Compared with Puyang two months ago, it has a new feeling now, as if it has been washed by the rain.

Chen Fu nodded and said: "Under the governance of the lord, Puyang has the meaning of prosperity, but," Chen Gong's tone changed, and said: "The lord's recent actions seem to be suppressing the Puyang landlord family!"

Hearing this, Cao * paused, looked back at Chen Gong, and did not speak.

Cao* is indeed suppressing the Puyang family, otherwise how could Puyang be restored so quickly? It is not the oil and water that was scavenged from the landlords of the family. But Cao* used the method of boiling frogs in warm water, greeting each other with a smile, and secretly coercing.

It's not that he doesn't want to uproot the disobedient wealthy clan in one fell swoop, but he can't.

The power of the family in the Central Plains is too strong, unlike Li Tianlong's Youzhou, who kills when he says he kills. Cao* now has more than 10,000 troops in his hands, and everything else is controlled by the family.

Those players are not the opponents of those families, and if the means are too drastic, it is difficult to guarantee that these families will not unite to fight back.

So Cao * could only take his time, take back his rights step by step, and then turn around to clean up the disobedient wealthy family.

Chen Fu was very wise and sensitive, and he easily sensed Cao*'s intentions. But he is also from a family in the East County.

In this era, the concept of family is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, as a child of the family, Chen Gong first considers the survival of the family, as for the rest, it must be put behind.

In addition, there is another reason that makes Chen Fu oppose.

He took refuge with Cao * a few days ago, thinking that he could be reused, but who knew that he had been here for several days, and Cao * had not shown any trace of his heart to him. If there is something, I will discuss it with Xun You, as if I didn't take him to heart at all.

Chen Gong thought that he was talented and ambitious, but Cao* did not give him a stage to play freely, and only left him aside, how could this make him feel refreshed?

However, how did he know that it was because he was from a local family, but Cao* had to deal with a local family, so he avoided it.

Cao*, Gou You, are they ordinary people? As soon as his mind turned, he roughly guessed his thoughts from Chen Gong's expression and tone.

So Xun You said with a smile: "In the past ten years, the Central Plains has had a series of natural and man-made disasters, especially this eastern county, which can be described as tattered. For the sake of the people of Dongjun, the lord has to borrow some gold, silver, grain and grass from the wealthy family of the Beishi family, otherwise what year and month will he be able to restore his former prosperity? Moreover, the lord is only 'borrowing', and when the conditions are sufficient in the future, he will have to pay it back!"

Cao * nodded slightly.

"Yes," Xu Chu said in a rough voice: "It's also my hometown, it's too barren and faceless."

When Chen Fu heard this, his face stiffened and he stopped talking.

Cao* walked around Puyang City a few times, inspected several city reconstruction projects, and then took everyone back to the Taishou Mansion.

"Master, there is a Luoyang messenger visiting.

As soon as Cao * entered the door, a housekeeper came over and bowed down.

"Luoyang messenger?" Cao*'s eyes flashed, and he pondered for a moment, and said, "Take him to the living room to wait for a while." "

Gongda, Yuan Benchu sent a messenger, what do you think he has a bad idea?"

Cao * asked as he walked.

"Hehe," Gou Yu smiled slightly, and said, "I'll know if I ask."

Cao * was stunned and laughed.

The group followed Cao * step by step, and soon arrived outside the door of the living room, pushed the door open, Cao * looked up, and Jing looked a little familiar.

"Are you?" Cao * frowned, and then suddenly said: "Mr. Jane.Mr. Jane!" Cao * didn't remember this person's full name, only knew that he used to be the military advisor of Liu Bei who had particularly big ears, so he was called Mr.

"Jian Yong, meet Cao Taishou!" Jian Yong

got up and bowed.

"Sit. Cao * waved his hand, walked up to the main seat, sat down, and then said with a smile: "I don't know what is important in the beginning, let Mr. Jian come in person?"

Jian Yong heard this, and a smile appeared on his face. Cao* said this, and he gave face. "Jian Yong came here for the alliance. Jian Yong didn't beat around the bush, so he said bluntly.

"Alliance?" said Cao. He remembered the anticlimactic ending of the alliance with Dong before.

"Not bad. "

Why the alliance?" Cao* asked again.

"Forming an alliance for your life!" Cao

* smiled when he heard this, his face sank, and he drank: "So, if you don't form an alliance, a certain Cao*

will die?" "That's good!" Jian Yong said categorically: "Now Cao Taishou is about to make a catastrophe, if he doesn't make allies, he will die, his foundation will be lost, and it will be too late to regret

!" "Alarmist, villain!" Xiahou Yuan stood up violently, and the fierce momentum swept over, almost making Jian Yong mistakenly think that he was in the storm.

"Come on, pull him down and behead him!" Jian

Yong was unmoved, and his face didn't change for a moment.

Cao* had been observing carefully, and only felt that this person was a talent, so he stepped forward to stop the two guards who rushed into the door, and said, "Stand down."

Seeing this, Jian Yong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me how a certain Cao * came to a catastrophe and died!" Cao *

squinted slightly, propped up the desk with both hands, and looked at Jian Yong condescendingly.

"I don't know what Gong Cao thinks about today's general trend?"

Jian Yong didn't answer, but turned to ask.

"The general trend of the world?" Cao * was slightly stunned, but still replied: "The north is dominant, and the south is divided. "Exactly. Jian Yong's spirit perked up, and he said agitatedly: "Li Tianlong in the north is almost based on the land of Sanzhou, including thousands of miles of grassland Liaodong, which can be described as a dominant family. And the princes of the southern parts of the country rose up together, and the heroes were divided, and compared with the north, the difference was more than 108,000 miles! If Li Tianlong went south at this time, how should Cao Gong deal with it?"

When Cao * heard this, his heart was very heavy. How could he not know about the general situation in the world? As for the huge threat that exists in the north, he has always suppressed it in the bottom of his heart and did not dare to turn it out.

Li Tianlong was so strong that he almost lost his faith.

Seeing that Cao * did not speak, Jian Yong's heart was even calmer, and said: "Duke Cao is under the jurisdiction of Dongjun, which is just across the river from Wei County. If Li Tianlong goes south, Cao Gong will bear the brunt! In the face of the Youzhou Iron Cavalry, how can Cao Gong resist?"

"Only unity is the only way to survive!"

Jian Yong cut the railway.

Cao * was silent for a long time before he slowly spoke: "You say, which other princes are in this alliance?"

Jian Yong's face was filled with joy, and he hurriedly said: "In addition to Cao Gong, there are also Yanzhou Mu Kong Xian, Hanoi Taishou Wang Kuang, Xiliang overlord Ma Teng, and my general Yuan Benchu.

Hearing this, Cao * glanced at Gou Yu and said, "The matter of forming an alliance is very important, and Ben Taishou must think about it. Mr. Jian will go to rest first and give you an answer tomorrow.

When Jian Yong heard this, he knew that there was nothing to do here, so he arched his hand and exited the living room.

"Gongda, why do you say that Yuan Benchu was in a hurry to form an alliance with a certain person?"

A month ago, Yuan Shao's beheading plan also invited Cao * to participate. However, Cao *Tui said that he had a close friendship with Li Tianlong and did not participate. Now that he thinks about it, he must have failed, and Yuan Shao is afraid! But even so, there is no need to be so eager, right? After all, he hasn't even let go of a fart in Youzhou. People say that they move when they smell the wind, but before they smell the wind, they are so anxious, and there must be a reason for it.

Gou You had been thinking about it, and suddenly raised his eyebrows

, and said, "Did the lord remember Xu You's words a month ago?" "A word?" Cao * frowned, looked back for a moment, and suddenly said: "You mean this matter is related to the northwest?"

"It must be so!" Xu You said: "According to Yuan Shao's actions today, presumably the assassination of a month ago must have failed. But I have heard that the lord said that Li Tianlong is a person who takes revenge on revenge, never procrastinates, and has clear grievances, so why has it been nearly a month, and I haven't seen Youzhou take any measures?"

"Xu Zi Yuanyue came to contact the lord, and said that the Northern Xiongnu and Xianbei were also involved in this matter, so it seems that Li Tianlong must now be dealing with the Xiongnu and Xianbei, but after the hidden danger in the rear, that is when he goes south to the Central Plains

!" "Well, in reason, in reason!" Cao * pondered for a long time and agreed:" Gongda has Zhang Liang's strategy, Cao's luck, Cao's luck, hahaha..."

Gou Yu smiled lightly, not caring.

"Yuan Benchu came to form an alliance at this moment, presumably because he got the news that Youzhou was going to attack the Xiongnu. And if the Xiongnu are not destroyed, Youzhou will not be able to free up the hand of the south, so for Yuan Benchu, the Xiongnu is the biggest bargaining chip to contain Youzhou. Cao* seemed to be talking to himself.

"So. Xun You continued: "The Xiongnu cannot be destroyed! Yuan Benchu united the princes on the front line of the Yellow River to put pressure on Youzhou, * its head and tail cannot be taken care of, and it cannot attack the Xiongnu with all its might, and maintain a dynamic balance

!" "That's right!"

Cao * Xun You's ministers looked at each other and smiled.

Chen Gong listened for a long time, and finally understood what was going on. So he also spoke: "In this case, the lord should follow the general trend

and form an alliance with him!" Cao * smiled inexplicably and said: "Naturally, we must form an alliance." However, ,,." said, he sneered: "What can we do if we form an alliance? I am afraid that if I fail to coerce Li Tianlong, I will suffer from it!"

"How can this be?" Chen Gong was puzzled: "On the first line of Jizhou, there are the lord, Kong Xian, and Yuan Benchu's old nest in Bohai, and the three divisions of men and horses, a total of more than one million: the first line of Bingzhou, the army of Wang Kuang of Hanoi and Luoyang, a total of no less than two million people; and the first line of Hexi, there are Ma Teng, the overlord of Xiliang, and the Qiang people who are close to him, and they can also make up more than one million people. And the total Youzhou army in Jizhou and Jizhou is only two million. And Li Tianlong wants to take down the Xiongnu, and the state army must move, so it can be calculated that on the front line of the Yellow River, the defenders of Youzhou are only more than a million people. Five million versus one million, the big gap, Li Tianlong will not fail to see it, so he naturally has to compromise.

Xun You shook his head and said: "Let's put aside the dangers of the Yellow River first, let's divide the battle line into three sections." On the Jizhou front, our side has a total of no more than 100,000 troops, and Tianfeng in Jizhou also has a million men and horses, and the number of people is not stable; although the number of men and horses in the first line of Jizhou is the largest, it is absolutely impossible for Yuan Benchu to send all the troops and horses in Luoyang, and you must know that there are still more than 200,000 remnants of the Xiliang army led by Li Qi and Guo Yan in Yongzhou who need him to guard against them! Besides, Shangdang County has a dangerous Huguan, and as long as there are enough grain and grass and 50,000 people are stubbornly defending, it will be difficult for 500,000 people to take it in half a year; and then look at Hexi. Although Ma Teng is the dominant family in Xiliang, don't forget that because of the many ethnic groups in Xiliang, the situation is even more complicated, besides, Ma Teng and Li Tianlong have no grievances and no enemies, and they have to guard against Li Qi and Guo Yan, who do not want to recapture Xiliang all the time, so whether Ma Teng will agree to the alliance is still between the two!

" "Uh..."

Chen Gong was dumbfounded.

"There is one more important factor!" Xun You continued: "After all, we are just an alliance, the so-called ghosts are not the same, the flaws are too big, how can they be put in Li Tianlong's eyes?"

Cao * stroked the three-inch short beard under his chin, his eyes narrowed a slit, and after a long time, he sighed and said, "Gongda has missed one of the most important conditions!" Cao *'s eyes opened, and two terrifying lights appeared: "The Youzhou army has always won more with less, and its combat power is so strong that it is the best in the world!"

At this moment, there was silence in the living room.

Even the Xiahou brothers, the Cao brothers, Li Dian Yuban and others were speechless to refute.

They have seen the Youzhou army, which is highly disciplined and murderous.

Although I haven't seen the Youzhou army make a move, but thinking of Li Tianlong's might, and then thinking that Lu Bu also threatened Li Tianlong's subordinates, these generals couldn't help but feel numb in their hearts. Lu Bu said okay, after all, he is still a human, but Li Tianlong... If you want to meet him on the battlefield, don't say anything, turn around and run!

Only Xu Chu looked inexplicable. Aren't they all self-proclaimed enemies and people who use soldiers like gods, how can they be dumbfounded when they hear the Youzhou army?" "Even so, an alliance is necessary!" Gou Yu frowned and said: "It must be guaranteed that Li Tianlong cannot go south within a few years, otherwise everything will be empty!"

Cao * breathed a long sigh of relief, rubbed his eyebrows, looked a little tired, and said: "In this case, Gongda will inform Jian Yong of this matter, he is tired." Yuan Rang, from now on, recruit 20,000 strong, and the rest of the people will also return to the barracks, step up the training of the army, and be sure to form combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time. After

saying that, Cao * got up and turned into the inner hall.

Jian Yong received Cao*'s reply, and did not stay, and immediately went to Fenggao, Taishan County, Yanzhou to meet with the state pastor Kong Bo, and persuaded Kong Bo to join the alliance with the same rhetoric.

At the same time, in Hanoi and Hedong, Guo Tu went to lobby and was also successful.

As for Xiliang Ma Teng, Yuan Shao sent Xu You, the most relied on him.

Wu Wei, Guzang.

Since Dong Zhuo's death and defeat, Wuwei County has threatened the Ma family's base.

The county town Guzang has ushered in a special person today.

Jia Xu walked slowly on the streets of Guzang City alone, his face full of emotion.

Over the years, Guzang has not changed, and it is still the same. Whether it is the architecture or the folk customs, it is still that strong and brutal atmosphere.

"My lord, Ma's house is located in the middle of South Street, not far from here. I

didn't see anyone, but a voice sounded in Jia Xu's ears, Jia Xu nodded slightly, not surprised.

This is the master of the shadows who has been following him all along.

After turning a few streets, Jia Xu looked up and saw the high-gate compound.

"Mafu..."Jia Xu smiled, and the gloom on his face that seemed to have lasted for thousands of years suddenly disappeared like ice and snow. Today's Jia Xu, smiling, looks like a kind middle-aged scholar.

Jia Xu walked forward slowly and came to the door of the Ma Mansion.

"Stop! This is the Liangzhou Mu Mansion, and the idlers can't wait to get close!" two

soldiers came over and stopped him.

"Hehehe," Jia Xu smiled kindly, and said, "Dare to ask the little brother, is this Ma Teng Ma Shoucheng's mansion?"

"I know it's Ma Daren's mansion, why don't you retreat quickly?"

The guard was a little impatient.

"A certain Jia Wenhe, Ma Shouwei's old friend, came back to his hometown to visit this time, and the little brother went to report. Jia

Xu is still smiling on the 1st.

When the two guards heard this, they hesitated for a while, and one of them said, "You are waiting here now, I'll go in and report, Ma Liu, keep him in jail!"

The guard turned around and entered the mansion as he spoke. The other guard stared at Jia Xu blindly, stupidly.

After a while, a few people walked out of the gate of Mafu, the first one was in his forties, but his appearance was not as rough as the Xiliang people, but very elegant, with a long beard half a foot under the chin, and his own style.

This person is none other than Xiliang Ma Teng.

Ma Teng was followed by two young men, but it was his second and third sons, Ma Xiu and Ma Tie. These two are burly and strong, their faces are quite similar, they are both handsome and tough, and they can be described as talents.

"Brother Wenhe}"

Ma Teng went out, and at a glance he saw Jia Xu standing there with a light breeze, and hurriedly walked a few steps, clasping his fists and laughing.

"It's Jia, Brother Shoucheng, I haven't seen him for many years!"

"Hahaha," Ma Teng laughed, busy with Ma Xiu Ma Railway: ... I'm sure I've seen Uncle Jia soon!"

The two glanced at each other, stepped forward and behaved in good manners.

Jia Xu helped the two of them up

with a smile, and said with a smile: "Brother Shoucheng, don't you invite Jia into the house?" "Uh, look at me!" Ma Teng patted his forehead and said with a smile: "When I saw Wenhe, I was happy for my brother, and I forgot it for a while, don't blame it!" Saying that, Ma Teng turned his face to the attendant beside him and drank: "Why don't you hurry up and prepare tea, wine and food

!" "Brother Wenhe, please!"


Ma Teng pulled Jia Xu into the house, sat down in the living room, and chatted. In a moment, the wine and food were ready, and the two of them took Ma Xiu Ma Tie into the seat and drank bitterly, and they were happy.

"Brother Wenhe, you never returned twelve years ago, let me miss my brother!" Ma Teng sighed: "I once sent someone to Wuwei, but I was very worried when I learned that my brother's family and family were nowhere to be found."

Jia Xu smiled and shook his head, and said: "A certain has had some opportunities in the past few years, so he took the old and young from the family transcription, so that Brother Shoucheng is worried, and if he is wrong, he will punish himself with a cup, and he will punish himself with a cup!"

"Haha, happy!" Ma Teng was not far behind, laughing heartily and drinking with him.

"Brother Ma is now a pastor in Liangzhou, which can be described as a beautiful scenery, worthy of congratulations, I salute you for my brother, please!" Jia Xu said, and began to introduce the topic.

Ma Teng drank a full cup, and instead of much joy at Jia Xu's congratulations, he was very melancholy, and said: "Brother Xian only sees the scenery of being a brother, but he doesn't know that Brother Wei is dancing on a tightrope now!"

"Oh?" Jia Xu's eyes flashed and said, "What?".

"My Liangzhou group is complicated, and there are many problems of all kinds, so I won't talk about it. Just talk about the remnants of the Dong thief!" Ma Teng's eyes flashed with a hint of anger, and said: "The Dong thief was originally the lord of Xiliang, but he rebelled and was killed by the King of Yuyang, but the two of them under his command Li Xun and Guo Yan didn't want to recapture Xiliang all the time. The virtuous brother knew that my Ma family's ancestral home was in Fufeng, but why did he move to Wuwei? It was that Li urged Guo Yan and the two of them to be too rampant, and they were worried about something to happen to their family, so they had to move over. "In the past few months, the warriors of Wei Brother have fought with Li Qi Guo Yan a lot of times, but they can't help it!" Ma

Teng said wistfully: "A month ago, Wei Brother Jing found that there were some filthy Qiang people, and after careful investigation, there were people who wanted to unite with the Qiang people and wanted to rebel! Fortunately, Brother Wei still had some prestige among the Qiang people, so he didn't let people succeed. "

In this way, it's nothing, what's most worrying about my brother is" Ma Teng pointed to the northeast and said with a wry smile

: "King Yuyang!" Jia Xu rolled his eyes and said, "What is the reason?"

"Brother Xian doesn't know, two months ago, there was shocking news from Luoyang, saying that King Yuyang actually broke with the Son of Heaven and killed Taifu Yuan Kui on the spot!" Ma Teng said: "It is said that King Yuyang is a traitor, but Ma doesn't believe it!"

"Oh?" Jia Xu was interested. Because of Li Tianlong's break with the Son of Heaven, after Yuan Shao's * work, many people in the Central Plains thought that Li Tianlong was rebellious. I didn't expect this Ma Teng to believe it.

"If the King of Yuyang is rebellious, how can he go south to get rid of Dong Zhuo? If the King of Yuyang is rebellious, in that Jinluan Palace, it will not be a break with the Son of Heaven, but a house arrest or killing of the Son of Heaven, and he will control the government by himself, where will it be Yuan Shao'er's turn

!" "So, Ma thought that it must be because of the Yuchen framed!

" "It seems that Brother Shoucheng has a good impression of the King of Yuyang?" Jia Xu was smiling in his heart, and his face was silent.

"Naturally. Ma Teng said: "Breaking through Xianbei and encompassing Liaodong, such a feat can be described as unprecedented! Ma hated not being a small soldier under the command of the King of Yuyang, for him to drive, and he would not give up!"

Speaking of Li Tianlong, even Ma Xiu and Ma Tie, who had not spoken all the time, also showed admiration on his face. The people of Xiliang are like this, and they have always respected people with big fists.

Jia Xu secretly said that most of today's events were powerful, so he smiled and said: "Brother Shoucheng hasn't said why

King Yuyang gives you a headache?" "Ma admires King Yuyang from the bottom of his heart, but the Bingzhou Legion under the command of King Yuyang has already put its tentacles into Xiliang, what do you call me like this?" Ma Teng smiled bitterly.

"I see!" Jia Xu suddenly said, "Speaking of which, Brother Shoucheng is facing enemies on all sides, and he can't take care of each other?" "

That's exactly the case!

"In that case, why don't you find an ally or find a big tree to take refuge?! The so-called good shade under the big tree, if there is such a powerful force to share the pressure for Brother Ma, Brother Ma will be able to do it?"

Jia Xu said with a smile.

"Naturally... Huh?" Ma Teng's face was stunned, and then he changed

, and said, "What does Brother Wen He mean?" Could it be that Brother Wen He is here to be a lobbyist?" "Brother Shoucheng is wise!" Jia Xu didn't care, and said with a smile: "The little brother is here to persuade Brother Shoucheng

!" "I said that after many years, how did you come to the door by yourself, so that's the case!" Ma Teng laughed at himself: "You go, just today I Ma Teng has never seen you."

Jia Xu shouted: "Although so-and-so is a lobbyist, but so-and-so and Shoucheng's brother are still in love for many years! Can you listen to so-and-so?"

Ma Teng pondered for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, Ma Mou will listen to you say a lot!"

The two who were talking and laughing just now, calling each other brothers, almost turned their faces in a moment, making the two brothers Ma Xiu and Ma Tie look at each other.

"Twelve years ago, a certain set off from Wuwei and wanted to travel the world. After the south of the Yangtze River, the Central Plains, until the secluded merger. At the time of the Yuyang King's war against Xianbei, a certain happened to meet and came up with a small plan, which was conquered by the Yuyang King, and has been until now. "So, you are a lobbyist for the Yuyang King?" Ma Teng's face calmed down a lot.

"Yes, a certain foot exhibition has been with the Yuyang King for more than nine years!" Jia Xu sighed.

"Ma heard that there are Guo Jia, Chen Quntian, and Feng Feng in Youzhou, but why is there no news of you?" Ma Teng said.

"Hehe," a hint of discoloration flashed on Jia Xu's face, he didn't expect this Ma Teng to also test him, but he didn't shy away from saying: "A certain lord Yuyang King controls all the information, and his status is no longer below Guo Jia and others

!" "No wonder!" "Those who control intelligence always have to hide in the shadows, no wonder no one has heard of Jia Xu's name." However, such an important intelligence department, Li Tianlong can be handed over to Jia Xu to control, which shows that he has good trust in him.

"Then what is the matter with your coming here this time?" asked

Ma Teng.

"The King of Yuyang is going to move the Western Regions!" Jia Xu narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"What!?" the Ma family father and son stood up suddenly.

Li Tianlong wants to move the Western Regions, and Xiliang is the place that must be passed! Ma Teng's mind turned, and he knew what Jia Xu meant.

"The king of Yuyang said, 'Ma Shouwei, a loyal and righteous man, can be of great use.7 So he volunteered and came to persuade him to surrender. Jia Xu said.

Ma Teng came back to his senses for a long time, sat down slowly, and said: "This matter is very important, can you allow a certain person to think about it for a while?"

Hearing this, Jia Xu nodded, stood up, turned around and went out, and said earnestly: "Brother Shoucheng, the two of us have been friends for many years, you just have to believe that I won't harm you." Also, the strength of my family's Yuyang King is only revealing the tip of the iceberg, you have to think clearly!".

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