The two armies fought for a long time, and the end was turned upside down, and blood flowed down the Wei River.

Although Ma Teng's army had an advantage at the beginning, it was eventually less numerous than Han Sui's army. Although Han Sui's army was attacked by a half-crossing, half of them finally crossed the river early, and after a battle, the advantages and disadvantages were leveled, and the battle situation gradually became anxious.

Moreover, as more and more Qiang people crossed the river bridge, Ma Tengjing gradually became more and more powerful!

Gritting his teeth, he glanced fiercely at Han Sui, who was hiding in the midst of the ten thousand troops, and Ma Teng was about to order a retreat, but he was suddenly overjoyed.

It turned out that from behind Han Sui's army, that is, in the direction of Guiyi City, Ma Dai's shouting of killing came from

the competition!"Haha, sons, the reinforcements have arrived, and with this general, they will defeat Han Sui!" Ma Teng roared, and the morale of the army behind him suddenly boosted! "


Han Sui heard the shouting of killing, and was also a little flustered, and immediately ordered someone to investigate the situation, while directing the army to entangle with Ma Teng.

A moment later, the sergeant came to report: "About 10,000 infantry have been killed from behind!"

"Infantry!?" Han Sui's face changed!

If he was just facing the infantry

, Han Sui was naturally not worried at all.

Because his men were all cavalry.

However, there were nearly 10,000

cavalry under Ma Teng's command! The combination

of infantry and cavalry was huge! At the beginning, the champion Hou Huo was sick and used the method of combining infantry and cavalry to break the Hun iron

cavalry! As long as the tired Qiang cavalry under his command was dragged by the vigorous infantry, Ma Teng would be able to free his hands, take the initiative, and play as he wanted, and everything would be in Ma Teng's hands!

"What should I do!?"

Han Sui was anxious.

If you want to achieve the most perfect victory, you have to defeat Ma Teng's cavalry before engaging with the infantry, but this seems unlikely!


!" Han Sui's mind changed sharply, and he immediately gave a decisive order: "Order the whole army, quickly get rid of the entanglement of Ma Teng's army, and immediately retreat south!"

Ma Teng saw the movement of the army formation, and he probably understood Han Sui's intentions.

Immediately a little anxious.

If you don't kill him here, and wait for him to escape, you'll be in trouble!

"Entangle the Qiang! Don't let them escape!"

Ma Teng roared.

"Hurry up, retreat quickly!" Han Sui took the lead and ran to the front, shouting as he looked back.

When Ma Dai's infantry corps arrived, most of Han Sui's army had broken away from Ma Teng's entanglement, and more than 10,000 people quickly withdrew south.

Ma Teng joined Ma Dai, combined with foot and horse, and soon strangled the surrounded Han Sui army.

"Uncle, what should we do next?"

Ma Dai called out as he wiped the blood from his face.

"Naturally, it's a pursuit!" Ma Teng said resolutely: "If you don't destroy Han Sui as soon as possible, Xiliang will really be in chaos

!" "Han Sui is now fleeing

south, to the south, to the south!" Ma Dai's face was anxious, and he shouted: "Not good, uncle, Jianwei City!" Ma Teng's face changed, and he sighed dejectedly: "Providence, providence!" Ma

Dai forcibly took over Jianwei City at first, but because he was worried about Ma Teng, he couldn't bear to lead the army to attack, preparing to join forces with Ma Teng to defeat Han Sui.

When the scout explained the specific situation of Ma Teng and Han Sui entangled in the battlefield, Ma Dai had an idea as soon as his mind changed.

So he led the infantry to go around, first blocking the army sent by Han Sui to take over Guiyi City, and then rushed from Han Sui's rear, but it was the idea of fighting from both sides and killing them all.

Unexpectedly, Ma Teng couldn't be entangled and let Han Sui run away.

As a result, Jianwei City, which was unguarded in the south, was given to Han Sui in vain.

In other words, this battle, in addition to killing half of Han Sui's army, in general, was a failure!

"Go, return to the army and return to Yicheng!" Ma

Teng looked at the south with hatred, and then looked back at the exhausted soldiers who were like fished out of blood, and felt quite helpless, so he had to lead the army back to rest.

Han Sui led the army to retreat southward, running wildly for several miles, but vaguely saw a fortress ahead. With a turn of thought, I suddenly remembered that it was Jianwei City.

Because he didn't find Ma Teng pursuing, Han Sui ordered the army to rest for a while by leaning on a low tree, while letting the scouts go to Jianwei City to investigate.

According to his thoughts, Ma Teng blocked him this time, and he definitely didn't bring too many troops in a hurry, and there were only 20,000 or 30,000 in the sky.

Except for the more than 10,000 cavalry and 10,000 foot soldiers on the Heqiao battlefield just now, there must not be many people guarding this Jianwei City. If it is won, this battle will

not be a complete defeat! The capture of Jianwei City will not only wash away the defeat of this battle, but also have a more far-reaching significance in that it can echo Guo Ming from afar, so that Ma Teng will not be able to spare all his strength to deal with him and win the time for himself

! Han Sui made up his mind, feeling that even if there is a large army in Jianwei City to defend it, he must try to attack the city

! After a while, the scout reported that Jianwei City was very quiet and there seemed to be no army to defend it!

Han Sui was puzzled, but because he had made up his mind that he had to take Jianwei, he did not hesitate, and immediately ordered the army to march and go to Jianwei City!

So he immediately occupied Jianwei and ordered the army to patrol and guard the town, burying the pot and cooking without mentioning it.

Not to mention that Ma Teng and Han Sui prepared a city, and the two armies confronted each other. It is said that Ma Chao traveled day and night, and soon arrived near Sanguan.

After hiding the traces of the army, Ma Chao took dozens of guards and came to the pass.

Because Han Sui was killed at the beginning, no one escaped. Ma Chao naturally thought that Guo Ming still didn't know about Ma Teng and Han Sui's face-to-face, so Ma Chao made a decapitation plan to open the city gate and kill Guo Ming!

Ma Chao and dozens of other horsemen walked to the city of Sanguan.

"Who is coming, this is a military place, and the idle people will retreat quickly!"

On the city wall, dense arrows were aimed at Ma Chao and the others.

"I am Ma Chao, the son of Liangzhou Mu Ma Teng, I have something important to see your main general, General Guo Ming, open the city gate quickly!"

Ma Chaoqing shouted, and there was a commotion on the city wall, and the arrows that flickered in the cold light were immediately put away.

"Major General Ma waited, and waited for the villain to go and say goodbye. "

Go, go, go!" Ma

Chao waved his hand indifferently.

After a while, Guo Ming appeared in the city, dressed in military uniform.

"Haha, it turned out to be Brother Ma!" Ge Xing smiled and said, "Hahaha... Hurry up and open the door, Brother Ma and I haven't seen each other for many days, just drink a little and talk about the love of the day!"

As he spoke, Guo Ming asked the sergeant to lower the drawbridge and open the city gate.

Ma Chao's face was overjoyed when he heard this, and he was about to pull out the horse and leave, but was stopped by the guards.

"General, wait!

" The guard said softly: "Guo Ming has always been at odds with the general, this time not only did not sneer, but greeted him with a smile, there must be fraud in it!"

Ma Chao was stunned, his face changed in an instant, and he hesitated in his heart.

"General, retreat for the time being, don't take any risks!"

said the guard.

When Ma Chao heard this, his heart was certain, and the secret way was right, so he immediately raised his head and said to Guo Ming: "General Guo, Ma still has some important things to deal with today, and he will come to visit tomorrow!"

After speaking, he turned the horse's head violently, turned around and left.

Ma Chao's actions made Guo Ming stunned, and his face instantly turned cold.

"Ma Mengqi, humanitarian, you are a hero, you don't have the courage to enter my city, you are cowardly, and you have lost the face of your Ma family in vain!"

If it was usual, Guo Ming's words would definitely make Ma Chao angry, and then rushed into the city desperately. However, at this time, Ma Chao decided that Guo Ming was cheating, and after hearing his words, he knew even more in his heart. Immediately turned around and sneered, and said, "Presumably you Guo Ming already know that Han Sui's family was killed by me, right?"

Guo Ming's face suddenly darkened!

"Ma Chao, I must kill you!" "Then you will come!" Ma


voice came from afar, and the angry Guo Ming pulled out his knife and slashed.

However, the matter has come to this point, and Guo Ming is helpless. knew that Ma Chao could not be taken with this plan, and it was worth returning and doing something else.

Ma Chao returned to the barracks hidden in the forest, and couldn't help sighing: "I don't want Guo Ming to get the news, this surprise attack is not powerful!"

Not to mention the confrontation between Ma Chao and Guo Ming.

Saying that Yuan Shao hadn't received any news from Xu Yu in the past ten days, he couldn't help but become impatient.

Immediately ordered to investigate Liangzhou without mentioning.

Not a day later, news came from Xizuo, and it turned against Ma Teng and Han Sui in Liangzhou, and they fought several battles, and now they are facing each other!

Yuan Shao was shocked in his heart, and immediately understood that Xu You's trip might have failed.

And Xu Yu was afraid that something bad would happen, and he couldn't help crying secretly.

Xu You is his most relied on strategist, and now he may die, which makes Yuan Shao a little at a loss.

But Yuan Shao is not a stupid person, so he was uneasy in his heart, and immediately sent someone to pay strict attention to the dynamics in Liangzhou without mentioning it.

Yuan Shao, who was far away in Luoyang, learned about the situation in Liangzhou, and Li Qi Guo Yan in Yongzhou naturally also knew.

These two people are Dong Zhuo's 1st day, and they are also from Liangzhou, and they don't want to recapture Liangzhou all the time and return to the 1st day. Now that there is civil strife in Liangzhou, the two are overjoyed, and they immediately get together and plan.

"News came from Xizuo that Ma Teng and Han Sui were facing each other in Jincheng, and that Ma Chao and Guo Ming were facing each other in Sanguan. Now Qi County and Longguan are guarded by Ma Tie and Ma Xiu. These two people are not only inferior to Ma Chao Ma Dai, but for us, it is a godsend!" Li

Xuan was full of smiles, looking very relieved.

"Not bad

!" Guo Yan was also laughing: "Why don't you go all out to attack Longguan and Qi County, and return to your hometown as soon as possible!"

Li Yu nodded and said, "This is natural." But I think there's a better way!"

Guo Yan's eyes lit up and he said busily.

Li Xuan has always had a brighter brain than him, so Guo Yan is looking forward to it.

"Let's start with Sanguan!" Li Xuan's eyes narrowed, and he said: "Sanguan Guo Ming is now resisting the enemy on both sides. In the north, I have the West Liang Iron Ride, and in the south, there is Ma Chao. Thinking about it, it must be a worrying situation, and my heart is depressed. Why don't we send someone to contact him and ask him to let me and others be locked up and deal with Ma Chao together

!" Guo Yan was puzzled: "Will he agree?"

"Yes!" Li Xuan said categorically: "I use Yongzhou as bait, just say that he will let me and others Liangzhou, and the land of Yongzhou will be given

to him!" "Haha," Guo Yan pondered for a long time and laughed: "But that's the case! Yongzhou has already been looted by the two of us, and it doesn't hurt to give it to him." On the contrary, Liangzhou is more important to us

!" "If this is the case, then it is so decided?"

"It is so decided!" "Yuyang in early winter, if you want to describe it in one word, it is cold!

But this year's climate is particularly good, and there is no snow in the middle of winter.

The red sun rose on the 1st, but the morning was mixed with cold frost.

Uncle Wang has lived in Yuyang City for generations, and now because of the kindness of King Yuyang, he has lived a life that he never dared to imagine before.

Every day, I accompany my wife to the square to practice my fists and feet with my old friends from the neighborhood, and then drink tea and play chess, leisurely.

I just got up this morning, and I was about to go out with my wife, but I saw several young people in uniform coming over.

Although this Uncle Wang doesn't have much knowledge, after all, he has experienced a lot, and he has some eyesight, and he is a little curious when he sees that these young people are full of energy and knowledge.

"Uncle, you're so good!"

a few young men stepped forward, first asking early, and then took out a stack of densely covered papers from their waist pockets and handed them to him.

"This is the newspaper that Yuyang King is leading the distribution, you can take a look at it. "

When Uncle Wang heard it, it was worth it. As long as it is a Youzhou person, as long as it is even a little bit linked to the Yuyang King, he will not miss it.

Immediately, Uncle Wang took the so-called newspaper, reached out and took out a few copper plates from his arms, and was about to hand them to the young man.

Seeing this, the young man waved his hand again and again, and said, "No, no." Uncle, this newly published newspaper will be free for seven days. With that

, several young people said goodbye to the second elder and hurried to the next household.

This morning, such an incident happened in various cities in Youzhou.

"Huh!Mercenary Guild

!""What's the matter!?"

"Look, here,,The Mercenary Guild was founded, well, it's located in the square, no wonder the square is being built this month!" "

And here, everyone see, anyone who has aspirations can be mercenaries, regardless of talent, regardless of origin."

According to the difficulty of the task, the official uniform will give money and material rewards as appropriate

! Wow, there are also rewards!"

"Here and here! The mercenaries just now are level zero, the first-level mercenaries are reduced by one weight for the whole family, and the second-level mercenaries are reduced by three powers... The fifth-level mercenary is exempted from ninety percent, and the sixth-level mercenary is awarded the honorary mercenary medal, with which he can change jobs and join the army and the government after assessment..."

"There is such a good thing! Not only can you get rewards, but you can also reduce taxes!" "

Look at you below! The danger of the task gradually increases due to the increasing difficulty, and the more difficult the task, the easier it is to die, please choose carefully! Choose carefully, you know?!"

Such discussions have emerged in an endless stream in various parts of Youzhou.

In the afternoon of the same day, a large number of people gathered outside the magnificent bluestone building by the central square of each city.

Yuyang Square, the headquarters of the Mercenary Guild.

This bluestone building has three floors, is five feet high, covers an area of five acres, and is particularly spectacular.

Outside the gate, there are warriors guarding with blades, and on the gate, four gilded characters 'Mercenary Guild' shine brightly.

In the square, a dense flow of people gathered, but few people entered, and most of them seemed to come to see the excitement.

"Look, three people are in!" As the crowd shouted, three big men strode in.

When I walked through the door, it was an empty hall. Directly north of the hall is a counter surrounded by an iron bar. On the east wall, there are three large characters written on the taskbar at the top, and the bottom is densely packed with small handwriting.

On the west wall are five large characters written on the mercenary ranking, and there is a blank underneath. In the corner of this wall, there is a small letter, take a closer look, what are the mercenary rules.

The three men looked around, and saw a few young women sitting at a table in the counter surrounded by a shack, each holding a thick book and a goose feather.

The three of them hesitated and walked over.

"Uh, this little lady,, we..."

Looking at the simple appearance of the big man at the head, the little girl in the shed burst out laughing, and said coquettishly: "The three eldest brothers are the first people to enter the mercenary guild, and if you have any questions, you can just ask." "

I want to ask, can we be this mercenary?" the big man led by him straightened out his mind and spoke.

"Of course you can!" The little girl smiled: "The three eldest brothers seem to be quite martial arts, and the mercenaries are just the right ones!" However, the little girl reminded: "This mercenary is actually no different from the soldiers in the army, and he may face death at any time, are the three eldest brothers sure they want mercenaries?"

"Hehe," the big man laughed when he heard this, and said proudly: "We are natives of Youzhou, and we have always wanted to join the army, but unfortunately we have missed many opportunities in the past few years because of traveling around and making friends." Now that we heard that the king of Yuyang has come up with this mercenary system, we are all excited, so let's try it. When the

little girl heard this, she immediately understood. At present, these three people should belong to the category of rangers. In recent years, because the Youzhou government has spared no effort to publicize chivalry, and the great man of chivalry is for the country and the people, these rangers have also changed the style of gangsters in the past, and have started to help each other when the road is uneven. often travel the world, make friends everywhere to do chivalrous righteousness, punish adultery and eliminate evil, in this troubled world, in addition to the soldiers, I am afraid that these people live a life of licking blood with knives.

"Have the three eldest brothers really decided to be mercenaries?"

After receiving an affirmative reply from the three of them, the little girl's eyes bent the crescent moon and said, "Then I will give it to the three eldest brothers now." Saying

that, the little girl picked up the quill pen (in order to facilitate work, Li Tianlong made a quill a few years ago, which is now used in major government departments) and said, "This big brother, you come first." Name

. "

Han Hu, the word is vigorous. "

Age. "

Eighteen. "

Origin. The

three of them are good mercenaries, and the little girl said: "Three big brothers, the east wall is full of the latest tasks, ranging from one star to five stars, you go and see, three people can choose up to three tasks, or you can do the same task, and then you can register with me after you have chosen." "


the big man said, leading the two behind him to the east wall, looking up and taking a closer look.

Escort Mission: (within the time limit) Task 1: Assist the Lord to escort and recycle grain, grass and materials to various places, with a difficulty of one star, complete and gain experience 10, and money and two runs (in Yuyang) Task 2: Assist the Lord to escort and recover grain, grass and materials to various places, with a difficulty of 2 stars, complete the experience of 50, and Qian Shiguan (in Youzhou) Task 3: Assist the Lord to escort and recycle grain and grass to various places, Materials, 5-star difficulty, complete 15 experience gains, 50 money (within the control of the Yuyang King) Reconnaissance Mission: (within the time limit) Task 1: Help General Zhang Jaw of the Liaodong Legion to reconnoiter the Japanese thieves hidden in Liaodong, report the news, 2 stars of difficulty, gain 50 experience and 10 money;

Task 2: Help General Xu Huang, the commander of the Shanggu Army, to reconnoiter the distribution of the Xiongnu army, with a five-star difficulty, and complete it to gain 200 experience and 100 yuan.

Task 3: Help the commander of the state corps, Gao Shun... Task 4: Help Zhao Yun, deputy commander of the Bingzhou Legion, investigate the current situation in Liangzhou, the difficulty of the task is four stars, and complete... Battlefield Mission: (Not yet opened) Assassination Mission: (Not yet opened) Exploration Mission: (No time limit) Task 1: Help Zhang Liao, the deputy commander of Yuyang, find the Far North to prepare mineral deposits, the difficulty is five stars... Task 2: Help Yan Liang, the commander of the Liaoxi Legion, find... Task 3: Participate in the Sailor Treasure Hunt Quest, explore the vast ocean, record the distribution of resources, difficulty six stars, Legendary Quest: (No time limit) Task 1: Find corn on the continent on the other side of the ocean (illustrated), the task difficulty is ten stars, complete the immediate promotion to the ninth level mercenary, give the Honorary Marquis of Liang (inheritable) a bounty of 10,000 gold, 100 hectares of fertile land, and a number of benefits.

Quest 2: Find sweet potatoes on the continent on the other side of the ocean (illustrated), the difficulty of the quest is 10 stars,... Task 3: ......... Potatoes (illustrated).....Task 4: Invent a manned aerial trap... Task 5: Improve the grain varieties to achieve a yield of 800 kilograms per mu (Youzhou will change the weights and measures to the unified weights and measures in the future year by year, and the junior colleges around the country will teach)... Task 6: Spread the Han civilization, so that the places where the sun shines all over the world are bathed in the glory of China, the difficulty is 20 stars, and the title of Lingxiao Pavilion is given, and the honorary duke is given (can be inherited)... The three big men couldn't

help but be dumbfounded when they looked at these tasks! In particular, the 800 kilograms of grain per mu and the titles and honors they had received after completing the mission, their faces couldn't help but be sluggish, and their saliva flowed out!

It was not that they didn't attach importance to potatoes and corn, but that they didn't know the role of these things yet.

With the bold mercenaries, after the news of what they saw and heard in the guild came out, the whole Youzhou was in a sensation

! Although there is a danger to their lives in doing tasks

, the people of Youzhou are not afraid of death! Some of them are full of blood! Aren't these missions all for the purpose of supporting the construction and growth of

Youzhou? Just as the mercenary code says, mercenaries are sacred, and mercenaries can also establish immortal feats for Youzhou!

The old people not only did not object to their children and grandchildren going to mercenaries, but supported them. The children and grandchildren may be buried in other places, and it may be the last time they get together with their children and grandchildren, but the old people have never forgotten that the strength of Youzhou was bought by countless children in exchange for blood

! Therefore, they did not regret it, nor were they afraid, and they did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for the construction of Youzhou and the strengthening of the nation!

Seeing that the mercenary system was on the right track, Li Tianlong suddenly became idle. Even the frustrated and others are a lot more idle.

Many grassroots things are done by mercenaries, and they don't have to do it themselves at all, as before. As long as the task is issued, the registration is done, and the monitoring is done, everything is so simple!

Of course, this only reduces the pressure on the government to a certain extent. After all, there is still a lot of work and power that cannot be delegated!

On this day, Li Tianlong called Guo Jia and others to the study.

"This king has decided to quietly go south to Jizhou tomorrow, what do you think?"

he hesitated for a moment and said: "Now the pioneering, exploration, and conquest of the Xiongnu are on the right track. However, now Youzhou's internal affairs are really a little nervous, it is better to wait until the Xiongnu are defeated, and it is not too late to march south!"

Li Tianlong smiled slightly: "But that's the case." However, this king does not have to go south at the same time, but just to do something else. As for the Southern Expedition, as you said, we must solve all the hidden dangers before we can treat them wholeheartedly.

Seeing that no one objected, Li Tianlong said: "Since everyone does not object, then the matter is decided." "

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