needs a wine shop, but the cottage needs 1,000 catties of wine to establish a primary wine shop.

Village Chief Zhao had a treat, and after lunch, the group was drunk and full. Especially Ah San, they haven't drunk for a long time, and this time they enjoyed it even more. It's good to be the king's subordinates, you don't have to worry about food and clothing, food, and wine. This is more comfortable than being an officer and soldier. Those officers and soldiers often don't have enough to eat, so let's forget about the salary. Some of the troops even took out their weapons and sold them by their commanders, and they had to fight desperately with wooden sticks when they went to battle.

Along the way, there are villages on both sides of the road. There are players, there are NPCs. There are also a small number of Karasuma villages in between. For the time being, there is no sign of troubled times. The bustling crowd on the road made a group of bandits watch with relish. These bastards, some of whom were disobedient, even touched the buttocks of other NPC sisters and were slapped hard. Li Tianlong laughed loudly.

It was getting dark, and the bandits were tired. Li Tianlong ordered to find an NPC village and go to the inn to rest. instructed Ah Sanhaosheng to be optimistic about the bandits and not to make trouble, so Li Tianlong went offline.

Eating, watching the forum, and being surprised: "Youzhou was shocked that VIP players were reselling military equipment. This is passed on by a guy who has nothing to do. There is also a picture of my own group on it. It seems that you will have to tread carefully in the future.

Take a look at people's discussions: "The Eastern Han Dynasty army was decaying, and the heavy border army actually resold weapons, which shows its combat ability...

"This buddy is tough, please tell me my contact information quickly." My family needs a lot of level 20 weapons and equipment.

"It's everywhere, it's not rare. "

Luckily, there are a lot of forum posts. The news immediately overshadowed him.

Li Tianlong secretly warned himself that he would have to be very careful in the future. Once the identity of the bandit is revealed, it will definitely be over. Now I still secretly go into the village to shoot guns, don't develop secretly.

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