Lu Bu, there is no strategy to count people and countries, there is no talent of Cao *, there is no forbearance of Liu Bei, there is no family background of Sun Quan, there is no quality that a monarch should have, except for the ruthless and domineering formed because of his martial arts, background and experience, he is nothing.

So, as long as he can beat him to the ground on the side he does best, he has no other way but to surrender.

This is something that Li Tianlong has thought about a long time ago.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Lu Bu left because of annoyance.

But Li Tianlong didn't care. It's just a general, and if he goes, he doesn't lack it. What's more, Lu Bu is not liked by him.

Besides, even if Lu Bu really voted for him, he didn't dare to fight Li Tianlong again. Li Tianlong has left an indelible shadow in his heart, which can be described as a demon.

When Lu Bu left the Prefecture Pastoral Mansion in despair, and returned to the post house in a faltering manner, he found that Gao Shun and Zhang Liao had already set up a banquet and were waiting.

Although he was a little puzzled, Lu Bu didn't care how much he wanted, picked up a jar of wine, and drank it cleanly.

After that, he sneered: "Why are you two here? Don't you see a certain joke?"

"Hmm? Why did Brother Lu say this?" Zhang Liao said puzzledly: "The three of us went out and merged with the state together, and they were originally fellow villagers and colleagues. Brother Lu won the first place in martial arts, and I am fortunate to have an honor, but I came to congratulate Brother Lu.

Gao Shun nodded, glanced at Zhang Liao, and looked a little clear.

Looking at Lu Bu's decadent appearance, he didn't get any benefit, but was hit.

"Hmph. Hmph..."Lu Bu sneered again and again: "Congratulations? Congratulations to a certain family for not being able to hold up in the hands of the King of Yuyang? Congratulations to a certain family for being beaten and reprimanded? Fuck you!"

Lu Bu smashed the wine jar and turned into the inner room.

The rest of Zhang Liao and Gao Shun looked at each other.

Shaking their heads, the two got up and walked out of the room.

Lu Bu returned to the room, took off his robe, and sat upright, but the expression on his face kept changing.

Sometimes ruthless, sometimes angry, sometimes confused, sometimes depressed...

Finally, Lu Bu slapped his palm on the couch and shouted: "Even these little characters dare to come and laugh at a certain family, in the future, in this Youzhou, will there be a place for me Lu Bu?

The next day, Li Tianlong was preparing to go out of the city with the women, going around, but someone came to report, saying that Cheng Yuanzhi, Guan Hai and others asked to see him.

Li Tianlong thought for a moment, the corners of his mouth curled, and he turned around and walked towards the living room.

Pushing the door in, I saw Cheng Yuanzhi, Guan Hai, Zhou Cang, Li Damu and other more than a dozen former Yellow Turban generals waiting restlessly.

Seeing Li Tianlong coming in, everyone hurriedly got up to pay respects.

Li Tianlong smiled and nodded, motioned for everyone to sit down, and then said: "You are here early in the morning, what is the important matter

?" More than a dozen generals glanced at each other, Cheng Yuanzhi stood up, hugged his fists and said: "Lord, subordinates, please revoke the Yellow Sky Legion (the independent legion formed by the Yellow Turban General and the Fallen Soldier)!"


Li Tianlong frowned and said, "Why do you have this idea?"

Cheng Yuanzhi said: "My lord, through this martial arts, we feel that the martial arts and art of war are inferior to other generals in all aspects, and we have no face to lead an independent army." Please revoke the Yellow Sky Legion and assign us to other legions.

"Just these reasons?" Li Tianlong asked again.

"Hmm... The lord and his subordinates believe that being assigned to other legions and communicating with the generals more is conducive to improving military strategy and martial arts, so..."

After hearing this, Li Tianlong pondered for a moment

and said, "Don't you regret it?" "Don't regret it!" Guan Hai stood up and said categorically: "We don't want to be a drag, a laughing stock, or a shame!

"Yes, we have to be strong, don't be ashamed!" Zhou Cang shouted: "Please ask the lord to agree!"

The other generals also shouted, their expressions indescribably firm.

Li Tianlong nodded slowly and said, "Well, since you are seeking to be motivated, this king is very relieved, and he agrees." Suddenly

, the generals laughed, and one or two had a vision for the future.

At this moment, someone suddenly came to report that Lu Bu had left.

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

"Hmph, what a fool! We are big men in Youzhou, we can't compare there, this person actually ran away, it's stupid!" Zhou Cang scolded and scolded. Completely regard yourself as a member of Youzhou.

The others nodded in agreement.

"Hehehe.. If you go, you will go, just a reckless man, so there is nothing to worry about. Li Tianlong smiled and said, "Everyone, since you voluntarily split the legion, this king will also give you a convenience. Which legion you want to go to, you choose. After choosing, take your subordinates and go to report for duty. "

Thank you, Lord!"


Time flies quickly, the New Year passes in the blink of an eye, and it is already spring in March.

Although it is said to be spring, it is still very cold in Youzhou in the north. Especially in the grasslands north of Youzhou, the snow has not melted.

In this snow-covered grassland, it has become lively these days.

It was only because Li Tianlong, the lord of Youzhou, the king of Yuyang, actually initiated a note, demanding that the lords of the various tribes of the grassland and the countries of Liaodong must gather in Shiqin City on March 15, but he said that a general meeting would be held to discuss the rules of grassland commerce and trade and the division of forces in the future.

Many clan leaders didn't want to go in person because they were afraid, but they said that the king of Yuyang would come to the meeting in person, and those who dared not go would be disrespectful and would be exterminated!

At this time, Li Tianlong was already in Shiqin City, and Dian Wei and Yan Liang followed him.

Shiqin City, north of Liaoxi, was divided into the garrison area of Yanliang Liaoxi Legion, and the entire Liaoxi Legion, with 100,000 elite and 50,000 logistics personnel, a total of 150,000 troops, was basically stationed here.

The city of Shiqin City is five zhang high, three zhang wide, and has a radius of fifty miles, which can be regarded as a first-class city. It's still a bit of a violation to say, but because it's a frontier fortress against the various tribes of the grassland, it doesn't matter.

Ten miles north of Shiqin City, it is a huge square with a radius of ten miles.

The square was newly built, but it was built for the grassland and Liaodong note.

Yan Liang and Dian Wei followed Li Tianlong's side, walked around the square, and looked carefully, Li Tianlong nodded with satisfaction

, and asked Yan Liang with a side face: "Old Yan, how are things prepared?" "Hehe," Yan Liang smiled, flashing along the fierce color: "Don't worry, the last general Liaoxi Army has already prepared a proper ambush location, and when the time comes, just wait for the lord's order, and all the leaders and lords of the country who will attend the meeting will be wiped out, and none of them will be able to escape!"

"Good. Li Tianlong smiled and nodded.

March 14.

Li Tianlong quietly looked through the information from the Flying Eagle in the study room of the Shiqin City Lord's Mansion.

Dian Wei stood beside Li Tianlong, motionless.

"Well, it seems that Fengxiao and they are ready, Lao Dian, you immediately summon all the legions, tonight's three watches, and launch a general attack

!" "Yes, young master!"

Dian Wei turned around and strode out.

This time, under the pretext of the note, Li Tianlong wanted to wipe out all the forces in the grassland and the countries in Liaodong! Even if he could not successfully complete the plan, he would still have to seriously damage the vitality of these Hulu alien races, so that they would not have the strength to go south within 50 years!

The five major army corps of Liaoxi, Liaodong, Yuyang, Shanggu, and Bingzhou under the command of the General of Zhengbei Zhengbei, with an elite army of 5 million, and a total of nearly 10 million troops including logistics, would have to face Xianbei in the west, Xianbei in the middle, Xianbei in the east, Wuhuan, Goguryeo, Sanhan, Buyeo, Gao

Shun's Hezhou Army was responsible for attacking Xianbei in the west and suppressing Zhuhu in Hetao; Xu Huang's Shanggu Army was responsible for the Xianbei forces in the central region; Zhao Yun of the Yuyang Army was responsible for attacking the Xianbei in the west and the combined tribes of Donghu; Yan Liang drew out an army of 10,000 and was ready to attack the remnants of Wuhuan after all the leaders of the various ethnic groups and countries attending the meeting were wiped out, and the rest of the army was responsible for attacking Buyu and Zhulou; and Zhang Liao's Liaodong Army was responsible for Goguryeo and Sanhan!

The plan for the march was completely discussed and completed by several major advisers, and Li Tianlong made a decision after looking at it.

By 14 March, the major army corps had already taken their positions and were completely ready to attack, and they were ready to attack as soon as they waited for

Li Tianlong's flying eagle to give the order! On the night of 14 March, when the major army corps received Li Tianlong's flying eagle military order from Shiqin City, the 5 million army immediately rushed like a great river and a raging storm to attack the various tribal settlements

Not to mention how the major legions slaughtered the Hulu alien race, but to say that in the early morning of the 15th, when Li Tianlong came to the square, all the leaders and lords of the grassland tribes and the Liaodong countries, with a total of more than 30,000 guards, had already gathered in the note square.

Seeing the eye-catching, wind-waving Li Zi banner, looking at the hideous lion and tiger beast, and feeling the monstrous killing power and momentum of the two thousand black-armored iron horsemen behind the man, all the leaders and lords of the country paid attention to the salute, trembling and looking at Li Tianlong who was walking slowly, and all lowered their so-called noble heads.

In the center of the square, there are two rows of seats on the left and right, and on the high platform directly above, a huge Taishi chair stands quietly. Li Tianlong didn't look at these guys who were dying, he stepped forward by himself, turned over and got off the lion and tiger beast, walked in a tiger step, and sat down.


an hour later, when the drumming stopped, Li Tianlong stood up and swept away, and all the people who met his eyes bowed their heads and did not dare to face them squarely.

"Everyone!" Li

Tianlong's voice resounded through the heavens and the earth.

"This king's note has only one purpose -- you, you must submit to this king and the Han Dynasty!" As

soon as the majestic voice fell, the entire venue was in an uproar

! Didn't it mean that the rules for discussing the division of

forces and commerce were discussed? They actually wanted to subdue the various forces in northern Xinjiang and Liaodong!



? The leaders of all the forces were all angry and angry, and their eyes were fixed on Li Tianlong.


Yuyang!" saw a person fighting on the chair in the middle on the left, this person did not seem to be panicked in the slightest, but held his head high and drank: "King Yuyang, we all know that your Youzhou army is strong, and we have all learned it." But, don't you think

you're too angry?" The man stretched out his hand and pointed obliquely: "There are more than a dozen major forces here, eight hundred leaders, I'm afraid you can't eat just one state, right?" What's more, there are 30,000 or 40,000 troops in this square, and you Yuyang King can be said to be under siege, dare to make a big statement, and are not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue?"

"You?Ke Bineng?" Li Tianlong glanced at him contemptuously, pointed at all the leaders present, and laughed: "Hahahaha... Ke Bineng, do you remember five years ago? Do you remember!?The defeated generals, the turtles with shrunken heads, and An dares to speak bravely? Not to mention the 30,000 rabble, it is an army of millions, and this king can come and go freely!

"This king will say one more thing, surrender or not?" As he spoke, he raised his right hand, seriously stretched out three fingers, and said: "Thirty breaths, make a decision early! If not, the chicken and dog will not be left!" Kebineng's face was blue, his teeth rattled, and he couldn't help but shout as he looked at the leaders and lords of the country who were gradually showing weak expressions: "Everyone, Li Tianlong's child is too deceitful! Now that he is deep in this place, as long as you catch him, it is not difficult to get out, everyone!"

"Catch Li Tianlong?" Hehe..."The Goguryeo lord beside Kebineng showed a desolate wry smile and said: "Leader Kebineng, I think you have personally experienced Li Tianlong's military might, right? Five years ago, wasn't it rumored that Li Tianlong's 2,000 men swept across the grassland?

That's right, this is Shiqin City, where the 100,000 troops under the command of the murderous Yan Liang are stationed, Li Tianlong dares to say this at this time, presumably the overall situation must be in control, maybe there is an ambush outside the field!"

Otherwise, with 2,000 men under his command, he would not be able to stop me and 30,000 horses. The

leaders around him all smiled bitterly.

"Who would have thought that Li Tianlong would be so bold that he would use the note as an excuse to attack and arrest us?"


in ancient times, unprecedented in ancient times!" Listening to these words, Kebineng and the few hardliners who were waiting for him gradually showed a weak look.

Yes, now the general trend is in the hands of Li Tianlong, and he can't resist!

"Thirty breaths have arrived, everyone, don't make a quick decision!" Li Tianlong shouted: "The guard camp is ready!" As he spoke, his legs kicked slightly, his body rose two feet high, and he landed firmly on the back of the lion and tiger beast, and his right hand tightly grasped the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd hanging on the saddle in his hand, and a pair of tiger eyes flashed with cold light, and the murderous aura burst out in an instant!

Then, I heard a cannon shot, and there were endless shouts of killing around the square

! Liaoxi Legion moved!

"The king of Yuyang is angry, we are willing

to surrender!" "We are waiting to surrender!"

Seeing that Li Tianlong was about to make a move, and hearing the ubiquitous shouting of killing, everyone trembled, and most of the leaders chose to kneel and surrender at the first time, leaving only a few alone, such as Kebineng, the leader of the Xianbei in the east, The leader of the remnants of the Wuhuan tribe, Mudun and others.

There was a clanging of the sound of a large blade falling to the ground, and more than 30,000 people fell to the ground and threw away their weapons.

Helpless, Kebineng and others saw that the general trend had gone, so they had to bow down and be humiliated.


Li Tianlong raised his halberd and laughed wildly, the voice was so harsh, that the more than 30,000 people who knelt on the ground were all dripping blood.

At this time, the 10,000 people who were in ambush also gathered around. In the middle of the army, a general walked out, quickly separated the kneeling crowd, came to Li Tianlong, and bowed on one knee

: "Lord, Guan Hai obeys the order!" "Guan Hai, immediately trap these Hu Hu, take them into the city, and instruct the guards in the city to take care of them, and then go to complete the set task

!" Guan Hai shouted, got up and turned to his subordinate soldiers and shouted: "Come on, tie these people up, escort them into the city!"

Of the 30,000 people, none of them dared to resist, all of them were trapped in chains, and it took half a day to finish the matter.

After that, Li Tianlong did not stop, and immediately waved his army eastward and went straight to Liaodong!


after the end of the new year, Li Tianlong wrote to Luoyang, requesting to launch this war. And the Spirit Emperor, even if he agreed. and spread throughout the world.

Youzhou mobilized tens of millions of troops to conquer northern Xinjiang and Liaodong, and this move simply affected the hearts of the entire Han Dynasty.

When the emperor of the dynasty, the civil and military officials, the Confucian scholars, the people of the world, the entire player force, the entire Han Dynasty, and hundreds of millions of people are all paying attention to this feat

! You must know that the five million regular troops under the command of the Youzhou Zhengbei General Mansion are facing the alien Hulu of the ten major forces, tens of millions of troops, and hundreds of millions of people! This is three points more magnificent than the battle with the Xiongnu when Emperor Xiaowu

was in power! Weiyang Palace, Zhengxuan Palace.

The emaciated Emperor Han Ling laughed wildly, and an abnormal flush welled up on his pale face. Your Highness, the civil and military officials looked at him quietly, their expressions were either excited or fierce. Questioning or calm.

But no one dared to disturb the Spirit Emperor. Even Yuan Kui and others, who had a grudge against Li Tianlong, bowed their heads and stood solemnly.

This war is related to the glory of the entire Han nation. He Yuan Kui, no matter how bold and vicious he is, he will not dare to go against the people of the world, nor can he accuse his ancestors.

"Hahaha..."Emperor Ling opened his arms, as if embracing the entire country.

"Li Tianlong deserves to be my humerus!hahaha... After defeating the Northern Xinjiang Zhuhu, I am the first emperor of the ages!" When

Emperor Ling thought that in his lifetime, he could make feats comparable to, or even surpass, Emperor Xiaowu, and the comfort in his heart was simply indescribable. Although when he was in power, there was a Yellow Turban Rebellion, but after all, it was suppressed.

The so-called flaws are not hidden, as long as this battle is successful, he is the first emperor of the ages!


On March 18, when Li Tianlong penetrated deep into the territory of Fuyu and joined Yan Liang's army, the five major armies had already achieved fruitful results.

The Bingzhou army went north out of Jiuyuan, recovered the surrendered city occupied by the western Xianbei, and attacked directly for thousands of miles, and had already broken through the western Xianbei, which had no leader to lead, and kept chasing after it, vowing to fight to Longcheng! A total of more than several hundred thousand enemies were killed, and the number of surrendered and captured exceeded one million!

However, under the suppression of Gao Shun, the Hetao Zhuhu could not resist at all, did not dare to send troops, and shrank into a group.

Under the leadership of Xu Huang, the Shanggu Legion went out of Fuxi City, broke through the new royal court occupied by Kebineng, attacked thousands of miles from the north, killed countless enemies, and captured and surrendered to no count! Their goal was to seal the wolf Juxu Mountain, where they wanted to reproduce Li Guangzhi's demeanor! Under the leadership of

Zhao Yun, the Yuyang Legion attacked diagonally to the northeast line, broke the royal court of the Xianbei tribes in the east, such as Suli, Huaitou, and Mijia, and was fighting fiercely with the Donghu tribes.

Yan Liang's Liaoxi Army instantly destroyed the remnants of Wuhuan with only 100,000 people, and advanced eastward, having already defeated the Buyeo border army, and was deepening.

Zhang Liao had already defeated the 100,000-strong army gathered in Goguryeo's panic like lightning, and broke through the Goguryeo capital Marudu, captured the ministers and magnates of the Goguryeo Kingdom, and was looting the goods in the Goguryeo palace at this time.

Buyeo King Outside the Capital.

Yan Liang's 190,000 elite troops gathered here, besieged them, and were preparing to attack the city, when Li Tianlong arrived.

"My lord. Yan

Liang was in high spirits, and there was no fatigue caused by several battles and rapid marches.

"Hehe... After cleaning up the clown, this king came to take a look. Li Tianlong pointed to the capital of Fuyu and said with a smile: "You attack your city, and this king will look at it."

Yan Liang smiled, hugged his fists, and turned to leave.

In a few moments, there was the sound of earth-shattering drums.

Then the army cracked, and I saw that ten siege wells were slowly rushing out of the army array

! The well railings were five feet high, and the whole body was tightly wrapped in iron sheets, like a moving pagoda! On the iron sheets, dense small holes were like eyes, flashing with cold light.

There are four layers of railings from the waist to the top, and each layer is loaded with a number of crossbowmen, and the top layer is a trebuchet.

The base of the well fence is thick, and there are three movable steel wheels underneath, which press the ground into one or three deep marks, and slowly move towards the city wall.

The well was followed by 15,000 light infantry and fifty ladders.

The infantrymen wore light armor, carried a light shield in their left hand, and held a broadsword in their right hand, stepping on the earth step by step, with smoke and dust rolling and thunder roaring.

As soon as the well fence came out, the soldiers on the wall of the Buyeo Wangcheng City were suddenly shocked! The well fence

was covered with sackcloth, and these people were still guessing what it was, but where did they expect it to be a steel monster? Suddenly, all the soldiers were at a loss, and they looked at the generals leading the troops, and cold sweat broke out.

The infantry followed, followed by the archers.

The five-foot-long bow was held in his hand and followed up, bringing more pressure to the Buyeyu

people on the city wall! Yan Liang held a spear, his eyes sharpened as he looked at the panic situation gradually appearing on the city wall, and said to the herald with a side face: "Give an ultimatum, open the city and surrender, otherwise after the city is broken, the chickens and dogs will not be left!" The herald

understood, insisted on ordering the flag to beat the horse and gallop, straight past the infantry and the well fence phalanx, and came to the place where the city was an arrow.

"The people in the city listened, and immediately opened the city and surrendered, otherwise there will be no chickens and dogs left!"

As soon as these words came out, the city wall suddenly panicked.

With the pressure of the elite army, the effect of this sentence is very huge.

On the city wall, the generals and magnates of Buyeo suddenly had a disagreement.

There are die-hards who want to fight for their lives. There were surrender factions who wanted to surrender to Cheng

Cheng and save their lives! Finally, they quarreled and actually started to move

! At this time, Yan Liang's eyes widened violently, and he shouted: "Siege

the city!" Immediately, the army accelerated to the bottom of the city! Because of the civil strife, there were no arrows flying down

the city wall! Then, the phalanx of giant archers shot diagonally upward, and suddenly the people on the city wall turned on their backs, and countless people were killed and wounded!

With a rain of arrows, the Buyeyu people, who had already been aroused, could not raise their heads

! And at this time, the well fence had already begun to attack!

Boulders flew and smashed against the city walls with a rumbling sound. Boulders fell, blood and meat sauce flew, and screams came and went.

On the lower three floors, rows of crossbow arrows flew out of small holes, piercing the hearts of the Buyeo soldiers with arrows!

Immediately afterward, the infantry arrived at the bottom of the city, set up a ladder, and scrambled to climb up. Because the Buyeyu people in the city were suppressed by the giant archers and the well fence, they did not roll the wood and throw stones, and it was very smooth.

In a few breaths, some warriors, under the leadership of

the commander and the commander, slaughtered the city wall! Immediately after, the archers stopped attacking, and the sharpshooters in the army began to aim and shoot freely.

On the city wall, the soldiers were close to each other!

"Beat the wood, attack!" Yan

Liang's shout came out, and he saw a big cart with a giant iron sheet rushing out of the army array. The front section of the giant wood on the car is pointed, wrapped in stainless steel, and extremely sharp. Twenty warriors hurried towards the city gate with a wooden cart.

In a few moments, they arrived at the city gate.

"Boom!" The wooden cart slammed into the city

gate, causing the high city gate to tremble, and a hole was knocked out of the city gate! "Boom!"

The hole

continued to expand, and I saw dozens of Buyeo soldiers holding the city gate in the hole of the city gate.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

... After

more than a dozen consecutive impacts, I saw that the city gate was crumbling and was about to collapse.

Yan Liang raised his gun fiercely and shouted: "The heavy cavalry is in front, the light cavalry is in the back, prepare!"

As soon as the words fell, only a boom was heard, and the city gate collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, the wooden cart moved to the side, and the cavalry moved!

The heavy cavalry in front and the light cavalry in the back turned into a river of black water, rushing endlessly, heading straight for

the city gate! At this time, countless Buyeo soldiers also poured out of the city gate, and they actually wanted to resist the cavalry with their flesh and blood!


Yan Liang shouted violently, and with a wave of the big gun, he instantly brought up a puff of blood and killed five or six people!

The heavy cavalry behind him cut off the sabers in rows, and suddenly, the stumps were broken, and there was not a complete corpse.

Li Tianlong watched from a distance, nodded from time to time, and talked and laughed with Dian Wei, as if this was not a battlefield, but a tourist resort.

The cavalry charged, quickly killed all the Buyeo people who were stopped at the city gate, and rushed into the city. The cavalry entered the city, invincible, and with the infantry who had already attacked the city wall, they quickly cleaned up the resistance of the Buyeo royal city and bent it into this no difficult siege! Buyeo,


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