The sky was gloomy and gloomy, and the scenery was foggy, but the heavy rain had just stopped.

This is a small rural village, and from a distance, the village surrounded by wooden fences is lined with houses.

It was just before noon, and it was supposed to be the time for families to make lunch, but in this village, there was not even the slightest trace of cooking smoke.


against the gray sky, the chirping of insects was particularly clear.

On the muddy country road, the muddy muddy water flowed through the cracks of the tunnel, bringing out a different kind of bright red! Along

the dazzling muddy water, I saw

that there was an arm under the fence outside the village! The arm was claw-shaped, and there were many different handfuls of hairs between the fingers

! At the broken arm, the tendons stretched out, and the skin and muscles were tangled, as if they had been twisted and then torn off!

The sound of thunder was getting closer and closer, and finally, I saw a black line on the official road not far from the village, and a thin line became thicker and thicker.

"Captain Wu, there's a small village over there, I've been here before, let's go over and have a look?"

The loud voice actually suppressed the sound of the muddy explosion and thunder of the horses.


replied in a crisp and decisive voice.

"Just behind this wood... Hmm, the smell of blood!Captain Wu..."


Commander Wu choked and pulled out the long knife at his waist, and pulled the reins of his horse, slowing down.

"Little Liuzi, take two people, touch them and take a look

!" "Yes

!" Several knights grabbed their horses' bellies, got out of the queue, clutched their blades in their hands, and went straight to the small village

! "Ah! Son of a bitch! Damn! Damn!"

After a while, there were a few terrible roars from the other side of the woods, and Shi Chang's eyes tightened, and with a wave of his big hand, he led dozens of his men through the woods, looking in the direction from which the sound came from.

Shi Chang could hear that the voice was made by Xiao Liuzi and the others.

The saber and gun of this army were unsheathed, and their posture was lowered, and their backs were bent over, like a large bow with a full string, taut and tight, and the momentum was as sharp as a feather arrow that was about to shoot out at any moment.

"Shi Chang! Shi Chang! You want to avenge the villagers!" At

the entrance of the village, several mud monkey-like figures stumbled out, covered in black armor and dirty, and immediately cried when they saw the team.

As soon as Shi Chang pulled the reins of his horse, the soldiers behind him all stopped for a moment, and the movement was like a person.

"What's the matter!" Shi Chang's face sank, and he drank: "As a soldier, as a cavalryman, you have abandoned your cavalry weapon, like a monkey rolling in the muddy water, shouting bitterly, like something! "Stand

up!" "Yes!" Obviously with a hoarse cry, several people immediately straightened up.

"Now tell me what's going on

!" "Report to Chief, the whole village has been slaughtered

and dismembered!" "Huh?"

Chief's face froze, and his eyes flashed in disbelief: "You mean, all of them were dismembered!?"

"Report Chief, yes!".

As soon as he reined in the reins of his horse, he marched into the village, and when he looked around, he saw that on the muddy village road, there were heads all over the place, a pair of desperate eyes were dead, his arms were pale and weak by the rain, a large intestine hung on a small tree by the roadside, and half of his heart was missing!

The tendons of his left hand, where he held the reins, protruded and the joints were blue and white, and his right hand was grasping as if he was about to grasp something.


"Who! Who did it!" The

entire group of soldiers, looking at the miserable village in front of them, all fell into a rampage, roaring and shouting one by one, and searched the village inside and outside with their blades, and only after finding no enemy did they calm down.

"What's the chief..."Xiao Liuzi's eyes were crimson, his eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was fierce, but he hesitated.

"What a discovery. Shi Chang's face was expressionless, and his voice was faint, as if nothing had happened, but the tightly pursed lips showed his turbulent mood.

"Shi Chang, the villagers of the entire village were not killed by sharp blades, looking at the wound, it should have been torn to death by brute force. There were many messy but very large footprints on the ground, all barefoot, without shoes. Also, the enemy killed people and robbed grain and grass, but they did not touch the copper coins, gold and silver, but took all the agricultural tools and kitchen utensils. "

In that case..."Shi Chang tried his best to recall all the enemies of the Great Han Dynasty, but he didn't think of even the slightest bit of information.

"Don't touch everything here yet, we will rush back to the main army at once, report it, and let the general decide!" With

a wave of his hand, the commander gathered his soldiers together, and then immediately left the village and went to the official road.

As soon as the cavalry left, several tall figures suddenly appeared in the woods, and a few cruel eyes stared at the back of the cavalry until they disappeared.

Outside the barracks.

Li Tianlong was dressed in military uniform, standing straight, staring at the map hanging on the wall with a pair of eyes, and his fingers unconsciously touching his chin.

Guo Jia was beside him, calmly lifting the wine jug, and drank the wine one after another.

"Fengxiao, do you think I'm worried too much?" Li Tianlong didn't look back, and kept staring at the map.

I want to think about when his sister's game has increased and changed.,Now the chat system is gone, and it's really troublesome to rely on carrier pigeons.,I hope I don't make any ancient xenomorphs or something.。

Guo Jia shook his head and said softly: "Jia and the lord have the same feeling, the fact that Panxi happened is too weird, the enemy is dark and I am clear, it is really difficult to start."

"I can't figure it out, there is no news coming out of the huge Panxi County, it's unbelievable

!" "Yes!" Guo Jia sighed and said: "Throughout the ages, nothing like this has ever happened!"

The two of them were heavy and silent.

"In this way, the order will go down, let the two counties of Liping and Pinggu immediately enter a state of alert, and send the standing county soldiers in the city to block all the traffic arteries in the east.

"Well, that's the only stupid way to do it. Guo

Jia took the order.

Time passed slowly, and by the afternoon, the clouds in the sky had dispersed, and wisps of blazing sunlight were like sharp swords, piercing the earth to the ground and cracking.

Li Tianlong didn't eat lunch and sat quietly in the tent.

At this time, Guo Jia came back.

"Lord, there's news!" Li

Tianlong stood up and said busily: "Come quickly."

"My lord, the scouts under General Zhang Fei have come to report that there are villages in Panxi that have been slaughtered, and the methods are very cruel, and they are all torn apart alive...!"

"The signs left by the enemy are incomprehensible, and from the perspective of Yijia, it doesn't look like it is man-made, but it should be attacked by wild beasts!"

Li Tianlong frowned and said, "What kind of beast has such a skill? Killing at least 100 people in a village, but not letting a single person escape alive?"

"Besides, the ones that can tear apart people with brute force are at least large beasts, but large beasts survive alone, and one or two cannot cause the slightest damage to any village. "The people of the north are fierce, which village has no hunters?"

But the lord, even the murderous Xianbei and Wuhuan, has never used this method!" Guo Jia said: "And the Buyeo and Goguryeo in the northeast are not so ferocious, and these two countries are very far away from Yuyang, and there are Wuhuan, Xianbei, Xuansu, Liaoxi, Liaodong and Youbeiping in the middle, so it is impossible to fight here."

Li Tianlong nodded slightly, and said, "Fengxiao, you said, is this just the work of a few murderous generals? The scout only probed this place, and the situation in other places is not yet known. "

This possibility cannot be ruled out. Guo Jia's eyes narrowed, and he said, "But Jia still thinks that this should be the work

of the 'beast'!" "Why?" Li Tianlong was puzzled: "Didn't I explain it just now?"

"The main guild is wrong," Guo Jia said: "Jia's meaning, we may have encountered the ethnic group that appeared in the eyes of the Han for the first time! If Jia's prediction is right, the entire Panxi County, nearly 100,000 people, I'm afraid..."

He remembered that sentence - butterfly effect

! He rummaged through all the events related to the end of the Han Dynasty in his mind, and he was sure that there had never been a similar incident, so the only reason was because of the change in the master brain of the game, which made some unpredictable elements added to the long river of history

! Li Tianlong clenched his fists, and his heart was a little hesitant, but then he became more determined!

Feng Xiao, immediately give an order, all the scouts poured out, and they must find out the situation for me. In addition, gather a large force and set sail for Panxi at once, and must arrive before dark!"

"Yes, my lord. "

Panxi County New Town.

The old city of Panxi was burned to ruins by Li Tianlong a few years ago, but now Panxi is a new city built at the same time as Yuyang City. From a distance, the two-zhang high city wall made of cement, blue bricks, and boulders is smooth and flat, and the knife is sharpened and axed.

When I looked closely, the city wall was covered with mottled black spots, which were actually patches left after the blood had dried up!

Inside the city, Pan Xi Ling Lin Li took off his Confucian robe and changed into a military uniform. His right hand had been tightly pressed against the hilt of the sword at his waist, and he was patrolling with a cadre of officials behind him.

An old man staggered forward, trembling and giving a salute, raising his dry face, staring at Lin Li with a pair of anxious eyes, and said hoarsely: "My lord, can Pan Xi still hold on?" Lin Li

took two steps forward, helped the old man, a reluctant smile flashed on his face, and said: "Three or four days after the accident in Pan Xi, I have sent a large number of people to Yuyang to report the news, thinking that the army of Lord Zhou Mu is about to arrive, and then those wild people will all be strangled, and the old man is relieved." "

Hmm..." The old man couldn't help but nod when he heard this, and most of the anxiety on his face disappeared: "As long as Lord Zhou Mu comes, everything will be fine!" The

people around him also nodded in agreement.

"But before the state pastor comes, I hope that the villagers can cooperate with me and keep Pan Xi firmly and not let the wild man cross the thunder pond, Lin Li is here to thank everyone!"

The surrounding people didn't even dare to say it, but the county order was relieved that this was their home, and they would naturally protect it.

Lin Lixin said, as long as the people's hearts are still there, they can stick to it, but... Lord Governor, when will I be able to come... Those arraigned sons, I'm afraid... His heart was sour, thinking of the overwhelming savages in the woods outside the city, he didn't have any confidence in his heart, and only hoped that Li Tianlong could find out about Panxi's strange state as soon as possible and lead his troops to rescue him as soon as possible.

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