It is said that on that day, Zhang Jaw rushed into battle and captured the savage king, but he was seriously injured, and when he returned to Panxi City, he passed out.

Guo Jia summoned Lang Zhong to treat him, and on the other hand, he began to deal with the affairs of the savages.

County office.

There were piles of things on each side of the desk.

On the left was grain, gold, silver, and clothing, and on the right were swords with blood undried.

Guo Jia looked at the savage king sitting opposite him coldly, pointed to the things on the desk, and asked him to choose.

To live or to die, to be glorious and rich, or to be a river of blood! The

wild king's rugged white face was full of decadence and anger, he glanced at Guo Jia, then at Dian Wei behind Guo Jia, and then at the sword and axe hands on both sides, hesitated for a long time, and finally chose the pile on the left.

Seeing this, Guo Jia also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, immediately changed his face, and asked people to set up a banquet with a smile to entertain the savage king.

Looking at the dazzling array of fragrant delicious food on the table, the Savage King couldn't help but swallow his saliva. After getting Guo Jia's signal, he immediately reached out, grabbed it one by one, and put it in his mouth, as if he had never eaten in his life.

The Savage King ate the delicious food that he had never seen before, comparable to the supper of the god of his dreams, and suddenly felt in his heart that surrender did not seem to be a bad thing, at least not to live a life of drinking blood like before.

The next day, Guo Jia personally led the Savage King and began to subdue the various tribes of the Savage.

The day before yesterday was defeated, the general was killed and wounded countless times, and the king was captured, which had already made the savages frightened, and at this time, there was a savage king as a lobbyist, and the simple-minded savages immediately changed their ways and became another new force under the command of Yuyang.

After subduing hundreds of thousands of savages, Guo Jia did not relax.

On the one hand, he invited the savage king and his leaders to Panxi, in the name of hospitality, but in fact, he was not worried about the loyalty of the savages, and took them as hostages, and on the other hand, he let the savage king order, and the savage tribe remained motionless, and still maintained a confrontation with the Yuyang army on the surface.

Then, he ordered Dian Wei to lead two thousand Li Tianlong's personal guards to sneak into the east and north directions, and secretly probe the Xianbei and other armies that were very likely to be ready to attack.

What about Li Tianlong? Where is Li Tianlong? On that day, Li


received more than 20,000 reinforcements from Liu Ji, who was assassinated in the history of the assassination, and when he was entrenched, he received Guo Jiami's letter. After two days in Qianping, the reinforcements of Zhuo County, under the leadership of Guan Jing, also arrived in Qianping.

With 50,000 troops in hand, Li Tianlong did not drive them to Panxi, but traveled day and night, brought the army to the Nanshan boundary one hundred miles north of Panxi, and secretly stationed there. At the same time, scout teams swarmed out and explored the boundary within a radius of fifty miles.

On this day, Li Tianlong was entertaining Guan Jing and other officers from Guangyang and Zhuojun in the tent, when he suddenly heard that the scout had come to report that Dian Wei had arrived.

Li Tianlong was overjoyed, and hurriedly went out in person and welcomed Dian Wei into the big tent.

The officers of Zhuojun and Guangyang couldn't help but take a breath when they saw the majestic and hideous Dian Wei.

"What a warrior!" Guan

Jing shouted, picked up the wine glass, and was about to toast.

Dian Wei glanced at Li Tianlong and saw him nodding, so he took the wine glass and drank it all.

"Old Dian, what's the current situation

with the military advisor?" Dian Wei touched his head and said with a smile: "Young master, the military advisor has subdued the savage tribe, but the kid with Zhang Jaw is seriously injured and can't get out of bed." "

Zhang Jaw is seriously injured?" Li Tianlong was startled and said: "Zhang Jaw is so strong in martial arts, how can he be so seriously injured that he can't get out of bed?"

So, Dian Wei told the battle situation of that day one by one, which caused a cadre of officers in the tent to be amazed again and again.

"I see. Li Tianlong nodded, made up his mind, and let Dian Wei bring a drop of his essence blood with him when he went back to help Zhang Jaw heal.

"Then Lao Dian, you said that the military advisor asked you to search for the Xianbei army, has there been

a result?" Dian Wei smiled and said, "The young master still doesn't know me, if there is no result, a certain family will be embarrassed to come to the young master."

"After several days of searching, our personal guards found a large camp of Xianbei people in the north of Nanshan. Looking at the situation, there are about 500,000 to 800,000 people!" Dian Wei said: "But I don't think it's all Xianbei people, as well as Wuhuan people, and some other chaotic armies, which are very loose.

When Guan Jing and the others heard this, their faces tightened, and they were all a little unnatural. And Li Tianlong is much more relaxed.

The unknown enemy is the most terrible enemy. Now that we know their details, what else is there to be afraid of?"

"Well," Li Tianlong nodded and said, "There is no discrepancy with the military advisor's guess, it is really a Hulu coalition army!"

Guan Jing looked at Li Tianlong with a relaxed face, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Hou Ye, 800,000 troops, there are only 500,000 people here..."

According to Guo Jia's speculation, Tanshihuai contacted Wuhuan, Goguryeo, Buyeo and other forces to jointly send troops to suppress Youzhou, a large part of the reason is that he can't see the rise of Li Tianlong.

How to say it, as soon as Li Tianlong arrived in Yuyang, he defeated Wuhuan with fewer victories and more victories, if Li Tianlong is allowed to rise, then where will it be the turn of Hu Lu to wreak havoc in northern Xinjiang?

Tanshi Huai is also a Xianbei Great Khan, a generation of heroes, and he also has his eyeliner in Yuyang, and when he learns the development momentum of Yuyang, he will naturally nip the crisis in the bud for the survival of Xianbei people in the future.

What's more, if the plundering is successful, wouldn't it be a pleasure to put tens of millions of stones, grains, and grass into the pot?

However, Tanshi Huai did not expect that the strength of the frustrated sun had been blocked by Hao Hui until now, and he could not enter even half an inch, let alone the cracks inside.

Xianbei has a population of one million, countless tribes, and the heads of each tribe are ambitious.

Tanshi Huai is old and won't live for a few years. So, who should sit on the throne of the Great Khan?

In addition, Tan Shihuai's unsuccessful son Budugen, and the intrigues of Jia Xu and Chen Qun, made the entire army of Fuyang Xianbei stormy.

This is still the case within Xianbei, not to mention the Wuhuan, Goguryeo, and Buyeo?

These three forces were overwhelmed by Tanshi Huai for several decades, and at this time they were forced to raise troops because of the majesty of Tanshi Huai, but none of them were sincere. They can't wait for the Xianbei people to be defeated, or even exterminated, in order to relieve the hatred in their hearts.

In comparison, these people are closer to the big man. Because the Han will not exploit, oppress, attack, or plunder them for no reason.

Therefore, the 200,000 coalition troops attacking Panxi, the filth of them is more complicated and serious than that of the Fuyang Xianbei army.

Guo Jia carefully stated the stakes to Li Tianlong in the secret letter, and gave a strategy.

This is the reason why Li Tianlong is not worried in the face of an army of 200,000.

And the truth is as Guo Jia expected.

South Mountain North, Coalition Army Battalion.

Huaitou, Suli, Mijia, and Que Ji are discussing in the main business.

Huaitou, Micah and Que Jiju are all strong men with big shoulders and round waists, only Su Li, dry and thin, looking at that appearance, it seems that they are not people born on horseback at all. However, he is not only the authentic Xianbei lord, but also the largest leader of the eastern Xianbei.

Su Li sat on the main seat, and his thin and narrow face was gloomy, which made people panic.

"There is still no news from the Great Khan's side to attack Fuyang, what do you think about this?"

Su Li asked, and the other three pondered, Huaitou said first: "My lord, there is no news from there, it can only mean that Fuyang is still in the hands of the Han people. What's more, don't adults also hope like this?hehe..."

Looking at Huaitou's meaningful little face, Su Li snorted coldly and said, "Don't say you don't think so!" Huaitou's

face stiffened and he didn't say anything anymore.

"My lord, the Great Khan's 150,000 elite army has been storming Fuyang for more than half a month, but there has been no progress in the slightest, I see..." "

Yes, the Great Khan will return to the West in a few years, everyone is looking at that position, hey, presumably in the Frustrated Yang Camp, the intrigue is even more powerful than ours. Micah

said again: "Panxi's side, a few days ago, the Yuyang army broke the Erosian savages, and even the king of the savages was captured alive! Moreover, this battle is still a head-to-head confrontation, without any water, the Han army with 20,000 troops, 100,000 savages, its combat effectiveness, tsk..."

"They?" Huaitou sneered and said, "Wuhuan is okay, he has a big enmity with the Yuyang Army." However, Goguryeo and Buyeo both pushed and covered up, unwilling to send troops immediately.

Su Li sighed, shook his head, and said: "I'm afraid they want me to die as much as possible, how can they really help?" Now that Panxi's Yuyang Army has just gone through a big battle, it is a good time to raid, but..."

"Nothing good," Huaitou smiled, interrupted Su Li's words, and said, "My lord, you don't want to send troops?!"

"Hmph!" Su Li snorted coldly and did not answer.

Que Ji saw that the two of them were a little stiff, and hurriedly said: "Since there is no consensus among the inside, it is difficult to insist on sending troops, so it is better to wait for news."


asked Micah.

"Wait for the Great Khan to break through the frustrated sun!"


When the four Xianbei adults discussed, Goguryeo and Buyeo each ushered in a Han person.

The Goguryeo general Park Cangji carefully introduced the Han man into the inner tent, and called his subordinates to be on guard, and then he spoke to the comer.

"Who are you, who are you not afraid of death, and you arrived at my Goguryeo camp?"

The man didn't answer when he heard this, he sat down, poured himself a glass of wine, and tasted it with a leisurely face, making Park Cangji stunned.

"Hehe, who I am, the general doesn't need to know, just know that I'm from Panxi. The

man put down his glass and said with a smile: "All the news of the coalition forces is under the control of my lord, but it is ridiculous that you and the others still want to raid, I don't know what to do." The

sharp tone made Park Cangji frightened and angry.

"However," the man's tone changed, and he said, "My lord has a large number of lords, and he knows that you are forced by Tanshi Huai*, so he sent me to rescue him, I don't know what the general wants?"

"You want to disintegrate the coalition army from within!" Park Cangji shouted: "Aren't you afraid that I will hand you over to Su Li

!" "Afraid, why aren't you afraid?!" The man smiled and said indifferently: "But I believe that the general will not do this!"

Park Cangji's face was stunned, and he was silent for a long time before he said: "You say, what does your lord mean?"

The man laughed and clapped his hands: "No wonder the military advisor said that the general is a handsome man, and it is true." The

man stood up, walked up to Park Cangji, and said softly, "Come here with your ears." "

The general just needs to be like this... When Pu

Cangji heard this, he hesitated

: "This is not moral...""Hmph!" The man sneered: "How can there be morality on the battlefield? Otherwise, you Goguryeo will not be overwhelmed by the Xianbei people!"

Pu Cangji laughed dryly, rubbed his hands, and said: "This, the generous gift of the Marquis of Yuyang..."

There will be no shortage of gold and silver! Wait until tonight you can send someone to the south of Nanshan to get a deposit.

Park Cangji was overjoyed when he heard this, and he was about to set up a banquet to entertain the Han envoy, but he was excused, and then he left.

Goguryeo is like this, and Buyeo is also the same, and it was also moved by the Han envoys, and at the same time, the generals of the two sides met secretly, and sent people after dark to the south of Nanshan to obtain dozens of boxes of gold and silver!

.. Shannan

Li Tianlong camp.

Dian Wei stood beside him at this time, and said with pain: "Young Master, a hundred boxes of gold and silver, a whole tens of thousands of gold, just gave those barbarians?"

Li Tianlong raised his head, smiled, and said, "Old Dian, do you think my things are so easy to take, young master?"

"No. Dian Wei said: "They are enemies, if the young master doesn't kill them, he will be kind, how can he give gold and silver in vain."

"That's right!" Li Tianlong clapped his hands and said, "It's just temporarily deposited with them now, and when the time comes, hehe, I want them to spit it out exponentially!" Although

Dian Wei didn't know how the young master wanted to make Goguryeo and Buyeo spit out exponentially, he believed in Li Tianlong, so he stopped talking about this topic, and as soon as the words changed, he turned to Guan Jing.

"Young master, that Guan Jing is disrespectful to the young master, it's better to..." Dian Wei stretched out his hand and wiped it on his neck, and the ruthless color on his face flashed.

"Hehe," Li Tianlong shook his head and smiled: "Guan Jing is just a small person, harmless." Killing him would make my uncle unhappy, annoyance, and inappropriate.

"What should I do then?"

"As long as he doesn't cause me trouble, immediately, otherwise..."

Li Tianlong's eyes narrowed, and the killing machine flashed.

To be honest, since Li Tianlong went from Lu Bu to the essence blood of the ancient soldier god, the whole person has changed domineering and decisive, if it weren't for the fact that he cooperated with the female double cultivation through the Yellow Emperor's internal scripture every day, I don't know what would have happened, but this is okay, and how good it is that you can practice and enjoy.

Li Tianlong also found that he was stronger in reality, and now Xiaoxiao and Yuanyuan are not his opponents, and the two girls are now looking for beauties for him.

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