The north and south gates were attacked very fiercely by the Yellow Turban Army, much more intensely than the east and west city walls. From the video on the forum, it can be seen that there are not only the overwhelming arrow rain attacks of the Yellow Turban Crossbowmen Legion, the crossbow attacks of the giant bed crossbows, the boulder attacks of more than 100 large stone throwers, and the thunder attacks of the Yellow Turban Army's ace Yellow Turban Taoist. The offensive was extremely fierce, with many casualties among the officers and soldiers defending the city, and many city walls were damaged.

The heavy ordnance of Zhuocheng is also mostly concentrated in the north and south gates. Each of the two gates has 50 five-oxen crossbows and 100 large stone throwers. Heavy archers and crossbowmen were also mostly deployed to the north and south walls.

The heavy bow and strong crossbow legion on both sides, the bed crossbow, the stone throwing machine you come and go, the iron arrow crossbow gun stone ball dances wildly, the scene is magnificent. In this regard, there is not much difference between the two sides.

However, the thunderous attack of the Yellow Turban Daoist made the officers and soldiers defending the city and the players quite helpless. Although there are Taoist temples in the city, the Taoist priests in the temple mostly practice Danzhi, divination, exorcism and healing, and they are powerless in battle.

Fortunately, there are not many combat Taoists in the Yellow Turban Army, and the Taoist skills must be within a certain range, and they dare not be too arrogant in the face of the threat of the giant crossbows and heavy bow crossbow legions on the city wall. The Yellow Turban Taoist priest who attacked the South City Gate was suddenly attacked by Gongsun Zhan's "White Horse Righteous Servant" and shot dozens of people. Let the Yellow Turban Army not feel heartache.

Although the Yellow Turban army outnumbered the defending officers and soldiers by ten times, the addition of the player's army led to a shortening of the strength of both sides. Especially in the case of such a fortified city.

In general, if there is no effective siege method, it will be extremely difficult for the Yellow Turban soldiers, who lack heavy equipment, to capture Zhuocheng. Moreover, reinforcements from 6 counties, including Youbeiping, Liaoxi, Shanggu, and Yuyang, have already been assembled to Guangyang. This battle is still to be fought.

After watching the forum and eating the rice hastily, Li Tianlong hurriedly drilled into the virtual warehouse and went online. The time ratio of 1:4 is that the game has been going on for several hours. Although Luo Feng Mugu Black Bear led the army, it was good to be present in person at this important moment. If you are not there, the merit will not be counted on our heads.

"How's the situation?" asked Li Tianlong impatiently.

"My lord, everything is normal. The Yellow Turban Thieves do not attack, except for the occasional few arrows.

"Brother Luo Feng, you go and rest first. I'm just looking at it here. After

sending Luo Feng to rest, Li Tianlong sat on the big chair brought by the guards and replaced the guards.

There is no moon, few stars, and the field of vision is very dim. A large number of pine oil torches were burned at the head of the city, and the burning crackled sound. Hundreds of bonfires were also lit in an area of more than 50 zhang below the city to prevent the Yellow Turban Army from suddenly attacking. It was midnight, and most of the soldiers sat down against the parapet of the city, except for a few patrols. The daytime battles exhausted them to the extreme.

There were a large number of Yellow Turban Torches about two hundred feet outside the city, and from time to time there were voices of words, and I didn't know what I was busy with. It is indeed impossible to see clearly, and no one dares to go down to the city to touch the front to investigate. It was midnight, and most of the soldiers sat down against the parapet of the city, except for a few patrols. The daytime battles exhausted them to the extreme. Except for the 30 Defenders. In the middle of the night, there were still generals commanding sergeants* to defend the city, firing rounds of crossbow guns at the torches in front of them from time to time, and the wails of the Yellow Turban soldiers could be heard every once in a while.

Although Li Tianlong's rangers can also shoot up to 200 zhang, it is pitch black in the dark night, and they are busy shooting aimlessly, but they will waste a lot of arrows. Now there are more than 300 million players in the city, more than 6000000 officers and soldiers, and the consumption of arrows is extremely high. The number of arrows in the city is also limited, and now the shops that sell arrows have begun to provide players with iron arrows in limited quantities, mostly wooden arrows, bamboo arrows, and thick iron-headed arrows. Most of the finest fine iron head arrows, carved arrows, white feather arrows, and armor-piercing arrows were ordered by the imperial army. Li Tianlong still looked for Gongsun Yue, and only then did he buy enough high-quality iron arrows for his subordinates to use. But it can't be wasted like this, who knows how long it will take to defend the city. If it lasts for a few months, there will really be no arrows to use by then.

The behavior of the Yellow Turban Army seems to be a little strange, how to continue to attack the city, their large number of troops can be rotated to attack. A little puzzled.

Sitting and watching the starry sky, wandering for an hour, the spirit is also a little tired. He woke up the black bear who had been sleeping for a long time, asked him to be on duty, and leaned back on the big chair to close his eyes and take a nap.

"Big brother, big brother. Li Tianlong, who was dreaming that he was leading an army of tens of millions to attack the city and Liuchi, was awakened by a shake.

"What's the matter?" said Li Tianlong with a yawn.

"Big brother, look ahead. Li

Tianlong squinted his eyes, obediently, quickly rubbed his eyes, opened his eyes wide, and about one hundred and twenty zhang in front of him, there was actually an earthen rampart that was several kilometers long, and the height was about the same height as the city wall where we were. There is also a wooden fence about six feet high on top of the mound. Grandma's, the Yellow Turbans did such a huge civil engineering project overnight.

150 zhang is the flat firing distance of the heavy archers and the projectile range of the longbowmen. The earthen fortress is about 120 zhang away from the city, and the Yellow Turban Army's crossbowmen above lv40 can use this to fight against the archers defending the city to suppress the defenders at the head of the city, and the charging Yellow Turban soldiers can smoothly climb the city wall.

It is also thanks to the fact that the earthwork in the game is quite fast, and it is also thanks to the large number of Yellow Turban soldiers that they were able to build such a long earthen fortress overnight, and it is estimated that the situation of the other three city walls is the same as here.

Cheng Yuanzhi is really impressive, it seems that everyone underestimates this yellow turban Daqu handsome. Unearthed the art of attack so quickly. Come to think of it, how can he also be the commander of a state, a general who commands 5 million troops (there should be 6 million now), even if the force is not as brave as the three Taoyuan brothers, but his ability to command the army is also at the middle and upper level.

It was also the negligence of the generals defending the city, if they sent people down to reconnoiter at night, they could use archers to attack and slow down their progress. Damn, why didn't there be a moon last night, I couldn't even see it.

Today's battle is not easy to fight. With this earthen fortress, the Yellow Turban Army's archery and crossbow corps can fight against the defending archbow legion to their heart's content. Combined with the large number of Shortbow and Light Crossbow players to cover the city, the chances of the Yellow Turbans storming the walls will be greatly increased.

"Luo Feng, immediately call the Xiangyong troops to go up to the city wall, light the oil pot, and carry the boiling water and golden soup. All soldiers, ready to fight. "

Yes, sir. "

Whether it is the NPC general defending the city or the player boss, looking at the earthen fortress not far ahead, they are all full of melancholy. The enemy is 6 million, and according to the proportion of troops, there must be 6,700,000 crossbowmen of all levels, and about 300,000 crossbowmen at half of the middle and senior levels. Although the Yellow Turban Army listed the north and south city walls as the focus of attack, the Yellow Turban Army was numerous, and there were about 50,000 crossbowmen on the earthen ramparts facing the east city wall. The number of crossbowmen in the army of Yellow Turban players will exceed 60,000. Coupled with a certain number of bed crossbows, it can be said that the Yellow Turban Army was able to suppress most of the eastern city wall, so that the officers and soldiers defending the city could not successfully attack the Yellow Turban soldiers who climbed the city.

The Gongsun Yue army guarding the east city wall had no more than 10,000 middle and high-level crossbowmen. And the player army in Zhuocheng, although most of them come from the elite players from the counties of Youzhou, but in the battle of Daxing Mountain, the NPC army led by the player legion was basically wiped out, and now there are no middle and high-level crossbowmen at hand. The level of the players themselves is still mostly below level 40.

"Master Li

?" "Oh, General Gongsun?" "What is this Gongsun doing more and more?"

"Lord Li, now that the enemy has built an earthen fortress, the enemy's crossbowmen can fully exert their strength to suppress our army. I would like to ask Lord Lee to pull all 10,000 rangers to the city wall and expand the defensive range to 4 kilometers. Gongsun Yue said bluntly.

If all of them are pulled up and the defensive range is expanded, then the casualties will be greater, but the merit can also be multiplied. Li Tianlong immediately said: "The responsibility of defending the city is unshirkable. It is according to General Gongsun. However, I lack a large number of high-quality iron arrows, and I ask General Gongsun to allocate enough arrows to me. And with a range of 4 km, I lack infantry troops.

"It's okay, I'll send a military general with 10,000 sword and shield soldiers to come under your command. Iron arrow, I'll send Xiang Yong to you right away. I will give you another 10,000 Xiangyong. The war is tight, so I'll leave it to Lord Li here. My brother values the lieutenant very much.

"General Gongsun rest assured, the little brother will definitely live up to the general's trust." "Grandma's, although there are many crossbowmen in the Yellow Turbans, there are not too many heavy bow and strong crossbowmen in LV60, and there should be most longbow crossbowmen in LV40, and the attack power is limited beyond a hundred zhang. There are 10,000 sword and shield soldiers to defend, and the 4-kilometer defensive range is enough to deal with it.

"Mugu, Luo Feng, immediately order all the troops to go up the city wall and expand the defensive range to the left by three kilometers. "

The generals immediately arranged for all the rest of the army under the city to wait for the city wall to take over the defense of the three kilometers on the left. When the arrangements were made, the camp of the Yellow Turban Army also blew the low horns and beat the earth-shattering war drums, and the battle was about to break out.

"Attention all, the target, the walls, the shooting. With

a wave of his sword, the Yellow Turban warrior stood or knelt on the wooden fence of the earthen fort, and shot the first wave of arrows towards the city in front of him. At the same time, the Yellow Turban Regiment of the brigade advanced steadily under the cover of the shield wall ahead.

"Rangers, shoot hard. Mugu

divided the rangers into two groups, the rangers on the horses concentrated on shooting the Yellow Turban infantry under the city, and the rangers on the city walls fought against the Yellow Turban crossbowmen on the earthen ramparts, suppressing the Yellow Turban crossbowmen.

The sound of "whooshing" arrows breaking through the air is endless, and the arrows in the air collide with each other from time to time. This shows the density of flying arrows.

Due to the lack of long-range crossbowmen, the long-range attacks of the Yellow Turbans could not be suppressed, and the players on the city wall had to huddle behind the city wall with large shields, unable to attack the advancing Yellow Turban army with short bows and light crossbows.

"Quick, quick, fast. The

Yellow Turban army advanced to 50 zhang and began to charge with all its might. They all ran to the city wall with all their strength. The crossbowmen began to fire arrows upwards, and the infantry quickly set up ladders, swords, and climbed up with a clatter.

"Brothers, kill. "

Players rose from behind the wall, wielding steel knives and spears at the Yellow Turbans who climbed up the city, or grabbing their shortbows and crossbows to shoot at the enemy troops below.

The battle was in full swing and intensified. There were far more enemy troops than yesterday's battle.

After charging again and again, the Yellow Turban Army was finally driven out of the city, and Gongsun Chan ordered strict guards and then transferred heavy troops to reinforce them.

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