Waiting for twenty-four hours of real time, players have gone online one after another and got the content of this update of the game: First, the large-scale opening of the ancient famous generals, famous generals, and famous military divisions after the Three Kingdoms does not belong to the history of the Three Kingdoms. All the historical generals, marshals, and military divisions that do not belong to the Three Kingdoms are all teenagers at the initial refresh, and their future growth is uncertain. To a certain extent, the strength of the famous generals, strategists of the Three Kingdoms, and military divisions of the Three Kingdoms will be strengthened to highlight the theme of the Three Kingdoms.

Second, the introduction of a strength grading system. According to the level of strength, it is divided into four levels of gods, heaven, earth and people. The attribute value is 70~79, which is the human level, regardless of the grade, the attribute value is 70~89, which is the ground level, and the attribute value is 90~99, which is the heavenly level, which is divided into ten grades, and the higher the grade, the stronger the strength, and the attribute value is 70~89, which is the god level, regardless of the grade.

There are military grades and mana grades. The level of force is the same as its stat value, and the level of mana is the same as the value of the intelligence stat.


Fifty, soldiers, the army's combat power attribute value in addition to the training, morale, loyalty, increase the murderous value; the murderous value gradually increases with the size and number of battles that soldiers and troops participate in, and the murderous value will gradually fall if they do not participate in the battle for a long time; the army commander has a certain chance to comprehend the murderous war and skills in the battle; the troops with high murderous value will enhance the defense of the Dao to a certain extent;

Sixty, increased the player-only recruitment barracks. In the state city and county town, the player recruitment barracks have been added, which are exclusively for the recruitment quota obtained by players through mission merits, and NPCs cannot use them; If the number of players exceeds 10,000, the monthly recruitment will be at least 10,000. If the number of recruits is less than 10,000, the recruitment must be completed within one month. From now on.


Eighty-one, the launch of the "Commander List", "Military General List", "Strategist List", "Military Division List", "Beauty List", "Wealth List"... Both players and NPCs can be on the list, and the ranking of the list is purely voted by players. Players have one chance to vote once a day, and they will vote in the ranking through the personal attribute panel; Ranking has an effect on a character's charisma attribute.


There's a lot of new content in this update. The first is to open up the famous generals, marshals, and military divisions that do not belong to the history of the Three Kingdoms, which makes players all over the world suddenly have a lot of conjectures and hopes. Northern and Southern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Song, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, how many heroes, famous generals, famous generals, and immortal military divisions. I just don't know how many heroes the system will refresh into the game this time, a hundred, two hundred, or more.

According to the system, these heroes of later generations are just teenagers in the game, scattered in the cities, countryside, fields, mountains and forests of the thirteen states of the world. Finding them is better than looking for a needle in a haystack. Moreover, even if one or two are found, subordination is a problem, and how to cultivate them is even more of a big problem.

But no matter what, it always gives everyone a lot more hope. There are only dozens of top generals in the Three Kingdoms, and there are hundreds of generals of the Three Kingdoms with names and surnames; there are almost 300 million players and billions of NPCs in the Chinese game area, among which there are thousands of large and small forces, and the competition is too fierce.

However, according to the system, the strength of the original Three Kingdoms characters will be strengthened, which means that the Chinese game will still be dominated by the Three Kingdoms. If you want to really climb to the top of the group, it will be essential to fight for a few more Three Kingdoms names.

There is nothing practical about the strength grading system, what kind of heaven, earth, man and god, it's just a nice sound, and it's attractive to chew.

Soldiers, the troops increase the murder value, so that everyone has a lot more thoughts of provoking war.

Players recruit barracks, great, finally waited for it. Our 150,000 high-level troops finally have a place to recruit, and they can all be recruited at once. However, where the recruited money comes from is still a big headache and brain fever. It's millions of taels of silver, but fortunately, the system doesn't let people recruit all in a month, and they can be recruited in months.

Grandma's, if the system doesn't limit the need to recruit at least 10,000 per month, it would be great if we were ready to save a million recruits, and then when would they be recruited all at once to scare people. It's a pity that the mastermind of the system is too good*, and it is simply leaky. All recruits must be completed within one year from now. Let's hurry up and go offline, send a message to Sister Fairy, and ask Sister Fairy to go to Youbeiping with the silver to inform Tian Chong. Don't forget about us, it's a big loss to waste 10,000 recruits.

All kinds of celebrity lists, beauty lists or something, it seems that the game mastermind has referred to the experience of his predecessors, and has become more and more humane, and has started to make selections and entertainment. It's the same as the NBA, which the Yankees have been going on for hundreds of years.

After the game update has been completed, the futures of Zhu Jun, Sun Jiancao* and other major giants have also been introduced.

Zhu Jun, like Huangfu Song, was also worshiped as the general of the chariot cavalry, Henan Yin (in fact, it is Henan County Taishou, but Luoyang City is in Henan County, so in order to highlight the status of Henan, it is not called the County Taishou, called Henan Yin), and entered the Xixiang Marquis. Sun Jian was named Sima of other departments and became a subordinate officer of the general He Jin. Cao* was appointed as the prime minister of Jinan and became the number one leader of the Jinan State in Qingzhou. Yuan Shaojin was named the Imperial Servant; Yuan Shujin was awarded the title of Captain of Zhichong; Liu Biao...

At this time, Li Tianlong returned to Youbei and usually got together with everyone and began to go to Liaodong, when he left, Li Tianlong explained the work of everyone after leaving, although this time he won the position of Youzhou Thorn History, but that position is not so easy to do, and now he has to hurry up and develop the six northern counties and other stronger strength to take office, and now he still goes to Liaodong to see what he is saying.

At the same time, Li Tianlong went to Qinhuangdao to clean up the battlefield last time, and the compensation of 1.6 million yuan for the defeat of the Giant Whale Gang, the income per time alone exceeded 2 million guan. This war is really the way to make money, of course, provided that you are the victorious side. It is a common practice and an unchanging truth through the ages to demand high compensation from the losing side in the victorious side of the battle. What is practical in reality is also applicable in games.

This war windfall really came at a timely time, Li Tianlong is now in a time of economic tension, and he is burdened with foreign debts, and he always thinks that a pile of gold can fall from the sky and smash it on his head.

Two million, Li Tianlong did not plan to use it all to repay his debts. There is no need to worry about Li Shu's for the time being, and the titanium knife borrowed can also be returned after a year and a half; Tian Chou is sincere to us and wholeheartedly assists, so we can't treat others badly. The development of Tianjiazhuang also requires a lot of funds.

The sailors and soldiers of Qinhuangdao were given a bonus of 50,000 guan according to their official rank and merit. Fortunately, nine out of ten of the soldiers who died in the war were alone and did not need to pay pensions. In reality, the pension alone is a lot of money.

Leaving 350,000 yuan of sailor development funds, bidding farewell to Han Dang, Dong Xin, Dong Zhi, Zhou Tai, Ganning and others, Li Tianlong flew to Xu Wucheng on the big vulture. 600,000 yuan was handed over to Tian Chou, part of which was returned to Tianjiazhuang, and part of it was used as army construction funds for Xu Wucheng and Cheng Pu. The remaining one million guan is, of course, brought to Xiangyun City.

told Zhu Xi Yu Yu and others to guard the city, and Li Tianlong immediately flew to Liaodong with Zhao Yu, Jade Arrow, Zhang Ren and other four people (the big vulture of Jade Arrow has been successfully domesticated, and Zhang Ren is riding another big vulture of Li Tianlong).

As for the original recruitment of the guard martial arts corps in Yuzhou, Li Tianlong had already disbanded it. Some of them joined the army as generals at all levels, and the martial artists who were unwilling to join the army opened a martial arts hall in Xiangyun City with the financial support of Li Tianlong. The more martial arts halls are opened, the stronger the martial arts atmosphere in Xiangyun City, the stronger the physique of the city residents will be, and more powerful soldiers will be able to be recruited at that time. There are more people who learn martial arts, and the probability of appearing generals is also much greater.

Liaodong is a subordinate country, living between Liaoxi County and Liaodong County, bordering the Bohai Sea in the south and the prairie in the north. There are six counties under the rule: Changli, Fuli, Bintu, Tuhe, Fangxian, and Xiandu; among them, Changli City is the administrative office of Liaodong.

Liaodong vassal state, responsible for guarding the frontier, monitoring the surrounding Xianbei Karasuma Xiongnu and other Hu tribes; due to the large number of Hu tribes around, Changli City as the seat of Liaodong subordinate state, the construction of the city is completely a military fortress built for the main purpose of military defense.

A moat ten feet wide winds along the city walls. The ten-zhang wide moat is the widest moat Li Tianlong has ever seen. The counties and counties of Youzhou, even including the moat of Luoyang City, the capital division, are not ten zhang wide. It is worthy of a military fortress, surrounded by many hostile Hu tribes, and it cannot be without a strong defense.

The city wall is as high as six zhang, made of glutinous rice, livestock flesh and blood mixed as pulp, huge black iron stone as bricks, and the defense is higher than the city walls of the counties in the pass.

"Stop, what are you doing?" The

gatekeeper in black iron armor and holding a halberd stopped Li Tianlong and the others. Li Tianlong and the others were holding four fierce and vicious vultures, which were very eye-catching.

"Bold, Lord Changshi arrived, and he didn't get out of the way. Zhang Ren shouted. Liaodong is located in the border pass, the soldiers here fight with foreign people all the year round, contaminated with the ferocity of the Hu people, are very unruly, here to govern the army, courtesy and humility is not advisable. As long as you are more arrogant and arrogant than him, you can shock this gang of fierce troops. Just let Zhang Ren exercise well, he is our future unified army.

threw out the Shi token and official document of the governor of Liaodong issued by the imperial court, and scared a group of soldiers guarding the door. Stopping the commander of an army, this is worth it.

Under the leadership of Sima of the city gate, the group flew straight to the Changshi Mansion in the center of the city. Sima of the city gate galloped in front of him, and Li Tianlong and others rode a big vulture eagle and flew in the air, and the coquettish shape immediately caused a sensation in Changli City. This is exactly what Li Tianlong hopes to bring.

Entering the Changshi Mansion, Li Tianlong and the others immediately went straight to the city jade, and he couldn't wait to know how many people there were in the subject country of Liaodong.

Liaodong vassal state - Zhishuo, Changli City, jurisdiction over Changli, Fuli, Bintu, Tuhe, Fangxian, 70,000 people, population: Changli 1,202,000, Fuli 523,000, Bintu 425,000, Tuhe 401,000, Fangxian 398,000, 375,000, troops: 200,000 heavy spear cavalry, 50,000 heavy sword cavalry, 50,000 rangers, 50,000 Xianbei rangers, 50,000 Karasuma cavalry, 100,000 heavy pikemen, 100,000 euphorbia, 100,000 iron shield soldiers, 100,000 heavy archers, 100,000 crossbowmen, 200 twelve-wheeled chariots, 400 100 100-wheeled chariots, 800 eight-wheeled chariots, 1,000 six-wheeled chariots, 2,000 four-wheeled chariots, 120,000 charioteers (heavy pikemen, iron shield sword soldiers, heavy archers, strong crossbowmenDistribution: 520,000 in Changli City, 100,000 in Fuli, 100,000 in Bintu, 100,000 in Tuhe, 100,000 in Fangxian, 100,000 in Dangerous Desertion, 1 Barracks: 1 Heavy Spear Iron Cavalry Battalion, 1 Heavy Spear Barracks, 1 Euphorbia Soldier Battalion, 1 Iron Shield Knife Barracks, 1 Heavy Archer Barracks, 1 Crossbow Barracks, 1 Chariot Barracks, (all barracks are in Changli City).

Looking at the information one by one, the mouths of the four people were already wide open and could be stuffed with several eggs. Unexpectedly, the troops stationed in Liaodong were so huge, as high as 1.02 million, and all of them were high-level soldiers; there were also 7 high-level barracks in Changli City, and the rarest chariot barracks also existed. So excited. Grandma's, this official who belongs to the history of the country is really too cost-effective. This position must be firmly grasped, but it must not be snatched by others. Although the strength here may be a little worse than those large counties with an inflated number of troops, all of them are high-level troops, especially since most of these troops are troops who have been fighting against the Hu people for a long time, and their combat effectiveness is definitely more than that of most counties.

1.02 million high-level troops seem to be a lot, but in fact, for the responsibility of the subject state of Liaodong, it is not much, and it can even be said that the troops are insufficient.

In the six counties under the direct jurisdiction of Liaodong, namely Changli, Fuli, Bintu, Tuhe, Fangxian, and Xiandu, except for Changli City, which is under the jurisdiction of the state, the proportion of Han people in the population of 1.2 million accounts for 80 percent; in the remaining five counties, the proportion of Han people is less than 10 percent, and the rest are all Karasuma people, Xianbei people, Xiongnu people, and some other Hu people. Among them, the Karasuma people have the largest population, and the Xianbei people are the second. Although these Hu tribes had submitted to the Eastern Han court, most of the Hu people were not convinced by the Eastern Han court, except for a small number of tribes who were truly loyal to the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The subject state stationed heavy troops, firstly, to guard against the Hu people under its jurisdiction, and more importantly, as a military fortress of the Eastern Han Dynasty in Liaodong, to monitor and deter the Karasuma Xianbei tribe on the prairie. Defend the frontier territory of Liaodong vassal state. Otherwise, once the Hu people on the prairie seized the subject state of Liaodong, then the Hu people in the east could unscrupulously attack and invade the three counties of Liaoxi, Youbeiping, and Yuyang.

Karasuma on the eastern steppe, Xianbei has a population of tens of millions, and for the Hu people, who are all soldiers, the one million troops of Liaodong's vassal states can only barely protect themselves.

The military strength and finances of Liaodong vassal states were very different from those of other county towns.

In terms of troops, the Liaodong vassal state itself only has 7 high-level barracks, which is much less than the 50 barracks in most county towns. These seven high-level barracks alone could not meet the troop needs of the subject states of Liaodong. In fact, every year, the counties of Youzhou will send a part of their soldiers and horses to join the subject state of Liaodong.

In terms of finance, the subject state of Liaodong not only did not have to pay taxes to the imperial court, but also had a monthly allocation of 200,000 guan and tens of millions of grains from the imperial court, which was used for the salaries of the officials of the subject state and the food and salary of the army of the subject state.

The six counties under the jurisdiction of Liaodong vassal state, except for Changli City, which served as a centralized trading center for the Hu and Han people, could collect taxes of more than 200,000 guan per month, and the remaining five counties added up to only 100,000 guan per month (the county orders of the other five counties were all served by local Hu tribal leaders, and the taxes paid were very small).

In this way, the subject state of Liaodong has 500,000 copper coins per month. However, the monthly salary of one million high-ranking soldiers and the salaries of officials alone is more than 100,000 yuan, and if all the seven high-ranking barracks are recruited every month, they will also need about 300,000 yuan. Counting the creation of weapons and wartime rewards, the Liaodong vassal states can only have tens of thousands of dollars left every month, and sometimes when there are many wars, they can't even make ends meet. The appropriation of the imperial court was forwarded by the Youzhou Thorn History, and silver money, grain and grass were transported once a quarter, and when it could not be distributed on time, the whole army, including the officials, had to owe the food and salary.

After listening to Guocheng's introduction to the situation of Liaodong's vassal state, Li Tianlong was also stunned for a moment. I thought that I could not only get soldiers and horses, but also take advantage of my position to get some money and spend money, but it seems that the latter has no choice. At present, the treasury of the Liaodong vassal state only has 600,000 guan (the imperial court appropriation in the autumn) that has just arrived, and there are 100,000 guan of silver left before.

However, being able to master one million high-level soldiers and horses in his hands, Li Tianlong was already quite satisfied. A million high-level soldiers and horses, if you recruit them with money, you can't do it without millions. Especially the "chariot barracks", every time a chariot (including chariots and bed crossbows) is recruited, it takes 300 chariots, which is very expensive, and the level of the chariots recruited, whether it is a four-wheeled chariot or an eight-wheeled chariot, is random (the chariot recruited here is not the same as the forbidden chariot used by Huangfu Song; the forbidden chariot must be artificially built with special wood and cannot be refreshed from the barracks; the city-defending crossbow equipped on the forbidden chariot is also created separately. The bed crossbow equipped with the chariot recruited by the chariot barracks is not a city defense crossbow, but a single-bow bed crossbow, a double-bow bed crossbow, a three-bow bed crossbow, etc. Tankers need to be equipped separately).

The chariot barracks is a special barracks that can be refreshed up to 500 chariots per month, and the chariot level is random, and the number of refreshes is related to the level of the master in charge (the existence of the Grandmaster-level carpenter's shop, the grandmaster-level blacksmith's shop, and the Grandmaster-level crossbowsmith's shop in the barracks can make the chariot barracks reach the maximum number of refreshes). In the military camp of Liaodong, there are only master-level carpenter shops, master-level blacksmith shops, and master-level crossbow shops, which can make the number of chariots refreshed every month reach eighty percent, that is, 400 chariots, 300 chariots per ride, that is, 120,000 chariots per month just to recruit chariots.

However, the recruitment of chariots must not be saved, and it is precisely because Changli City has such a large chariot army that the grassland Hu tribe does not dare to invade the subject country of Liaodong on a large scale. Most of the subject country of Liaodong has flat terrain, which is very suitable for chariot warfare. The huge chariot unit is the best equipment to resist the anti-Hu cavalry troops.

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