"Sons, quickly pick up your blades and follow me out of the enemy's ranks!" he

commanded, without raising his jaw, lifting the savage king and placing it on his horse.

"Huh, I said you're deaf, what's the matter?"

Zhang Jaw was about to get on his horse, but found that something was wrong, and when he looked up, my obedient man, saw that the savages in all directions were whining and roaring, and they retreated like a tide, and became confused, and in a few breaths they had already left a hundred feet away, leaving this cavalry alone in the center of the battlefield.

"It's... This is—"

General!, the enemy has retreated!

" "We have repelled the enemy, oh!" The

soldiers were silent for a moment, and then suddenly burst out, and the shouts of excitement resounded through the clouds like a torrent!


The savage king was captured alive, and the remaining army of seventy or eighty thousand was so timid that they had lost their backbone, and they rushed out in all directions.

Guo Jia was condescending, looking at the chaotic savages from a distance, and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

The horsemen with open jaws have been rampage in the formation for a long time, and have gradually lost their speed and energy, and if they do not achieve victory, they will definitely be dumplings and served by savages. Guo Jia's subordinates are such a mobile force, if all of them are killed, it will be the last to subdue this group of savages, and the gains will outweigh the losses, not to mention that there is also Zhang Jaw, a general that Li Tianlong particularly values? If Zhang Jaw has three long and two short, how should he Guo Fengxiao explain to Li Tianlong?

At this time, the infantry army formation has also stopped chasing and killing, and one by one they stupidly look at the wild men scurrying in the distance, not knowing what to do. Do you take this opportunity to chase and kill, or let it go?

Fortunately, Guo Jia will have the order.

"The military division has an order, leave some of the men and horses to clean up the battlefield

, and the rest of the squad division will return to the city!" "The military division has an order, the squad division will return

to the city!" Zhang Jaw led the cavalry army with only more than 3,000 people left, all the way back to the city, but before he entered the camp tent, he saw a mouthful of blood on the horse's back, with his jaw raised to the sky, and he swayed and planted his horse.

Guo Jia was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly summoned Langzhong in the city for treatment.

Not to mention how Guo Jia will recover the savage tribe next, let's talk about Xu Huang and Zhang Liao who drove the army out of the upper valley.

On the same day, the two received Li Tianlong's order and immediately led the troops to Shanggu. The 50,000-strong army marched out of the territory of Zhuo County at a very fast speed, and arrived at the ground of Junjun Mountain at the junction of Shanggu and Guangyang.

After camping on the spot, Xu Huang and Zhang Liao looked through the map with the main tent and prepared to formulate a strategy.

"Brother Zhang, look. This Junjun Mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, although it is not precipitous, but it is also dense jungle, if the Xianbei army is ambushed in the main road in the mountain, I am afraid it will not be easy to get along!"

Xu Huang pointed to the map.

"It's not that serious. Zhang Liao shook his head and retorted: "Behind Junjun Mountain, there are Juyong Pass and Juyong, and the two places are in a corner trend, and there are a lot of defenders. As long as these two places are not lost, how dare the Xianbei army go deep alone and come to this army Pengshan?"

"No!" Xu Huang said: "The Xianbei army is one million, and it is more than enough to divide several departments to contain these two places, and even plunder them everywhere. So, I'd better be careful. "

Then what do you mean..."Zhang

Liao looked up at Xu Huang and asked slowly.

"He Xianbei can ambush and sneak attack, why can't we?" Xu Huang smiled and said: "Aren't the infantry troops all trained in jungle warfare, Brother Zhang led a part of the infantry army at night and went deep into the mountains and forests." I led the rest of the army by myself, and took the Yangguan Road, hey, the two of us cooperated with each other openly and secretly, and they were each other's horns, no matter what kind of ambush and sneak attack he had, they were all local chickens and dogs.

"Reasonable!" Zhang Liao's face was filled with joy, and he said: "There is no loss inside and outside, just do it." Early

the next morning, the army marched and went straight to Juyong Pass along the official road.

Outside the city, Xianbei camp.

As Xu Huang expected, Xianbei actually sent a large army to besiege Juyong, and now although he has not attacked the city, the army is overwhelmed by the pressure of the Juyong defenders.

Inside the Xianbei camp.

A young general sits in the main seat.

He was dressed with a gold-sheathed scimitar, dressed gorgeously, and embellished with gold, silver and jade, as if he was not a general who fought in a war, but a son who was on a spring parade.

"Everyone," the young man's eagle eyes swept the generals under the tent, and said in a deep voice: "The scout is coming to report, the 300,000 troops of the Han army have entered the ground of Junjun Mountain, and they will enter the Juyong Pass in a few days, and the threat is quite great. "

Fuck him!" the

fierce and rude Xianbei generals all became silent.

The siege of Juyong has been more than a few days, and the generals want to lead their troops to break through the city, plunder gold and silver treasures, beautiful women, grain and grass. But the coach didn't give the order, and what could he do, so everyone was depressed. At this time, when they heard that the reinforcements of the Han army had arrived, they naturally competed for the first place, wanting to have a good time.

"It's definitely going to be hit. The young man in Chinese clothes held the handle of the knife at his waist and said, "But how to play, you have to discuss a foolproof strategy, which is right." "

What Prince Budugen said is reasonable," the bearded Xianbei general stood up, stroked his chest and saluted, "In my opinion, it is better to ambush the soldiers and sneak attack." "


Bu Dugen raised his eyebrows and said, "You can talk about it carefully." "

Yes, Prince. The

bearded man pondered for a long time and said, "If the Han army wants to relieve the siege of Fuyang, it must march as fast as possible. Then only the trail of Junjun Mountain is the most convenient. Although the terrain of Junjun Mountain is not dangerous, it is also overgrown with trees, making it a good place for ambushes. "


, the step was silent for a minute, and there was no expression on his face.

"It's a plan, and it's not bad. If you have any suggestions, please let them know. "

The generals under the tent, you look at me, I look at you, and they all feel that there is no better strategy than an ambush and sneak attack, so they collectively lost their voices.

The root of the step is helpless. The Xianbei people charged into battle, and it was not bad to sacrifice their lives and forget about death, but this brain was a little unbright, this was born, and there was no way to do it.

"If you don't say it, listen to me.

Budugen said: "I think that the ambush strategy is not appropriate, at least it does not have much effect.

"Why is this so

?" "First of all, do you know who the reinforcements are?" "

Li Tianlong, yes, it is the Youzhou Mu who defeated the strong with the weak and broke the Wuhuan with a big break. Of course, he is still the general of Zhenbei, the captain of Wuhuan.

"He can use a weak county soldier to break five times the Wuhuan Iron Cavalry, and his brain must be very useful, and it can be said that he is cunning.

"Do you think that such a cunning Han people can't imagine that there may be an ambush in Junjun Mountain?"

"If you really do this, I'm afraid it will be impossible to steal chickens, uh, what are you eclipse, oh, eclipse rice."

Everyone under the tent was stunned, looking at Budugen with admiration, and looking at the little prince of Xianbei as fluttering.

"Hehe, my father attaches great importance to Li Tianlong, and once said that Li Tianlong is a great enemy in life, and when facing the enemy, you must be cautious. For this reason, he also specially studied all the battles that Li Tianlong experienced. Budugen's tone was obviously much more relaxed.

"After Li Tianlong defeated the 50,000 army of the King of Cliffs, he only sent 10,000 people to subdue the King of Cliffs. At this time, there were still 20,000 soldiers in the Cliff King's Army. How did you say that these 10,000 people defeated 20,000 iron horsemen and successfully captured hundreds of thousands?"

"Harassment!" "Xu Huang, the general under Li Tianlong, used the strategy of harassment to confuse the enemy's mind, and finally divided them and annihilated them in one fell swoop

!" "

Therefore, I am also going to use this strategy this time to use the way of others to govern their bodies!" "

What do you think?"

After listening to this, the generals pondered one by one. It was still the bearded man who had the most brilliant brain, and he was the first to react, and immediately replied: "Little prince, this plan is indeed feasible." But after all, this strategy was conceived by the other party, and it is difficult to guarantee that there is no way to crack it, when the time comes..."

Bu Dugen's face changed, and he waved his hand to interrupt the bearded man's words, and said: "The Han army is mainly infantry, and my command is full of cavalry, so it is right to harass and attack." Needless to say, go down and prepare, and in a moment, you will lead 20,000 cavalry to carry out, harassing day and night in batches. The

bearded man had no choice but to retreat.

Gungun Mountain Road.

Xu Huang rode a tall horse and carried a giant axe, walking in the front. At this time, a scout came to report.

"General, General Zhang walked through the mountains and forests, and did not find any ambush in Junjun Mountain, let the general rest assured that the march is.

Xu Huang waved away the scout, his tense face relaxed a little.

Two hours later, it seemed that he was about to pass through the mountain road of Junjun and enter the official road, and another scout came to report.

"General, General Zhang found that there were about 20,000 Xianbei cavalry thirty miles away, and they were hurrying in this direction. When

Xu Huang heard this, he immediately ordered to set up camp on the spot, build fortifications, and resist the cavalry.

Another moment, the scout came to report.

"General, the Xianbei army stopped twenty miles away. "

One more moment, the scout came to report.

"General, the Xianbei army is encamped and has not moved. The

sky gradually darkened, Xu Huang frowned, walking back and forth.

Suddenly, a scout came to report, and the Xianbei army was dispatched.

"General, the Xianbei army of 20,000 is divided into four waves, and one of them is rushing towards this side!"

Xu Huang was inexplicable, and secretly said What are this Xianbei people going to do, they actually divided their troops to attack. Could it be that 5,000 people want to eat 30,000 troops?

Xu Huang thought about it for a long time, and suddenly remembered the strategy he used when he attacked the Qiaowang Tribe, and he couldn't help but frown, and smiled.

"This Xianbei man is really stupid! The strategy of attack and harassment must be to lure the enemy to attack when the other side has no way of knowing the specific deployment of troops, and only then can he make a surprise attack on the way of marching. Now that I know its whereabouts, and I have set up camp in the mountains of this military county, and are as immobile as a mountain, how can the cavalry be able to go wild and reckless?"

"Someone is coming! Order the infantry to pull out the camp, immediately retreat ten miles and set up camp, and prepare to resist the enemy! In addition, inform General Zhang and let him wait for news in the dense forest

!" "Order again, the cavalry will immediately prepare for battle!" Several

orders were issued very quickly, and the 30,000-strong army was quickly mobilized.

Xu Huang was fully clothed, rode on the big horse, glanced at the neat and silent 10,000 cavalry, and drank: "Now the Xianbei army wants to carry out that harassment strategy, we can't sit still, I want to plan the plan, build a fortress with the infantry army, attract the attention of the Xianbei army, and the cavalry take advantage of the darkness to escape, looking for an opportunity to counterattack Xianbei

!" "We will follow the general to the death!" The

grand voice startled the wild birds to wail.

"Okay! That being the case, you will leave with me immediately!" Xu

Huang beat his horse and quickly disappeared into the darkness with the cavalry.

After a while, I saw a Xianbei cavalry army of 5,000 people arriving here.

"Clansmen, the Han army is in front of you, and follow me to break it!" With

the shouts of the leading generals, five thousand cavalry rushed over from the mountain road at a very fast speed, leaving only a cloud of smoke and dust.

However, how could the prepared infantry army be able to gnaw on with 5,000 men?

A rain of arrows poured down, and some Xianbei people were shot by crying fathers and mothers. The leading general looked at the rough but strong barrier not far away, sighed, and decisively ordered a retreat.

The first wave of Xianbei's offensive was disintegrated and invisible by the Han army unscathed.

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