After listening to Lu Zhi's words, the generals of the imperial court bowed their heads one by one, and exchanged their heads from time to time to exchange their thoughts with each other, but then they shook their heads one by one and vetoed their respective ideas.

Its archers are the best way to suppress the Yellow Turban Daoists, but the range of the bow greatly limits this advantage. Besides, the Yellow Turban Daoist would not be stupid enough to stand there and let the archers of the imperial army shoot arrows at them!

Putting aside this issue, the generals of the imperial court each reported the losses of today's battle. After hearing the data, Lu Zhi's mood improved.

The Imperial Army lost a total of 500,000 soldiers, not counting the losses of Imperial Court players.

The Yellow Turbans lost nearly 3 million soldiers, and similarly, the Yellow Turbans lost no amount of players.

1:6 This is still the relationship between the two powerful Dao techniques released by Zhang Jiao before, and nearly half of the 500,000 soldiers lost were killed by Zhang Jiao's Dao Technique. It can be seen that the power of the Taoist technique of Zhaojiao is strong. "If only I could learn Taoism. Zhang Jiao's two Dao techniques to eliminate such a large number of soldiers made Li Tianlong blush, fantasizing that if he could have such skills, wouldn't he be walking sideways in the player group?

After discussing how to deal with the Yellow Turban Daoist to no avail, Lu Zhi could only order the army to set up camp 30 miles away from Guangzong City. At the same time, a large number of scouts were sprinkled to observe the movements of the Yellow Turban Army.

If you are not sure now, let's wait and see. There was no Yellow Turban Taoist before, and Lu Zhi felt that eliminating the Yellow Turban Army was not a big problem, but it would take a little longer. But now it's different, the appearance of the Yellow Turban Taoist makes Lu Zhi have to reconsider the entire battle plan.

"Lord, today's battle is so good, why does General Lu want to Mingjin to withdraw his troops!" When Li Tianlong returned to his barracks, Gao Shun and Zhang Liaoyan surrounded him and asked.

When Li Tianlong finished telling Gao Shun and the others about the Yellow Turban Daoist, Gao Shun and the others were silent.

They have also seen the power of the Dao Law in the past few days, if this is really the case, I believe that the Yellow Turban Army in Guangzong City will not be so easy to eliminate.

"Lord, didn't General Lu come up with a way to deal with the Yellow Turban Daoist?" After listening to Li Tianlong's narration, Gao Shun asked.

At present, General Lu has nothing to do about the Yellow Turban Daoist. Li Tianlong shook his head and said: "Let's go and rest, it seems that there is no fighting in the past few days, take advantage of a few days to take a good rest, just train the soldiers who have come over a little bit, and adjust their morale." "

It's the lord, and the subordinates are retiring. Since there was no way, Gao Shun and the others also felt that it would be useless to stay here any longer, so they hugged their fists to Li Tianlong and went back to their respective camps.

For 4 days in a row, neither the imperial court nor the Yellow Turban took any action, as if neither side had the strength to destroy the other in one fell swoop, and there was not even a small friction. And in Li Tianlong's camp, in the past 4 days, the surrendered Yellow Turban Army has been roughly dealt with.

In the past, if these surrendered Yellow Turban Army still had the heart to rebel, then now, after the training of Gao Shun and the others, the probability of those surrendered Yellow Turban Army rebelling is greatly reduced.

The scope of the Yellow Turban Uprising in the Eastern Han Dynasty can be said to cover the entire Eastern Han Dynasty, from south to north, from east to west, there is no place where the Yellow Turban Army does not exist. The Yellow Turban Rebellion at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty was a trigger during the Three Kingdoms period. If it weren't for the Yellow Turban Uprising, I don't know if the Three Kingdoms era would have appeared in the 5,000-year history of China.

"My lord, General Lu has sent someone to invite you over. Gao Shun walked into the tent of the Chinese army and said to Li Tianlong, who was sleeping.

In the past few days, Li Tianlong has lived more comfortably, there is no war, and he usually walks around the camp to see Gao Shun and others training soldiers, or he will go back to the Chinese military tent to sleep.

"Looks like there's action. Hearing Gao Shun's words, Li Tianlong slowly got up and muttered.

"General Lu. Coming to Lu Zhi's tent, Li Tianlong shouted at Lu Zhi.

"Oh, Master Li, take a seat. Seeing Li Tianlong come in, Lu Zhi laughed and led Li Tianlong to his side.

"Thank you, General. Following Lu Zhi's guidance, Li Tianlong sat under Lu Zhi. Looking up, there were still some generals who had not arrived.

After about a stick of incense, when all the generals of the imperial court camp arrived, Lu Zhi cleared his throat, glanced around, and said, "Okay, everyone is here, then the old man will tell the strategy he has thought of in the past few days, and everyone will discuss it together."

Speaking of this, Lu Zhi paused.

"After a few days of consideration, with our troops, the loss of Guangzong City is too great, and the gains outweigh the losses, so we can only change our strategy and change the siege by storming. Through the battle a few days ago, everyone can also see it. The Yellow Turban Taoist of the Yellow Turban Army has appeared, and I think everyone here knows about the Yellow Turban Taoist. "

Although the battle on the battlefield of Guangzong has ceased in the past few days, other battlefields are in full swing. It is no secret that the Yellow Turban Taoist is no longer a secret, as long as the generals of the imperial court camp hear that the Yellow Turban Taoist has appeared, their first reaction is to flee.

is to face the Yellow Turban Army, which is several times larger than itself, and the imperial army is not afraid and can fight. But if there were a Yellow Turban Daoist, it would undoubtedly be a nightmare for the poor army with few long-range attacks in the imperial court.

"What is the general's good way?" Hearing Lu Zhi say this, the generals present sat up straight one by one and asked.

"Hehe, it's not a good idea. Just one word - quote. Yesterday, it was reported by the inner government in Gwangjong Castle. The grain and grass in Gwangjong City are now only enough for 4 days. Now Zhang Jiao worries about the problem of grain and grass every day. The old man wanted to send a general to lead a force to pretend to go to the nearest city to transport grain and grass, so as to lure Zhang Jiao to lead his troops to grab grain, and then our army would ambush and eliminate the Yellow Turban Army that was robbing grain.

After listening to Lu Zhi's strategy, the court generals present nodded in agreement. But who will be chosen to escort the grain and grass? On this question, the generals rose up. In the end, it was unanimously decided that Lu Zhi's deputy general, Vice General Xiao, would lead a strange army to escort him, and at the same time send a message to the inner Ying in Guangzong City, asking him to spread the matter in Guangzong City. In this way, Zhang Jiao will send troops to grab food. Gradually eliminate the living forces of the Yellow Turban Army.

According to Lu Zhi's arrangement, the plan is being carried out in an orderly manner. First of all, Vice General Xiao led 10,000 spear iron cavalry to the north, without concealment, so that the Yellow Turban Army in Guangzong City could see the whereabouts of the cavalry. Then Lu Zhi ordered the inner Ying in Guangzong City to spread the news, saying that this cavalry had gone to Taitai to escort grain and grass.

When Zhang Jiao got the news, he immediately gathered the Yellow Turban generals together to discuss how to eliminate this cavalry and grab food.

"General, is this another trick of the imperial court?" When Zhang Jiao said about the grain grabbing, Yu Yigen was worried. He suffered several losses from the imperial army in a row. If Zhang Jiao hadn't come to the rescue with a large army, he would have become an underground ghost a long time ago. So when he heard that the imperial court camp had sent troops to escort grain and grass, Yu Geng's first thought was, was this a trick of the imperial court camp?

"Whether it's a trick or not, as long as they are escorting grain and grass, we will rob it. Are we afraid of them?"

After listening to Zhang Jiao's words, everyone thought of the Yellow Turban Taoist, and their hearts were settled.

"Yes, there are so many Yellow Turban Daoists, what kind of imperial army are you afraid of!" At

this moment, the generals of the Yellow Turban Army regarded the Yellow Turban Daoist as an undefeated super army.

Three days passed in a hurry, and Vice General Xiao, who had gone to Taitai to escort grain and grass, returned to the camp through outside Guangzong City today.

Before dawn, a fire began to be lit in the camp of the imperial camp for cooking. When the army had eaten and drunk enough, the genius had just dawned.

According to the ambush plan previously arranged, the NPC soldiers and players of the imperial court camp began to act.

On an avenue 20 miles outside Guangzong City, Vice General Xiao escorted 5,000 carriages full of grain with 10,000 spears and iron horses.

Looking up at Guangzong City, Vice General Xiao showed an imperceptible smile.

"It's up to us today to succeed. Looking left and right, Vice General Xiao didn't find that the people from the imperial court camp were here.

"I don't know what the general has arranged. "

General, according to the report of the Tanma, the imperial cavalry escorting the grain and grass is already on the way back. In a quarter of an hour it will be 20 miles outside the city. In Guangzong City, a Yellow Turban Deputy General said to Zhang Jiao.

"Well, what's going on in the camp of the imperial army?" nodded and asked Zhang Jiao.

"Back to the general, there is no movement on the part of the imperial court camp. The deputy general of the Yellow Turban told Zhang Jiao about the situation just reported by Tanma.

"No movement?" Hearing his subordinates' answers, Zhang Jiao was suspicious.

"Yes General, there is no movement in the imperial camp, except for the patrolling soldiers in their camp, the other soldiers may sleep in the barracks. Hearing his

subordinate's answer, Zhang Jiao hesitated.

"There are no soldiers other than the soldiers on patrol?"

"Yes general.

Zhang Jiao had a feeling of unease, the same feeling as at the beginning. Zhang Jiao hated such feelings.

"General, do you want to rob that batch of grain and grass?" Seeing that Zhang Jiao had not given an order for a long time, the Yellow Turban Adjutant asked softly.

As if he had made up his mind to pay attention to something, he nodded his head.

"Robbery! Order to go down, in addition to the soldiers arranged before, I am pulling half of the Yellow Turban Taoist priests to go with me. In case of emergencies, you can also strike at the imperial army. "

It's the general, and the subordinates will give the order." With that, the Yellow Turban lieutenant turned around and ran out.

But before he was halfway through, he was stopped by Zhang Jiao.

"General. The Yellow Turban Adjutant looked at Zhang Jiao suspiciously.

"Send an additional 500,000 troops. Looking at the deputy general of the yellow scarf who walked back, Zhang Jiao said.

The development of things was everything that Lu Zhi expected, but there was still an accident, that is, the appearance of the Yellow Turban Taoist. Lu Zhi never thought that Zhang Jiao would send half of the Yellow Turban Taoist priests to come with him to rob the grain. "Look, lord. On a small hillside, Gao Shun, who was lying on the ground, pointed in the direction of Guangzong City, and said to Li Tianlong, who was also lying on the ground beside him.

"En?" Hearing Gao Shun's words, Li Tianlong raised his head and looked in the direction of his finger, only to see that the gate of the west gate of Guangzong City was opened, and at the same time, a large number of Yellow Turban troops ran out of the city.

"Tell the brothers to take cover. "It seems that Zhang Jiao is really coming to rob the grain.

Lying on the dirt slope, Li Tianlong observed the grain robbery troops dispatched by the Yellow Turban Army this time.

At the front were pikemen, apparently arranged to prevent a sudden sneak attack by the cavalry of the imperial army.

This was followed by longsword soldiers, longbow soldiers, and longsword soldiers. The last queue ...

Wait a minute... The dress...

Finally, Li Tianlong confirmed that the last unit of the Yellow Turban Army who went out of the city to rob grain was the Yellow Turban Taoist.

"I didn't expect Zhang Jiao to send the Yellow Turban Taoist priest out. Looking at the Yellow Turban Taoist priest who was far away, Li Tianlong muttered in his heart.

Just when Li Tianlong discovered the Yellow Turban Taoist, Lu Zhi also found out. Looking at the Yellow Turban Taoist priest at the back of the line, Lu Zhi couldn't help frowning.

Although it was the same as he expected, Zhang Jiao would definitely send troops to rob the grain, but he didn't expect Zhang Jiao to send a team of Yellow Turban Taoists. Looking at the figure of the thousands of Yellow Turban Taoist priests, Lu Zhi thought about how to solve them.

"The order went down, and ordered the two teams of archers to outflank them from both sides, hide them first, and then attack the Yellow Turban Taoist after the battle began. Thinking about it, Lu Zhi ordered to the lieutenant general beside him.

Everything went according to the previous plan, and when the spearmen, the former captain of the Yellow Turban Army, collided with the cavalry escorting the grain and grass, the two sides began to fight.

One minute... Two minutes... Three minutes...

Five minutes later, when most of the Yellow Turban troops surrounded the 10,000 spears and iron horsemen escorting grain and grass, Lu Zhi gave an order and immediately rushed out a large number of imperial troops in the south, south, and west.

"Damn! I still fell for the tricks of the imperial court. Seeing a large number of imperial soldiers coming up from all around, Yu Yigen scolded.

With the sound of strange spells, the sky gradually darkened, and for a while, the wind and clouds changed, and the thunder of "boom, boom, boom" continued.

"Taiqing Thunder Blasting Technique"

suddenly saw a large number of thunderballs smashed down in the black clouds above the imperial army in the east, and the smashed imperial court NPC soldiers or players, regardless of their level, suddenly turned into charcoal the moment they touched the thunderballs.

A loud sound resounded throughout the battlefield, and the ears of soldiers on both sides 'buzzed'. The court NPC soldiers and players located to the east were even more uncomfortable, with a powerful sound that caused some lower-ranking NPC soldiers and players to bleed in their ears. Anyone who was slightly touched by the thunderball suddenly felt paralyzed.

The loud thunder also made Li Tianlong and others not far away notice this scene.

Looking at the destructive power of the thunderball, Li Tianlong gasped, secretly glad that the Yellow Turban soldiers did not pick him. Otherwise, we'll have to explain here.

Although he had seen the power of Taoism several times before, he gave Li Tianlong a different feeling every time.

A thunderball attack like today's is much more powerful than the previous ones.

The thunder of the Yellow Turban Daoist woke up the court archers who had been in ambush on both sides of the Yellow Turban Daoist for a long time.

"Whoosh" More than 2,000 arrows shot at the Yellow Turban Taoist with a sound of breaking through the air.

Looking at the arrows that were shooting at him, the faces of the Yellow Turban Daoists who had just finished their skills suddenly changed greatly.

The passive beating of the "Thunder Shield"

is not what the high-level troops want to see, and the Yellow Turban Daoist who suddenly reacted quickly used the skill of increasing defense. I saw that the yellow turban Taoist priests were surrounded by translucent light waves, and thunder lights flowed on the light waves from time to time.


"Ding ding~~~" A part of the arrow rain hit the lightning shield, making a metallic sound, and the lightning shield continued to accelerate and fluctuate.

"Bang", the thunder and lightning shield of a Yellow Turban Taoist was broken by a dense rain of arrows, and suddenly the Yellow Turban player was full of arrows.

After the first wave of arrow rain stopped, when the Yellow Turban Daoist priests were about to release a large-scale attack on the imperial army again, the second wave of arrow rain on both sides poured down on them. With the sound of "dingding", "popping" and "ahhhhh

"Brothers, retreat, retreat to the city. During the battle, Yu Yigen inadvertently turned his head and saw a large number of corpses of Yellow Turban Daoists, and shouted at the surrounding Yellow Turban NPC soldiers and players in surprise.

These Yellow Turban Daoists are trying to deal with the main force of the imperial court camp! Now they have been shot by most of the archers of the imperial court camp, how can they fight in the back!

On the city wall of Guangzong City, Zhang Jiao at this time looked at the battle in front of him with a gloomy face, and his brows continued to wrinkle.

"Order all soldiers and players to go out of the city and exterminate the imperial army. When Zhang Jiao saw that the Yellow Turban Daoist priest he had worked hard to cultivate for several years was losing money under a large number of arrows from the archers of the imperial court, he commanded a Yellow Turban lieutenant general on the side.

"It's the general. With that, the Yellow Turban Adjutant turned around and ran down the city wall.

Without the Taoist support of the Yellow Turban Priests, the melee soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were suddenly defeated and retreated, and the casualties increased greatly. Although the number of people is nearly twice that of the imperial court camp, the gap in rank cannot be made up by the number of people.

"General, the Yellow Turban Army in the city has come out. An adjutant general beside Lu Zhi shouted.

"Oh, it's just in time, and I'm going to attack the city in a while. Give the order to go down, shrink the formation, and eliminate the Yellow Turban Army in front of you as soon as possible. Seeing the Yellow Turban Army that had just rushed out of Guangzong City, Lu Zhi smiled and gave an order.

"It's the general. Hearing Lu Zhi's arrangement, the lieutenant general rode his horse to the side of the standard-bearer. I saw that the two red flags in the hands of the standard-bearer suddenly changed.

"My lord, the banner of shrinking the formation. Li Tianlong, who was observing the changes on the battlefield, after hearing Gao Shun's words, looked up at the standard-bearer in the rear, and saw that the two red flags in the hands of the standard-bearer were changing.

"Gao Shun, command the team to shrink the formation. "To change the formation of the commanding soldiers, it is still Gao Shun who is more powerful.

"All of them, charge in a concentrated way. Kill!"

"Kill !!" With Gao Shun's order issued, Li Tianlong's army suddenly became dense, and it was even more powerful when he charged.

Without the Yellow Turban Daoist's long-range Dao attack, the dense formation would not be a big deal. If the Yellow Turban Daoist of the Yellow Turban Army was still alive, Lu Zhi would never dare to give the order to shrink the formation.

The real battle is gradually unfolding with the battle ahead, and the rescue team led by Zhang Jiao is coming to this side at the fastest speed, but 20 miles away.

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