"Newspapers and periodicals?!"

Guo Jia and others are almost accustomed to Li Tianlong's frequent new concepts.

"Not bad. Anyone, everything, and any organization needs a supervision, a spur. The law is the greatest and most effective overseer. However, this king believes that this is not enough, and we need to establish a perfect supervision mechanism in an all-round and multi-faceted manner!"

"And newspapers and periodicals are a kind of supervision of the whole people.

"How do you say that?"

As Li Tianlong said, the actual significance of the so-called newspapers and periodicals can be compared with that of the law! Everyone could not help but be interested.

"We publish all kinds of latest events in Youzhou in the press. From the military and political affairs of Youzhou to the trivial and trivial matters in the neighborhood, we can also publish the bloody and important cases and the extremely vicious people who have prepared for different heroic deeds in Youzhou.

"We allow people to speak freely, comment on these big and small issues, and even set up a mass mailbox to selectively adopt people's opinions."

Guo Jia clapped his hands and laughed: "In this way, under the guidance of the government

, the newspapers and periodicals can greatly unite the people's hearts!" "The whimsical ideas of the lord

are unbridled!" Chen Qun said: "As long as the newspapers and periodicals and their ancillary matters are perfect, it is like a knife hanging over those people with ill intentions, so that they will not dare to act rashly!"

"For example, if a corrupt official and gentry in a fish-and-meat township dares to do something, he will definitely be exposed! As the saying goes, if people don't know, they can't do anything unless they do it! In this way, not only will the occurrence of corruption and perversion of the law by officials in Youzhou be greatly reduced, but it will also have a tremendous role in promoting it!

"That's good!" Guo Jia's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "The army can also draw a scoop based on the gourd, engage in several rankings, and form a benign competition mechanism! In that case, won't my dark department lose a large part of its business?" Jia Xu suddenly came up with such a cold joke.

"Hahahaha... It makes sense!" Chen Qun said with a smile: "In this way, crime in various places will be reduced, and won't the patrols under me be unemployed!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Li Tianlong smiled and said, "Of course, this is just an ideal state. It is absolutely impossible to put an end to all the filth that is not conducive to social development, and we can only reduce it as much as possible!"

"We must firmly control and guide the newspapers and periodicals and the guilds, so that they can play their due role." Li Tianlong said: "For newspapers and periodicals, corresponding laws should also be issued to regulate them, and this matter has to be long and thoughtful." "

The group is idle every day and has nothing to do, and the two tasks of the lord are issued at the right time, hehehehe..." Although Chen Qun is very busy, the establishment of laws for the mercenary union and the newspaper is what he wants to do the most. "So today, do you have anything else to add?" Li Tianlong concluded.

Everyone thought for a moment, and then they all shook their heads.

"In that case, let it be dispersed. Li Tianlong stood up and said with a smile: "This king is going to hold a night banquet in the mansion tonight, and you guys should come over early." After speaking, Li Tianlong waved his hand and walked out of the door.

It was three o'clock in the morning, and the sun was almost in the middle of the sky.

Li Tianlong looked up at the fireball that exuded mild heat, paused, and said to the attendants beside him: "Go, call Dian Wei, this king is waiting for him here." The

attendant said yes, saluted, and left.

After a few moments, Dian Wei came.

"Young Master. "

Lao Dian, where are the prisoners held?" asked Li Tianlong.

"Young master, the captives are under house arrest in the wing room of the west courtyard of the palace. Dian Wei replied.

"Hmm..." Li Tianlong walked towards the west courtyard and said

, "Who are the specific people?" Dian Wei pondered for a moment and replied: "There are Pan Feng, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xu Rong and his generals and the families of these people, as well as the families of Zhang Ji's uncle and nephew, there are more than 100 people in total.

"Guan Yu..." Li Tianlong frowned, a complicated look flashed in his eyes, and then his eyes flashed, and then his mind turned around, and he suddenly had an interesting idea, so he said: "Lao Dian, you go to the West Courtyard immediately, like this..." Dian

Wei was stunned when he heard this, then nodded, and strode into the West Courtyard with a few guards.

Li Tianlong walked back and forth for a moment, then turned around and went back to the study.

In the west courtyard, in a side room.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei sat opposite each other across the desk, with a pot of wine on the table and three wine glasses upside down on the table. It seems that the attendants in the house did not embarrass the three of them, but treated them with good wine.

All three were silent.

After a long time, Guan Yu spoke

: "Big brother..."Liu Bei lowered his head and said hoarsely: "Yun Chang, this time the eldest brother is afraid that it will be difficult to escape..."

He has always had great ambitions, and he should not have made an enmity with Li Tianlong. In addition to the careful thinking in his heart, the main reason for this fell on Guan Yu.

If there was no Guan Yu, if Guan Yu had never known Li Tianlong, then how could he have ended up like this? Not to mention that he had broken his arm, and now that he has become a prisoner of Li Tianlong's ranks, there must be no possibility of survival!

Liu Bei naturally did not know that Li Tianlong came from the future, and if he knew, he would not have such thoughts. Like Liu Bei, if there was no relationship with Guan Yu, I am afraid that he would have died in the hands of Li Tianlong, where would he still be allowed to live until now?

"Big brother..."Guan Yu looked at Liu Bei's eyes, and his heart was also extremely bitter. He didn't regret following Liu Bei, he only regretted why he had to recognize Li Tianlong in the first place! With the same idea as Liu Bei, Guan Yu also thought that he had harmed Liu Bei.

"Big brother, don't worry, Yu will find a way

!" Guan Yu thought about it, and finally stood up and shouted to the door: "Someone!"

The door was pushed open, and a guard in armor walked in.

"What's the matter? The guard's face stiffened, and his voice was cold.

"If you want to see the King of Yuyang, please pass it on your behalf!" the

guard glanced at him in surprise and said, "Okay." After

that, he pulled the door and left.

"Yun Chang, you..."

Liu Bei suddenly understood Guan Yu's thoughts.

"Big brother!" Guan Yu interrupted Liu Bei and said, "Isn't King Yuyang Yiyi wanting to serve him, and a certain promise is." Guan

Yu's meaning was to serve Li Tianlong in exchange for letting Li Tianlong let Liu Bei go.

"But... All right.

Liu Bei stretched out his hand, was silent for a moment, and then said: "When my brother escapes, I will come to the rescue!"

Seeing this, Guan Yu's eyes flashed with a touch of disappointment, it seems that in Liu Bei's eyes, his second brother can still be used as a sacrifice in exchange for a name. Guan Yu looked at Liu Bei carefully, from head to toe, as if he wanted to keep him firmly in his heart. In the end, Guan Yu's eyes closed, as if a stone carving.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside the house, Guan Yu opened his eyes, looked at Liu Bei again, stood up and tidied up the corners of his clothes.

Crunch, the door opened.

The sun shone on Guan Yu's eyes, but he found that it was not Li Tianlong who walked in, but Dian Wei.

"What about the Yuyang King?" Guan Yu stood up straight, looked at Dian Wei and said in a deep voice.

"You want to see my young master?" A mocking smile curled up at the corner of Dian Wei's mouth: "Isn't it too late?"

Li Tianlong's thirst for Guan Yu at the beginning was to the point of being crazy. In this regard, Dian Wei has quite an opinion in his heart. Of course, this opinion can't be directed at Li Tianlong, it can only be placed on Guan Yu's head.

Guan Yu's face sank, his mouth was a little dry, and he said, "King Yuyang..."

Dian Wei waved his hand, interrupted him, and said, "Hmph, a person like you who doesn't know how to lift, if you put it on someone else, you would have been killed a long time ago." But it's your fate, my young master wants to see you, come with me. With that

, Dian Wei glanced at the guards beside him, turned around and strode away.

Guan Yu looked back at Liu Bei, then at Dian Wei, gritted his teeth, and walked out of the door with a smile.

Dian Wei took Guan Yu to the living room and said a word. Wait', turned and left.

Guan Yu sat in the empty living room, waiting quietly, and as time passed, the originally quiet heart gradually became uneasy.

Didn't the King of Yuyang want to see him, why hadn't he come yet?

At this time, Li Tianlong was in the study, and Liu Bei was standing in front of him.

"Sit. Li Tianlong looked at Liu Bei lightly and said, "You are a smart person, you should know the purpose of this king looking for you."

Liu Bei shook his head stiffly and didn't speak.

The corners of Li Tianlong's mouth curled, and a touch of ridicule flashed on his face: "Pretending to be crazy and stupid in front of this king is very boring." But since you don't know, I'll tell you. "

This king can let you leave the palace, but when Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei heard this, their spirits perked up, but they said: "You can agree to the prince's conditions, but the prince must guarantee my safety in Youzhou." "

Tsk, if you are really a hero, in order to escape for your life, you can do without the righteous brother, have you ever remembered 'died

on the same day, the same month, and the same year'?" Li Tianlong laughed loudly, turned his face turned grim, and shouted in a low voice: "Prisoner of the ranks, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with this king! You give up Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and this king will let you out of the palace." As for whether you can survive after leaving the palace, it depends on your ability! But don't worry, this king will not lower his status and do it himself.

When Liu Bei heard this, a trace of embarrassment flashed on his face, and then he was silent for a moment, and said, "Okay, I hope the prince will do what he says."

"Hmph, this king has never been true to his word!" After speaking, Li Tianlong picked up the teacup and said, "What to do, you know it in your heart!"

Liu Bei stood up, reluctantly gave a salute, turned around and walked to the door, two guards came over and carried him, looking at the west courtyard.

In the living room, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei fidgeted, their thoughts mixed and chaotic.

At this moment, a conversation came from outside the door and attracted the attention of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

"Little Seventh Brother, aren't you with the prince, why did you come here?"

"I'll come over and take the person in the living room to the study to see the prince.

"Alas, didn't the prince want to see them in the living room, why did he have to take them

to the study?" "What does the prince mean, how can we as guards guess?

But just now the prince saw a person in the study, who seemed to be called Liu Bei or something... Shhhh

Guan Yu stood up, walked a few steps, walked to the door and pricked up his ears.

"The prince was about to come over to see the person inside, and suddenly a guard came to report, saying that Liu Bei wanted to see the prince... I heard outside the door that Liu Bei actually exchanged the life of his righteous brother for the prince's forgiveness... Later, I didn't hear it clearly... Later, the prince asked me to come over and bring people. "

I spit on him, and such a person deserves to live in the world?"

"But no, the righteous brother is going to drink blood wine, swear to heaven, and die on the same day, the same month, the same year!" This Liu Bei dares to break his oath, and sooner or later he will be punished by heaven!"

"Well, no, I remember my grandfather said to me when I was a child...""

Okay, whoever wants to listen to you bragging here, I have to take someone to see the prince quickly!".

Immediately afterwards, the sound of footsteps came, and Guan Yu hurriedly sat back in place, his face full of indifference.

Crunch, the door opened, and a guard walked in, presumably the 'little seventh brother'.

"Two, my prince wants to see you in the study, come with me.

Guan Yu was silent, stood up, and followed the little seventh brother to look at the study.

And Zhang Fei shouted loudly as he walked.

"Second brother, the eldest brother is this kind of person, because my Lao Zhang still trusts him so much, is he right about us, second brother, do you say yes. "

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