June 16, 180.

Tianlong Village: Small cottage, notoriety 20, satisfaction 85, Tianlong Village troops: 1,100 minions, 93 women and children.

Looking at the numbers on the cottage order flag, Li Tianlong was very happy. Don't worry about money and food for the time being. However, the number of troops is still insufficient. Recruit all the inside first, you can't do it without soldiers. The national defense issue is the top priority, if there are tens of thousands of troops now, then it will be a wind, but think about the sky-high price now, it's a headache, hey, when will it fall, it seems that the price will be adjusted in two days, and then hehe...

Come to the barracks. I was happy for a moment. actually brushed out a lv25 archer boss, and among the 100 soldiers who were not taken away by Xiao Pepper yesterday, there was also a lv25 level swordsman boss. A number of small leaders. Spend 150 minions to recruit all 150 minions.

Let Zhang Long haha After I gave him a surname, this kid immediately increased his loyalty, and gathered all the minions recruited in the * training ground, and I stood under the mountain flag with Ping Xuechang. Looking at the phalanx of more than 300 people in front of him. Ping Xuechang was very happy, and he was glad that he finally followed a good king.

Another main guard of the village: 1 Shi lv 25 sword soldiers, with light Kai + ring head broadsword, 1 Shi lv 25 spearmen Pei Qing Kai + short guns, 1 Shi lv 22 short bow soldiers. Li Tianlong personally led it. Since the bandits were still relatively low-level, Li Tianlong had no plans to expand his escort team for the time being. It's a pity that the 1-level 25 archers who were taken away by Pepper.

first instructed Ping Xuechang to lead his men to build a cottage primary wine shop. Li Tianlong led everyone to train on the training ground. Although none of them have the art of military formation. But Li Tianlong is a player after all, he has checked the information and watched the movie. I still understand a little bit more or less. Tell the bandits some of the simplest phalanxes, circle formation knowledge, and let the big leaders practice by themselves. He gestured from time to time.

Lv20 classes will have the basic skills of their class. For example, lv20 Pu Dao Soldier will be a beginner in knife art;Lv20 Short Bow Soldier will be a beginner in archery... With the training of the training ground and the fight on the battlefield, the experience of the bandits will increase, and the skill proficiency will gradually increase. Theoretically, it's possible to upgrade to the ultimate class. But the probability is very low, and it is estimated that it is more difficult than buying 5 million in the lottery ticket.

Look at the minions under the leadership of the big boss, and the training is good. Li Tianlong also thought about his fighting ability.

Li Tianlong: Cottage Master, Level 15;Attributes: Commander 38/100, Martial Force 31/100, Intelligence 40/100, Politics 39/100, Perception 37/100, Charm 42/100 Skills: Elementary Sycophant, Yellow Emperor Neijing also bought "Bow and Archery Beginner's Guide", "Swordsmanship Beginner's Guide", "Shield Technique Beginner's Guide", you have to learn it. Increasing one's own personal strength is also a way to save one's life.

Using the "Beginner's Guide to Archery", "Beginner's Guide to Swordsmanship", and "Beginner's Guide to Shielding", the system prompts kept coming: "Congratulations to player Li Tianlong for acquiring the skill entry-level archery." "

Congratulations to player Li Tianlong for acquiring skills and entry-level swordsmanship. "

Congratulations to player Li Tianlong for acquiring the skill entry-level shield technique. "

Open the attribute panel, and sure enough, there is an introduction to archery, swordsmanship, and shielding. There is also how to use each skill. To put it simply, it's how to shoot an arrow, how to dance a sword, how to fight with a shield. The "Conquest" setting, various skill books are just an introductory guide to a skill, telling you how to learn it and how to sublimate it. Only by constantly using and comprehending can it be possible to truly master it. In reality, some ancient martial arts sects greatly appreciated this. During this period of time, it has also triggered a small upsurge of young men and women entering the martial arts hall to learn martial arts.

Li Tianlong hurriedly went offline, and on the Internet and forums, he collected a lot of stunts for practicing bows and arrows. What attention, eyesight, arm strength and so on. Now comes the actual practice.

Online, the minions are still in full swing training. Li Tianlong also walked to a corner, set a target, and began to practice archery.

100 meters, with a bow in your left hand and an arrow in your right hand. The force is exerted, and the bowstring is pulled into a full moon. Shoot. As a result, his face was full of shame, and the arrow fell halfway. It turns out that the level of the short wooden bow is too low, and the range is naturally low.

50 meters, shooting, sweating, and finally so-so touched the target, but the strength was exhausted, and the arrow fell down without strength. It was a big disappointment for the year-on-year comparison.

30 meters, shoot. Finally, I saw the arrow stuck to the wooden target. When I looked closer, the wood was too shallow, and the lethality was still not enough. After many tests, it was finally concluded that the effective range of the 10-level short bow was 20 meters.

In the first few battles, Li Tianlong was upgraded to draw a bow and shoot arrows under the protection of everyone, and the range did not exceed 20 meters. I didn't expect that. Li Tianlong was very annoyed. However, he was more afraid of pain, so he asked him to fight hand-to-hand with people with a big knife, but for the time being, he still did not have the courage and determination. Aren't we taking the commander's route, as long as there are many soldiers, we will crush him to death. Although the pain can be reduced to at least 20%, it is still painful. Li Tianlong is very good at comforting himself. However, he also admires players who choose combat classes.

Don't be discouraged and continue to shoot arrows. At level 20, you can change your bow again. When the short bow is not eye-catching, I go outside to buy a new bow. When the time comes, the power range will go up. Now the key is to practice posture, force, eyesight and something. Otherwise, when the time comes, there will be no martial arts ability at all, and you will have to be ridiculed to death by that little pepper.

In this way, Li Tianlong kept shooting arrows with his bow and posing in various poses. Standing, kneeling, lying, supine... Seeing that their kings were working so hard, the bandits felt inexplicably excited. More hard work, more attentive. One by one, the trumpets shouted startled several wild birds.

Li Tianlong and the bandits trained hard for 5 days. Finally, the results are slight. The discipline of the bandits is gradually stabilizing, the formation is also similar, and the combat effectiveness has been improved to a certain extent. Li Tianlong's archery ability has also reached a certain level, and he can hit wherever he can within 20 meters. But mosquitoes can't be beaten. Beginner archery has finally practiced intermediate archery, not bad, shooting chicks and ducklings is more than enough.

A liquor shop has also been built, and two beautiful women have been recruited from among the women and children to sell wine. And it is stipulated that each person shall not buy more than half a catty of alcohol per day. Alcohol is strictly prohibited during training hours. The business was not bad, and it sold 200 catties in 3 days.

Li Tianlong couldn't stay stunned. Now there are more than 400 people in the cottage, consuming more than 750 coins and more than 750 catties of food every day. The family is small and the business is small, and it cannot be consumed. It's not okay to sit and eat empty, what do bandits do, of course, it's robbery.

In the past two days, Li Tian has been thinking of a place to rob, but in order not to let players know about this place, Li Tian had to take out his anger at the bandit cottage in the mountains.

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