Yuan Shao was overjoyed when he heard this, cast a grateful look at Han Fu, and at the same time smiled at Xu Yu beside him.

As soon as Han Fu's voice fell, a big man walked out behind him.

This person is nine feet tall, dressed in military uniform, and has a huge axe like a door panel on his back, only to feel that the cold light on the blade of the axe flickered, and a wave of killing machine rushed to his face, "Wushuang, and kill Huaxiong for me, and raise my Jizhou military might"

Han Fu patted Pan Feng's shoulder and walked out of the camp with him.

"Come on, bring me a BMW"

Han Fu asked someone to bring a tall horse covered in black and divine horses, and handed the reins to Pan Feng.

Pan Feng took the reins, and the suspicion in his eyes flashed.

You must know that he assisted Han Fu, and he was the same brother as him, and he could be said to be the second person under the command of Jizhou Mu, and he knew that there were no good horses in Jizhou, but Han Fu actually brought out a good horse at this time, and it was a little strange.

But the big war was imminent, Pan Feng didn't have time to ask more, so he immediately got on his horse and threw his whip away.

Hua Xiong beheaded several people in a row, and then killed Yu She, so he looked down on the coalition army in his heart. Tens of millions of troops, is there no enemy? He carried a big sword and rode a great horse, walking back and forth in the battlefield.

Suddenly, the main gate of the camp on the opposite side was wide open, and a horse came galloping faintly.

Hua Xiong laughed: "Another person came to send

him to death" was about to step forward with a knife and engage him, when suddenly a large army rushed behind him, and said: "General Hua's scout has detected that there is a large army in the north that is heading to Bishui Pass to ask the general to decide

" "What?"

Hua Xiong's face changed.

The coalition army is here, and it hasn't moved these days, so where does the army from the north come from?

"Youzhou Army?"

Hua Xiong was shocked and hurriedly said: "Quickly withdraw the army

" After speaking, Hua Xiong shouted at the enemy general who was galloping quickly: "This general has important things to deal with, and he will fight again in the future" After speaking, he turned his horse's head and galloped away

Pan Feng saw that Hua Xiong turned around and left, a little unclear, but since he was on the battlefield, he had to take some merits before he could go back to meet the lord, so Pan Feng actually waved a big axe, and chased after Hua Xiong looked back, hehe sneered: "This person is so stupid, he actually caught up single-handedly, hehe" sneered, but his mind turned straight, and he had the idea of killing or capturing this person alive without delaying the time to return to the army.

Hua Xiong came to challenge this time, and he brought all the elite cavalry of Xiliang, which is a cavalry, and its mobility is very strong. Although Pan Feng's * war horse is of the highest quality, it is not easy to catch up.

In this way, Pan Feng stared at Hua Xiong in the army in front of him, but he didn't notice that * the war horse had already foamed at the mouth, his eyes were red and facing the dust in the sky, Pan Feng followed Hua Xiong's five thousand cavalry around a forest, at this time, Pan Feng hesitated.

"I've been chasing for so long, and if I want to chase it again, in case there is fraud

" Pan Feng can assist Pan Feng to fight against Yuan Shao and Tian Feng with his own strength, naturally he is not a stupid person, he was about to tighten the reins and fight his horse back, and suddenly, there was a shout of killing "What's the matter?"

Pan Feng was surprised Compared to Pan Feng, Hua Xiong was even more shocked "This is the Youzhou Army" Hua Xiong can be sure, because when the Yellow Turban Disaster was suppressed, he saw with his own eyes that the Youzhou army sounded with the shouting of killing, and in the four fields, rows of Youzhou iron cavalry surrounded him, at first glance, I am afraid that there are not 20,000 "How should this be good?"

Hua Xiong's heart trembled, panicked, and the five thousand Xiliang cavalry under his command were even more chaotic.

"No, you must break through" Hua Xiong gritted his teeth, waved his big knife, and shouted: "Sons, follow me

to the north to break through" Hua Xiong led the Xiliang cavalry, which had lost its formation, and rushed straight to the north "How did so many cavalry evade the eyes of the scouts and ambush here?" Pan Feng saw that the target of the 20,000 cavalry was Hua Xiong, and he was immediately relieved. If you are an enemy of the Xiliang Army, you are a friend of the coalition forces.

"Could it be that there was a calculation?" Pan

Feng condensed his eyebrows and pondered, but when he raised his eyes, he saw that in the face of the desperate breakthrough of the Xiliang cavalry, the black-armored cavalry formation with triangular arrows in the north did not move at all, "It's strange",

"Hahaha, I knew you were coming north".

Hua Xiong led the army to break through to the north, the two armies were just about to engage in battle, suddenly heard a loud laugh from the opponent's army formation, and saw a black-armored and black-gun general rush out of the words, only to see the steel spear in the general's hand pointed fiercely at the sky, behind him, the black-armored cavalry phalanx raised the huge horse chopping knife in his hand at the same time, "first board the horse, first board a blow".

Suddenly, Hua Xiong saw a shocking scene, only to see a trace of red light blooming all over the black-armored cavalry at the same time, and the red light shot straight out, gathering on the top of the black-armored general's head in the blink of an eye, and instantly turned into a blood-red mist "slash".

The black armor general shouted violently, the steel spear in his hand pointed to the sky like a long whale absorbing water, and instantly sucked the red cloud into the head of the gun, with that loud shout, the steel spear slashed down, and saw a huge blood-red light gun open the world, and slashed down with a bang The light gun that is difficult to see with the naked eye cut down from Hua Xiong's side, and suddenly, the wind swept, flying sand and walking Shi Huaxiong and his people and horses were shocked and flew dozens of feet, behind him, five thousand cavalry were instantly killed nearly a thousand people, the wind was mixed with stones, and a dense sound broke out, and then, I heard a scream, and the Xiliang cavalry was not directly beheaded, there were one or two thousand people who were swept down by the stone wind only this time, and the Xiliang army was broken half of this time, The morale of the Xiliang army was exhausted, and the military formation that had just formed was in a mess, and the entire battlefield was silent, "joint attack and joint attack of the whole army" Pan Feng could not hide the shock in his heart, a pair of eyes protruded, his throat rolled again and again, and beads of sweat flowed down his sideburns.

After the black-armored general struck, he stopped his movements, slammed the steel gun in his hand to the ground, and drank: "Is Hua Xiong here?"

Hua Xiong stood up tremblingly, and his rough face was full of horror.

But as a general, he still mustered up the courage and walked over.

"Huaxiong is here

", "Would you like

to surrender", "Willing to surrender",

"Hahaha, Xiliang Army, disarmed"

As soon as the black armor general's voice fell, only a chaotic sound of ping-pong was heard, and the living Xiliang cavalry seemed to throw away all the weapons that usually depend on life, and the black armor general saw this, hehe smiled, his face was full of spirit, and he immediately let people step forward to integrate the pawns, and he walked to Hua Xiong's side.

"General Hua, you will be proud of today's decision" General Heijia laughed and said: "A certain is the deputy commander of the Jizhou Legion under the command of King Yuyang, General Hua, and the two of us will be colleagues in the future" Hua

Xiong was still immersed in the shock just now, and could only nod silently, unable to speak.

Koji Yi asked the soldiers to take Hua Xiong down, and turned his face to look at the man still on the horse in the distance, carrying a big axe.

"Who are you?" asked Koji Yoshida, stepping forward.

"Pan Feng under the account of Mu Han Fu of Jizhou" Pan Feng swallowed his saliva and tightened the big axe in his hand, still feeling insecure.

"Are you Pan Feng?" Lu Yi's eyes lit up and he smiled: "I've heard the name of Pan Feng for a long time, but you're too bad, aren't you?" Look at your mount, you're going to fall"

As soon as the words fell, Pan Feng*'s black horse screamed twice, as if he was drunk, kicked a few times, and fell to the ground Pan Feng stood up in embarrassment, very speechless.

This BMW?

" Hahahapan General, if you vote for my lord Yuyang King, there will be more BMWs" Lu Yi smiled, and with a wave of his hand, a soldier stepped forward to hand over Pan Feng's blade, and said: "Hehe, General Pan is not to blame, on the battlefield, you must be cautious."

Pan Feng let the soldiers surrender his blades, nodded, and was silent.

After dealing with this, Koji Yi breathed a sigh of relief and called Hua Xiong in front of him again.

"General Hua, the lord wants me to seize Bishui Pass, I don't know what General Hua suggests?"

"Uh" Hua Xiong's mind turned, and he understood what Koji Yi meant. You Huaxiong want to serve the king of Yuyang, so you have to have a name for it, right? Isn't Bishui Pass the best name for you?"

"General Koji, Bishui Pass will be handed over to Hua" Hua

Xiong gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

Anyway, he has already served the king of Yuyang, and if he doesn't do it, he will sacrifice the water pass, and he will fight for a future, Huaxiong has not thought about turning against the water, but the scene just now told him that there is no future for following Dong Zhuo.

But the family member Hua Xiong's heart is dripping blood.

Lu Yi is not a stupid person, how can he not see Hua Xiong's thoughts, when he said: "General Hua, don't worry, a certain summons immediately, let the detailed work lurking in Luoyang rescue your family

" Hua Xiong was overjoyed when he heard this, but he was still a little worried: "Luoyang is under the control of the Taishi Dong Zhuo, I'm afraid

" "Hahaha Dong Zhuo is something? My lord has been prepared in Luoyang, and it is easy to save someone"

Hearing this, Hua Xiong was completely relieved.

Immediately, Liyi asked the 5,000 Youzhou Army to change into the costume of the Xiliang Army, and he was on the side, holding Huaxiong hostage, and went straight to Bishui Pass.

"I'm Huaxiong, open the city gate quickly" Soon, the army arrived at the gate of Bishui Pass, Huaxiong glanced at Koji Yi on his side, raised his head and shouted.

"Ah, General Hua is back," exclaimed the soldier on the city wall, and then, the drawbridge was lowered, and the gates were wide open.

Hua Xiong and Ko Yi took the army and entered the city, and the other

defenders of "General Hua" also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Hua Xiong return to the city. Without Huaxiong's Bishui Pass, it really makes people feel insecure.

"General, the Youzhou Army is about to arrive," Hu Zhen exhaled and stepped forward to say.

Hua Xiong glanced at Koji Yi beside him with his head down, and an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes. Then he said: "Gather the officers above the rank of lieutenant and discuss the matter"

Hu Zhen was not suspicious, and immediately took the order.

Then, Koji Yi took advantage of this opportunity to sweep the guards of Bishui Pass into a net, and then captured all of them, Huaxiong's bullet suppressed the 90,000 troops of Bishui Pass, and Koji Yi opened the city gate, and welcomed Tian Feng and 100,000 troops who had been guarding outside the city into Bishui Pass Since then, the soldiers of Bishui Pass have not been bloody, and they have gone down without a fight.

Occupying Bishui Pass, Tian Feng immediately completely cleaned the generals and soldiers who were loyal to Dong Zhuo, and within one day, he actually killed nearly 10,000 people, and the entire Bishui Pass was full of blood, "There are really a lot of people who are loyal to Dong Zhuo" Lu Yi looked at the thick blood on the ground and said to Tian Feng.

Tian Feng nodded and said with a smile: "It's easy to take the Bishui Pass without a single soldier, isn't it?"

Coalition battalion.

"You mean Pan Feng chased Hua Xiong?" Yuan Shao seemed to confirm here.

"Yes, Alliance Master," the scout replied affirmatively.

"Pan Feng is so powerful, can one person defeat Huaxiong's five thousand cavalry?" Yuan Shao was very puzzled.

"The villain doesn't know. The scout said: "At that time, General Pan had just rushed out of the camp and had not yet engaged in the battle, so Hua Xiong immediately withdrew

" "Then you go down." Yuan Shao waved off the soldiers and turned his face to the people: "What do you think about this

?" "Eh, do you want to come to Huaxiong to know Pan Fengwei's name and dare not fight?" Yuan Shu's face was strange.

"This" Han Fu was at a loss. Although Pan Feng is powerful, he won't run around with an army of 5,000 alone, right?"

And the other princes are also contemplating.

It's so weird, it's so confusing.

There was silence in the whole tent.

Time passed slowly, and everyone sat in the big tent, drinking wine without a glass, until an hour passed, and then another soldier came to report.

"Alliance leader, there are traces of a big war on the edge of the woods ten miles away" "Great war?" Yuan Shao said: "Where is General Pan Feng?" "I don't know

" Waiting for the scouts to go down, Yuan Shao said to the princes: "There are traces of a big war ten miles away, and General Pan Feng is nowhere to be found

" "Hmph Pan Feng is

fat, he must have been caught" Yuan Shu sneered and looked at Han Fu with disdain.

"Impossible" Han Fu didn't believe it in his heart. He knows best who Pan Feng is. With Pan Feng's mind, how could he do such a stupid thing and fight the Huaxiong army with his own strength?

"There must have been an accident," Han Fu said categorically.

In this regard, more than a dozen people are imaginative, discussing indiscriminately, and laughing at Han Fu, and there are only a few people who really care about this matter.

Seeing that he couldn't get a result, Yuan Shao had no choice but to dissolve the meeting and go back to their respective homes.

Cao * took the Xiahou brothers and the Cao brothers on the way back to the camp, and sighed lowly.

"Big brother, why are you sighing?"

Cao Ren was a little strange.

"Hehehe" Cao * shook his head with a smile and said: "I sigh that the princes are scattered, and no one has the heart to serve the country; "

Why do you say this?" Xiahou Yuan and the others said strangely when they heard this.

"The princes are scattered, each with a ghost in his heart, needless to say, anyone can see it. They

nodded yes.

"As for Dong Zhuo's cup and utensils, today's incident is meant to be a statement," Cao * sighed: "Who is Huaxiong? How could a general like Dong Zhuo, an arrogant and brutal man, retreat without a fight? It must be that something big happened in Bishui Pass, and Pan Feng is a shrewd person, and he will not fight against a strange army with his own strength. I am afraid that he was chasing Hua Xiong, and when he was about to return, he was ambushed with Hua Xiong."

So where did the soldiers who ambushed Huaxiong come from?" Cao

* smiled and stretched out his finger to the north.

"Youzhou Army" Cao Ren and others spoke in unison.

"Yes, it must be that Li Tianlong is here, he intervened, Dong Zhuo will die, and there is no need for the tens of millions of troops here"

After Cao * finished speaking, he quickly walked into the camp tent in front of him. The Xiahou brothers, the Cao brothers, Yu Ban, Li Dian and others glanced at each other, and followed Cao *'s steps into the tent.

"Big brother, don't you know the alliance leader about this?"

Cao Ren opened the tent door, followed Cao *, and said suspiciously.

"Tell the original?" Cao * stood still, glanced at Cao Ren with a slanted face, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and said: "What's the use of telling him?"

Cao Ren is quite wise, but after all, he has never seen Li Tianlong with his own eyes, and he has never seen the military power of Youzhou with his own eyes, otherwise he would not ask this question.

"With Li Tianlong's

character, he will not let this tens of millions of troops enter the pass" Fu sighed again: "At this moment

, presumably Bishui Pass has fallen into his hands" In Cao*'s view, once Bishui Pass falls into the hands of Li Tianlong, then even if its defenders are only tens of thousands of people, they can't tolerate these tens of millions of rabble to spread wild, even if the Yuan family and Li Tianlong have a blood feud, presumably with Yuan Shao's indecisive character, he will not dare to play it rashly.

"Big brother is saying that Bishui Pass has been captured by the Youzhou Army?" Xiahou Chun held the handle of the knife, full of disbelief: "That Huaxiong was known as the first fierce general in Xiliang in the early years, although he has now been replaced by Lu Bu, but with his brave military strategy and the nearly 100,000 troops in Bishui Pass, how can he not resist the Youzhou Army by taking advantage of the danger of Bishui Pass?"

"Hmph..."Cao * snorted twice, walked up to the main seat and sat down, and said: " If Hua Xiong is in the Bishui Pass, this is not bad, but Yuan Rang, do you think that there is nothing strange in Pan Feng's pursuit of Hua Xiong today?"

Cao* also ignored it and continued: "There are naturally a lot of articles in it. Hua Xiong killed several people in a row, it was when morale was high, how could he retreat without a fight because of one Pan Feng? So why did he retreat in a hurry?" Cao

* pointed in the direction of Bishui Pass and said categorically: "There must be something wrong with Bishui Pass, I guess, he must have received the news that a large army was rushing towards and threatening Bishui Pass, so he led

the army to retreat" "So, what kind of people, what army let Hua Xiong, who dared to lead 5,000 people to challenge 10 million people, to retreat in a hurry? Youzhou Army

"" When

the Yellow Turban was suppressed, Hua Xiong had seen Li Tianlong, and he had witnessed the power of the Youzhou Army to defeat the Yellow Turban Army on the battlefield, so he was so jealous" Hearing this, Xiahou Yuan couldn't help but say: "It was precisely because Hua Xiong retreated too quickly that he was ambushed?" But how did the Youzhou Army know that Hua Xiong led the army out of Bishui Pass? This timing was too cleverly grasped, right?"

"Hehehe..."Cao * stroked the three inches under his chin and said with a smile: "According to my guess, there are two reasons.

"First, Li Tianlong has been in business for many years, and the Central Plains Commercial Bank under his command is all over the world, that is to say, its intelligence system must be very complete, of course, we can also see from this matter that this intelligence system is too

complete" "Second, only complete intelligence is far from enough. It takes a perfect executor to make things happen.

Cao * looked at the generals under his command, let them all sit down, and then said: "The subordinate army of Youzhou that can react so quickly, and cross the Yellow River and advance into Bishui Pass, there is only one - Jizhou Legion and the principal of the Jizhou Legion is Tian Toyoda Feng, who was already famous in the Central Plains ten years ago, resourceful and strategic, exemplary, and naturally able to seize the opportunity and skillfully set up an ambush, so that Huaxiong fell into the trap unconsciously."

After that, he caught Hua Xiong, and then pretended to be the Xiliang Army, and easily opened the city gate by swindling, so..."

Cao * spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"It's really amazing,"

the generals admired.

If Tian Feng was here, after listening to Cao*'s words, he would definitely be deeply impressed. Because, Cao * almost restored the whole thing to its original form, from this, it can also be seen that Cao * has a deep plan, and the spirit of the mind looks at the general who is deeply versed in the art of war and has a slightly insufficient strategy, Cao * can't help but sigh secretly in his heart - if I have a subordinate like Tian Feng, I'm afraid it will be much easier. For the strategist, Cao*'s heart is also eagerly looking forward to it.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was only slightly bright, Yuan Shao invited a group of princes to the main tent.

When everyone arrived at the main tent, they saw a sergeant in iron armor standing tall in the center of the tent, and they couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have asked you to come over and have an important matter to inform you. Yuan Shao squinted slightly, as if he hadn't woken up. He stretched out his hand slightly in his sleeve, pointed at the black-armored sergeant, and said, "Say it."

The black-armored sergeant stretched out his hand and hugged his fists neatly, and said to everyone present: "A certain is a soldier of the Jizhou Legion under the command of King Yuyang, and now on the order of the commander of the legion Tian Feng, please go to Bishui Pass to talk about

it" As soon as these words came out, the hall was in an uproar - except for Yuan Shao and Cao*.

"The Yuyang King has arrived at Bishui Pass?" Beihai Taishou Kong Rong stood up and asked.

The soldier clenched his fists and shook his head: "Where is the prince, I don't know if the pawn is there."

When Kong Rong heard this, his face was full of disappointment.

"Bishui Pass has been captured?" a one-armed man beside Kong Rong couldn't help but ask.

The sergeant looked at the one-armed man strangely, and was a little puzzled in his heart, how could such a cripple be qualified to sit with the princes of the Sixteenth Route?"


the sergeant's answer, the whole tent fell silent.


Cao*'s voice rang out.

"It's noon today. The sergeant replied with a blank face.

"Okay, Cao will definitely arrive at that time.

The sergeant nodded slightly, hugged his fist at Yuan Shao again, and said, "The task is complete, and a certain retirement"

After speaking, he turned around sharply and strode out of the camp tent.

.. Bishui

Pass fell, but because of Tian Feng's proper planning, no news came out. The army of Tiger Prison Pass is still the same, and Dong Zhuo of Luoyang is still living a brutal and drunken life in worry.

As everyone knows, Li Tianlong at this time is already close to Mengjin.

Mengjin Ferry is located fifty miles north of Luoyang City. It is the only Yellow River ferry in the whole Sili and the largest ferry on the bank of the entire Yellow River.

At this time, Mengjin had already been built by Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's uncle and nephew like an iron bucket - the part on the shore was built with a three-zhang high wall, which was impermeable, and even because of the abundance of grain and grass, even the city gate was not built, and the whole was a closed barrel.

In the water, the water village and the arrow tower are lined up, connected into a piece, looking at it from a distance, it looks like a hedgehog, and it is chilling to look at.

In the Yellow River, which is less than ten miles away from Mengjin Water Village, a huge fleet of boats is connected in a line, and it stops steadily in the middle of the river where the water flow is slightly gentle.

In the middle of the fleet, on the largest iron boat, Li Tianlong, Dian Wei, and Gan Ning stood quietly on the deck facing the river breeze.

"Lord, according to the report from the spies, that Meng Jindu was like an iron bucket built by Dong Zhuo, and this is going to go ashore..."Gan Ning looked at the huge black shadow looming in the distance and frowned.

Li Tianlong sat in the river breeze and took a deep breath, and when he heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl, but he asked: "Can you find out who the Mengjin guards are, and what is the composition and number of the army?"

Gan Ning immediately replied: "The people who guard Mengjin are Zhang Ji, an important general under Dong Zhuo, and his nephew Zhang Xiu. In Mengjindu, there were 50,000 troops, most of them were archers, and the rest were light infantry.

Li Tianlong nodded slowly and said, "It turned out to be Uncle Zhang Ji's nephew... Hey. It's not bad, I know how to use archers to deal with sailors..."Li Tianlong smiled, took another deep breath, stretched out his finger and pointed to the dense woods on the south bank, turned around sharply

, and said to Gan Ning: "Xingba, tonight, I will land there on the shore" "Ah" Gan Ning reflexively looked at Li Tianlong's fingers, and said in disbelief: "Didn't

you land in Mengjin?" "Who said you must land in Mengjin?" Li Tianlong put his hands behind his back and said: " Although Mengjin is the only port with deep water and gentle water, the Yellow River is long, where can't

it land?" "But it's too difficult to land from here" Gan Ning said: "The lord is all cavalry, it's almost impossible

" "Forgot what this king asked you to prepare when he got on the boat?" Li Tianlong said with a smile.

"Those planks?" Gan Ning remembered the large number of planks that Li Tianlong had prepared for him when he boarded the ship in Dagu, and his heart gradually became clearer.

"Not bad. Although the big ships here can't dock, they use a lot of wooden planks with lifebuoys sewn from cowhide, hey, the grass makes a pontoon bridge, and it won't take long for 10,000 cavalry to land," Li Tianlong said.

"Oh," the fog in Gan Ning's heart was revealed.

As a sailor, life-saving utensils in the water are naturally indispensable. The lifebuoy sewn from cowhide is one of them. Gan Ning had been focusing on Meng Jindu before, and he didn't understand it for a while, but after listening to Li Tianlong's explanation, he couldn't help but admire it in his heart, and he kept this method in mind as a means for the future naval division to fight.

Time passed, the round red sun gradually fell westward, through the mist, quite a long river sunset taste.

Night, soon to come.

At that time, the entire river was quiet, and only a hazy light came from a hazy light more than ten miles away, but it was Meng Jin.

Li Tianlong had already changed into military armor at this time, Dian Wei was on the left, and the lion and tiger beast were on the right.

Gan Ning commanded the sailors to slowly move the fleet closer to the riverbank, and countless soldiers had already stood on the side of the boat with wooden planks and lifebuoys, ready for everything.

"Lord, it's okay"

After a while, Gan Ning came to report.

Li Tianlong squinted slightly, looked at the water surface carefully, nodded slightly, and said, "Let's start." With

the order, countless sailors and soldiers dived into the water, followed the cowhide lifebuoys thrown down from the boat, connected them with ropes, and then put the wooden planks handed down from the boat on them.

But a quarter of an hour, under the swift hands and feet of the warriors, everything was ready.

Li Tianlong looked at the three pontoon bridges on the water that were one zhang wide and more than 200 meters long, the corners of his mouth curled, and he turned over the lion and tiger beast.

"Gan Ning, this time the king went ashore, he went straight to Luoyang, and when he hit Dong Zhuo, he was caught off guard and immediately started attacking Meng Jindu. Remember, as long as the army of Mengjin Duzhong is delayed, it is a victoryOf course, if you can take Mengjin at a small price, it will naturally be better. "

Gan Ning has to order"

Gan Ning clenched his fists, and his voice was sonorous and powerful.

"Let's go

" Li Tianlong shouted, and the lion and tiger beast kicked on its four claws when it heard the sound and landed on the pontoon.

Immediately following Li Tianlong, 10,000 of Youzhou's most elite warriors rode war horses, stepped onto the pontoon bridge from the wooden planks that were leaning on the big boat and the pontoon bridge, and went straight to the river bank.

10,000 people, three pontoons. Each bridge could pass side by side at the same time, and it took half an hour to fully reach the shore.

Then, Gan Ning ordered someone to dismantle the pontoon bridge, led the fleet straight to Mengjin Li Tianlong's army to go ashore, quietly found a relatively open place, and took a little rest. Then let the soldiers wrap cloth on the horse's hooves to reduce the movement brought by the cavalry march, and took advantage of the darkness of the night to go straight to Luoyang, fifty miles away.


Zhang Ji was about to rest, when suddenly there was a shout of killing from outside. Zhang Ji was startled, stood up suddenly, hurriedly put on his military uniform, and walked out with his blade. As soon as I went out, I met my nephew Zhang Xiu.


asked Zhang Ji.

"I don't know. Zhang Xiu said: "The sound of shouting and killing came from the direction of Shuizhai, and I am afraid that the Youzhou army will attack

" "Go" Zhang Ji's face sank, waved his hand, and went straight to Shuizhai with the guards who had gathered.

Before he arrived at Shuizhai, Zhang Ji bumped into the soldiers who came to report.

"General, there are a large number of enemy troops attacking from the water

" Zhang Ji's heart lifted up, and he hurriedly said: "What is the specific situation?"

"The situation is fine. The pawn said: "Just because of the enemy's surprise attack, the first two bursts of arrow rain killed and injured many brothers, and after the brothers reacted, they have stabilized their positions." "

Whew... That's good," Zhang Ji relaxed. As long as the enemy does not attack the water village, everything is easy to say.

"Uncle, it's time to get dark. There are lights in the water village, which can be said to be bright; the enemy army is in the river, it can be said that it is dark, and it is not easy to deal with" Zhang Xiu shook the steel gun in his hand, very unhappy.

"This is the time of day, and there is nothing to be done. Zhang Ji said: "Now we can only defend passively, supplemented by bows and arrows to counterattack, and only wait until tomorrow dawn to understand the enemy's layout, so that we can do it."

"Well, the water comes to cover the earth, and that's all it can be. Zhang Xiu nodded.

So Zhang Ji immediately ordered the army to be on strict alert and defend, just waiting for the next day.

Gan Ning stood on the deck shirtless and with a knife in his hand, and let the warrior shoot a few showers of arrows before stopping.

"Come on, prepare a trebuchet for each ship"

As Gan Ning's voice fell, a soldier pushed a trebuchet out of the cabin on each boat in the front row.

The "upper stones"

soldiers quickly installed the large stones.


crunch crunch .. .

woowoooooooo Twenty

or thirty huge stones were thrown into the sky by trebuchets, cutting through the air and causing bursts of whining and hissing sounds, which shot straight at Mengjin Water Village.

Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu gave an order and were about to return, when suddenly a loud noise came, and then they heard a scream, and then, two arrow towers collapsed "What's the matter

?" The uncle and nephew of the Zhang family were shocked, and they didn't know why, "General, a flying stone fell from the sky, killing many brothers and smashing several arrow towers

" "Flying stone?" Zhang Ji Zhang Xiu glanced at each other and looked shocked.

"A sharp weapon for throwing flying stones" Zhang Xiu gritted his teeth and said: "The enemy army has such a sharp weapon, how can the water village be defended?"

The uncle and nephew of the Zhang family thought of the cause and effect in an instant. I can't help but feel numb in my heart.

Fortunately, the flying stone only threw three formations, and then it disappeared, but the uncle and nephew of the Zhang family did not dare to leave the water village at all, and the Xiliang army guarding the water village did not dare to close their eyes and rest at all. I'm afraid that the flying stone arrow array will suddenly attack, and I will lose my life in vain.

Gan Ning used bows, arrows, and trebuchets to give Mengjin Water Village an unforgettable night, and then immediately retreated the fleet into the river and ordered the soldiers to rest. When the Youzhou Sailor was resting, in the Mengjin Water Village, it was dignified.

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