"Generals, after the harassment tactics of the past few days, the defense in Guangzong City has been completely lax. Tonight, we will launch an attack on Gwangjong City. In the imperial court camp, in Lu Zhi's Chinese military tent, Lu Zhi looked at the court generals in front of him and said. "Tonight, all soldiers, except those left behind, must have a sandbag each. Anyone who does not prepare a sandbag shall be dealt with in accordance with military law. If you have no objections, go back and prepare now!" Hearing

Lu Zhi's words, Li Tianlong secretly said in his heart: Isn't this the siege tactic used by Zhuge Liang? Sandbag? haha~ After walking out of Lu Zhi's camp,

Li Tianlong returned directly to his camp.

"Gao Shun, order the soldiers to prepare a sandbag each, and rest after they are ready, and attack the city tonight. "Found Gao Shun, Li Tianlong told Gao Shun the order.

"It's the lord. Although I don't know why Li Tianlong ordered this, Gao Shun still did what Li Tianlong ordered.

"Lord, I don't know why you want to prepare sandbags?" When Gao Shun finished explaining everything, he came to the Zhongjun tent and found Li Tianlong and asked.

"Siege. Looking at Gao Shun, Li Tianlong said with a smile.

"Siege?" Hearing Li Tianlong's words, Gao Shun couldn't help but touch his head. He didn't know what the siege had to do with sandbags. Wait a minute...

"Lord, isn't this sandbag... Thinking of a possibility, Gao Shun looked at Li Tianlong and said.

"Haha~~~ Exactly. Li Tianlong smiled and nodded.

"Haha, first use the suspicious tactics to make the Yellow Turban Army relax their vigilance, and then use sandbags to build a slope against the city wall in the middle of the night, so that we can easily rush into Guangzong City. After listening to Li Tianlong's words, Gao Shun summed up the events of the past few days, and this strategy that Lu Zhi wanted to start was all said by Gao Shun.

"The moon is dark and the wind is high, it seems that it is really a good weather today! even God will help our imperial army!" Looking at today's sky, Lu Zhi said with a smile to the generals around him.

Indeed, tonight's moon seemed to know what was about to happen, and hid over the black clouds early, leaving only darkness on the earth. It can't be said that you can't see your fingers, but it also blurs people's vision and can only see a distance of 50 meters.

After seeing that all the soldiers were carrying a big sandbag on their backs, Lu Zhi nodded with satisfaction, it will be time to decide everything tonight.

At this time, on the walls of Guangzong City, except for a few groups of Yellow Turban soldiers patrolling listlessly, there were no other people wandering on it. After the continuous harassment of the imperial army in the past few days, none of the Yellow Turban troops in the city were in a good mental state.

Even the few groups of soldiers patrolling the city walls at the moment were not in good spirits, and even if someone passed in front of them now, if there was no sound, this group of Yellow Turban soldiers would not be able to detect it.

Torches were stuck in the battlements of the city wall everywhere, illuminating the entire city wall red, but it was pitch black under the city wall.

After coming to a place 500 meters away from the city wall and standing firm, Lu Zhi looked at the Yellow Turban Army on the city wall, and after finding that there was no accident, Lu Zhi waved his hand to a court general behind him.

When the Yellow Turban general saw Lu Zhi's movements, he understood what Lu Zhi meant, turned around and rushed towards the corner of the city wall with his troops.

After rushing to the corner of the city wall, seeing that the Yellow Turban soldiers in the city did not find it, the Yellow Turban general quickly ordered his troops to pile the sandbags on their bodies neatly on the edge of the city wall, and seeing that everything was done, the Yellow Turban general then led his team back to the rear of the large army.

Immediately afterwards, groups of NPC soldiers and players from the imperial court, led by their respective generals, placed their sandbags on the edge of the city wall. When the last group of soldiers piled up the sandbags in their hands, a sandbag road leading to the city wall appeared in front of Li Tianlong's eyes.

The Yellow Turban Army on the city wall has not yet discovered that under their noses, the army of the imperial court has completed a great and mighty project. One by one, they seemed to be asleep and carried out mechanical patrols on the city wall.

The sandbags leading to the walls have been piled up, marking the beginning of the siege. But now this is no longer called a siege battle, in the face of the lax garrison of the Yellow Turban Army, this battle can be said to be a sneak attack.

The first to rush forward were the relatively high-ranking swordsmen, who had excellent melee combat abilities, and were their specialty in destroying the Yellow Turban Army on the city walls. Behind the great swordsmen were groups of longbowmen armed with longbows, and in their quivers, rockets lay silently inside.

The Yellow Turban Army on the city wall was quickly wiped out by groups of swordsmen who suddenly rushed to the edge of the city wall without reacting, and they did not make even a sound until they died. Except, of course, when they turn into corpses and fall to the ground, they make a sound of falling to the ground.

After the swordsmen had dealt with the archers on the city walls, they divided into a small group and rushed to the city gate, and outside the city there were cavalry from the imperial court waiting to enter the city. The rest of the swordsmen did not move, they stood by in order. Behind them, the longbowmen who followed them took out the rockets from their quivers and fired them at the tents in the city.

Because Zhang Jiao moved more than eighty percent of the Yellow Turban soldiers to the outer city near the city wall in order to strengthen the defense of Guangzong City, Lu Zhi had already received reliable information before this, so after Lu Zhi ordered the swordsmen to eliminate the Yellow Turban Army on the city wall, he did not order them to rush down the city wall directly to kill the city, but ordered the longbowmen to use rockets to attack first.

Watching the rockets break through the sky, the whole scene is not to mention how brilliant it is. The ruthless rockets shot into the tents with merciless fire, and gradually, screams sounded in the city, and some of the Yellow Turban soldiers who were hit by the rockets suddenly screamed out of their respective camps, but they didn't run a few steps, and they were mercilessly engulfed by the fire on their bodies. The night, which was originally dark, was burned by the fire as if it were day.

"Enemy attack! enemy attack!" At this time, the Yellow Turban Army, who had been awakened by the fire, reacted.

But by this time it was too late to react, the city gate had been opened by the swordsmen, and the cavalry rushed in and rushed into the camp of the Yellow Turbans. After the cavalry stormed the Yellow Turban camp, the melee soldiers of the court on the city walls also rushed after them.

I saw the screams of the Yellow Turban Army everywhere, and the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were constantly captured, and the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were killed on the spot. The cavalry of the imperial court rushed back and forth in the camps of the Yellow Turban Army, constantly inflicting losses on the Yellow Turban Army.

At this time, Li Tianlong and Lu Zhi were standing on the city wall, watching the battle below. "General, the imperial army has come in. "The court army and the Yellow Turban army in the outer city of Guangzong City are fighting in full swing, while the generals of the Yellow Turban Army in the inner city of Guangzong City are worried. No, it hadn't been long before the outer city was fighting, and a deputy general of the Yellow Turban ran to Zhang Jiao's temporary mansion to report.

"What? Where is the imperial army fighting now?" Hearing the adjutant general's report, Zhang Jiao was startled, if he attacked the inner city, he would not even have a chance to escape.

"The East City Gate has been breached by the Imperial Army, and the brothers are currently resisting the attack of the Imperial Army. "

The East Gate, can the other three gates be attacked by the imperial army?" Hearing that the imperial army had just broken through the East Gate, Zhang Jiao's heart relaxed a little.

"There has never been a court army. "

You immediately give an order, order the other three defender brothers to come to the east gate to rescue as soon as possible, and those who violate the order will be killed." "Although it is a bit of a loss to use the strength of the Yellow Turban Army against the imperial army, as long as you use the strength of the inner city wall, you may not have a chance to break the enemy.

"It's the general.

After seeing the lieutenant leave, Zhang Jiao and his guards hurried to the city wall of the inner city. After looking at the battle situation in the outer city, Zhang Jiao hurriedly ordered one of the guards behind him: "Order the brothers of the other three gates to come to the rescue quickly." "

In the face of the sudden attack of the imperial army, the Yellow Turban Army, after paying a heavy price, gradually launched a tug-of-war under the walls of the inner city. When Zhang Jiao came to the inner city wall, what he saw was that the Yellow Turban Army was pressed to the edge of the city wall by the imperial army.

"Thunder Falling from the Sky"

After seeing the guards turn around and run, Zhang Jiao directly released a wide range of Dao techniques with a large killing area directly into the imperial army camp under the city. Suddenly, the sky was red by the fire, and lightning flashed continuously, and the sound of wild thunder continued to ring in the ears of the soldiers of the two armies.

After hearing the thunder, the expressions of the two armies were different.

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were already overwhelmed by the imperial army, but after hearing the thunder, their first reaction was that their 'Tiangong General' Zhang Jiao came to save them. Who is Zhang Jiao, that is the great immortal in their hearts! That is the omnipotent immortal!

And the soldiers of the imperial army had a look of fear on their faces after hearing the thunder. This cannot be blamed on them, in the first few battles, they have seen the power of Taoist priests, how can they not have a look of fear in the face of the thunder and lightning in the sky?

"Boom, boom", a large number of thunderballs fell in the sky above the cavalry of the imperial army, and the cavalry company that was hit was charred with Ma Dun. A loud noise resounded throughout the battlefield, and the ears of soldiers on both sides were ringing. The cavalry of the imperial army who bore the brunt of the attack was even more uncomfortable, a large number of cavalry had blood in their ears, and the high-grade war horses sitting on them fell to the ground in horror. The offensive position of the imperial army was suddenly chaotic.

The cavalry of this attack is the NPC cavalry of the imperial court, and the war horse equipment equipped with is a high-grade excellent war horse, and its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

The loud sound of thunder also made Lu Zhi, Li Tianlong and others not far away notice this scene.

"Fuck Zhang Jiao, it's okay to be thundering! Get up early and kill yourself. Facing Zhang Jiao's powerful Dao attack, Li Tianlong couldn't help but think evilly.

"Order all the soldiers to charge, but the Yellow Turbans under the city have a little respite and take them. In the face of Zhang Jiao's Taoism, Lu Zhi frowned his head, and Lu Zhi had no way to restrain Zhang Jiao's Taoism, so he could only watch the cavalry he had worked so hard to pull out continue to suffer casualties. However, the price of the Yellow Turban Army cannot be less, so why do you have to eliminate the Yellow Turban Army in front of you first.

The death of the brothers in front made the court cavalry in the back even more motivated to rush towards the Yellow Turban Army on the edge of the city wall, and they showed their anger with their actual actions. The brothers who were still bragging and farting together yesterday were just smashed into charcoal by the thunderball that fell from the sky, and now they have only one idea, to kill the Yellow Turban Army in front of them and avenge the dead brothers.

"The rangers have it, aim at the walls and shoot. The thunder and lightning in the sky stopped, and Lu Zhi immediately ordered the rangers in front of him who had not yet attacked to attack.

Charge, raise arms, take arrows, draw bows, shoot arrows...

The rangers repeated a mechanized action, and waves of arrows were shot by the court rangers on the inner city wall where Zhang Jiao was located.

The rain of arrows made Zhang Jiao, who was preparing to release the second Dao technique, have to find cover and hide first. There is a time to release the Dao Technique, and during this time, it is not allowed to move, and it can only be completed for a period of time through the spells chanting in the mouth and the Dao talisman in the hand.

"Fuck, why haven't the reinforcements from the other three city gates arrived yet? The days of waiting were painful, and although it was not long, Zhang Jiao still felt that time passed very slowly. He only had time to release the Taoist technique he was good at once, but when he was about to release it for the second time, he was interrupted by the arrows of the imperial army, Zhang Jiao's depression can be imagined, and now Zhang Jiao can only look forward to the arrival of reinforcements soon, so as to reduce the pressure on himself and let the imperial army taste the power of Taoism.

"It's the general. The guard, who had been called, quickly lowered his waist and rushed down the steps of the city wall after hearing Zhang Jiao's order.

Seeing that the rangers on their side had suppressed Zhang Jiao's Dao Method, the cavalry and melee soldiers of the imperial army rushed towards the Yellow Turban Army who had retreated to the edge of the inner city wall with a shout.

Zhang Jiao's second wave of Dao technique was not released for a long time, which caused the Yellow Turban Army, which had just recovered some morale, to be beaten back to its original form, and retreated towards the city wall in embarrassment, hoping that the gates of the inner city could be opened so that they could advance forward.

When the imperial army rushed again, except for the Yellow Turban Army that was left behind, they could raise their weapons to resist it, and the Yellow Turban Army in front of them ran towards the gate of the inner city without even looking back.

In the face of the unmorale Yellow Turban Army, each attack of the Imperial Army soldiers can exert 200% of their own attack. Now the battlefield is back to a one-sided situation.

Listening to his subordinates constantly reporting the losses under the city wall, Zhang Jiao, who was hiding behind the city wall, wanted to cry without tears! I originally thought that after a few days of harassment, it would be impossible for the imperial army to attack the city so quickly, but what I didn't expect was that just yesterday after Zhang Jiao gave the order for the whole army to rest, it was attacked by the imperial army that night, and it was a silent sneak attack. As soon as it came up, it caused heavy losses to the soldiers on its own side, and if it weren't for the slightly higher vigilance of his own side, the current imperial army would have begun to attack the inner city.

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