Guo Yan and Han Sui attacked and returned to righteousness in vain, and they encountered Ma Chao's reinforcements, so they had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

In the room, the two sat opposite each other.

Guo Yan's face was full of sadness, but Han Sui seemed to be much older.

Guo Yan was worried about Li Xuan.

Since Ma Chao led an army of 50,000 to help, what happened to Li Chao? Could it be that Ma Chao defeated Li Chao?

Guo Yan immediately denied it.

Li Chao has an army of 100,000 and is a veteran of the battlefield, so how could he easily lose to Ma Chao in a short period of time? This is simply impossible

! I think it was Ma Chao who concealed Li Chao with conspiracy and tricks!

Han Sui's face was full of vicissitudes, and his eyes were tired and sad and constantly changing.

From Guo Yan's mouth, he got the news that Guo Ming had died in battle, and his heart was full of grief. As for Guo Ming, Han Sui has always regarded him as his own son! Han Sui has no heirs, only a daughter, and now that Guo Ming has returned, what should he do with the daughter who stayed in Sanguan?

The two of them had different thoughts, and both were a little depressed.

After a long time, Han Sui pressed what he thought in his heart, and in a blink of an eye he remembered that Ma Chao came to help today, and a wave of anger and hatred rose from the bottom of his heart.


General Guo," Han Sui said with a gloomy face, "Why did Ma Chao lead the army here? Didn't you say that General Li Xuan had trapped him?"

Facing Han Sui's questioning, Guo Yan also had a fire in his heart, and drank: "How do I know?!" Han

Sui raised his head violently, stared at Guo Yan tightly, and his eyes narrowed.

The death of his son-in-law also has something to do with the person in front of him

! Han Sui thought to himself, why did it not Guo Yan or Li Xuan who died, but Guo Ming? You know, the three of them have always been together!

However, when the enemy was strong at an age, it was difficult for Han Sui to turn his face, so he temporarily suppressed his anger, took a deep breath and said: "Now that Ma Chao has led an army of 50,000 to help, the balance of strength between the enemy and us is equal, and it is impossible to defeat Ma Teng in a hurry. General Guo, I don't know what you have to do to solve this?"

Guo Yan frowned tightly.

When it comes to strategy, it has never been something he's good at.

All along, the middle of the two of them was Li Xuan as the planner. Now the dilemma is in front of him, but it really gives him a headache.

After thinking about it, Guo Yan pondered for a long time, and said slowly: "Ma Chao can come here, he must have deceived Li Zhiran (Li Zhiran) with conspiracy and tricks, and it is absolutely impossible for Ma Chao to defeat him in such a short period of time!"

Han Sui bowed slightly when he heard this: "In my guess, Ma Chao must have deceived General Li with the plan of the golden cicada to get out of the shell." Presumably, it won't take long for General Lee to notice.

Guo Yan nodded again and again and said, "Of course." However, just in case, we should immediately send someone to shoot Tiger Valley to inform Li Zhiran to lead the army here, and the moment we wait for the army to gather, it will be the time when the Ma family's father and son die!"

And the situation of the Ma family's father and son in Guiyi City did not move, so Guo Yan and Han Sui did not care. After all, Ma Chao led the army to come in a hurry, and he was also tired and needed to rest.

The next morning, at midnight.

On the ground outside the Tiger Shooting Valley, a puff of blood evaporated from the soil, forming a blood-colored rainbow, reflecting the entire Tiger Shooting Valley as if it were illusory.

It was as if the ground had been plowed over, and the corpses were scattered all over the ground, with blades and robes all over the ground.

Li Tianlong looked at this hellish scene, sighed slightly, and immediately ordered the army that was ready to open to clean up the battlefield, and after burning the corpses, it was already the end of the hour.

At this time, the army marched and headed in the direction of Jincheng.

Li Tianlong rode the lion and tiger beast and walked in the front, Dian Wei Jiaxu was on one side, and then behind was the second brother of the Ma family.

Then there are two dry steels to forge the general pro-guard.

After the pro-guard army, there was an army of 10,000 Shema families with nearly 20,000 prisoners.

The captives looked at the swarthy, neat army in front of them, and their eyes were filled with infinite fear.

Ma Jiajun, on the contrary, is full of fanaticism and adoration.

The people of Xiliang are the most important heroes, and these two cadres are even better men among heroes!

When Liangzhou was about to be pacified, Wang Yan of the Western Regions and the Northern Xiongnu.

In the king's tent, the left and right virtuous kings under the command of King Huyan, the generals, the nobles, and the Xianbei leader Kebi Neng all gathered here.

King Huyan's majestic body sat on the throne, looking at the quiet people condescendingly, and his heart was very satisfied.

"Ladies and gentlemen

!" King Huyan said in a loud voice: "Hujie, Jiankun, Ding Ling and Wusun all promised this king to gather an army of five million, divide the troops into three routes, and attack the Han army together!" King Huyan said, stood up, turned around and pointed to a very rough sheepskin map hanging on the wall, and said: "Longcheng, Heyun, Juyan!" "Ding Ling

sent a million troops, went south along the Anhou River, and attacked Longcheng!" "My Great Huns raised a million troops, and Xianbei 300,000 horses, Hujie, Jiankun prepared 1 million, a total of 350,000 troops, guarding Heyun, using this as a base point to annihilate the main force of

the Han army!" "Wusun sent 500,000 troops, along the Silk Road, directly attacked the Liangzhou Zhangye Juyan Oasis!" "

The three-way army will perform its duties and will wipe out the Han army in the northwest desert!"

"Everyone, the time has come for me to rise up the Great Huns!

King Huyan's face was flushed with excitement, and his beard shook and trembled, as if he had seen the tribe return to the fat homeland in his dreams

! "Fight back to your homeland! Annihilate the Han army!"

Under the hall, all the Huns stood up and shouted loudly after King Huyan, as if they wanted to vent all the humiliation they had suffered in the past two hundred years.

Kebi can be a cold bystander.

Although the coalition is large this time, with five million, it is not very optimistic about Kebineng, who knows the combat strength of the Youzhou army.

King Huyan is arrogant!

He thinks that he will be able to win a victory by uniting five million men and horses, but he doesn't know how the army of one million Xianbei was destroyed?

If he is not cautious in the battle with Li Tianlong, he will be beaten down sooner or later.

Although Kebineng's heart is as open as a mirror, he can't say it.

On the one hand, if the Xiongnu say that the chances of victory are not good at this critical time, they will definitely evil the king of Huyan, and they will not be able to get out of this king's tent: the two Xiongnu are also avenging him Xianbei, even if they fail, it is none of his business, anyway, yes, they are not Xianbei people! As long as they deal with it carefully, treat it carefully, and preserve their strength.

Dragon City.

Early morning.

The bitter north wind blew and blew on the face like a blade, cold and painful.

The light cavalry lined up under the city, one man and two horsemen, standing still.

Lu Bu was still dressed in that coquettish manner, riding a red rabbit horse, standing under the city, facing Xu Huang and others.


Lu Bu picked up Fang Tiandai and clenched his fists fiercely.

"General Lu," Xu Huang admonished: "This time you are the vanguard, you should make your own decisions in case of trouble, you must be cautious, and you must take Heyun before the Huns! When Xu has arranged the affairs of Longcheng, he will definitely come in a hurry

!" "General, please rest assured, Lu Bu will be saved

!" Lu Bu laughed and said, "I will let the Huns know my Youzhou Shenwei

!" "Okay!" Xu

Huang clapped his hands and praised: "News!".

Lu Bu laughed wildly, "Pull out!"

Xu waited for General Lu's good pull and turned his horse's head, and shouted: "All boom... Lu Bu took the lead, led an army of 100,000 of the most elite light cavalry, turned into a black dragon, stepped on the morning light, faced the wind and sand, and rushed into the desert!

Xu Huang stood under the city for a long time, and waited until the ground was no longer trembling, and then returned to the city with several generals under his command.

In the Longcheng General's Mansion, Xu Huang waved away Cheng Pu and other generals, but said to the guards: "Come on, go and invite Mr. Xi." ... After a while, there were a few coughs outside the door, and then I saw a young man with a tall and thin appearance and a particularly thin figure walking in slowly.

"Ahem, cough, cough..."

Xu Huang got up and walked a few steps quickly, held him up, looked him up and down, frowned, and said: "Brother Zhicai, you didn't drink the wine that was given to you the day before yesterday?"

I didn't expect him to be in Xu Huang's army!

Xi Zhicai smiled indifferently when he heard this, and said, "Xi Mou is not very interested in wine. As he spoke, Xi Zhicai took out a few pills from his arms and was about to put them in his mouth.

"You!" Xu Huang snatched the pill and said, "This Wushisan is poison, you can't eat more!"

Throwing away the Wushisan, Xu Huang said again: "Your body is congenitally weak, and your qi and blood are poor. The wine I gave you is the best medicine to cure your disease!" "


?" At this moment, Xi Zhicai became interested, and after his eyes wandered, he sat down with Xu Huang and asked, "Why is this? Could it be that there is anything wonderful about this wine?"

Later, in order to maintain his spirits, he had to eat Wushisan regularly.

"Guo Junshi, you know, right?" Xu Huang said.

"You mean that kid Fengxiao?" said Xi Zhicai with a smile.

Xu Huang is not surprised, after meeting Xi Zhicai, he heard him say that Guo Jia is his best friend.

"It's Guo Junshi. Xu Huang Zhengse: "When Guo Junshi followed the lord, although he was not very old, he also had your problem, and he was born weak. But now Guo Junshi can casually put a dozen elite soldiers, why do you say

?" "Is it because of this wine?"

"Even if you don't hit it, it's not far away!" Xu Huang explained: "It was because Guo Junshi took the essence blood of the lord that he completely got rid of his frailty. After that, he often practiced the Tai Chi taught by the lord, and now he is also a master of martial arts! And the liquor I gave you was given by the lord, and the blood wine mixed with essence and blood is the best medicine to replenish qi and blood and strengthen the body!"

"Good thing!" he stood up and was about to walk out.

Xu Huang hurriedly said, "Why are you going?" "

Drinking?!" Xi Zhicai rolled his eyes.

"Don't be in such a hurry, right?" Xu Huang held down Xi

Zhicai and said, "I have something to discuss with you today, and when it is dealt with, I will give you another altar, how about it?" Xi Zhicai's eyes lit up when he heard

this, and said, "This is what you said!" Xu Huang shook his head brainlessly, straightened his mind, and said: "Brother Zhicai, I am going to send troops to attack the Xiongnu this time, and the matter of Longcheng is going to be handed over to you to preside, what do you think?" "I?!" Xi Zhicai pointed to his nose and said with a smile: "How can I, a scholar with no official or character, be qualified to act as an agent in Longcheng?"

Xu Huang waved his hand indifferently and said: "This may work in the Central Plains, but in my Youzhou, it is ridiculous! Besides, this Dragon City is now in charge of me, and I let whoever I want to act as an agent, of course, the lord will definitely agree, hehe.

Xi Zhicai bowed his head slightly, and said with a smile: "Okay, for the sake of your two jars of blood wine, I will reluctantly help you."

"Thank you, thank you!" Xu Huang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "With you, I can rest assured."

Xi Zhicai nodded, not modest at all, and then asked: "How many people are you going to leave behind to garrison Longcheng in this western expedition?"

Xu Huang replied when he heard this: "All the elites are taken away."

Xi Zhicai closed his eyes slightly and shook his head slowly.

"What? no?" Xu Huang straightened up and became serious.

"Well, although there are still 200,000 reserve troops in the city, I'm afraid it's not enough. Xi Zhicai pointed to

the north and said, "Ding Ling!" Xu Huang's eyes turned, and he was suddenly startled

, and said: "You mean, Ding Ling may come from the north?" "Not bad!" Xi Zhicai opened his eyes sharply and said categorically: "Ding Ling will definitely go straight down from the north!"

Xu Huang pondered for a moment, nodded slowly, and said solemnly: "If it weren't for your reminder, I would have almost broken something." I've always taken it for granted that they will gather together!

" "I'm a bystander!" Xi Zhicai said: "You are in the game, and the Huns have attracted your attention.

"That's the case," Xu Huang's face gradually sank: "Isn't the strategic plan I made before in vain?"

"No!" Xi Zhicai waved his sleeves and said, "If you make a strategic mistake, I would have warned you a long time ago." This time, you set out as originally planned, and you only need to leave 50,000 foot soldiers with me! I guarantee that Dragon City is safe and sound!

" Xu Huang looked at him steadily, and seeing that his face was full of confidence, he couldn't help but nod and said, "Okay, 50,000 foot soldiers, Dragon City will be handed over to you!"

The place that was originally extremely desolate is now only a decade, but it is already showing a prosperous attitude.

The high earthen walls are surrounded by densely packed tents, forming a population settlement similar to that of a town.

At the exit two zhang wide, there were five halberd guards on both sides, and a large number of mercenaries escorted the carriages loaded with spare materials in and out, shouting, shouting, and neighing of horses, noisy and lively.

Since ten months ago, Zhang Liao's army camped here, and then countless mercenaries flocked to it, some escorted grain and grass, and some took over the task of prospecting to help Zhang Liao explore the resources of the extreme north.

In just one month, the highly motivated mercenaries discovered an iron mine and two coal mines within a hundred miles of Lake Bega!

The mercenaries who completed the task were rewarded handsomely, a large sum of money, and land. In particular, the first mercenary team to discover mineral deposits was awarded the honorary title, not only exempted the whole family from paying taxes, but also received the privilege of not worshipping officials

! After the news spread, the enthusiasm of the mercenaries was extremely high, and more mercenaries came to this camp one after another!

At the same time, the Youzhou government also set up a management organization here, and the mercenary branch was also opened here.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the earthen walls, emitting a golden glow, and the flow of people at the exit of the town market gradually decreased, and many mercenaries had returned.

Suddenly, there were several cries for help at the end of the road, and several dark figures appeared in sight, holding each other.

The ten halberd guards guarding the exit of the gate were immediately attracted to their attention.

"Xiao Qi, Huzi, you two go and take a look, be careful!" the

team leader frowned and said.

The two of them gave a military salute, and the persistent halberd changed to greet them.

"Mercenaries!" the

two approached, but they were three mercenaries.

The three of them were very embarrassed, and they all had blood stains on their bodies, especially the one in the middle, who had a large pool of blood stains on his waist, and was completely unconscious with his eyes closed.

"Brother two soldiers, come and help!" The

two who were awake saw that it was a soldier coming, and their eyes immediately lit up, and they shouted: "My brother is

seriously injured!" Xiao Qi and Huzi did not hesitate, and immediately stepped forward to carry the seriously injured person, and one of them supported the other two, and walked towards the town market quickly.

"Brother Bing

," as he was leaving, the young man who was holding Huzi's left hand gasped for breath a few times, and said a little impatiently: "I have something important to report to General Zhang Liao, can you introduce me?" "Oh?!" Huzi's

eyes flashed, and he said in his heart In the past month, only a handful of mercenaries have been injured and returned, and there are no ones who are seriously injured and want to die like today. In particular, the wounds on these people were completely knife wounds, which showed that they were unusual.

"Don't worry, go to the town to heal your wounds, and when I report it, the general will naturally find you to understand the situation. The

young man nodded, closing his eyes slightly.

Zhang Liao was handling military affairs in the big tent, when a soldier came to report and told him what had just happened.

Zhang Liao pondered for a moment, and said in his heart that this matter was indeed a little unusual. He immediately nodded and asked the soldier to bring the man.

In a moment, the tent door opened, and the soldier walked in with a man, but it was the young man who was the least wounded.

"General Zhang. The

young man looked at Zhang Liao with admiration in his eyes, and hurriedly gave a salute.

"Hehe, sit. Zhang Liao smiled and asked him to sit down, "It's the first time that you have been injured by a sharp blade like this in the past month. Tell me what happened?"

the young man turned grim and said, "General Zhang, the three of us brothers left the town the day before yesterday, and we have not gained much in the past two days, so we feel that we should expand the scope of searching. So the three of us walked fifty miles westward, and we didn't know that we had met a group of aliens!

" "Aliens?!"

Zhang Liao's eyes flashed, and he said, "You tell me carefully."

"The three of us were walking when we suddenly heard the sound of horses' hooves, and thought they were other mercenaries, but it turned out to be about fifty aliens!" the young man recalled, "They were dressed in furs, with scimitars at their waists, and bows and arrows on their backs. If it weren't for the difference in language, I would still think of them as Xianbei people. When

the fifty men saw us, they shouted a few words, and then drew their swords and rushed over. My three brothers have also studied in the martial arts academy for several years, so naturally they are not afraid of them, and immediately fought with them.

"These men were quite powerful, and the three of us killed and wounded more than a dozen people, and in the end, when they were no match for them, they fled, and finally gave up their horses, led them away, and fled back. After speaking, the young man said, "General, I think these people must be the natives of the Far North, and they have no good feelings for us. Today we were lucky, as for dozens of people, if it was a large team, it would be a disaster. So I thought that this matter should be reported to the general and let the general decide!" Zhang Liao fell into deep thought after listening to the young man's words.

At the beginning, after Zhang Liao was appointed by Li Tianlong, he also studied in Youzhou Academy for a period of time, and he still had some understanding of the distribution of power in the entire world. There is a country in this extreme north, called Ding Ling, when the Xiongnu was strong, Ding Ling was still a subject country of the Xiongnu.

It's just that I haven't met for many days, and second, I am busy with affairs, and Zhang Liao forgot about it negligently. Now when he heard what the young man said, he immediately concluded that it must have been done by Ding Lingren!

Coming back to his senses, Zhang Liao smiled and said to the young man: "You have done a good job, and you have not lost the face of my Youzhou people. And what you reported is very important and has a great merit, so General Ben decided to reward you with a thousand gold, hehehe..."

After waving off the young man, Zhang Liao pondered for a while, and then wrote down a letterhead with a stroke of his pen, calling the people from the scout camp and asking him to send a message from his flying eagle to send the news back to Yuyang. Then, Zhang Liao summoned all the generals under his command and asked them to reorganize the army and horses, and wait for the time to move.

Three days later, Zhang Liao received a summons from Guo Jia, learned about the situation in Mobei, and got Guo Jia's order to lead his army westward.

Zhang Liao crushed the secret report in his hand and smiled.

"Come on, gather the generals!" After

a while, all the generals under Zhang Liao's command gathered in the big tent.

"The generals listen to the order!" Zhang Liaohu was stunned and shouted: "Where are

Pei Yuanshao and Gong Du!?" Pei Yuanshao and Gong Du immediately got up, strode forward, hugged their fists and saluted, and said loudly: "The last general is here!"

"Pei Yuanshao, Gong Du, this general ordered you two to be the vanguard, lead 30,000 soldiers and horses, and take the lead in entering Ding Lingguo. Zhang Liao's face flashed fiercely, and he added: "Kill people when they see them

!" The two glanced at each other and drank categorically

: "The last general will obey the order!" Zhang Liao bowed slightly, let the two of them retreat, and shouted: "Where is

Du Yuan!" "The last general!"

Du Yuan got up and clenched his fists, looking resolute.

"I ordered you to command 20,000 people to guard the camp, there must be no mistake!" Du

Yuan's face flashed with a hint of disappointment, and then he was ordered to retreat.


Han Wen!" Zhang Liao looked at Han Wen's immature face sideways, and said with a smile: "General Ben has led 40,000 soldiers and horses as the main force, so you can follow General Ben."

Although Han Wen wanted the pioneer position very much, he also knew that he had no experience, and it was a safe move for Zhang Liao to do so, and he was not the slightest dissatisfied, so he immediately got up and took the order without mentioning it. "All the generals are in place, the vanguard will set off immediately, the camp will be settled, and the Chinese army will start early tomorrow morning

!" "No!"

At this time, the task of the mercenary guild in Yuyang City has also been refreshed.

Task 1: With Beijia Lake (Beihai) as the center, scatter to find out the news of the Ding Ling tribe, and report it to Zhao Yun, the commander of the Yuyang Legion in Shiqin City... Task 2: Assist General Zhang Liao in escorting the captives to Shiqin City..More than a dozen tasks related to the attack on Ding Ling made the entire Yuyang boil.

"I thought that the old man would never see my Youzhou army again in his lifetime, but I didn't expect the prince to attack Ding Ling again! Haha, good fight, good fight!" The

old men gathered together, counted the old 1st day, and said that the feat of breaking Wuhuan and defeating Xianbei seemed to be young again!

The young man was even more enthusiastic, and it was the mercenary who immediately took over the task, and those who were not mercenaries either became mercenaries immediately, or they flocked to Shiqin City to prepare to join the army. In Youzhou College, a large number of students who are about to graduate have all petitioned in the form of voluntary petitions, ready to do internships.

With the beginning of the Mobei and Far North wars, the fanatical war machine of the entire Youzhou was running rapidly.

Batches of grain and grass materials were transported from Youzhou to Shiqin City, to Beihai Town, and to Longcheng.

Batch after batch of hot-blooded young men embarked on the road of mercenaries and soldiers!

The great movement in Youzhou shocked the major princes of the Central Plains.

Yuan Shao, Cao * and others were all on strict precautions, for fear that they would be caught off guard and attacked by Li Tianlong.

Zhao Yun held a silver spear in his hand, wore black gold armor, and rode a jade lion that illuminated the night, standing under the city.

Behind him, 10,000 heavy armored cavalry, 20,000 light cavalry, 10,000 light infantry, and 10,000 heavy infantry were divided into four phalanxes, neatly and neatly, and the murderous aura that soared into the sky stirred up the clouds in the sky and scattered, which was extremely dull!

Zhao Yun waved his spear and shouted: "Open up!" Immediately

, under the leadership of the generals, the four major phalanxes trained into a black dragon, stepped on the morning meadow, and went straight to the extreme north.

Xiliang, Guiyi City.

Li Tianlong led the army to come, and the three people of the Ma family, Ma Teng, Ma Chao, and Ma Dai came out of the city, welcomed Li Tianlong into the city in a proper manner, and held a banquet to welcome him and officially surrendered. The next day, Ma Teng's general, who stayed in Guzang, also led 20,000 men to arrive.

On this day, Li Tianlong led Jia Xu, Dian Wei, Ma Teng, Ma Chao, Pang De, Ma Dai, Ma Xiu, Ma Tie, and other generals, and led a total of more than 80,000 soldiers and horses in Guiyi City to rush out of the city and rush to Jianwei City with great momentum.

In Jianwei City, Han Sui and Guo Yan both looked solemn.

"It seems that the Ma family has returned to Li Tianlong..."Han Sui said in a sullen voice: "General Li Xuan must have been defeated, and we are already alone, General Guo, what do you say about the current situation?"

Guo Yan's face changed constantly, and he sighed, but his face was full of fierceness: "We are the lord of the hegemonic side, how can we easily bow our heads? Besides, there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under the command of the two of us, and there is no chance of victory! Although Li Tianlong, the king of Yuyang, has a great reputation, I am not afraid!"

Although he said this, Guo Yan had no bottom in his heart. "Two generals, the enemy army has arrived in the city!"

the soldiers came to report, and the two looked at each other, straightened their clothes and armor, and walked out of the gate side by side.

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