"General, the Wuhuan people are dispatched!" Xu

Huang heard the report, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, he gently lifted the battle axe leaning beside him, stood up, and shouted: "Lead my war horse and abandon the camp!" "

Inform the squads, get ready to assemble!"

Xu Huang straddled the horse, and with a wave of the big axe, the 1,500 horses were like ghosts, a few flickered, and disappeared into the darkness.

The subject map led 8,000 horsemen, the gate of the village was wide open, booming, and he came straight to Xu Huang's camp with high spirits.

"Lord Subject Map, that's

the Han camp!" With the faint moonlight, the subject map looked at the Xu Huang camp that seemed to be a giant beast on the hillside in the distance, and let out a cruel laugh from his mouth, "Tell the brothers, kill a Han person, reward a female slave, ten cattle and sheep!"

When the Wuhuan people heard this, they all cried wolf, their morale soared, and a cruel aura soared into the sky.


The subject map shouted violently, and the horse took the lead, and the mace in his hand danced like a wheel

! Close, close! Seeing that he had reached the land of an arrow, he waved the big stick and shouted, "Release the arrow!" The

Wuhuan people deserved to be a nation on horseback, and they all let go of the reins, clamped the horses between their hips, and shot arrows with bows with both hands, and their movements were done in one go, and their speed did not decrease at all!

The overwhelming rain of arrows covered one-third of Xu Huang's camp

! "Duo Duo Duo..."

A crackling sound of rain hitting the plantain came, but there was no scream

!!" The hesitation in the eyes of the subject chart flashed, and the mace in his hand did not stop at all, seeing that the gate was approaching, he couldn't help but wave the stick, only to hear a boom, and the wall gate that was shot by the rain of arrows collapsed unwillingly.

However, the whole camp was still silent, and there was not the slightest sound!

"He's XX, the Han people have run away!"

The subject map smashed a stick on a tent, and his mouth was scolding.

"My lord, the fire in the Han camp has not been extinguished yet, it must have just left, should we chase after it?"

"Chase! Why don't we chase!" said fiercely, he boasted in front of the elders, he wanted to exterminate the Han army in one fell swoop, and now if he returned empty-handed, his prestige must have been dealt a great blow, then, the position of the leader of the Qiaowang tribe will not be his turn!

Xu Huang stood in the distance, looking at the fire in the camp, and couldn't help but say to his own soldiers with some regret: " There is not enough firewood and grass, otherwise if you learn from Lord Guo Jia's trick to burn down the camp, you will definitely be able to leave most of these barbarians behind!" Seeing

that the cavalry of the Qiao Wang Department left the camp in a short time, Xu Huang put away his sigh and immediately ordered: "Order all squads to ride and harass in batches!"

The rear army was attacked by the Han Chinese!" "Haha," when he heard this, instead of being annoyed, he laughed out loud: "Order the rear army to drag the Han people!" As he spoke, he turned his horse's head and galloped towards the rear army!

After a few breaths, the shouting of killing gradually became quieter, and finally disappeared without a trace, and the subject map was in a hurry, and the horse whip in his hand was waved again and again, and when he arrived, he only saw a mess of Wuhuan soldiers.

"What about

people!" "My lord, the Han army shot a few waves of feather arrows

and disappeared!" "He's XX!" "When the subject map shouted that the Han people were cunning, and when he was angry, there was another shout of killing from the Chinese army!" "My lord, it's not good

, the Chinese army was attacked by the Han people!" When the subject map rushed to the Chinese army, he only saw the corpses of a hundred or ten tribal soldiers on the ground, and the Han people disappeared again!

Then, the entire army of the Wuhuan people, in different positions, was attacked and harassed by the Han army to varying degrees, which made

the subject map exhausted! "Damn! Damn!" The subject map panted, his eyes were red, and his face was extremely hideous.

Wave after wave of Han army continued to attack, so that he was very nervous tired, listening to the shouts of killing from far and near, the subject map no longer wanted how to drag the Han army, and annihilate it, at this moment, he wanted to return to the tent more than ever, hugged Mei Ji to sleep, more than ever missed the daytime sunshine.

"Hahaha..."Xu Huang waved a big axe, laughed out loud, and the color of pleasure on his face became more and more intense: "This sixteen-character formula given by the main bus is really easy to use!" Thinking of

the sixteen-character formula that Li Tianlong told him before leaving, Xu Huang couldn't help but read it softly: "The enemy advances and I retreat, the enemy is stationed and I disturb, the enemy is tired and I fight, and the enemy retreats and I chase."

"It's really a magical tactic, I, Xu Huang, have never heard of it, the lord is a pedantic celestial, a pedantic celestial!" At

this moment, a scout came to report, Huang Chang and Zhang Liao, arrived!

"Haha, it's good, it's good!" Xu Huang's saliva squirted: "Tell the two generals about the situation here, and let them ambush here!" Xu Huang pointed to a grass valley on the map with grass slopes on both sides, and said: " Tell the two generals to get them ready, and I will personally lead the troops and lead the Wuhuan people over!"

What the is this? Don't let people live on such days?

There were small groups of Han troops harassing them everywhere, and they were as smooth as loaches, and they ran away after shooting two waves of arrows, and they couldn't catch up with

them! "My lord!

I bitten!" A small handsome came to report, saying that the army had bitten the tail of a Han army.

The subject chart's face flashed with joy, and he hesitated again.

"How many people are in this Han

army?" "There are about thousands!"

"Thousands?" The subject figure frowned, pondered for a while, and said categorically: "You lead 2,000 cavalry to immediately retreat to the Han army camp and garrison it." I will lead 5,000 cavalry and chase after the Han army, and I will definitely break them into thousands of pieces!" Xu

Huang gathered all the squads under his command and let the Wuhuan people bite their tails.

"Five thousand people!" Xu Huang smiled: "Lao Tzu makes you come and go!"

Xu Huang sneered in his heart, but five thousand people, that is, the four thousand five hundred people under his command can be eaten alive, but after all, killing a thousand enemies and losing eight hundred themselves, since there is a better way, why fight hard?"

Tell the brothers, don't mess up the team, from time to time give a wave of arrows to the Wuhuan people

, hang them!" Seeing that the grass valley in front of him was approaching, Xu Huang's face smiled even more!

He looked at the Han army not far away angrily, wanting to stop the pursuit, but he couldn't let go of his skin. This time the loss is not small, if you don't have the slightest gain, how can you explain to the clansmen

?" "My lord, there is a big grass valley standing in front of us, are we still chasing

?" "The grass valley has arrived?" A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the subject map: "Could it be that the Han people still have an ambush?"

"Impossible!" The subject chart shook his head and denied this conjecture: "According to the scout's report, there are only about 5,000 Han troops near the tribe, and there are no other armies!"

"Chase!" Subject Tu gritted his teeth and said: "We must eliminate this Han army, otherwise where will I have the cheeks to go back to see the elders?"

In the grass valley, on the grass slope, Zhang Liao and Huang Chang led their soldiers to ambush them a long time ago.

"It's coming!"

Listening to the rumbling sound of the horses stepping on the ground getting closer and closer, the eyes of the two generals flashed with blood-colored excitement!

Xu Huang took the lead and led his soldiers into the grass valley, and the horses' hooves did not stop, and went straight to the other side.

After just a few breaths

, the subject chart also came in!"Everyone be careful!" Although the subject chart concluded that there was no ambush, he was also the one who led the troops, and he knew that there was no big mistake in being cautious.

"My lord, you see, the speed of the Han cavalry is even slower!" A small marshal said excitedly: "The strength of the Han people's war horses and feet is not as good as ours, and it only takes a moment of effort, they are lambs to be slaughtered

!" "Not bad!" "Subject map lifted his spirits, left everything behind, and shouted loudly: "Chase

, chase, chase!" "Kill!"

At this moment, a cannon was suddenly heard, and arrows flew on both sides of the grass valley, overwhelming the sky!

Shoot hard at Lao Tzu!" Zhang Liao's huge voice resounded through the night sky.

"Shoot the arrow as fast as you can!"

"Suffer!" The mind of the subject map was blank: "There is really an ambush

!" "My lord, retreat!"

At this time, Xu Huang, who was originally being chased, stopped at his feet, and the front army changed into the rear army, and he rushed to kill.

"Rush!" Zhang Liao and Huang Chang's soldiers threw away their bows and crossbows, drew out sharp blades and spears, and under the leadership of the two generals, like a flash flood, a few breaths poured down the hillside, encircling and drowning the Wuhuan people!

Because of Xu Huang's harassment for several hours, the morale of the Wuhuan people has plummeted, and now they have encountered an ambush, plus the subject map is discouraged, there is no command, they have been completely panicked, and they are fighting on their own, not on a scale!

"Hahaha..."Zhang Liao's laughter actually overwhelmed the roar of the battle, "I finally drank a bowl of soup this time, hahaha..." Xu Huang's

big axe swept over, and immediately his head flew into the air, and his mouth continued: " Brother Zhang, work hard, just this little person, it's really a bowl of soup, and there are still hundreds of thousands of people in the tribe group, waiting for us to take prisoners!" Zhang

Liao rode on a horse, an iron spear danced vigorously, one after another vigorously, the end was touched and killed, and the next to it was injured, "In this case, do you still say that it is said? Lao Huang and Gongming, kill!" The

three generals regarded the ten thousand armies as if they were nothing, and the heroic blood of the whole Han army was high, and the enthusiasm was very high!

The Wuhuan people listened to the conversation of the three killing gods as if no one was around, their faces were all gray, the scimitars in their hands seemed to be much heavier, and even the horses seemed to be getting slower and slower!

"Disarm and don't kill!" Xu Huang shouted, cut off the head of the subject map with an axe, and drank: "The head of the thief is dead, disarm and don't kill!"

"Ping Pong.".

The Wuhuan people seemed to be waiting for this sentence, and as soon as Xu Huang's words fell, they all threw their weapons, got off the horse, and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands. Then

, after a while, the three of them discussed for a while, left the soldiers to guard the prisoners, and immediately rushed to Xu Huang's camp without stopping, and with lightning speed, they wiped out all the 2,000 cavalry Wuhuan men entrenched in the camp, and captured them all!

The next day, at noon.

After eating and sleeping peacefully, the 10,000 Han troops who were full of energy lined up neatly outside the simple wooden fence of the Wuhuan tribe, and there was no sound. Only the three pitch-black banners embroidered with golden 'Xu', 'Huang', and 'Zhang' flew in the wind

! In the Wuhuan tribe, there was already a mess at this time!

"Great Elder, how is it good, how is it good!" The Great

Elder still drooped his eyelids and drooped from sleep, and only heard him whisper: "What else can I do now?" The Han army blocked the door and did not attack, making it clear that they wanted to capture all our troops... "

Nowadays, the entire tribe is basically full of old and young women, and there are only two or three thousand soldiers over the age of fifteen and under forty, so how can they compete with the 10,000 Han troops outside the camp?

You know, just yesterday, all the 8,000 people have been wiped out, and all the heads have been sent back.

"Surrender!" the

Great Elder said softly, "It's better to leave some seeds for our clan." If they don't surrender, the Han army will definitely slaughter all the clansmen!"

everyone nodded wordlessly, and as the Great Elder slowly walked out of the camp tent and walked towards the outside of the camp.

"Respected Han Army General

!" The Great Elder stepped forward alone, stroked his chest and saluted in front of Xu Huang and the other three generals, and said: "Our Qiaowang tribe is willing to surrender to you, please don't go on a killing spree

!" "Hahaha..."Zhang Liao laughed and said: "It's not to surrender to us, but our lord, Youzhou Mu, Li Tianlong and Lord Li

!" "You can rest assured!" Xu Huang said with a straight face: "The Lord has warned us not to abuse the prisoners." "

Then, please hand over your clan's weapons and prepare to go to Youzhou!"

The Great Elder was dumbfounded: "To... You want to go to Youzhou?"


!" Xu Huang said expressionlessly, "This is the lord's order!"

The Great Elder was stunned.

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