From west to east, a few people walked all the way, and only a few people hurried to and fro on the wide streets, which seemed very deserted. There is no way, just because the population in Zhuojun City is not large, and now the city has expanded tenfold, so the people are diluted by this, and it seems that there are even fewer people.

When I arrived at the city wall, I saw countless people, and the cement and the cement, the green bricks and the green bricks, and the city walls, like ants moving, in full swing. Among them, there are Wuhuan people, local people, old people and women, and even children and teenagers. They were all sweating, but there was not the slightest dissatisfaction on their faces, and more than that, they were happy to talk. (Due to the improvement of the game, the technology before the twenty-first century can be developed in the game in small quantities)

"Lord, the city wall has been built two zhang, I don't know..."

Li Tianlong waved his hand and smiled, and said: "The city wall of Zhuo County, now I only plan to build three zhang high, as for the width, hehe, there seems to be no hard and fast rule for this, right?"

Tian Feng said.

Li Tianlong thought to himself, the troubled times have not come, and he can't do things too much, so as not to give people a handle. Originally, Li Tianlong wanted to build a city wall that was six or seven zhang high, or even eight zhang high and five or six zhang wide, but Guo Jia reminded him that the Luoyang city wall was nothing more than that, and if it was known, there would be a big disaster.

When Li Tianlong heard Guo Jia's advice, he couldn't help but feel a sudden shock in his heart, fortunately, there was someone who understood, otherwise he Li Tianlong would be excited for a while and make a big rebellion, it would be troublesome.

If this city wall is really made like Luoyang, or even surpasses Luoyang, it will be a conspiracy. As long as he, Li Tianlong, is charged with such a crime, then in the future, there will be absolutely no day to get ahead!

The current Han has not completely rotted, and the military and material resources are still abundant and strong, if he rebels at this time... Li Tianlong thought of Dong Zhuo, Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun in the history of his previous life, and he couldn't help but shudder in his heart. Dong Zhuo and Zhang Ju only blatantly rebelled after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, but they were all desolate and bleak, and their families were ruined. Now he Li Tianlong is going to come out like this, that is, he is going against the entire Han Dynasty, tens of millions of people, and countless handsome masterpieces, and he doesn't know how he will die when the time comes!

A few people walked around the new city and returned to the newly built state pastor's mansion.

The governor's mansion is also built of red brick, but it is taller than the building next to it. In fact, according to Li Tianlong's own ideas, as long as the state pastor can live in it, it will be done, but Fu Zhi and others said that the state pastor mansion represents his Li Tianlong's majesty, and if it is built small, will it not be ridiculed?

After walking through more than a dozen steps, everyone entered the gate and followed Li Tianlong to the study.

Li Tianlong motioned for everyone to sit down, and asked someone to serve tea, and then said: "Zhuojun City is too big, the population is too small, and the remaining houses and shops are very deserted. I don't know if you have any suggestions to make Zhuo County prosperous as soon as possible?"

Guo Jia frowned and pondered for a moment, but there was no good way, so he had to shrug his shoulders and express his helplessness to Li Tianlong. Li Tianlong nodded understandingly. After

thinking for a while, he first replied: "My lord, the population problem is easy to solve, and now that the number of displaced people is becoming more and more abundant, it is effortless to recruit them.

"This is not the main problem," Li Tianlong shook his head lightly, "What I want is prosperity and development."

Tian Feng's eyes lit up at this time, and he said: "If you want the city to prosper, businessmen must be indispensable

!" "Haha, Yuan Hao's words are reasonable!"

Li Tianlong laughed and said: "That's what I mean." Merchants are conducive to the circulation of materials, can drive the economic development of Zhuo County, and can create a large amount of tax revenue.

"I was thinking about this a few days ago, and after thinking about it, I finally came up with a good solution.

Seeing the look of a few people listening attentively, Li Tianlong smiled slightly and said, "I am going to send people around to inform the major merchants of Dahan and ask them to send representatives to Zhuo County for a business meeting."

"First, I encourage commerce in Zhuo County, and the legal environment is much more relaxed than other places in Dahan, so they can't be tempted.

"Second, although Zhuo County has a small population, it seems that it has little commercial potential, and it is located in the north of Xinjiang, and the roads are difficult to navigate, but my Zhuo County is in the midst of rapid development, the population will grow rapidly, and I have many new technologies in my hands, which will definitely attract them."

"Third, as long as they want to set up a branch or directly want to move their headquarters to Zhuo County, then I can auction off the commercial buildings on the main street, and I can make a lot of money at that time."

"Finally, there is the issue of laws and regulations. Zhuo County is prosperous and the population has increased, so it is inevitable that there will be many dispute cases, so Changwen must be well checked.

When a few people heard this, after thinking for a while, they suddenly smiled.

What Li Tianlong said is indeed not bad, Zhuojun now burns bricks, fires cement, and smelts steel, and the technology of smelting steel is almost countless years ahead of the Han Dynasty, so the businessmen are not moved. Although cement and steel are restricted-level items, Li Tianlong will definitely not let them be sold, but he still has a lot of civilian technology in his hands, and when the time comes, throw them out one by one, hehe, the merchants are still not eager to take it?

Although the power of those guilds in the game is big enough, no one can sit in the position of Youzhou Mu like Li Tianlong, and at the same time, they don't realize that the outside technology can be used in the game.

But after a while, you may know that it will be too late.

Now that it's decided, it's easy to do. Immediately, Li Tianlong sent people to the Central Plains to inform the Central Plains Commercial Bank and the Zhen family, and invited major merchants in the Han Dynasty to gather in Zhuo County during the Spring Festival next year to hold a business conference.

Then, a notice about business development was posted.

In a short time, the bulletin boards in the streets and alleys of the entire city of Zhuojun were already plastered with government notices.

People gathered in a group and scrambled to watch.

On a bulletin board, an old man stood at the front and read slowly: "Here, notice to the people of Zhuo County, the state pastor issued a policy... Those who have the mind to craft can get a façade at the place where they are engaged in frustration from now on, or open a wine shop or restaurant, or open a tea house cloth village... Families who participated in the construction of Zhuo County can receive a façade for free, and those who have not participated can get it in the form of a loan, and pay off 10% every year... The people of Wangzhuo County actively participated and contributed to the prosperity of Zhuo County..."

"Wow, there is such a good thing

!""Get it for free!Haha, my three sons of the old man have participated in the construction of Zhuojun New Town

, it's really cool!"Hey, it's really XX, why am I blinded by lard and didn't participate?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't participate, you see, it's not that you can get it for free, but when you make money, you can pay it back slowly, it's not the same!" "


!" "Guys, let's go!

" "Let's go!"

... In

the past ten days, he was so busy that he lost weight. Within ten days, more than 20% of the small facades in the streets and alleys of Zhuojun were distributed, and all the people who had some skills at hand took advantage of this great opportunity to receive a storefront.

Regardless of whether you make money in the future or not, everyone feels that they have earned it now. In particular, the families who participated in the construction did not move a penny and picked up a title deed for nothing.

Chinese, especially the ancients, always have a special preference for housing and land.

This craze slowly spread from Youzhou to the entire Han Dynasty.

It is said that the news spread from Youzhou to Dahan, and there were many merchants from Dahan, in addition to buying and selling daily necessities, more merchants were selling horses, salt and iron. When these merchants heard about Zhuojun's policy, they went to Zhuojun and vowed to get a few storefronts!

More than 10 days had passed, and the construction of the city wall had come to an end, and Li Tianlong began to hold a celebration of the new city. Among them, Tian Chou was in charge.

A few days later, the walls were completed.

The next day, the Zhuojun New Town Celebration and the military barracks outside the city were held.

In the entire Zhuo County, millions of people, young and old, all hit this huge military camp schoolyard. Even Li Tianlong authorized the Wuhuan people to send representatives to participate in this celebration.

Li Tianlong first went up and made a short speech, saying that because of the efforts of the people, today's new city is possible, and finally asserted that Zhuojun will be better.

The people looked at him feverishly, shouted his name, and danced and shouted to start the first celebration in the history of Zhuo County.

The festival lasted for twelve hours, and from morning to night, people sang and danced.

There are wrestling competitions, there are special dances, there are old people telling stories to the children in a circle, and there are women doing chores together.

Li Tianlong wore ordinary clothes, shuttled through the crowd, and had fun with the people.

.. A

few days later, Zhuojun officially entered the right track, and teahouses and restaurants rushed to open, rendering a new city, and gradually colorful.

As for the Wuhuan people, they were given a task by Li Tianlong and began to build a galloping road north of Zhuo County to the grassland. He must be ready for the conquest of foreign races. "Keep up, keep up

!" "Crackle!"

"Bastard, who told you to stop!Pick up your backpack and put it on your back!"


Li Tianlong, dressed in coarse cloth clothes, stood quietly at the head of the city, looking at the army outside the city that was running around the tenfold expansion of Zhuo County, and there was no ripple in his heart. A breeze blew, the hair on the corners of his forehead fluttered, and his robes flew off.

The soldiers who were running long distances under the city wall had already undergone Li Tianlong's initial special training, and their strength, endurance, and discipline were all unsatisfactory. However, Li Tianlong often said that sweating more in peacetime and shedding less blood in wartime was cited by all the generals and officers, so they did not give up this training because they had already met the standards, but on the contrary became even more severe!

The soldiers wore heavy and brand-new heavy armor, carried swords, and carried dozens of pounds of iron burdens on their backs, and circled around the new city one after another, sweating and fogging.

Shi Chang, Wu Chang and other middle and low-level officers, who were also dressed up and carrying a horse whip in their hands, followed the team, while encouraging the soldiers under their command, they shouted and cursed, and even insulted!

"Lord, with such strict training, will the soldiers be..."

Guo Jia and the others were all busy because of important matters, only Tian Chou, the Zhuojun Commander, was not very busy today, and followed Li Tianlong's side.

"Definitely," Li Tianlong didn't look back, squinted at the faintly undulating mountains in the distance, and said with a smile: "You say that the soldiers mutinied, do you know under what circumstances did the soldiers mutiny?"

"When I can't stand it." Tian Chou replied.

"You're saying too general. Li Tianlong shook his head and said: "There are several reasons for the mutiny. The main thing is the collapse of the will. For example, if two countries are at war, and one of them has lost its momentum and there is no possibility of victory at all, the soldiers at that time may go crazy and mutiny; for example, if the new army is not properly trained, it may mutiny when it encounters setbacks; or even if it loses one battle after another, the food and grass are exhausted, and the soldiers who have been hungry for seven or eight days may also mutiny.

"The more elite the army, the stronger the will of its soldiers, and the less likely it is to mutiny. Now that my Zhuo County is thriving, the people are well fed and clothed, the soldiers are well paid, they have meat three times a day, they are full of energy and enthusiasm, and they train a little hard, how can there be a mutiny?"

"What's more, I am doing this for their good. Sweat more in peacetime, shed less blood in wartime! In addition, officers at all levels, that is, Xu Huang, Yan Liang and others have trained with them, and there has never been a privileged class, so I can't find any reason for them to be dissatisfied, let alone mutiny?"

Tian Chou listened, thought for a moment, and said, "The lord is wise. A

few people watched quietly from the city wall, pointing to the training team not far away from time to time, and talking about it, and it was soon an hour.

At this time, a small servant from the state pastoral government came to report, saying that Guo Jia had something important to discuss.

Li Tianlong listened, did not delay, turned around immediately, and looked at the Zhou Pastoral Mansion.

"My lord. In

the Governor's Mansion, Guo Jia looked calm, bowed, followed Li Tianlong, and strode into the study.

"Feng Xiao, usually you kid is smiling, what's the matter..."Li Tianlong pointed at Guo Jia with a smile and said, "Could it be that our ghost is also stumped by something?"

"Lord, Feng Xiao went to inspect various places this time and found some unusual things.

Guo Jia said: "Now Zhuo County is calm and peaceful, thriving, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, but on the way back this time, I was robbed by bandits

!" "What!" Li Tianlong stood up with a pout: "Are you hurt!" Looking at Li Tianlong's

nervous appearance, Guo Jia's heart warmed, and said: "Don't worry, my lord, Jia has nothing to do." The thirty guards sent by the lord to protect Jia are all good hands with one enemy or even one enemy thousand, how can a few

bandits hurt Jia?" Li Tianlong exhaled at this time, and suddenly remembered what Guo Jia had just said, his mind turned, and he couldn't help but say: "Feng Xiao is saying that there are still bandits in my Zhuo County?"

"This... How is this possible?"

Li Tianlong saw Guo Jia nodding, his eyes widened, and he said incredulously: "Now that Zhuo County's policy is relaxed, and the people have hundreds of stones of surplus grain, how can it be better than being a bandit, right?

"What the lord said is true, Jia used to think so, and this time on the cruise, he only met such a group of people on the way back. In Jia's opinion, this trend has just emerged!

" Guo Jia said Kankan: "The people will not become bandits that everyone shouts and beats for no reason, there must be a reason for this!" "Jia

guesses, first, this group of bandits is just accidental, maybe from Youbeiping, Guangyang or Shanggu.

"Second, maybe it's some lazy scum who don't do anything about production, seeing that Zhuojun is abundant, they think about it.

"Third, it may be those who are accustomed to bandits, who are accustomed to robbing homes and houses, and get something for nothing.

"Finally, and most seriously, are those local tyrant families who were suppressed by the lord and confiscated or bought land at a reasonable price!" Li

Tianlong frowned the more he listened.

"First, if you are a wandering thief, you only need to send an army to exterminate it. "

Articles 2, 3 and 4 . Hehe, do some people think that the policy is too relaxed, Lao Tzu has a peaceful temperament, and he is easy to bully?!"

A trace of anger loomed between Li Tianlong's eyebrows. He stood up, walked back and forth a few steps, slapped the table, and said gloomily: "In this case, Lao Tzu will teach them a lesson!"

and thought of his sister, I made a fortune from the bandit cottage, but I didn't expect that someone would come out before it was cleaned up, and if it didn't work, it must be suppressed.

Guo Jia only felt that the temperature of the entire study room immediately dropped by more than half, and the light became dim, so he couldn't help but shiver, and silently prayed in his heart for those who were looking for death.

"No matter what the facts are, Feng Xiao, immediately order, closely monitor the hooligans everywhere, the family is strong, as long as there is a little clue, kill-no-pardon!"

The last few words popped out from between Li Tianlong's teeth, and Guo Jia seemed to see a thick blood light.

The next day, a bulletin board in the city of Zhuo County.

"There are bandits rampant, please pay attention to safety on the road of all merchants and people... If there is a clue, and the Wangzhou Pastoral Government informs you, the reward is fifty gold..."

"Wow, there are still bandits in Zhuo County?"

"It's amazing! There are plenty of food and clothing these days

, and there are still people who are bandits, what a fool!" "But no, the state pastor issued a decree at the beginning, saying that the thieves and grass can be attributed to the good people, and the past is not to blame, and now in Zhuo County, which family is not a well-off life, there are people who dare to do this business..."

"That's looking for death!"

But no, the state pastoral master is a martial artist, and the Wuhuan Iron Cavalry does not dare to follow its edge, and now this thief actually hit his neck with a knife..."

These remarks soon spread throughout Zhuojun City, and people talked about it without the slightest worry.

Inside the inn.

A few newcomers from other places, who were in the dust, were eating meat and drinking wine, listening to the remarks of the locals around them, and they couldn't help but look at each other.

"I said big brother, it's really strange that the people of Zhuo County are not afraid of thieves!" The

big brother snorted and said, "I also wonder, now the grass is overgrown in all parts of the Han Dynasty, and the people are all trembling, and the performance of the people of Zhuo County is really puzzling to a certain family."

"Hey, big brother, I don't know," one of them said with a smile: "Zhuojun Governor is not a good stubble, you think, the Wuhuan Cliff King, more than 200,000 people, were burned to death by him, and the old and weak women and children were all arrested as coolies. Such a fierce character, where is the turn to get the arrogance of the bandits, he only needs to send an army, and in a few days, he will be wiped out. "

Yes, yes!" a few nodded yes.

"The environment of Zhuo County is so peaceful, big brother, why don't we move to Zhuo County for development?"

"Huh..."The eldest brother pondered for a moment, patted his head, and suddenly said: "What Xiao Si said is reasonable! Look at this Zhuo County, this city has a unique flavor, not to mention the magnificence, it is the policy that encourages business, and it is also our gospel!"

"But big brother, let's not talk about selling horses, this salt and iron are all taboo!"


Although Zhuo County is a remote place, there are many big and powerful people. At the beginning, Li Tianlong acted vigorously and resolutely, and after the Zhang family was uprooted in an instant, the biggest hero in Zhuo County was the Hu family.

The Hu family originally occupied an area of 1,000 hectares and had nearly 1,000 private soldiers, but because they were afraid of Li Tianlong, their fields and properties were sold to the government at a flat price, and the private soldiers were obediently disbanded, and now they are transforming into commerce.

Li Tianlong saw that the Hu family was obedient, so he didn't take him into the pot.

Hu family, secret room.

"Old Man Hu, look...",

a voice sounded in the darkness.

"No, my Hu family is not involved in your business. The old man's voice came: "I warn you, don't underestimate Lord Liu, the governor of the state, otherwise the family will be ruined and killed, so you can wait for yourself!"

"Master Hu..."


the deep voice remembered again in the darkness.

"Fei'er, do you think there's something wrong with your father's decision?"

"Father, Fei'er just...

"Okay! I know what you mean. Do you think that the entire Zhuo County, all the families united, can force Li Zhoumu to compromise and retreat, and finally return to the previous state, and the powerful family still controls the military and government?"

"You are wrong! They are all wrong! These people are blind!" "You are all blinded by today's relaxed policy! Li Zhoumu is indeed approachable, and he really loves the people like a son, but there is a premise

!" "

What he needs is the voice of the whole Zhuo County, and he is the only one!"

"Do you remember the Zhang family? Do you remember how many people died that time?"

"Li Zhou Mu first came to Zhuo County, and without any external help, he was able to pacify the Zhang family, and now he is in power, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, who is still his opponent!"

"The old man is sure that this time, Zhuojun will be bleeding like a river again!"

'Huhuhu...' A heavy gasp came from the darkness, and the middle-aged man groaned for a long time before he said: "Doesn't Li Tianlong know, we have a heart or not..."

"Rebel, you want to send the Hu family to the grave?!" "I'm sure that their little thing has been known

to the state pastor, and they are doomed!" "Also, in the future, you will call the state pastor, if you dare to disobey, the old man will not break your legs

!" "Fei'er, tomorrow you will go to the state pastor's mansion and tell the adults what happened here, my Hu family, I want to show loyalty to him!"


Pastoral Office.

"Fengxiao, what's wrong?"

"Lord, a few mysterious people came

out of the Hu family overnight and looked out of the city!" "Hehe, the Hu family..."Li Tianlong sneered for a while, and said: "Send me to guard, follow carefully, and find out the source!" "

Yes, lord." "

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