No matter how things develop or how people's hearts change, time always passes slowly on another parallel line.

Three days, in a flash.

Li Tianlong looked at the paper stick in his hand, smiled, gently pinched the powder, and strode out of the tent.

Inside the Tiger Prison Pass, in the chamber.

Xu Rongbu sent more than a dozen people on the left, and Lu Bu and several of his subordinates on the right, sitting opposite each other in two camps.

Compared with the bleak and blank of Xu Rong and his subordinates, the people under Lu Bu's command were full of red light, and they were very proud.

"General Xu, have you thought about it?" Lu Bu changed his previous arrogance and frivolity, but now his face was indifferent. "The time has come.

Xu Rong raised his eyes to look at the sunlight shining in from outside the gate, and looked at Lu Bu, his heart was extremely complicated.

Li Tianlong's majestic appearance on that day is still vivid. The words Li Tianlong said when he turned to leave are still deafening

! Dong Zhuo is dead! The Taishi is dead

! The backbone of the main heart is gone

! What happened?

Xu Rong couldn't help himself! The moment he heard that the Taishi had been punished, Xu Rong felt as if the sky had fallen! With Li Tianlong's god-like figure, he couldn't breathe


Luoyang is gone, Dong Zhuo is ambushed, just like Li Tianlong said, their army of hundreds of thousands has no roots, and it is notorious and spurned by the people of the world without roots. Looking at the whole world, the world is so big, where is there a place for them

? Is there really only one way to go, surrender?

The generals also put forward their own opinions.

Half of them agreed with Toucheng. Among the remaining half, some people can't make up their minds, and the other part is biting hundreds of thousands of troops, saying that even if they fall into the grass, they are unwilling to abandon their weapons and surrender.

In this regard, Xu Rong, who calmed down, had a headache and couldn't pay attention to it. It's not that he didn't think of using a scheme to abandon the Tiger Prison Pass and lead the army to escape with the golden cicada's shell, but then Lu Bu kept an eye on him all the time, leaving him with no way to do anything! He didn't think about killing Lu Bu first and then making a plan, but then Lu Bu was not only a martial artist, but also extremely shrewd, and there were nearly 10,000 military horses under his command.

Why did time pass so quickly?

"General, let's withdraw

!" Someone said: "Let's withdraw to Xiliang and start over!" "It's, although the Taishi is dead, and Luoyang is falling, it is not difficult for us to escape and retreat to Xiliang with an army of more than 100,000 troops!"

"Hmph! Where is it so easy!" There are also many people who object: "Since the king of Yuyang has killed the Taishi and occupied Luoyang, and he has clearly given me three days to surrender, he must be fully prepared! Besides, Ma Teng and Han Sui are also part of the alliance of the princes, and now they occupy the area of Chang'an, cutting off our way back!

Even if we join up with the other remnants of the army and rush out of a bloody way back to Xiliang, what can we do? Taishi is in Japan, Xiliang naturally respects Taishi, but Taishi is gone, Xiliang is the world of the Ma family and Han Sui. When I return to Xiliang, sooner or later, I will be driven out by it! It's better to surrender to the King of Yuyang now, take the initiative, and fight for a future!"

When everyone heard this, most of them nodded in agreement, even Xu Rong's inconspicuous chin was not stopped.

"Not bad!" Lu Bu saw that the time had come, and immediately stood up and drank: "Now that the situation is erosive, there are tens of millions of Kwantung coalition troops in front of us, and there are Xiliang Ma Teng Han Sui in the back, we are waiting for wings, and it is difficult to fly with wings, why don't we make a decision early and vote for the king of Yuyang! The king of Yuyang is a great talent, and he is the king of the Han Dynasty, and he has an army of tens of millions in the north, as long as we wait to vote for the prince, there is no need to mention the security aspect! Besides, the king of Yuyang is the only one, as long as we have the ability to be around, we are not afraid of being buried!"

Lu Bu's words were loud and full of temptation. Many people are ready to move.

Xu Rong was also thinking about the pros and cons of Lu Bu's words, and the entire hall fell silent.


!" At this time, a soldier came to report: "A cavalry with a number of about 150,000 people appeared ten miles after the pass, looking at the appearance of the Youzhou army, please make a decision

!" "What?!" Xu Rong stood up, his face was full of surprise!

"Youzhou army?!"


generals were in an uproar.

"Alas, it's still here!" Xu Rong sat down dejectedly and said: "King Yuyang seized Luoyang, and the army will land from Mengjin, I originally thought that the army was going to clear Li Xuan, Guo Yan and other troops at that time, but I didn't expect to come over so soon!" "Surrender!"

This news became the last straw that broke the balance, and completely extinguished the luck in Xu Cai's heart.

Xu Rong sighed, stood up, tidied up his clothes, and was expressionless: "Let's go!"

The generals either showed joy on their faces, or suffered from gains and losses, and followed Xu Rong to close the city gate.

Outside the Tiger Prison Pass, the alliance of princes has already set up a formation, the golden drums are ringing in unison, and the flags are fluttering.

Li Tianlong and other princes and generals walked out of the military formation, lined up in front of the formation, and stared straight at the eight-zhang high and steep pass, thoughtful.

Suddenly, "Look! The big flag at the head of the city has been lowered!" Hearing

this, everyone looked up, but it was not the Xu Zi banner that was slowly lowering!

Immediately, the door slowly opened, and Xu Rong took a group of generals under his command and cooperated with Lu Bu to slowly walk out with his bare hands.

"Let's go.

Li Tianlong said indifferently, pulled the reins, and took the lead to meet him.

"Sin General Xu Rong, with his subordinates, meet the King of Yuyang, and meet all the adults!"

Xu Rong slowly knelt down and bowed down.

"The last general

, Lu Bu, meet the lord!" "Meet the lord!"

Lu Bu and his generals also immediately fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the eyes of the princes on Li Tianlong's side all flashed with envy and jealousy. Such a powerful general, when he has come to Li Tianlong's arms again, how can he not make people feel envy, vigilance and jealousy?"

"Get up!" Li Tianlong first asked Lu Bu and the others to get up, and turned his face to Xu Rong and the others: "General Xu knows things clearly, and now he abandons the darkness and turns to the light, which is gratifying, and get up and help this king to collect and surrender first." "

The sin general will take the order!" Xu

Rong stood up, took the lead, and led Li Tianlong and the others into the Tiger Prison.

Although most of the princes were a little apprehensive in their hearts, for fear that Xu Rong would deceive and lead everyone into Guanzhong, but seeing Li Tianlong's indifferent appearance, he also pressed his heart, although Li Tianlong walked in.

Tiger Prison Guanzhong, Council Chamber.

After solving all the problems, Li Tianlong summoned the princes to discuss matters here.

In the hall, Li Tianlong sat on the main seat, and more than ten generals under Li Tianlong's account, such as Lu Yi, Lu Bu, and Xu Rong, sat on the right. On the left sat the princes of the Sixteenth Route headed by Yuan Shaocao*.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today's peaceful victory of the Tiger Prison Pass also indicates the collapse of the usurper group led by Dong Thief. My Han will return to Qingping again. Li Tianlong raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "Dry this glass, for your loyalty, for your hard work!" "

Thank you, Lord Wang!"

Everyone raised their wine glasses regardless of whether they wanted to or not, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they all raised their wine glasses, touched them from afar, and drank them all.

At this moment, a general walked in outside the door, this person had a serious face, did not squint, strode forward, bowed to Li Tianlong, and said, "The last general, Gao Shun, meet the lord!"


Li Tianlong put down his wine glass and asked.

"Lord Qiqi, the last general has selected 300,000 elites from the million Xiliang army to return to the account, and the rest of the people are all disarmed, and they will be sent to Youzhou in the coming day, and they will be unloaded and guarded in Tuntian..."

Listening to Gao Shun's words, the princes' faces all showed pity and incredulity.

It's a pity that the millions of Xiliang troops guarding the Tiger Prison Pass are all elites who have experienced blood and fire, but I didn't expect that this Li Tianlongjing dismissed most of them and unloaded their armor, and they were tyrannical and tyrannical things!

You must know that there are 6 million regular troops under Li Tianlong's

command! 6 million such an army is invincible on that battlefield, who can stop it?

The matter of gathering and surrendering soldiers and selecting elites should not be so widespread. But Li Tianlong still arranged it this way on the 1st.

There are two reasons for this, one is that a large part of the strength of the Youzhou army has long been exposed, of course, except for the Modao heavy armor soldiers and the mechanical siege troops and water divisions.

Second, it is for deterrence. The Youzhou Army was able to pack up the Hu and Zhuguo countries in Northern Xinjiang, and even included their territory in the bag, and its strength was beyond doubt. But after all, this is a word of mouth, a powerful concept, and few people have witnessed it with their own eyes. This is just to make the princes more aware of the strength of Youzhou and make them more afraid of Li Tianlong.

After Gao Shun finished reporting, he sat down in a proper manner, and did not talk to the people around him, but did not squint, very solemn.

People who don't know him still think that this person is pretending to be *, but Lu Bu, who has had dealings with Gao Shun, knows that Gao Shun has always been a very strict person, especially in this kind of scene, he doesn't drink a drop of wine, and he doesn't eat oil and salt.

"Hmm!" Li Tianlong nodded, and turned to the princes: "Do you have any opinions on this king's arrangement to descend the soldiers?"

Although he scolded Li Tianlong in his heart, who would dare to show it? Could it be that you Yuyang King is a loser, and the benefits you have in your hands are thrown into the water and floated, so it is better to wait for me?"

"Since you have no other opinions, then it means that the matter of the tiger prison is over!" + When Li Tianlong said this, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and a sharp gaze shot out like a sword. The princes were startled, and their eyes rolled wildly.

"Have you ever remembered

the agreement between this king and you at Bishui Pass?" "Agreed?" Yuan Shu stiffened his head and said: "Where is there any

agreement?" "Hehehehe..." Li Tianlong looked at Yuan Shu, as if he was looking at a clown: "Yuan Highway, this king seems to remember, this agreement was proposed by you Yuan Shu, right? Who said that the Tiger Prison Pass thief army is still there, and the volunteers cannot be dismissed? Who promised this king that after the Tiger Prison Pass was taken, the volunteers would be dismissed?"

Yuan Shu's face was pale and uncertain, as if he had eaten a fly.

"But..but..."Yuan Shu's eyes kept turning, and suddenly his expression was shocked, and said: "Yuyang Wang Mingjian, although Dong Zhuo is dead and the Tiger Prison Pass has been taken, there are still most of the Xiliang military horses in Tongguan, Wuguan and other places, and these volunteers are just still useful

!" "Hmph!" When Li Tianlong heard this, he slapped it on the table, completely dispersing the luck in the hearts of all the princes, and only heard him drink: "The thief army in Tongguan, Wuguan and other places has their own king's cuisine!

." As a general of the imperial court's expedition to the north, it is a matter of course for this king to lead the troops to quell the rebellion! The duty of you and other local officials is to protect the territory and the people, and this counterinsurgency matter, where is your turn to intervene?

"Hmph, since you have nothing to say, then this king now declares that within three days, the volunteers will be dismissed, and there must be no mistakes! If there is any resistance, it will be punished for treason!"

After speaking, Li Tianlong ignored the princes, and immediately took a group of generals under his command and left.

In the hall, there was silence for a long time. "It's... How should this be good?"

Bao Xin, the prime minister of Jibei, said: "Hmph..."Yuan Shu sneered again and again, and said: "Li Tianlong has a heavy army, the official is in a high position, and he oppresses people with power, and we can only unite and resist together!"

Yuan Shu finished speaking, and was about to be proud, but when he saw the princes looking at him like idiots, he couldn't help but blushed with shame.

"Li Tianlong is right, the 'volunteers' are useless now, and they have consumed grain and grass in vain, and it is a good thing to be dismissed.

Yuan Shao's face was calm, as if he didn't care.

"My father-in-law is right. Xu You stood up with a smile and said, "Volunteers, they are naturally useless and can be disbanded."

However, most of the military horses brought by my lord are family soldiers... Hehehehe....'The

princes heard this, and suddenly realized.

That's right, Li Tianlong's request for the disbandment of the volunteers is a volunteer soldier, a family soldier, a city guard, and the like, so there is no need to dismiss it, right?

The princes' eyes flickered, and they were all setting up a name to install a legitimate name for the army under their command. Then Li Tianlong would have nothing to say. Then he selected some old, weak, sick and disabled people from them and made a show, which also gave Li Tianlong face and preserved his own strength, killing two birds with one stone!

In Li Tianlong's room, Lu Yi, Gao Shun, and Lu Bu sat in the hall.

"Will the princes obediently disband the army?" said

Koji Yi frowned, as if to say to himself.

"No!" Gao Shun was expressionless, but his tone was categorical.

"That's right," Lu Bu also said: "The army is their foundation, where can it be disbanded because of the lord's words?"

"What you said is good!" Li Tianlong rubbed his eyebrows and sighed: "What I did just now was just to scare them." The king did not expect them to dismiss the army obediently. If the king's prediction is correct, these people will give their army all kinds of regular names, so that the king has nothing to say.

Then pick out the old, weak, sick and disabled to be dismissed, and do face-saving work, and the matter will be over. "

The center of the imperial court has been eroded, if the central problem is not solved, it will be these tens of millions of people, and all the princes of the sixteen roads will be killed here, and there will also be a second ten million, the second prince of the sixteen roads

!" "Alas..."Li Tianlong stood up, looked up at the roof, and sighed: "The Son of Heaven is not right, the country is ruined!"

In fact, there are still those players, they are the source of the turmoil, this time the Dong has not caught any oil and water, it is strange that they don't make trouble,

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