After resting for nearly an hour, Li Tianlong led the men and horses to walk towards Karasuma Mountain Village under the guidance of Daoyi. The trip lasted about 1 hour, and the knife pointed ahead: "King, the front is the Karasuma village." "

Looking ahead, there was no one. "Where?" Li Tianlong was stunned and couldn't see the shadow of the village.

"Great King, in the valley within. "

Oh, Li Tianlong instructed Zhang Long to take the bandits to hide in the woods. He took the knife and touched it forward. Quietly lying on a hill. That's when I saw the face of the mountain village.

The valley is surrounded by mountains, and it is about 1 square kilometer inside. There are about 100 tents scattered around. The neighing of horses and the laughter of children kept coming. The curling green smoke was blown away by the breeze. What a picture of paradise.

Li Tianlong's eyes stared at the horses in the valley, good guy. There were about 100 horses. It's really itchy. It's amazing to see that guy on his horse and keep shooting his bow and arrows.

There are no defenses in the valley, except for a tall wooden gate at the exit of the valley. But looking at the people inside, all of them are cross-sword and bow-backing, and their bodies are strong, so it doesn't seem to be easy to deal with. After counting, there were about 100 strong men, and about 400 old people, children, and women combined. The valley is surrounded by mountains, and it seems that there is no other road except the road at the mouth of the valley. If you want to get in, you can only enter through the valley, so it will be difficult to succeed. The Karasuma people can shoot arrows with bows and arrows even for women and children, and when the time comes, they may not win by fighting together.

Do you want to retreat? Looking at the horses walking leisurely, these are all horses above the military level. Grab it and you'll be able to form a small cavalry right away. When the time comes, the robbery will come and go like the wind. Li Tianlong kept looking at the surroundings of the valley, hoping to find a path into the valley.

"What should I do, my lord?" asked the knife next to him in a low voice. Seeing so many people, this guy was secretly glad that he withdrew quickly last time, otherwise he would have gone to see Hades if he was entangled.

"Don't worry, wait. Li Tianlong is very unwilling. Whoever sees gold won't let it slip away in vain. Looking at the surrounding environment, Li Tianlong looked at it secretly. It seems impossible to go down. Unless there is a rope that can be hung down. I didn't bring the rope with me.

"Daoyi, do you have a rope in that cottage? "If there is, it's too late to go back and get it. Just in time for the night to attack.

"King, how can we have ropes in the deep mountains and wild forests. We all use wild vines. "

Yes, as long as it's strong, it's fine. Thinking of this, Li Tianlong became excited again. Hurriedly slipped back with a knife.

Returning to the camp, he ordered Dao and his men to cut down the sturdy mountain vines, while the others hurried to rest and gnaw on dry food.

Waiting for darkness, Li Tianlong ordered people to make more than 50 strong and reliable rattan ropes. As I noticed just now, there are some places where the mountains are not high, only about 20 meters, be careful, and climb down the rope should be fine.

Li Tianlong solemnly warned all the minions that it is strictly forbidden to speak when acting. Even if you fall down the hill from the vine, you must not cry out. For this reason, each person was asked to bite a wooden stick in his mouth. And told the bandits that each person was rewarded with 100 copper coins and 2 catties of soju for the success of the operation. A few words made the bandits enthusiastic. Wine is the bandits' greatest hobby.

It was already completely dark. Li Tianlong led everyone to quietly touch the mountain. I saw a fire lit in the middle of the tent in the valley, and a group of men and women were singing and dancing there. Li Tianlong cursed this system very much, he should go to sleep when it gets dark, the sun, what kind of bonfire party is there.

Li Tianlong found that some men and women actually left the scene halfway and went to the surrounding grass. Damn, Noai. I've seen in books that some ethnic minorities do have this situation, and I don't want this bird system to add this.

After an hour, the Karasuma people finally got tired and went back to their tents to sleep. The fire that had been lit was trampled to the point of being a heap.

After another hour, feeling that the time was ripe, Li Tianlong chose the farthest place from the valley mouth, and ordered everyone to tie the rope to the tree at one end and throw it down at the other.

By the moonlight, slowly, one by one, in Li Tianlong's fear, they finally climbed down the mountain vines.

Successful infiltration means that this village is mine.

NPCs are not like players, facing the elderly, women and children, most players are hard-hearted to kill, how cruel. But NPCs are different, especially bandit NPCs, born killers. There will be no psychological burden. This is also the difference between a player clan and an NPC clan.

Li Tianlong waved his long sword, and the bandits immediately picked up the guys and touched them like tents. According to Li Tianlong's orders, there was no wolf howling. Now the satisfaction of Tianlong Village has reached 82, and the bandits are loyal to Li Tianlong. All the orders he gave were carried out effectively.

Zhang Long also led the Broadsword Guards to kill him. Li Tianlong guarded the horses with archers and spear guards. Prevent people from escaping on horseback.

Many Karasuma people were beheaded in their sleep, and blood flowed all over the tent. The screams rang out incessantly, and the whole tent became lively. The frightened cries of women and children, the angry roars of men. By the moonlight, you can see the figure falling down continuously. In this dark night, those who wake up from their deep sleep cannot organize an effective resistance.

People kept running towards the stable, not knowing whether they wanted to run away or fight on horseback. They all fell into the hands of Li Tianlong's escort who was ambushed on the side.

While watching the fight in the tent group, he looked at the horses in the horse pen around him from time to time. Obediently, this time it is developed. All the horses in the valley are here. Roughly counted, more than 100 horses. Escort cavalry is hopeful, it's ready-made, unlike my untrained.

As the night passed, the dawn came. The battle in the valley is over. I have to say that the Karasuma people are fierce, and under such circumstances, more than 60 people were killed and more than 40 people were injured. However, Li Tianlong was overjoyed, and he didn't feel distressed.

The village of Karasuma has been completely destroyed, and the 200 or so people who survived the disaster have been driven in front of Li Tianlong.

At this time, yesterday's laughter is gone. Just a face full of sadness. Several old men, women protecting deep children, looked nervously at the murderous demon king Li Tianlong.

"My lord, please spare these children.

Li Tianlong looked at the old man in front of him, trembling. He didn't want to kill them now. It's not really murderous, and you still need NPC construction for your own cottage. In particular, these old Karasuma men should be able to raise horses and ride horses, and their minions also need to be.

"Will you raise horses?"

The old and the young are high-class grooms. The old man nodded hurriedly.

In today's world, the most important strength is the most important. Even within the Karasuma people, it is common for large tribes to annex small tribes, and it is recognized by everyone. The most important thing is survival. Hatred is rare in such low-level NPCs, as long as you find a way to increase their loyalty, whether it is Han, Karasuma, or Xianbei, they will become your loyal subordinates.

"Does anyone know how to equestrian?"

"Yes, the little old man can ride an advanced horse.

Li Tianlong also asked a stupid question. Anyone who knows how to raise a horse will definitely ride a horse. Raising horses is not only about feeding them, but also about walking them and training them.

"Hey, you're so powerful, you shouldn't be an ordinary groom, right?"

"The villain Bart used to be a member of the Xianbei Wangting Horse Farm. Later, Xianbei split and brought a part of the clan to this place. "

It's still a big shot, that's good. In the future, his own horse farm will be managed.

I'm happy, I used to envy Pepper, but now I finally have my own cavalry.

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