Although there is not as huge a gap between the heavy cavalry holding heavy weapons and the light cavalry wearing light armor in hand-to-hand combat as the fight between adults and children, the difference is not far behind; not to mention that the number of heavy cavalry far exceeds that of light cavalry, and there are also a huge number of light cavalry on the side to assist in the battle; one side is a tiger-like charge, and the other side is in a hasty response; one side is well coordinated, and the other side is chaotic in command, and each fights separately; it can be said that the end of the Hu and Ren coalition forces was doomed at the beginning of the battle.

In an hour, the enemy had completely collapsed under the overwhelming onslaught of heavy cavalry clusters; in two hours, the 200,000 Hu allied forces had already been wiped out; in two and a half hours, there were no standing Hu soldiers on the battlefield, and the battle was completely over.

The battle was over, the night had faded, and the sky was beginning to turn white. The Great Vulture Knight in the air came with news that the Hu reinforcements in the rear were rapidly advancing here, and it was only about half an hour away from the battlefield.

The pursuers of the Hu people continued to pursue, but because there was no effective contact and cooperation between the various tribes in a hurry, there were many gaps and fighters. If it weren't for the protection of the Li tribe and rushing to Changli City, this would be an excellent opportunity to train the combat strength of his army, increase the killing value of the army's soldiers, and improve the level of the army's soldiers;

There is not enough time to completely clean up the battlefield, but fortunately, the success of your own troops is far more than the corpses on the battlefield. While the knights quickly withdrew, they easily peeled off the iron armor on the corpse, picked up one or two blades, and took most of the equipment on the battlefield with them.

Although most of these ironclad knives and guns are just ordinary equipment, and most of them have been damaged, these remnants of armor are indeed a major source of refurnace refining iron ingots. The size of the army is increasing day by day, the number of high-level non-commissioned officers is increasing day by day, and the demand for high-level equipment is also increasing day by day.

The forging of high-level equipment requires a large number of high-quality iron ingots. Relying solely on the output of a few iron ores occupied by oneself, if the power is only at the village and town level, it will be fine; but Xiang Li Tianlong's current forces, his army, garrison soldiers, and township warriors are tens of millions, and the few iron ores in the Xu Wu Mountains are far from meeting the demand for iron ingots. Relying entirely on purchases, it was a rather staggering budget, and it was a rather difficult test for the financially strapped Li Tianlong forces.

Li Tianlong's troops will be told by Li Tianlong that after the battle, clean up the battlefield, even if it is a sword that is broken into several pieces, broken iron armor, and broken pieces of iron, they are all required to collect them and go back to the ironmaking shop to smelt them into iron ingots.

A battlefield of this magnitude can recover a considerable amount of iron ingots, which is very impressive. Some wealthy forces may look down on such an act of picking up rags, and Li Tianlong is not the kind of person who talks about face and pomp.

The knights picked up a piece or two of equipment and hurried after the migratory procession, which had already departed. As early as the middle of the night, when the heavy cavalry launched a charge, the people of the Li tribe went on the road in the dark under the protection of another 80,000 Li tribesmen's troops. At this time, even if they are tired, people have to get up and hurry quickly, and the final journey must not fall short.

After Zhang Ren, Zhao Yu, Zhao Yun, Li Fei and others evacuated, Li Tianlong and Jade Arrow also took the Great Vulture Knight to search the battlefield for half an hour, collecting and looking for high-value equipment such as coins and skill scrolls. It wasn't until the Hu cavalry appeared on the battlefield that Li Tianlong and others stepped on the big vulture and flew into the sky.

The 200,000 Hu cavalry were almost completely annihilated, which made the Hu coalition troops who arrived at the scene one after another furious. Enraged, the coalition generals left a small number of clansmen to bury the corpses of the tribal warriors, and then led the army to set off in a rapid pursuit.

The tribal coalition pursued the migratory troops before sunset, but the coalition generals hesitated when they saw the heavily armed and iron-mounted phalanx of Changli City.

The size of this coalition army also reached 200,000 people, of which the number of heavy cavalry was much more than the vanguard of the annihilation, but it was only five or five.

The combat power of the Hu light cavalry is much stronger than that of the ordinary Han light cavalry, but in terms of heavy cavalry, the Han heavy cavalry that is well-trained and well-equipped, and is good at battle formations is far superior to the Hu heavy cavalry.

Although the generals of the coalition army were angry, they also knew that with their 100,000 heavy cavalry and 100,000 light cavalry, they would definitely not be able to defeat the Han army in front of them.

The patriarchs of the Hu tribe really didn't expect that Li Tianlong, the governor of Liaodong, would send the Changli City army deep into the prairie for the sake of the Li tribe. You must know that even Gongsun Zhan, who is notorious in the Liaodong grassland, has never sent such a large army deep into the grassland. After all, the prairie is the territory of the Hu people.

Originally, it was thought that only the 200,000 troops of the Li tribe were needed, so the scale of the chasing troops sent by the tribes was not very large. And because the Changli City army did a very good job of concealment, when the tribal chiefs received the dispatch of the Changli City Army, Zhang Ren's heavy cavalry cluster was about to converge with the migratory troops.

The chiefs of the tribes, who were greatly shaken, raised their armies and pursued them. However, it was too late in time, and it was already difficult for the large army behind to catch up with the several groups of pursuing troops sent in front.

Of course, if the troops in front can greatly block the advance speed of the migration troops of the sluggish Li tribe, the army behind will still have a chance to catch up with the army that participated in the siege and annihilation of Changli City. In that case, not only would the Li tribe be wiped out by the tribal alliance, but the Han cavalry in Changli City would also be killed under the heavy siege of the coalition army. With the loss of 350,000 elite cavalry, the military strength of Changli City will suffer serious losses. At that time, Li Tianlong, the official title of the governor of Liaodong, would definitely not be guaranteed, and it would also have a serious, even decisive, impact on the situation in Liaodong in the Karasuma Rebellion in the future.

Without the cooperation of 350,000 elite cavalry, the combat power of the chariot troops and infantry regiments in Changli City will be seriously reduced. In the battle against the huge cavalry of the Karasuma people, it will be difficult to take advantage of the previous trinity of chariot, horse, and foot. Once the army of Changli City is defeated, it will be difficult for Yangle City in Liaoxi to support it alone, and then Liaodong will be completely reduced to the territory of the Karasuma people.

Li Tianlong led 350,000 elite cavalry deep into the prairie, which was also a dangerous move and had a fairly high risk.

However, after eliminating the enemy's 200,000 vanguard troops, Li Tianlong had already occupied the initiative in the situation. Even if the 200,000 Karasuma cavalry caught up with this second group launched an attack, Zhang Ren and the others could easily block it without affecting the advance speed of the migratory troops in the slightest.

Tomorrow, the migration troops will be able to rush to the border line of the subject country of Liaodong, and under the help of Shidang's chariot corps, the chariots and horses will cooperate, even if the million cavalry of the tribal alliance army catches up, Li Tianlong is not afraid at all.

Now it can be said that the migration of the Li tribe has been basically successful. Now it is necessary to pay attention to reducing the losses of the troops as much as possible, these are their own capital. In last night's battle, although it was heavy cavalry against light cavalry, more against less, but in the face of the counterattack of the Hu cavalry, it still lost nearly 30,000 heavy cavalry, which made Li Tianlong very heartbroken, and also gave Li Tianlong a new understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Hu army, which should not be underestimated.

After a period of urgent deliberation, the generals of the tribal alliance sent 100,000 light cavalry to launch a cavalry offensive against the opponent.

Each of the 10 Hu commanders led his troops, divided into three groups, and swam rapidly towards the rear of the enemy's troops, as well as to the left and right. The superb horse control skills of the Hu cavalry were perfectly manifested in front of everyone's eyes at this moment, and the originally thick and dense cavalry clusters quickly dispersed, and two long snakes thousands of meters long quickly appeared on both sides and behind the migratory troops, and continued to shoot arrows at the migratory troops in the middle.

For this situation, Li Tianlong has long been prepared. The troops on the left side of the migration force were Gao Yuan Tiexiong's 50,000 spears and bows, and Zhao Yu's 50,000 rangers. The Han rangers and Hu rangers of the same level, the former is slightly inferior in combat power. However, under the training and strict training of Zhao Yu, a master of archery, and the increase of the commander Zhao Yu, a great master of the ground level, the combat power of this ranger unit is not inferior to the invading Hu people's light cavalry.

The defensive force on the right is 50,000 marksmen led by Li Fei himself, 50,000 sword and shield heavy cavalry; The marksmen simply stood in place, and a few rounds of rapid arrow rain attacks wiped out thousands of Huren light cavalry, and the Huren Wanfu who led the army was so frightened that he hurriedly led the team away.

In the rear were the iron spear heavy cavalry, the Xianbei light cavalry, and the Karasuma iron cavalry; seeing the enemy attacking, Duan Qili naturally led his subordinates 50,000 Xianbei light cavalry to meet him. In terms of riding and shooting, the Xianbei people and Karasuma people all learned from the Huns, and the level was also half a catty and eight taels, which was comparable.

In the face of an opponent who had already been prepared, the quality of the archers was not lower than that of his own, and the number of them was far beyond his own, and the Hu people's light cavalry was completely unpleasant. The people of the Li tribe, who were well protected in all directions, were still hurrying with peace of mind, and not a single arrow fell on their heads.

Light riding is useless, and heavy riding is obviously no match for others. After a period of light cavalry fighting, the tribal generals had no choice but to withdraw from the battle. This kind of useless work is still better to do less, but it is just a senseless loss of tribal soldiers.

The enemy gave up the battle, and Li Tianlong naturally would not lead his troops up to attack. Under the strict protection of the whole army, the migratory troops advanced rapidly. That night, the whole army did not take a short break for two hours, and then continued on its way. The reconnaissance of the Great Vulture Knight, the enemy's follow-up troops did not give up, and they were in a rapid hurry, and they could not relax yet.

In the evening of the next day, the migratory troops successfully reached the border of Liaodong vassal states and joined up with Shidang's chariot troops. When people breathed a sigh of relief, not far from the border, a huge tribal coalition cavalry also appeared, estimated to be no less than a million.

If there are two or three million cavalry, the coalition army can clean up the Li tribe and the Changli City army in one go. But millions of cavalry, and after several days and nights of hard pursuit, it was still very difficult for the tired cavalry to defeat the chariot troops of Changli City. When it comes to fighting, it's just a lose-lose situation. And it is close to Yangle City in Liaoxi, where there are also millions of troops stationed.

After a night of confrontation, the Hu cavalry reluctantly reversed the prairie. First, there is no chance of victory, and second, it is not yet time for a decisive battle.

The Hu people withdrew, and Li Tianlong naturally led the army and happily withdrew to Changli City.

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