A cool autumn breeze blew, and palm-wide yellow leaves flew all over the sky. Under a big tree hugged by two people, Li Tianlong was dressed in cloth clothes, wearing straw sandals, leaning on the trunk of the tree, and his eyes were slightly open.

It's a big, wide farmland.

Qianmo traffic, ploughing cattle moo.

The peasants held the handle of the plough in one hand, and the rope that held the nose of the ox and a bamboo stick in the other, and shouted in their mouths, their faces full of tired joy.

A few young children, you chased me, came to the big tree, saw Li Tianlong lying there, shouted and laughed and walked over, and asked: "Big brother, don't

you plow the field?" "Plough the field, why don't you plow the field?" Li Tianlong opened his eyes, pointed to the big black man who was plowing the land not far away, and smiled: "That's not."

"Oh! I see. A child smiled and said: "Big brother is lazy! Hehe..."

Li Tianlong smiled and said: "Look, the big black man is strong, and he will naturally do this, right

?" After playing with the children for a while, one of the older children said: "I heard my father say that in the past, I only turned the ground before sowing, but now I also turn the ground after the autumn harvest, isn't that an extra move?"

Li Tianlong laughed, shook his head and said: "It's not much, hehe." ... Little brother, do you know about insect pests?"

the child thought for a moment, and said, "Daddy seems to have said before, in some years, there are large swaths of locusts, like dark clouds, where they fly, there is no barren

grass!" "It's terrible!"

"Hehe, ploughing the ground after this autumn harvest will have a benefit. Turn over the locust eggs laid in the ground and let them freeze to death in the harsh winter cold, and the next year the locusts will be reduced and there will be no more insect plagues!"

Li Tianlong explained.

"Oh! so that's the case!" the child suddenly said, and then frowned: "But my father and mother said that the insect plague is a punishment from heaven

, how can it be frozen to death?" Li Tianlong was speechless, and said: "This locust, just like people, is also afraid of the cold, how can it not be frozen to death?"


with the children, Dian Wei had finished plowing the land and was about to finish work, but a little girl came to the edge of the sky and asked Li Tianlong and the two to go home for dinner. This little girl is the maid who takes care of Liu's mother.

The two led the oxen and carried the plow, and returned home and had a beautiful meal. After resting for a while, Li Tianlong took Cai Yan and Zhen Mi, who accompanied Liu's mother, back to Yuyang City.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the Assassin's Mansion, he was stopped.

"Lord Wang..."

Li Tianlong looked up, but it turned out to be Guo Jia's wife, that is, the little princess of Goguryeo before, Li Lingyu.

Li Lingyu is delicate and beautiful, especially after becoming a wife, which adds a bit of mature charm.

At this time, Li Lingyu stood in front of Li Tianlong, looking pitiful.

"Oh, it turned out to be Mrs. Guo, hehe, I don't know what Mrs. Guo has to do to find this king?" Li Tianlong smiled.

"Lord Wang," Li Lingyu saluted, quite elegant, and said, "Lord Wang, the concubine begs you for something." "

What's the matter?" Li Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly, and said: "With the identity of Fengxiao, what else can't be done, and you need to be a woman from a Taoist family?"

"Fengxiao him... He said that this matter must be agreed by the prince..."Li Lingyu said softly.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Li Tianlong thought for a moment, and probably understood the truth. It's nothing more than interceding for the lord of Goguryeo. Now that the lord of Goguryeo is under house arrest and is under secret detention, Guo Jia is really powerless.

"Please let my father go... Father..."Li Lingyu said, her eyes teary-eyed.

To let go of the lord of Goguryeo, with the current situation, it is naturally impossible.

Goguryeo has just been included in the bag, everything is still in the initial stage, and it has not yet stabilized, and if the Goguryeo lord is released at this time, there may be some big trouble.

However, Li Lingyu is Guo Jia's wife after all, so she can give face, so Li Tianlong smiled: "Now that your father is under review, it is too early to want to be free." However, this king allows you to visit as a daughter, as a filial duty.

Li Lingyu was a little disappointed, but finally got a result, so she hurriedly thanked her and left in a hurry.

Li Tianlong looked at her departing back for a long time, frowned, and turned into the mansion.

When I arrived at the main hall, I saw Guo Jian's kid sitting there drinking a little wine leisurely.

"My lord. Guo Jia stood up and said with a smile: "Presumably, the lord must have seen the woman in my family." "

Huh?" Li Tianlong was a little puzzled, and said, "What's going on?" "

Hehe, lord, Wen He has found some strange commotion among the prisoners under house arrest in the past few days, according to his guess, I'm afraid it's a little boring, but in order not to startle the snake, so..." Guo Jia's

words came out slowly, making Li Tianlong suddenly understand.

It turned out that the leaders of the ten major forces, the lords of the country, and the leaders of the eight hundred tribes were under house arrest by Jia Xu, and there was actually some commotion in the past few days. Jia Xu guessed that I was afraid that some cats were tired of it, so he naturally had to find out, but in order not to startle the snake, he arranged this breakthrough on Guo Jia's wife, Li Lingyu.

Li Tianlong listened, his brows furrowed: "Greasy? Could it be that the criminals among them still have a connection with the outside world?" How does the dark department look at the detention?"

"Hehe, the lord has been 'too busy' this time..."Guo Jia said with a smile: "Since the suppression of the Yellow Turban a few years ago, there have been many unfamiliar faces on the ground in Youzhou. Thinking about it, some people in the Central Plains have already set their sights on Youzhou. And now, after the victory in Northern Xinjiang, these people are even more unscrupulous, and their tentacles have extended into Yuyang City. However, because they all have all kinds of glamorous identities, Wen He is not good at secretly poisoning

people, so he wants to put a handle on these people..."Jia Xu wants to catch all those spies, but some of those people are officials, and some are under the banner of the big chamber of commerce, so it is really not good to be spicy for no reason, so he quietly relaxed the strictness of recruiting people in the dark department, which is in line with the taste of those people, so several people follow Jia Xu's meaning and enter the dark department and become a member of the dark department.

According to Jia Xu's meaning, these people have a great effect, first, they can use them to transmit false news and confuse the other party, and secondly, they can use them to charge spies of various identities wandering in Youzhou, killing two birds with one stone.

If it was just like this, Jia Xu would have done it a long time ago.

However, Jia Xu's intention is to wipe out all these people.

And the Hulu and the heads of different races who are under house arrest can become the lead.

"The woman was eager to save her father, and she had already made contact with someone the day before. Jia had no choice but to make a plan and let the woman ask for a name from the lord, so that she could justifiably approach the detained prisoner, and then use it as a guide to attract all the spies mixed in Youzhou, and then catch them all!" Guo Jia's words were full of murderous intentions.

That's right, the leaders under house arrest are close to a thousand, and those spies want to rescue them, one or two is naturally not enough, and they will definitely gather everyone lurking in Youzhou to come to the rescue, which has achieved its ulterior purpose.

"Feng Xiao, she is your insider after all, do this..."Li

Tianlong looked at Guo Jia and said slowly.

"Hmph, if it's not my race, its heart will be different, just a woman!" Guo Jia gritted his teeth.

Li Tianlong could see that Guo Jia was really a little sad.

Thinking about it, for this Li Lingyu, I still paid my true feelings. But now the situation is like betrayal, and it is naturally heartbroken.

"Okay, I don't care about this, you can discuss it with Wen He. Li Tianlong shook his head, turned his face and asked his subordinates to fetch a jar of blood wine for Guo Jia, and entered the back room by himself.


After this incident, the entire Youzhou is secretly turbulent.

The shadows of Youzhou fully moved into action and began a bloodless war between spies and assassins.

Time passes slowly, and the development of Youzhou is unstoppable.

The population is increasing year by year, the land has been developed by a large margin, and the grain output has increased dramatically!

The agricultural tax and commercial tax have been raised by a large margin, and the wealth of Youzhou is unparalleled.

In the 5,000-mile northern Xinjiang, with the gradual advancement of the captive labor camp, new cities have risen one after another. A wide gallop road is crisscrossed vertically and horizontally, a post station is built on the side of the gallop road, and countless pastures are even more prosperous.

Youzhou has entered the track of rapid development.

After 185 years, compared with the great construction and development of Youzhou, the entire Han Dynasty became more and more decadent.

In recent years, natural disasters, droughts, floods, and insect plagues have continued to fall, and the population of the Central Plains has plummeted, and in some places there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles, and it can be said that the people are not able to make a living!

The Han Dynasty was in a state of great anxiety, and the troops in various localities were frequently mobilized and suppressed everywhere, but they were like flies without a head, and it was difficult to achieve results.

In a word, Emperor Ling will not die, and the world will not be chaotic!

In the summer of 188, a major event occurred in Youzhou, which attracted the attention of the world.

Li Tianlong's big wedding!

This year, Li Tianlong was 22 years old. All the undertakings in Youzhou are on the right track, so under the urging of the women, Li Tianlong and Cai Yan, Zhen Mi, Zhen Tuo, Zhen Ji, Zhen Jiang, Zhen Fei, Su Xiaoxiao, Chen Yuanyuan, Zhao Yu, Gao Fang, Zhang Ying, Diao Chan, Shen Yan'er, and the daughters held a wedding.

As the only prince outside the royal family, as a world-famous general, Li Tianlong's wedding can be described as very lively.

The court, all the major officials, whether sincere or false, personally went to Youzhou to congratulate him, that is, the royal family, and also sent the crown prince Liu Wei to Youzhou. In the opposition, major chambers of commerce, families and other forces have also sent important missions, carrying generous gifts, and coming to join forces for various purposes.

What's more, even the countries of the Western Regions have sent envoys to celebrate. Since Gao Shun subdued the Hetao Zhuhu two years ago and brought the Hetao region under his control, Li Tianlong's power has bordered the countries of the Western Regions and become neighbors.

At the beginning, there were many conflicts with the countries of the Western Regions, and after killing them all the time, the countries of the Western Regions remembered that Li Tianlong's great achievements in defeating Xianbei and other departments and unifying the northern Xinjiang were really frightened into a cold sweat, so he hurriedly begged for peace and showed goodwill, and gave up a considerable part of the interests of the Western Regions.

With the infiltration of Youzhou forces into the Western Regions, the Silk Road was reopened, and the trade of tea, porcelain, cattle, sheep and horses, weapons, armor, and even the marine fishery of Youzhou gradually flourished, and the Zhen family, the Mi family, the Huaxia Commercial Bank, the Central Plains Commercial Bank, and some of the merchants who were friendly with Li Tianlong all made profits, and in two years, the profits obtained almost doubled!

The arrival of the envoys from the Western Regions pushed Li Tianlong's wedding to the ground.

People were full of emotion, and even the Hu people in the Western Regions, who were thousands of miles away, came to congratulate Li Tianlong, which shows that Li Tianlong's prestige is very high, and it can be seen that the reputation of the Han Dynasty is still there!

After the wedding, Li Tianlong had a cordial conversation with the representatives of the major forces for half the night, and only then did he feel a little drunk, and it was not as good as a new house.

In the room, lit by bright lights and candles, on the wide edge of the couch, two brides dressed in red wedding robes and red silk scarves on their heads sat there motionless, but two pairs of small hands wrapped around jade fingers showed the uneasy mood of their owners.

Li Tianlong laughed, walked over, gently uncovered the two red hijabs, took the two beautiful ladies who looked like fairies, drank a glass of wine, and poured them into the couch

together! Hongluan warmed the tent, wanting to gallop!

In a trance, the sound of delicate and heavy breathing

was endless! Li Tianlong turned here and there all night as if he was collecting honey, which made him think that it was better to be sleeping together, so he carried all the girls to the big bed in the center.


After Li Tianlong's wedding, the world fell into peace for the time being. And Li Tianlong takes his wife to wander around every day, and he is very good.

On this day, Li Tianlong received a tip, saying that Emperor Daoling issued an order to set up the Eighth School of Xiyuan, with Xiaohuangmen Jian Shuo as the captain of the military academy to command the army. However, the real power of the Eighth School of the West Park is in the hands of He Jin, and Jian Shuo can only give orders in the name of the Son of Heaven, but in fact, he is just a bare-bones commander.

Reading the line report, Li Tianlong groaned.

It is now 188 years, and according to the development of history, next year, that is, 189, will be the time when the Spirit Emperor and the Dragon will ascend to heaven. At that time, the Han Dynasty will exist in name only, opening the prelude to the century-old war of the Three Kingdoms.

Li Tianlong wanted to do something, but he couldn't, although he was anxious, he was helpless.

Without the will of Emperor Ling, as the king of Yuyang, who controls millions of troops, he has no reason to return to the Central Plains, otherwise it will be a great rebellion.

remembered that Emperor Ling entrusted him a few years ago and asked him to support the Prince's Association to ascend to the throne, but now he has no chance. However, he believes that there will be opportunities. If Emperor Ling wanted to let Wang Meiren's son, the prince Xie, ascend to the throne, before returning to heaven, he would definitely notify Li Tianlong with a secret decree. Even if Emperor Ling forgets, then when the situation in the Central Plains is so eroded that it can't be cleaned up, someone will naturally ask him to go back.

Therefore, Li Tianlong pressed the restlessness in his heart, and he was still leisurely and lazy every day, as if he didn't care about the world.

Time is a year, and it is the turn of summer and autumn.

It's been a few years in reality, and now Li Tianlong, Xiaoxiao and Yuanyuan have put all their time in the game, not everyone shows off their power after they have the ability, and now it's the interstellar era, and a powerful black hole cannon will kill you.

So Li Tianlong slowly began to buy a piece of land on the earth and a large island, and lived there in seclusion when the game ended.


Since a few months ago, Emperor Ling had been bedridden, and now, he has been declining, and he has not had much time to wake up all day, and the whole person is in a trance. The eunuch forces headed by Zhang Rang, the foreign relatives forces headed by He Hou and He Jin, and the ** forces headed by the Empress Dowager Dong all quietly operated, and only the family forces in the court were extremely calm and did not see the slightest movement.

Imperial Palace, inside the Lingdi Bedroom.

The little yellow door was standing solemnly aside, and the two palace maids were supporting the Spirit Emperor on the dragon couch and feeding some gruel.

After drinking two mouthfuls of gruel, the Spirit Emperor opened his eyes slightly, and there was a divine light flickering in it.

"Let's go down. The Spirit Emperor lay on the backrest and waved his hand to let the palace maid leave. After a while, only Jian Shuo and Emperor Ling were left in the palace.

"Boom. Emperor Ling looked at Jian Shuo and shouted in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty!" the general doctor fell to his knees.

"Jian Shuo, I... No more. Emperor Ling said lightly, as if he had seen through life and death and didn't care.

"How come? Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, with the protection of God, a little illness, just a little bit!" Jian Shuo raised his head, looking a little flustered. He is just a small yellow door, and he is not a big role in the palace, only because Emperor Ling attaches importance to his current status, so he is very loyal to Emperor Ling.

In these days when Emperor Ling was groggy, Jian Shuo accompanied him as long as he was free, and he did not slack off at all. At this time, the Spirit Emperor suddenly had a spirit, but it made Jian Shuoshen flustered-back to the light!

The Spirit Emperor shook his head, and a sarcastic smile curled up at the corner of his mouth: "Heaven bless? Hehehe... Jian Shuo, you are the person I trust the most, and I want to entrust you with an important matter. "

Your Majesty..."Jian Shuo was very moved when he heard that he was the most trusted person by the Son of Heaven, and tears welled up in his eyes at the moment.

"I want Xie'er to ascend the throne, but unfortunately there are any constraints on the outside, and the queen interferes inside, and I am powerless... But I'm about to ascend to heaven, these troublesome things, I can't do it if I want to, Jian Shuo, after my death, if I have the opportunity, I will support Xie'er to ascend the throne, if not, go to Youzhou, find Liu Zihong, the king of Yuyang, he will definitely help Xie'er and revive the Han Dynasty!"

Emperor Ling said, and actually took out a scroll of holy decrees from the collapse, handed it to Jian Shuo, and said: "This is the holy decree of succession." Jian Shuo, if Xie'er can ascend the throne safely, he will read it at the enthronement ceremony, if not, he must not be exposed, and he must find a way to hand it over to the king of Yuyang. Also, the jade seal of the country must be kept and not lost!"

Jian Shuo took the holy decree, cherished it in his arms, and looked at the divine light that gradually dissipated in the eyes of the Spirit Emperor, and he couldn't cry.

"Hehe... I've spent my whole life absurd, and I've enjoyed my whole life, and it's worth it... It's worth it... Hahaha..."Emperor Ling smiled and smiled, his brain was crooked, and there was no more sound

! Son of Heaven, he died!

"Your Majesty!"

Jian Shuo fell to his knees with a thud, and fell to the ground.

Soon, the news of the death of the Son of Heaven spread all over Luoyang, and there was a lot of silence in the huge Luoyang.

Jian Shuo remembered Emperor Ling's instructions and knew that if he wanted to support Liu Xie's ascension, he must get rid of the generals He Jin and Empress He, otherwise, with the support of these two people, the superior must be Liu Wei, not Liu Xie.

So, Jian Shuo summoned his confidants, held a sharp blade and axe, and ambushed in the hall containing the coffin of the Spirit Emperor, just waiting for He Jin and He Hou to come to mourn, and waited for the opportunity to kill him.

Who expected that there would be any spies in the henchmen, so the matter was known to He Hou, He Hou was shocked, and immediately sent someone to inform He Jin.

After He Jin found out, he was also shocked, thought about it, and decided to lead troops into the palace, and meet Empress He to put Liu Wei on the throne first.

So, He Jin gathered his subordinates and led the eight schools of the West Garden, with a total of 30,000 troops, and went straight to the palace.

The palace guards were He Jin's people, so the army entered the palace without encountering any obstacles.

Then, He Jin issued an edict to convene hundreds of civil and military officials to gather in the Zhengxuan Palace.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Son of Heaven has returned to the West, and Heaven and Earth are sad. But the so-called country cannot be left without an owner for a day, this general thinks, when the new emperor is established first, and then the first emperor is buried, what do you think?" "

Civil and military officials, you look at me, I look at you, and look at the tens of thousands of troops around me, and collectively lose their voices."

"Well, since you don't speak, you agree. He Jin's face flashed red, and he was very excited, and said: "The prince is the eldest son

of the first emperor, and the queen is the new emperor, and he will ascend the throne immediately!" As soon as He Jin's voice fell, he saw He Hou walking out of the side and arguing with the prince who had already put on the dragon robe.

Empress He helped the prince to board the dragon chair, and he sat next to him and glanced at the general He Jin.

He Jin smiled slightly, and immediately bowed down: "Minister He Jin, meet Your Majesty!" "Meet Your Majesty!"


officials of He Jin's family immediately followed and bowed.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Immediately after, the other civil and military officers also fell to the ground.

In this way, the prince argued on the throne, because he was young, he was listened to by the queen mother, who had become the queen mother, and the general He Jin assisted.

When Jian Shuo, who was waiting in the coffin hall, heard the news, he almost fainted.

The emperor is newly mourned, and these people do not come to mourn and pay respects, but actually set up a new emperor, which is simply a big rebellion!

However, Jian Shuo is not a stupid person, and when he calms down and thinks about it, he knows that his plan may have gone wrong, so he hides it at the moment.

Jian Shuo, who was hiding in **, still didn't want to give up the idea of getting rid of He Jin and others, but he knew that he was probably not enough alone, so he decided to contact Zhang Rang and other eunuchs and Empress Dowager Dong and others to work together to solve He Jin!

After a few turns of thought, Jian Shuo suddenly said to a little eunuch beside him: "Xiao Qi, are you loyal to the emperor, are you loyal to me?" The little eunuch

named Xiao Qi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Xiao Qi has received the great favor of the emperor and the adult, and it is difficult to repay it with ten thousand deaths!"

Jian Shuo pondered for a long time, suddenly took out a small package from his arms, handed it to Xiao Qi, and said solemnly: "Xiao Qi, this is an important matter entrusted to me before His Majesty returns to heaven, and now I will hand it over to you, you immediately mix out of the palace, go straight to Youzhou, and hand over these things to Li Tianlong, the king of Yuyang!"

Jian Shuo knew that it was difficult to survive, but he was arranging a way back.

Xiao Qi took the package, gritted his teeth, and replied: "Don't worry, my lord, even if you don't want to fight Xiao Qi's bad life, you have to complete the task

!" "Okay!" Jian Shuo patted him on the shoulder with relief, and was about to say a few more words, but when he heard the noise approaching, he immediately whispered: "Xiao Qi, go quickly!"

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