I don't know what the Mohists, Confucianists, doctors, and Yin-Yang families think, but they all surrendered to Li Tianlong's command and became lackeys, which is despicable!

Another old man stood up and sneered. "Hey, so what. Yin and Yang family, hum, a group of mice in the dark, not to mention the doctor, just a few people, don't mention it. As for Confucianism and Mohism, although they are powerful, we are not afraid. We are Taoists, famous scholars, miscellaneous families, vertical and horizontal families, as well as the great families of COSCO, as well as the Western Regions, Northern Xinjiang, and Dongying, gathering many forces, and the masters are like clouds, what are you afraid of him?!

" The old Taoist priest smiled when he heard this, looked at the sky, and said, "The hour is coming. Presumably, the two masters are about to bring Li Tianlong Xiao'er, so let's get ready. That Li Tianlong Xiao'er heard that the martial arts were strong and almost spiritual, and he had to be careful to deal with Fang is right!" "Compared with

the barren mountain on the right, on the back of the barren mountain on the left, there is a heavy armored infantry of about 2,000 people standing quietly.

In front of the phalanx of heavy infantry, there stood a horseman.

The white horse silver spear is the commander of the Yuyang Army in the northern Xinjiang, Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong.

Zhao Yun was wearing silver armor, holding a bright silver spear, * a jade lion shining in the night for thousands of miles, under the helmet, a pair of star-like eyes flashed, and the whole ride was motionless. At this time, a scout came to report.

"General, the thief is already in place

!" Zhao Yun perked up when he heard this, and smiled slightly: "It's just death! Order the heavy infantry to prepare for battle!"

In the inn, more than ten people sat opposite each other.

On the top left is an old man. This old man's face was peaceful and gentle, and the breath of a wise man permeated the audience, and his bright eyes seemed to be running in the sun, moon and stars, with a penetrating earthly wisdom.

This old man is the only remaining great master of Confucianism, Zheng Xuan Kang Weigong! Zheng Xuan

is a middle-aged man with the same wise man's atmosphere, but it is Li Tianlong's father-in-law

, Cai Yong and Cai Feibai! Cai Yong is the Mo family sect master Mo Tuo, who is as ordinary as an ordinary person, and Mo Tuo is the contemporary sect master of the medical family!

Below Hua Tuo, there are two old men. These two men have diametrically opposed temperaments. One person was dressed in white, with the sun, moon and stars on his clothes, and his whole body was filled with a mysterious aura; the other was dressed in blood, his eyes were open and closed, and his murderous intent was revealed, but he was the sect master of the Yin and Yang sects of the Yin and Yang family.

Sitting in front of Zheng Xuan was an old man like the old man next door. This old man is tall and has bulging muscles, which can be felt through clothes. Although this old man has gray hair and does not seem to have the slightest momentum, at a glance, he always feels that there seems to be a thin film around his body, which seems to be ordinary, but it is extremely foggy.

The old man is also an old man who is about the same age and size. This person is not as plain as the previous one, but there is a sword aura that fills his body.

The one who sat down again was an old farmer. Yes, an old farmer. He wore a straw hat and a short-handled hoe behind his back, and he was full of rustic air, just like the old farmer who had been struggling in the fields for many years.

On the right hand side of the old farmer, sitting is a middle-aged man who looks like a scholar, this person has a beard with eight characters, and his eyes are dripping and rolling, but he is an absolutely shrewd person.

There were also a few young people sitting behind these people, presumably rookies of the sect, who were brought by the elders to see the world and experience experience.

"Brother Tong Yuan, there are still a few, I haven't seen you for many years!" a

smile appeared on Zheng Xuan's old face.

The old man sitting opposite Zheng Xuan was actually the spear god

Tong Yuan!"But no? The last time I saw Kang Wei Gong was twenty years ago!" Tong Yuan sighed: "I don't want to be able to gather in this northern Xinjiang today, Tong is really happy in his heart." A

few people chatted for a while, and then turned the conversation back to business.

"This time, the old man invited a few people here, and I think a few of them already know the reason. Zheng Xuan said: "The old man has had a good life in Youzhou in recent years, and he is leisurely. Teach the disciples, plant flowers and plants in their spare time, and talk with Feibai, and look like a fairy. Li Tianlong, the king of Yuyang, was really good, and he only managed Youzhou in an orderly manner, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. The old man thinks about it, no one in this world can do better than Tianlong.

Zheng Xuan sighed: "I don't want to make a fuss, I insist on burying this, although I am old and frail, I have to fight, and I can't let them succeed."

Listening to Zheng Xuan's evaluation, everyone was very surprised. You must know that Zheng Xuan is a great Confucian master, and now the Confucian students are all headed by him.

Cai Yong said with a smile: "Where is there such a good thing that Gong Kang Wei said? Tianlong is still young, Gong Kang Wei needs a lot of guidance

!" "Hahaha..." Zheng Xuan pointed at him and laughed: "Laugh at you! Li Tianlong is your son-in-law, the old man praises him, it's too late for you to be happy!" Several people laughed


After laughing, the novelist sect master, that is, the middle-aged man with the eight-character beard who sat at the top of the right hand, said: "Brother Feibai, I have heard that King Yuyang is impartial to all schools of thought and treats them equally. I wonder what King Yuyang thinks of me as a novelist? "

Since the pre-Qin period, although novelists have been quite powerful, their influence and roots are in the people. Novelists have never been taken seriously by other schools, especially powerful schools such as Confucianism and Taoism.

This time, the novelist sect master is here, but he still values Li Tianlong's idea of treating all schools of thought equally, and wants to try his luck in Youzhou to see if he can change the status of the novelist.

Speaking of which, if a few years ago, Cai Yong and Zheng Xuan really looked down on novelists. However, in the past few years, he has often been influenced by Li Tianlong, and these two people are both broad-minded and great Confucians, and now they are on an equal footing with the novelist master, and they have no other ideas.

"Hehehe..."Cai Yong stroked his beard and smiled: "My son-in-law has always treated the Beixue School equally, and often says three hundred and sixty lines, and there are elites in the industry. Speaking of this society, there must be no one factor, otherwise it will not be a perfect and complete society. In recent years, even the old man and Kang Chenggong's ideology have changed a lot. If you novelists come to Youzhou to develop, I believe that Tianlong will definitely give the most appropriate arrangement.

Zheng Xuan, Hua Tuo and others also nodded frequently.

Hua Tuo also smiled and said: "The old man was still a wandering Langzhong before, but now he is regarded as a guest by the prince, and he is also the master of the first hospital of Youzhou Academy, and he is relieved to boldly train doctors, it is really a bit of a dream to think about it!" The

novelist sect master was overjoyed and said with a smile: "I came here under the pressure of the presbyterian council this time, and I was afraid of returning empty-handed, but now I am finally relieved, hehehe..."

Although I didn't see the King of Yuyang himself this time, from the Duke of Kangwei, Brother Feibai and Brother Yuanhua, the old man could still imagine the eloquence of the King of Yuyang!

" Tong Yuan sighed very much: "Since ancient times, the various factions of the Bei family have fought for each other: the emperors of all dynasties have favored one side. Such a character as Li Tianlong, the king of Yuyang, who is so inclusive, the old man thinks about it, and he can't come out in eight hundred years!"

"Senior brother's apprentice?" Tong Yuan's old man said puzzledly: "Could it be that Senior Brother's apprentice is under the hands of King Yuyang?" Hehe, the old man's apprentice Shi A also said in front of the old man that King Yuyang.

""Hehehe... The junior brother didn't know that fifteen years ago, he was an apprentice with extraordinary character who was accepted by his brother in Changshan, and his surname was Zhao Mingyun Zilong!

Tong Yuan smiled, looking very satisfied with Zhao Yun.


everyone was stunned.

"It turned out to be the head of the Yuyang Legion under the command of the Yuyang King, Zhao Zilong, a white horse and a silver spear!" "The Sect Master of the Farmer Mu smiled and said: "Five years ago, the old man was rescued by General Zilong, otherwise he would have become a ghost under the knife of the bandits!"

"Hehehe, you old man, if you really want to do it, how can a mere bandit take your life-" Tong Yuan scolded with a smile.

The old farmer smiled but said nothing.

"Speaking of this, the old man also remembered my apprentice!" Tong

Yuan's old man suddenly said: "It seems that it was eight or nine years ago, when my apprentice Shi Ameng, the head of the Yuan family, Yuan Kui, saved his life and worked for him. Yuan Kui asked my apprentice to assassinate the then Yuyang King, but the two were defeated, and the Yuyang King was in large numbers, and Shi A's life was not taken. Shi Ah then tried to say in front of the old man how strong the martial arts of the king of Yuyang were, and how broad-minded he was. The old man was still skeptical at that time!"

At that time, Li Tianlong spared Shi A's life, but now he has won the favor of his master Wang Yue, and he drinks and pecks, is it not heavenly?

Of my four apprentices, two of them have dealt with the King of Yuyang. Don't talk about the third Zhao Yun, but say that the old man Zhang Xiu also died in the hands of the generals under the command of the King of Yuyang!

" "Ah?!" Wang Yue and the others were suddenly silent.

"It doesn't have to be that way. Tong Yuan saw it and said with a smile: "Although Zhang Xiu is an old man and an apprentice, but on the battlefield, Bei is his master, and he died on the battlefield, isn't it the fate of our soldiers?"

Wang Yue nodded with deep sympathy, and then said: "Senior brother has four apprentices, and the younger brother knows that there are Zhang Ren in Shuzhong, Zhang Xiu in Beidi, and Zhao Yun in Changshan." Then this last one..."Wang Yue looked sideways at the handsome young man behind Tong Yuan.

"Yes, this kid is the old man's closed disciple.

Tong Yuan smiled and said, "Ask for a salute with your seniors!" The

young man walked out and saluted Zheng Xuan and the others, and said, "Junior Han Wen, I have seen all the seniors!" "

Back then, when the Taoists guided the Yellow Turban to make a rebellion, the old man traveled to Zhongshan Country in Jizhou. When I met and asked my son, mother and son. At that time, this kid was only eight years old, and Mrs. Han was sick and begged the old man to take him in, so the old man accepted him as a closed disciple. Speaking of which, this kid is still a descendant of Han Xin, the Marquis of Huaiyin!"

Tong Yuan said again.

While several people were talking, the door of the inn was pushed open, and three people walked in.

The first old man had a serious face, and his eyes were like blades.

This old man seems to be thin and small, but his aura is magnificent, mixed with a little stern murderous aura. There were two behind him, one who seemed to be in his forties and the other in his twenties and thirties, whose aura was exactly the same as that of the old man.

"Everyone, the old man is late!"

"The juniors Cheng Yu and Man Pet have seen all the seniors. The old man clenched his fists and bowed his hand slightly, which was very rigid. The two behind him were slightly better, at least smiling.

"Hahaha... You've finally arrived, hurry up and sit down!" Zheng

Xuan laughed and introduced a few people, and then introduced a few people, and said: "I'm waiting for you to arrive, Brother Ma, otherwise how can I discuss?"

Everyone nodded.

Zheng Xuan also nodded, and said: "This time, the Taoists, the famous families, the miscellaneous families, and the Zongheng family have joined forces with the major families of the Central Plains moths and some barbarians, and they are competing to put the King of Yuyang to death. The old man was unwilling, so he summoned all the sect masters to discuss important matters. "

Did the Yuyang King know about this?" Tong Yuan asked.

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