Mid-year, late autumn.

Li Tianlong waited for the people, and the eldest son went straight down, and within ten days, he arrived in Luoyang.

Standing quietly under the north gate of Luoyang, looking at the endless flow of people and carriages, Li Tianlong suddenly remembered that a few years ago, it was also this season, and he was also here. It's just that at that time, in order to run for official positions and the Yellow Turban Uprising, he had no status, and now he is returning with honor.

Luoyang, the ancient imperial capital, has the women he longs for, the Confucians he respects and admires, and more, potential enemies.

When he returned to Luoyang this time, Li Tianlong did not plan to be calm. He knew that just inside the gates, there was a huge whirlpool, waiting for him to jump in.

But what's so terrible about this?

The soldiers will come to block it, and the water will cover it.

Li Tianlong sighed, and was about to hit his horse into the city gate, when suddenly there was a thunderous shout in the distance.

"Young Master!" Li

Tianlong looked back, it turned out to be

Dian Wei! Dian Wei Pegasus came to Li Tianlong's side, jumped down

, and said with a smile: "Young Master..." Li Tianlong smiled and said, "Old Dian, why are you here?"

"Young Master, Guo Xiaobai... Uh, the military advisor said that the young master is not safe in Luoyang, let me protect the young master. Dian Wei originally wanted to call Guo Jia Xiaobai's face, but he felt that it didn't seem very good, so he hurriedly changed his words.

Li Tianlong nodded and said, "Get on the horse and enter the city." "

When Dian Wei got on the horse, a group of more than 30 riders, as if one person, was one. War horses step on the same hoof points, rumbling, harmonious, natural.

Who in the Han world, especially in the army, did not know that Li Tianlong was a young man riding an ox?

The guards at the city gate had long known the identity of this group of people, and had already sent people to the city to deliver the news. At this time, Li Tianlong entered the city, and the guards looked at the neat and iron-blooded thirty horsemen, and involuntarily stood up straight and saluted.

Li Tianlong nodded gently and walked through the city gate.

When Li Tianlong walked away, someone who was familiar with the guards came up to inquire.

"I said, brother, who is this, who is guilty of saluting the big guy?"

the guard looked at him with disdain, and explained: "Do you see the one riding the big black horse?

The guard rolled his eyes and ignored it.

"Haha, I actually saw Zhuo Junhou, haha..."

Zhuojun Hou

!God of War

!Kill God



"Lao Dian, Fengxiao and them, are they all right?" Li Tianlong sat on Rhubarb's back and chatted with Dian Wei.

"Very good. Dian Wei said: "Before I came, the military advisor was drunk and unconscious.

Li Tianlong rolled his eyes and asked again: "What about the jaw, is the injury healed?" "

That kid, hehe, the lord's spirit and blood are wonderful, and he will be well in the morning." A few days ago, you were pulling me to fight for wine!" Dian Wei smiled, his throat and skull rolling, and he remembered Yuyang's wine.

After walking for another moment, in the passers-by either suddenly or suspiciously pointing, Li Tianlong grabbed the reins and stopped.

"Li Qi and Li Ba, you two took the brothers back to the house, and Lao Dian and I went to Cai's Mansion first. "

Wow. "

.. In

front of Cai's house.

Li Tianlong got off the back of the cow, went up the steps, pulled up the door knocker and knocked lightly a few times.

The crunch door opened.

"Oh, it turned out to be my uncle!" A gray-haired head stretched out from the crack in the door, and when he saw Li Tianlong, he was immediately surprised.

"Hello old butler. Li Tianlong smiled.

"Okay, uncle, please come in quickly. The old housekeeper welcomed Li Tianlong and the others into the door, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Little Liuzi, Little Liuzi, go and inform the master, my uncle is back!"

"Uncle is back!"

"Is that person slaughtering?"

"Shhhh "


Cai Yong was practicing calligraphy in the study, and he couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the report. Hurriedly threw away the brush in his hand and strode out.

"Uncle, Tianlong is here.

Cai Yong stepped forward, helped Li Tianlong up, looked him up and down, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Okay, I haven't seen you for a year, Tianlong has matured a lot." With that

, he took Li Tianlong's hand and went to the inner courtyard.

"Zhao Ji thinks about it day and night, everyone has lost weight..."Listening to Cai Yong's words, Li Tianlong remembered a picture in his mind: a beautiful woman in white was blown away by the wind.

Shaking his head, he shattered the picture in his mind, and then quickened his pace, throwing Cai Yong in the depths.

"Uncle, I'll take the first step..."

Cai Yong stood still, looked at Li Tianlong's hurried back, and couldn't help laughing, with a relieved expression on his kind face.

The sound of the piano came from the backyard, soft and tactful, as if telling endless thoughts. Li Tianlong followed the sound of the piano and arrived at the garden pavilion, and from a distance, he saw the pure white shadow in the pavilion.

Light-footed stepped forward, stopped the maid Xiaohong, and quietly stood behind Cai Yan.

"Alas..."With the beautiful woman's faint sigh, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

"Xiaohong, you say, it's time for Brother Tianlong to come back..."

Li Tianlong didn't speak, only looked at Cai Yan's back quietly, his eyes were soft, like water.

"Xiaohong, you go outside to inquire

...""You, just think about Liu Tianlong's bastard?!" "You

are not allowed to scold..."Cai Yan's body trembled, turned his head suddenly, opened his mouth, and tears came out of his eyes.

Li Tianlong immediately stepped forward, picked her up, and hugged her tightly in his arms, as if to rub her into his body.

"I'm sorry, Akihime..."


After eating, Li Tianlong was pulled to the study by Cai Yong.

Quietly watching Cai Yong's pen walk the dragon snake, Li Tianlong didn't speak, and Cai Yong didn't speak.


"Tianlong, you have to be careful when you return to Beijing this time. Cai Yong put down the pen, picked up the handkerchief and wiped the sweat faintly soaked on his hands, and his face was a little worried.

"Your Majesty, needless to say, Zhang Rang and other eunuchs also have a good relationship with you, and I am afraid that I am afraid of Taifu Yuan Kui. Cai Yong said: "In the past year, Yuan Kui has given you a lot of stumbling blocks." Fortunately, His Majesty was wise enough not to listen to slander. "

Come, sit down. Cai Yong pointed to the chair and said, "This thing was sent by your Central Plains Commercial Bank, and it is comfortable to use."

Li Tianlong sat down as he said, and Cai Yong continued: "The fourth and third dukes of the Yuan family, in the family circle of the Han Dynasty, have a very high reputation, and they are faintly the leaders. If Yuan Kui is determined to deal with you, it will be really difficult.

The corners of Li Tianlong's mouth curled, and he said, "Why should my uncle worry? others are afraid of his Yuan family, but I am not afraid." The so-called soldiers come to block, water comes to cover the earth, the Yuan family has a move, and I will follow.

Cai Yong nodded and said, "Your Majesty values you very much, and the general's family often speaks for you, so there is nothing to be afraid of." However, open guns are easy to dodge, and hidden arrows are difficult to prevent. "

Meng De came to the house to pay a visit the day before yesterday, and said between his words, Yuan Kui wants to do it secretly, although I can't know everything, but I am still worried in my heart. Tianlong, everything you have done in Youzhou, the old man has seen it in his eyes, it is very good. However, you attacked the family too early and too intensely, and because you were close to the eunuchs, Yuan Kui was against you everywhere.

Li Tianlong nodded in agreement and said, "What my uncle said is very true. But that is also a last resort, a few years ago, Yuyang was in crisis, and the wealthy family was constrained, if you don't make a ruthless move, how can you have a big break Xianbei?"

The old man also understood. Cai Yong sighed and said, "The Han Dynasty is like a big tree with lush foliage, and the family is a moth! Alas... Tianlong, the old man suggests that you go to the General's Mansion to pay a visit.

"Uncle, do you mean to let me be labeled as a general?"

Cai Yong nodded and said, "Yes, but Tianlong can't be completely attached."

Li Tianlong smiled: "I already know what my uncle means. Take advantage of the general's momentum to resist Yuan Kui. But after all, a general is only a general, and the world of this great man belongs to His Majesty. And I heard that His Majesty has some dislike for Queen He because of the death of Wang Meiren..."

"It's good that you can understand. As long as Your Majesty supports you, everything will be fine. "


"Zhaoji, let's go shopping, how about it?"

Li Tianlong stared at Cai Yan with a smile, feeling comfortable.

On Cai Yan's white jade-like face, there was a touch of blush, which was cute: "Okay..".

The streets of Luoyang are as prosperous as ever.

Li Tianlong took Cai Yan's little hand and walked slowly on the street, Dian Wei followed closely like a shadow.

Cai Yan's face was blushing, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and his little hand wanted to break free, but Li Tianlong held it tightly.

"Brother Tianlong, don't be like this, others don't look good. Cai Yan whispered.

"Haha, I'm afraid. Li Tianlong laughed and said, "The two of us have a marriage contract, who can talk nonsense."

Li Tianlong's laughter attracted more people, making Cai Yan's face even redder, and his slender body quietly shrank by Li Tianlong's side, as if he was afraid of being seen.

"Brother Tianlong, look, clay man!" After

walking on the street for a long time, Cai Yan seemed to be accustomed to the different eyes of passers-by, but fortunately let go, like a happy bird, chirping.

Li Tianlong followed Cai Yan's gaze and saw a stall of clay figures at a glance.

Holding Cai Yan, Li Tianlong walked over, looked at the old man who was kneading the clay figure, and asked, "Old man, how do you sell this clay figure?"

The old man raised his head, grinned, and said, "Two pieces of text." Do you want two of them?" Li

Tianlong looked at Cai Yan, Cai Yan nodded, his eyes showing longing.

"Okay, can the old man follow me and Neiko and pinch one?" The

old man smiled and said, "Of course I can, it's not my old man who talks big, and in the whole of Luoyang, no one is better than me!"

Li Tianlong fixed his eyes and saw that it was the appearance of him holding Cai Yan's little hand.

Cai Yan took the clay figurine, and his face was even more happy. Seeing this, Li Tianlong took out a piece of gold cake from his arms and handed it to the old man.

"Yo, childe, I can't find the old man. "

Hehe, don't look for it. Li Tianlong laughed, pulled Cai Yan and left.

The old man looked at the gold cake in his hand, and then looked at Li Tianlong's back, and said, "Good man..."

Now Li Tianlong is the most chic in the whole game, and other players are going to fight hard, since Li Tianlong unified the entire Youzhou, he rarely contacts players, even the golden gun, they are the same, and his sister is just the owner of the flower, so he is even less contacted.

In the game, the current trend is still the dominance of the imperial court, followed by Dong Zhuo and Cao * Hao, the Yuan family, and finally Li Tianlong.

Those guilds are all hanging under the princes.

Li Tianlong's maritime army had already entered the South China Sea and Japan, especially in Japan, and often went to rob, with Jeju Island and the peninsula as a base to rob them.

Japan is sobbing on the forum every day, and wants to find out Li Tianlong's real position, but the master of the universe is not easy to fool, and Li Tianlong doesn't deal with players, the ghost knows where he is, and now it's not like the earth in the 21st century, how can so many people in the entire solar system find it.

Think you're unlucky.

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