When they looked up, they saw that the wall was divided into sections.

At the bottom, it's called the normal mission area.

In this area, there are all tasks issued by the government.

"Huh!" Cao * and the others were surprised.

"It's... This... This..."Cao* pointed to the wall and said dumbfounded: "How can this be? How can it be so? Escorting grain and grass is a major military matter, how can it be so?"

The others also looked at Tian Kai in horror.

"Hehehe," Tian Kai smiled slightly, and said, "What's all the fuss about?" My Youzhou Mercenary Guild has been established for two months, and in the past two months, half of the grain and grass materials have been escorted to complete the task, and they have been sent to the mercenaries to do, and it is not without a little problem?"


everyone was amazed.

"This," Kong Rong pointed to the top area and said, "What do you say about this legendary mission?"

Tian Kai smiled and said: "What is a legend? A legend is a man who covers the world and has an overview of the past and the present! Mr. Wenju, please see, this task: to improve the grain varieties and make them reach a yield of 800 kilograms per mu... Mr. Wenju, the yield per mu is 800 kilograms, and each household in Youzhou owns about 50 acres of land, that is to say, 40,000 catties of grain can be harvested every year! 40,000 catties, think about it, if this kind of grain is planted throughout the country, how great is the merit of the people who improve the grain seeds?

"This, can this be done?" Kuai Yue rolled his head back, and said unconsciously: "If it can really be done, it will not be too much

for generations to come!" "Yes," Tian Kai said with a smile: "I, Mu Lao of the Agricultural College of Youzhou University, and others are focusing on studying the improvement of grain varieties. This year, the average grain output in Youzhou has exceeded 300 kilograms, and there will be an even greater breakthrough next year

!" "300 kilograms?!"

Cao*'s eyes slammed into a terrifying light.

"That's right, it's exactly 300 kilograms!" Tian Kai said proudly: "The total grain output of Youzhou this year has exceeded one-third of the heyday of the Han Dynasty! I can proudly tell you that the people of Youzhou are already well-off!"

After hearing this, Cao*, Liu Biao, and Liu Zhang's faces turned pale.

It's amazing

!"No wonder, no wonder!" Cao* muttered, "No wonder Li Tianlong fought again and again, and the people were not tired!" "

Look at it again, this manned bird mission. Tian Kai ignored the expressions of several people at all, and introduced to Kong Rong by himself: "The dean of the Academy of Sciences of Youzhou Academy and the people of the Thousand Ink Sect are studying it. As early as the Warring States Period, the Mo family developed a trap bird, and my lord said that if this trap bird could be enlarged, hollow inside, and loaded with personnel and materials, how good would it be? The day before yesterday, the prince presided over a ceremony of manned flight of a hot air balloon outside the city, and it was a great success!"

The first thing that comes to mind is the military use of manned birds.

If Youzhou really developed this manned flying bird, then it would be necessary?

Who in this world can resist?!"

According to my lord, these three crops do not have high requirements for the environment, and the yield per mu can reach thousands of catties! Do you think, if these three crops can be found out, and then they can be sprayed, will there still be seven dead people in this world?"

"Everyone, please look again, this Far North prospecting mission. "My Youzhou is already rich in mineral deposits, and iron ore is everywhere.

But my lord said that these things can be used up sooner or later, and it is right that they must be open source. As of today, several giant iron mines and more than a dozen ordinary iron mines have been explored in the extreme north..."

As for what Tian Kai said later, where can Cao * and the others still listen to what they said?


don't know when Tian Kai has already taken everyone out of the Mercenary Guild.

Tian Kai smiled and looked at the few people who were still in a daze, and his heart was very happy.

Youzhou is changing with each passing day, even these old courtiers are often amazed, not to mention these 'soil buns'?

"Selling newspapers and selling newspapers! Foreign countries come to the dynasty, Youzhou is prosperous, and the capital of the Shengtianzi of Yuyang!"

This crisp voice woke up Cao * and the others.

Several people raised their heads in unison and looked at a teenager who was walking towards them.

"What is this?" several people were puzzled, adding to their doubts.

"It's the press. Tian Kai smiled and beckoned to the newsboy, who immediately ran over.

"Does Lord Tian Kai want a newspaper too?" The

handsome newsboy looked at Tian Kai prettyly, but it was a girl.

"Yes. Tian Kai smiled kindly, escaped from his sleeve with two copper plates, handed them to the little newsboy, took a newspaper from the little newsboy's hand, and handed it to Cao*.

"Little girl," Cao* took the newspaper and asked with a smile, "How did your parents let you show up, walk in front of the public, and do that businessman's business?"

The newsboy girl rolled her eyes and said with a pout, "This uncle is not from Youzhou, right?"

Cao* nodded in confusion.

"No wonder. The little girl rolled her eyes again and said, "We Youzhou people don't have such conservative thoughts as you."

Besides, people are not businessmen, I am a work-study!" "Work-study


What does this mean? Cao* was even more depressed. I didn't expect a character like him to be despised by a little girl.

"Don't you understand, do you?" the little girl grinned and said, "Our children in Youzhou, both male and female, have to go to school."

I'm just in my first year of junior high school now, and I'm taking advantage of the winter vacation to do some work, exercise myself, confirm what I've learned, and earn some extra money, so why not?"

Cao was stunned, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Goodbye to Lord Tian Kai, goodbye to uncles. When the little girl saw that no one asked any more questions, she immediately waved her hand, turned around and ran away.

"It's good! It's good!" Kong

Rong said, his eyes were a little moist: "The ancestors have a saying, and those who want to be clear and virtuous in the world will rule the country first." Those who want to rule their country must first gather their families, and those who want to gather their families must first cultivate their bodies. Those who want to cultivate their bodies must first correct their hearts. Those who want to correct their hearts must first be sincere. If you want to be sincere, you should know it first. Enlightenment is in Gewu. Character and then know, know and then sincerity, sincerity and then heart, heart and then body cultivation, body cultivation and then family Qi, family Qi and then national governance, national governance and then the world is peaceful. Such a little girl knows how to apply what she has learned, to prove the theory with practice, and to learn from things, my Confucian Daxing is imminent, and Daxing is imminent!

" "Hehehe..."

Tian Kai just laughed and kept laughing.

Kong Rong saw the prosperity of culture, but Cao * and other heroes and princes saw it differently.

If this is the case, if education is universalized in Youzhou, then there will be more and more talents, and the more talents, the stronger they will be, and the more they will be unable to resist!

Cao * Liu Biao and Liu Zhang glanced at each other, and there was not only worry but also bitterness in their eyes.

That is, Youzhou can implement the policy of universal education, but under the rule of a few people, it cannot.

There is an incomparably powerful Li Tianlong in Youzhou, and no one dares to resist. Because the rebels have been wiped out.

In Yanzhou, Jingzhou, and other places, all of their knowledge and knowledge are in the hands of big families, and if Cao * and others dare to promote education for all, they will have violated the interests of all big families, and they will probably not be able to sit firmly under their buttocks! Cao *

sighed, forcibly suppressed his uneasiness, and set his eyes on the newspaper in his hand.

On the front page of this newspaper, there is a line of big words: "Coming from a foreign country." The

following is a detailed description of the causes and consequences of the pilgrimage of dozens of countries in the Western Regions, as well as its far-reaching historical significance and role, which does not shy away from the ears and eyes of the people.

Cao * and his party looked down, and the more they looked at it, the worse their face became.

Underneath the text, there are interviews with the people by so-called reporters in newspapers and magazines.

And the people of all walks of life are incomparably proud and proud

in their words! What does this mean?

It means that Li Tianlong has won the hearts of the people to the fullest! The

world of those who have won the hearts of the people!

Cao suddenly remembered what Li Tianlong had said when he was talking to Li Tianlong in the first place.

Everything at the moment has confirmed the correctness of Li Tianlong's words

! Youzhou has become a stable country like an iron bucket! Li Tianlong, there are no more internal worries!

Cao * turned the newspaper over and over again, and there was a lot of news on the back of the newspaper. For example, as Tian Kai said just now, what hot air balloon manned flying ceremony, what policies and strategies formulated by the king of Yuyang, etc., etc., there are many folk anecdotes, these anecdotes, all reveal philosophy, which makes people think deeply.

Cao * silently handed the newspaper to Liu Biao, looked up to the sky and sighed, his heart was at a loss.

Then, Tian Kai led everyone to Youzhou College, visited the College of Literature, the School of Martial Arts, the Academy of Sciences, the School of Medicine, the College of Agriculture, the School of Law and other departments, and personally experienced the teaching method of Youzhou College, which really made several people feel fresh and admired, and worried and emotional.

Especially Kong Rong, who directly relied on Zheng Xuan and didn't leave. bluntly said that he wanted to be a professor in the Faculty of Letters, otherwise he would not go anywhere.

Zheng Xuan laughed, immediately made a decision, invited Kong Rong to be the vice president of the Faculty of Arts, and at the same time distributed the documents to the palace, just wait for Li Tianlong to stamp, and then you can do it.

After staying in the academy for a few hours, Tian Kai returned to Yuyang Wangfu with a few people.

Several people were physically and mentally exhausted, and after returning to the palace, they went back to their rooms to rest.

The experience of this day can be described as earth-shattering, completely breaking the thoughts and many thoughts in the hearts of several people, making their minds chaotic and exhausted. What they saw and heard in Yuyang City for a day gave them the feeling of being in a different world, as if they were no longer in the Han Dynasty, but in heaven.

Of course, although they have seen and heard a lot, they have not actually gained anything substantial.

Hot air balloons, for example, are only mentioned by name, and there is no theory at all. For example, in Youzhou College, Li Tianlong had already said hello, and he couldn't reveal all kinds of confidential research matters.

At most, it is to let a few people have a general understanding of the advanced systems of Youzhou.

But understanding is understanding, and the heart is moving, whether it can be copied and implemented, and whether it can really be made, the probability is pitiful.

The reason for this is because of the deep-rooted roots of the Central Plains family.

The system implemented by Li Tianlong Youzhou was based on the fact that there was no powerful family and no one dared to resist Li Tianlong. The

region with the strongest power of the Han Dynasty was the Central Plains. And Cao*, Yuan Shao and others themselves are also from families.

It is impossible for them to abandon the family and learn from Li Tianlong's system, which is not in the interests of the majority.

And even if someone dares to take a great risk and copy the system in Youzhou, then Li Tianlong may still be very happy.

Li Tianlong did not worry at all that the enemy would become strong because of this, because they could not succeed at all, at most they would leave such an impression in the hearts of the people, and it would end dismally, and what they did was to act as a seed and a striker.

After Li Tianlong dominates the world, he will reform the system and lay the foundation, how not to make Li Tianlong happy?

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