After the bandits on the mountain who were originally desperate to attack downward saw that the 400,000 ironclad bandits led by Su Fufeng, the lord of Dazhai, were completely annihilated by the Han army, a small number of outlaws shouted "avenge the big boss", and attacked the Han army with blood-red eyes open. A large part of the bandits immediately turned around and fled back to the mountain with their butts on fire.

Disarmed all the weapons of the surrendered ironclad mountain bandits, taking advantage of the high morale, Li Tianlong commanded the army to kill the mountain and launched an attack on the Tucheng on the top of the mountain.

As for the few stubborn bandits left on the battlefield, Li Tianlong left them to the player legion to clean up. Among this handful of diehards, there must be many copycat leaders, and there will be a lot of merit points when killed, and it is very likely that a lot of high-level items will be exposed, and leaving the player legion can be regarded as some compensation for the players of the Liaodong vassal country who have suffered heavy losses. Taking all the benefits by yourself will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the players, which is not a good thing. With his current strength, he is still far from being able to ignore the player's power. Besides, he is not the kind of greedy and miserly person.

The nearly 100,000 mountain bandits in Tucheng on the top of the mountain had already consumed most of them in the previous battle, and there were only about 40,000 remnants left. Knowing that the general trend had gone, the desperate mountain bandits faced the siege of the Changli City army, and there was no hope of fighting at all.

In the midst of sparse resistance, the army smashed the gates of the earthen city with the striking wood of *. The army swarmed in, and amid the shouts of "surrender the guns and not kill", the demoralized mountain bandits laid down their weapons one after another. Some of the lucky cottage leaders led their men to flee to the back mountain, and were easily taken down by the royal gate.

Under the gaze of all the sergeants, Zhang Ren, Shi Dang, Gongsun Xu, Ji Yong, Huan Leopard and other five ground-level generals took turns to use gorgeous military stunts, and it took half an hour to destroy the mountain flag of the giant cottage Oolong Village. At this point, the first and most important goal of the Wuxian Mountain Bandit Suppression Campaign was finally successfully achieved.

In fact, Li Tianlong didn't want to destroy the Wulongzhai Mountain Banner in his heart, and looked at the dozen or so middle and high-level barracks in Tucheng, including 3 Karasuma ironclad horse bandit barracks, 7 Karasuma ironclad bandit barracks, and 5 Karasuma Mountain bandit barracks.

His own Tianlong Village Tianxian Village worked hard to build 3 ironclad bandit barracks and 1 timid barracks; It's no wonder that there are a large number of bandit troops in Wulong Village.

Fortunately, Su Fufeng didn't leave all the troops in Tucheng, but left a large number of elites outside, otherwise he really wouldn't have been able to take Wuxian Mountain. Think about it, how many troops will it take to capture the cottage defended by 500,000 or 600,000 ironclad bandits. If it is a field battle, the million-strong army of Changli City is not afraid of it, but if it attacks the mountain, I am afraid that the million-strong army of Changlicheng will be consumed, and there will be no way to take Wuxian Mountain.

If you don't cut down the mountain banner and occupy the Oolong Village by yourself, the entire 10 high-level barracks will be 15,000 Karasuma ironclad bandits every month, and 180,000 fierce Karasuma ironclad bandits in a year. It's a pity, everyone is watching, and now there is no way. I can only hope that the barracks will be destroyed, and God will be able to open his eyes and explode a few more ironclad bandit barracks.

"Immediately send a herald to all the cottages in Wuxian Mountain, and the master ordered that within one month, all the mountain bandits should go to Wuxian Mountain to accept the imperial court's recruitment; A month later, the subject state of Liaodong will clear all the cottages in Wushu Mountain. When the time comes, the chickens and dogs will not be left. "

Yes, sir. More

than 1,000 cavalrymen galloped out with letters and white flags to convey Li Tianlong's orders to the large and small cottages in Wuxian Mountain.

No matter what the effect is, whether there are bandits coming to surrender at that time, a strong posture is to be done. Li Tianlong didn't think that he could wipe out all the bandits in Wuxian Mountain, it was basically impossible, but the system would refresh a batch of cottages every once in a while for players to level up and earn meritorious service.

As long as the Wuxian Mountain Ancient Sacrifice Tiantai is located, that is, the Wulong Zhai Tucheng where Li Tianlong is now located, and the surrounding territory of dozens of miles can be cleared, and the people of the Liaodong subject country can go up the mountain to worship safely and securely, then it will be fine.

As for the purge after a month, when the time comes, release a little more tasks, take out a little more rewards, arouse the players' desire to pay the fees, and let the players of the Liaodong vassal country clean them up. Anyway, as the history of the governor of Liaodong, the meritorious tasks that can be released every year are still very considerable, so there is no need to use them in vain. The material reward after the completion of the task, as long as it is controlled within a certain range, the subject state of Liaodong can still bear it.

The main village of Oolong Village was completed, and the subsidiary cottages of the remaining hills were also taken one by one. The final statistics of the battle results: captured: 52,000 Karasuma ironclad horse bandits, 24,000 Karasuma ironclad bandits, 15,000 Karasuma mountain bandits, seized: 205,000 coins, hundreds of thousands of armored weapons, 64,000 war horses of various grades (due to the venue, the ironclad horse bandits participated in the battle on foot, and the horses were kept together, and a large number of war deaths were not killed).

1 Karasuma Iron Armor Horse Bandit Barracks Token, 3 Karasuma Iron Bandit Barracks Tokens, 2 Karasuma Mountain Bandit Barracks Drawings, 2 Medium-sized Cottage Drawings, 1 Small Cottage Drawings, 319 Skill Books at All Levels, Nearly 10 Million Units of Wood, Grain, Iron Ingots, and Stones...

Killed: 152,000 officers and 176,000 players;

The harvest is actually average. The 152,000 high-ranking soldiers who died in the battle were recruited by the government itself at half price, and it took nearly two million taels of silver to be recruited. The seized coins were only 205,000 yuan, but fortunately, nearly a considerable number of ironclad bandits were captured, and after training, they were able to make up for the loss of some of the troops. A large amount of captured equipment and war horses can also be sold for a large amount of silver. Among them, a small amount of top-quality equipment and horse king-level war horses are even more valuable.

This time, the high-level barracks had a good burst rate, reaching a 40% explosion rate, which made Li Tianlong feel a little relieved. Destroying 10 high-level barracks and bursting out 4 high-level barracks tokens is already blessed by the ancestors, and people can't help but be satisfied. Hurry up and use the Great Vulture Knight to transport it back to the Immortal Village, and set up a barracks one day earlier, so that you can have a little more high-level troops.

It's a pity that this usual attack on the bandits, and the merits obtained are far from being compared with the big plot tasks such as the Yellow Turban Rebellion. And after the game update, the algorithm of feats has also changed. Compared to the early days of the game, the bandits have received fewer merits.

Li Tianlong, as the commander of the army, has 3 percent of the total number of meritorious services received by his soldiers, except for those who have already recognized the lord (Li Tianlong is the main general, Li Tianlong can set up the generals in advance to receive their own merits or attribute all their merits to himself);

Kill the bandit level and 10,000 get a merit value of 1;Kill 528,000 bandits in Wulong Village, because eighty percent are bandit level, the level and relatively high level reach about 30 million, but excluding 10,000, it is only 3,000 merit points. In addition, there are meritorious bonuses such as horse killing bandits, big and small bosses, village owners, and destroying mountain flags. It may be to encourage the killing of the boss, and the merit bonus is still considerable, but the total merit is 6000.Li

Tianlong won 1520 merit this time, and one person obtained 1/4 of the total merit of all NPC generals and players, which is very good for ordinary players (Li Tianlong has obtained merit, and the merit obtained by others has not decreased).

Leaving Ji Yong to lead 100,000 elite soldiers, plus all the single-bow bed crossbows to garrison the Tucheng of Wulong Village, and pack the captured materials into anchor trucks, Li Tianlong led the army and returned to the city.

At the same time, Li Tianlong also sent a big vulture knight to fly to Jixian County, Guangyang to find Youzhou Mu Liu Yu to report the good news and ask for merit, speaking of which, Liu Yu has just arrived, if it were not for the royal family in order to strengthen the local rule will not be crowned as the state pastor, now Li Tianlong's assassination history is much less powerful, but everything still has to be on par with the strength.

Liu Yu, Li Tianlong, is still relatively trustworthy, this person's reputation as an official has always been very good, and he will not be greedy for his own merits, and he will definitely show his merits to the imperial court. Liu Yu is a member of the royal family, and he is deeply trusted by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty.

Just when Li Tianlong returned to Shichang Licheng with his men and horses happily beating gongs and drums, in the Karasuma tribe of Liaodong's subordinate country, in a golden royal tent, a gorgeously dressed middle-aged man smashed the chair and roared angrily: "Li Tianlong Xiao'er, kill my second brother and third brother, I'm not done with you... "In the Jicheng Thorn Mansion in Guangyang, Youzhou, Youzhou Mu Liu Yu was looking at the letter of merit sent by Li Tianlong.

"More than 500,000 mountain bandits were exterminated, and more than 90,000 mountain bandits were captured... In one fell swoop, he annihilated the largest bandit cottage in Liaodong, Wulong Village, and successfully recovered Wuxian Mountain in Beizhen. . . The ancient sacrifice roof is intact, please report to the imperial court on the mountain of the state pastor, and arrange the Beizhen sacrifice to the sky. . . "

Okay", Liu Yu shouted, I haven't seen such a capable official for a long time, this is called Li Tianlong, the governor of Liaodong, although he is a strange person, and his name is quite cheesy, but his ability is very good, he has only been in office for two months, and he has subdued Beizhen Mountain, which has been entrenched by bandits for a hundred years, and he is worthy of being a young hero. It's rare for a stranger to be able to remember the court's sacrifice to the sky, compared to those officials in the court who only know how to compete for fame and fortune, but they don't know how much better.

"My own loss is only 150,000, and I have taken 600,000 ironclad bandits, and there is another young general in Liaodong. The general staff strategist praised. As for the 176,000 Inhuman Legion that died, they were collectively ignored by these NPCs.

"Master Wei, immediately write a meritorious chapter, send an expedited fast horse, and go to Beijing to teach tomorrow. Such a meritorious feat, when the great will also. At a time of crisis, the imperial court needed such good things to be exciting. Beizhen Mountain has seen the light again, which is a great auspicious omen for the imperial court. Liu Yu said excitedly.

As a member of the royal family, Liu Yu saw the current crisis in the Eastern Han Dynasty very thoroughly, the eunuchs and relatives in the court were in power, fighting for power, and the Yellow Turban Rebellion not long ago also left a big hidden danger in Jizhou, and now the Xiliang Rebellion has risen again; the Eastern Han Dynasty is in danger.

In fact, killing 500,000 or 600,000 bandits and subduing a mountain is not a great feat in this era of rampant banditry. Suppressing bandits and reassuring the people is the duty of local officials. However, at a time when officials are only concerned about their own interests, and most of the troops they have accumulated are only for the sake of fighting for territory, Li Tianlong has taken the initiative to send troops to exterminate the bandits in the country, scrupulously fulfill his duties, and seek peace and tranquility on one side, which is already a good performance. What's more, the mountain that was subdued was still Beizhen Wuxian Mountain, Beizhen Mountain, which has a history of thousands of years of worship. In Liu Yu's eyes, Li Tianlong is undoubtedly a rare young talent.

"My lord, the history of the governor of Liaodong is that the Hu people in the border pass are abnormal. The army of the subject country has lost 150,000 elites, and just in case, I also asked the lord to ask the imperial court to replenish the appropriate amount of troops to the subject country of Liaodong.

"Send more troops, now the imperial army is tight, this is not easy to do." Liu Yu said.

"My lord, the 100,000 troops allocated to the subject countries of Liaodong every year are usually arranged at the end of the year. Now it is better to let the county taishou transfer the army to the subject state of Liaodong in advance. A strategist suggested.

"This is good, immediately send an official letter to the county taishou, and ask the county taishou to immediately transfer the allocated troops to the Liaodong subject country. Liu Yu immediately agreed.


Liaodong belongs to the city of Licheng, and Li Tianlong is worried with a letter.

This is a letter sent from Gaochang in the Western Regions to Xucheng, written by the blacksmith Zheng Ma to Li Tianlong. Zheng Ma was promoted to blacksmith grandmaster, although he was exiled to be punished, but because of his superb forging skills, he was deeply respected by the commander of the local army. Now Zheng Ma's three-year exile period has ended, but he was left in Gaochang by officials in the Western Regions, and he was not let go, letting him stay in Gaochang to build armor and weapons for the border army in the Western Regions.

Zheng Ma had no way to come back by himself, so he had to send someone to snatch him back from Gaochang in the Western Regions. Zheng Ma's fame is now very great, and it is very difficult to rescue Zheng Ma from the army, and even more so to secretly escape back to Youzhou from tens of thousands of miles of the Western Regions. It's hard for a normal NPC to do.

This is the kind of thing that needs to be done at the right time, and it is better for the player to do it. However, now that he is the governor of Liaodong, he doesn't have the time to go to the Western Regions, which is tens of thousands of miles away. Even if it is a big vulture, it takes about 3 months to rush to Gaochang in the Western Regions, day and night, and go back and forth. Li Tianlong helplessly looked at the jade arrow fairy who was trimming his nails on the side.

"Alright, I'll take a group of Great Vulture Knights to the Western Regions. Guarantee to bring Zheng Ma back intact. Jade Arrow said with a smile.

"I'm going too. "Zhao Yu, this girl can't bear it, and she also wants to go out and have fun with her.

"That's fine. Maybe you'll meet some great master over there. Your 50,000 rangers will be handed over to Zhang Ren to help you lead first.

Li Tianlong thought about it, in order to be safe, he still needed Zhao Yu, a master, to go with him. Zheng Ma is too important, the future god-level blacksmith really can't afford to lose. Although the Jade Arrow Fairy's "Lianzhu Arrow" is powerful, it is limited to rank, and its strength still cannot be compared with those NPC masters who have become famous. With Zhao Yu, a master of the fast-forward Heavenly Rank, the safety factor is much greater.

After discussing properly, the Jade Arrow Fairy and Zhao Yu immediately rode on the Great Vulture Eagle and flew to Xiangyun City. They want to select a small group of the strongest elite Great Vulture Knights and take them to the Western Regions. If you want to bring Zheng Ma back from the Western Regions tens of thousands of miles away and escape the tracking of countless players along the way, there is no other way than to take the empty road.

The matter was handed over to Yujian and Zhao Yu, and Li Tianlong was still very relieved. Both of them are very trustworthy partners, and besides, they are their own wives, don't believe who they believe, one of them is a player with a flexible mind, the other is an NPC ground level master, the two little sisters cooperate, plus a group of elite vulture knights, acting secretly, nine times out of ten they will successfully bring Zheng Ma back to Xiangyun City.

Putting aside Zheng Ma's affairs, Li Tianlong concentrated on dealing with the official affairs of the Liaodong vassal state. In other words, this official is not so easy to be an official, and a lot of messy things have to be asked by him, the head of the country. Li Tianlong delegated power, a lot of chores, and not too important things were handed over to his subordinates to deal with, but it still took at least half an hour to deal with official documents every day, and his hands were sore with a brush to sign the big name.

The affairs of the Liaodong vassal state are going smoothly. Since the extermination of Wulong Village, under the planning of a group of strategists in Changshi Mansion, Li Tianlong's deeds have spread rapidly in Liaodong, although it is not a household name, but it can be regarded as a prestige, and has won a lot of hearts and support. In Youzhou NPC people, gentry, and officials have a small reputation.

Continuously crack down on the bandits in the territory of the subject country, strangle the Hu rangers who entered the territory and plunder, and return the looted property of the people, so that the public security environment around Changli City is improving day by day. The people's morale in Changli City is also rising, and a month after the destruction of Wulong Village, the people's hearts in Changli City finally climbed to 80, meeting the requirements of living and working in peace and contentment.

Duan Qili, Huan Leopard's loyalty to the two Hu generals rose smoothly to 81, and after being treated sincerely by Li Tianlong, the two of them stood under Li Tianlong's banner. The loyalty of Shi Dang, Ji Yong, and Zhao Song has also increased to 77 and 78. Gongsun Xu and the others have not changed, but their private friendship with Li Tianlong is still good.

The 100,000 high-ranking troops transferred by the counties of Youzhou to the subject state of Liaodong successfully arrived at the subject state of Liaodong under Liu Yu's order. In fact, the 100,000 troops in Youzhou are evenly distributed among the counties of Youzhou, which is only 10,000 per county, which is not much for the counties that have recently expanded their troops. Moreover, the financial resources of the Liaodong vassal states were limited, the number of barracks was limited, and they were directly facing Xianbei Karasuma, and the Taishou of the counties in Youzhou were not worried that the Liaodong vassal states would pose a great threat to them.

The original intention was to let Liu Yu give him some extra troops, but he didn't think that Liu Yu would have brought his share in advance. Although it is unpleasant, it is also helpless. Liu Yu was originally deeply dissatisfied with the large-scale expansion of troops by the county guards, and it was already very face-saving to be able to transfer the army to the subject state of Liaodong early.

The 100,000 high-ranking troops allocated by the counties, plus the captured ironclad bandits, finally replenished all the lost troops.

The "Zhao'an Order" issued did not play a role, except for a few small cottage owners with weak forces who came to surrender to Cheng with a group of low-level minions, and the bandits of those large cottages were still indifferent, which made Li Tianlong a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that he was angry, but suddenly the heroes responded, and he just took the opportunity to subdue a force in the Wuxian Mountain and expand his strength in the subject country of Liaodong. It seems that it is too simple to think for yourself.

It can only be relied on the players to suppress the bandits, Li Tianlong released a large number of bandit suppression tasks, and the merits are much higher than the players to complete the ordinary bandit suppression order; At the same time, he also took out a lot of equipment armor blades and skill books that were captured before, and even the 12,000 intermediate mountain bandit captives were also taken out as rewards for completing the task.

Players have unlimited motivation to level up, earn feats, and do quests, and a large number of players flock to the Careless Mountain to kill the bandits. Li Tianlong also sent an elite team to rotate into the mountains to hunt bandits, which can be regarded as "honoring" his previous words. It's not that I don't want to send a large army to suppress the bandits, but that will cause greater damage to the army. Now is the time to hoard troops, and you have to calculate the gains and losses carefully.

Everything is still going relatively smoothly. Thinking quietly, thinking about it, I haven't been to the prairie for a long time. Estimating that there should be some time for the Karasuma Rebellion, Li Tianlong arranged the affairs of Changli City and handed them over to Shi Dang, Zhang Ren, and Gongsun Xu to take charge of the affairs of the city, and then flew to the prairie on a vulture eagle and went to the Shen tribe.

The old man has now cultivated a number of thousand-mile-level carrier pigeons, Changli City has been able to directly communicate with Xiangyun City, Li Tianlong's small town directly exchange information, and there are also big vulture knights, and they can quickly notify themselves if there is something.

Speaking of which, after taking down other people's daughters, he rarely went to the grassland, and later established a city on the grassland, so that he could unite with the Shen tribe to expand on the grassland.

I don't know what reward Emperor Han Ling will give us if I subdue Beizhen Mountain. Li Tianlong imagined while flying towards the vast prairie.

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