"Let him take it.

Li Tianlong smiled lightly.

"Let him take it.

Guo Jia also nodded yes.

At this stage, the quantitative comparison between the two sides has been completely skewed to Li Tianlong's side.

Li Tianlongfang: The regular elite army of the Jizhou Army is one million, and there are also one million reserve troops who have just been recruited for only a few months: 1.2 million of Liu Dai's secret sons; and 300,000 horses under the command of General Kong Rong Wu Anguo, a total of 3.5 million people! Of course, it is impossible for the Jizhou Army to dispatch the whole army, and the combined forces of Cao * and Tao Qian are not worth the Jizhou Army.

Cao* and Tao Qianfang: Of Cao's 800,000 horses, only 400,000 went to the battle of the Tang Dynasty; Tao Qian's 800,000 men and horses arrived, but on the whole it was only 1.2 million!

No matter how you look at it and compare it, Cao* and Tao Qian cannot have any hope of victory.

So Li Tianlong is not worried.

Even if Cao * really darkened Chen Cang and took the entire territory


Qingzhou, what would it be? As long as he destroyed the withering and decaying in the Gaotang Dynasty, smashed the 1.2 million people in one fell swoop, and annihilated them all, Cao *'s 400,000 men and horses that occupied Qingzhou would not obediently retreat!

Qingzhou, Pingyuan County, Pingyuan County.

Koji led his army south and attacked Pingyuan, and Pingyuan County symbolically resisted for a while, and then Kaicheng surrendered.

So Lu Yi led 500,000 elite Jizhou troops to be stationed here.

Among the 500,000 troops, there are 100,000 heavy infantry, 100,000 light infantry, 100,000 heavy cavalry, 100,000 light cavalry, 50,000 special troops, and 50,000 siege mechanical engineering troops.

In this battle to capture Qingzhou, Li Tianlong only planned to participate in the battle with 500,000 elite troops, and 200,000 Zhou Tai naval troops in charge of the waters of the Yellow River. That's all.

In Pingyuan County, in the county office, Koji Yi is closing his eyes and recuperating.

He looked so relaxed that he didn't even have a map out of it.

At this time, a guard arrived: "Report, general, the commander of the legion has arrived!"

"Commander of the legion!?"

Koji Yimeng opened his eyes, a little puzzled.

Although Tian Feng, the commander of the corps, was the commander of the Jizhou corps ordered by Li Tianlong, Tian Feng has always been in charge of the overall situation, and the focus of his work during this time has been on the construction of people's livelihood. Moreover, this battle of Qingzhou was clearly handed over to him to be in charge of Liyi, but why did he come to the plains at this time?

Although Liyi was puzzled, he did not dare to slack off. Although Tian Feng is a scholar and seems to be weak, his personality is strong and awe-inspiring, and he is deeply favored by Li Tianlong.

"Legion Commander. As

soon as Koji Yi walked out of the door, he greeted Tian Feng.

Tian Feng nodded slightly, and entered the room with Koji Yi, dividing the priorities.

Tian Feng looked around, and his face sank.

When Koji Yi saw this, he immediately became apprehensive. Tian Feng's questioning made him suffer a lot. But it also made him change a lot of bad problems. So for Tian Feng, he felt a little afraid from the bottom of his heart, it was not about martial arts or anything.

"General Koji Yi!" Tian

Feng breathed a heavy tone, so frightened that Koji Yi hurriedly sat upright.

"Where's your map?

!" Tian Feng said sternly: "As a general, these two things are indispensable! Don't tell me you lost it!"

Lu Yi hurriedly shook his head. Even if he really loses it, how dare he say it? I'm afraid that he will be greeted by endless questions and lectures. "Hehe, Commander," Koji Yi shrank his neck and said with a smile: "Isn't this the enemy weak, and it's a siege war, I don't see the need for a map and a sand table, so I asked people to withdraw, hehe."

"Bastard!" Tian Feng's face darkened even more when he heard this, and he shouted: "How can you have such an idea-)! Is this march and fighting a war a child's play? Be cautious, be cautious! The lord has always said that the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, not to mention that the enemy still has an army of more than one million?"

"I know!" Tian Feng said to himself: "The lord has won great victories one after another, and the soldiers of the reserve department have gradually become arrogant, especially you, the general, not only do not realize the harm, but like ordinary soldiers, they despise and underestimate the enemy! This is a taboo for soldiers!"

Tian Feng is right.

Because of the victory of the Youzhou army, it did gradually develop arrogance.

Like the Yuyang Legion, the Bingzhou Legion and the Shanggu Legion, it is not obvious. After all, the commanders of these three legions have always been very steady. Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, and Gao Shun, which one of them is not stable and calm? Presumably, these people have realized it and are deliberately suppressing it.

But like Yan Liang in Liaoxi, Zhang Fei in Liaodong and Liyi in Jizhou, these people are either very arrogant, heartless, and have never noticed. Or they have that arrogance themselves.

Zhang Fei and Yan Liang are very arrogant people, while Lu Yi is arrogant in his own right. Just like in history, Lu Yi was beheaded by Yuan Shao because he was too arrogant.

Today's matter, if you want to change someone, except for Li Tianlong, I can't guarantee that Liyi will turn his face.

That is, Tian Feng, who had already subdued Koji Yi as a literati, otherwise there might be some trouble.

In fact, he originally served Li Tianlong, and when he saw the strength of the Youzhou generals, the arrogance in his heart has gradually subsided. But because of this period of time, the Youzhou army broke the enemy one after another, and felt that the army under his command was also invincible, so he became arrogant!

After Tian Feng's lecture, his heart gradually became clearer, he immediately stood up, saluted Tian Feng respectfully, and said solemnly: "Xie Commander's teachings, the last general will never forget it!" Tian Feng nodded with satisfaction at this time, and said: "I just don't worry about you, so I left a lot of things in my hands and came to the plain." Hehe... Now that you know, I won't stay any longer, and go!"

Ko Yi looked at Tian Feng's gradually dissipating back, in addition to being convinced, he was still happy to surrender.

"When the lord is so important!" said

Koji in admiration.

Tian Fengneng left freely, in addition to the busy affairs of Jizhou's people's livelihood, he was also very relieved to let go of his arrogance and be cautious about the enemy's righteousness. After all, Koji Yi is also a rare good general, and even Li Tianlong has praised him.

In the next few days, all kinds of supplies, grain and grass arrived on the plain, and Lu Yi contacted Zhou Tai and prepared to cross the river immediately and go south to Qingzhou!

At the same time, Cao*'s 400,000 advance troops also marched from Fenggao and rushed to Gaotang under the leadership of Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Chun, and Chen Gong. At

the same moment, the 800,000 Xuzhou Army, under the leadership of Tao Qian's generals Jiang Bao and Chen Deng, crossed the Beihai Sea and headed straight at the plain Gaotang! At the same time, the 300,000 troops in Beihai under the leadership of

Wu Anguo were hidden and disappeared.

At the same time, the 1.2 million Qingzhou army was completely assembled, and under the leadership of Liu Miao and his general Tai Shici, they were stationed in Gaotang early.

A great war is about to break out, and the eyes of the whole world are gathered here!

Yang Feng got the news of the imminent outbreak of the Battle of Qingzhou in time, smiled heartily, and immediately ordered that the three generals under his command, Guan Jing and Du, prepare to lead the army, set out from Anyi, divide into three routes, and quietly go to the three county towns of Pishi, Fenyin, and Puban, preparing to cross the river from these three places, and quickly take Zuo Fengyi

! At the same time, he left the general Fang Yun and led the army to be stationed in Duanshi to monitor and resist the threat that might come from Bingzhou!

Yang Feng led the army all the way to ambush day and night, and looked at Pusaka all the way. At the same time, my mind was thinking back and forth about the gains and losses.

There is no doubt that Yang Feng is fully confident in taking Zuo Fengyi, but Hedong is his foundation. Hedong faced threats from Wang Kuang in the east and Bingzhou in the north.

Wang Kuang in the east is nothing, as long as he guards the Kei Pass, Wang Kuang is helpless. It's just that this north side... Gao Shun, the general under Li Tianlong's command, does

not seem to be a person he wants to talk to! Although Gao Shun does not seem to have a good reputation, Yang Feng knows Li Tianlong's personality very well, and Li Tianlong will not be able to use anyone who has no ability. Since Gao Shun can sit in the position of deputy commander of the first army, he has his superb side!

And it seems that if he wins Liangzhou, he has a share of Gao Shun's credit.

Yang Feng rode a horse, his face a little worried.

Although he had already made proper contact with Zhang Yanjun hidden in the Taihang Mountains, watching each other and fighting against Gao Shun together, he was still a little unsteady

in his heart! "Hmph!" Yang Feng was upset, and finally snorted, his eyes were firm, and he secretly shouted: "Wealth and wealth are in danger! As long as Gao Shun has not yet reacted, he will take Zuo Fengyi as soon as possible, and then return to the east of the army, then what can Gao Shun do to me?"

Cao*'s army was assembled, and because of the proper cover-up, Yuan Shujing did not know about it.

Eighty miles south of Chen County is Runan County, Yuzhou, and it is also Yuan Shu's old nest. Cao* and Liu Biao made an appointment to attack together, and Cao* sent troops from Chen County to kill Ben Boyang and Nanton, pointing directly at Pingyu.

Liu Biao's troops were divided into two routes, all the way 500,000 horses set off from Wancheng, Nanyang County, led by the general Wen Ping, through Bowang, Ye County, and Benyan County, pointing directly to Pingyu, the capital of Runan.

Another route of 800,000 horses set out from Xiling, Jiangxia County, led by the generals Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, passed through Xiyang and Xinxi, attacked Xincai, and pointed directly at Pingyu!

The three-way army, totaling 1.8 million troops, quietly came to the border of southern Ru while Yuan Shu was waiting to see the battle of Qingzhou.

Liu Miao warmly received the Xiahou brothers, Chen Gong, Cao Bao, Chen Deng and others, and then discussed how to guard the Tang Dynasty, and several people had disagreements.

According to Liu Xuan's calculation, it was to completely leave Cao * and Tao Qian's army in Gaotang City, and then at the time of the war, when these two armies completely focused their attention on the Youzhou army, Liu Miao could use fire tactics to annihilate all these more than one million men and horses in one fell swoop!

It's a pity that Chen Gong has long been suspicious of this Liu Miao because of Xun You's words, although he is not sure whether Liu Miao has really had a tendency to fall to Li Tianlong, but for the sake of safety, Chen Fu proposed that the 400,000 troops under the command of the Xiahou Yuan brothers be stationed outside the city, and the Gao Tang Dynasty will be at a wrestling and watching each other.

This is said in an orderly manner, Liu Miao can't object, so he has to let it go.

In the end, Cao's army was stationed outside the city, and Liu Xuan's army and Cao Bao's army were stationed inside the city, and the two sides fought against Li Tianlong's army with horns.

Gaotang County, located on the south bank of the Yellow River, is also called Gaotang Port.

Because of the geographical location, it was originally quite prosperous, with merchants often coming and going, and there were many merchant ships coming and going in the port.

Now that the war is coming, the people are migrating, and the people are not coming out, and the whole city has no chicken feathers except for the soldiers who come and go, wearing armor, and it looks very solemn and gloomy.

On this day, Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Chun, Chen Gong, Chen Deng and others, together with Liu Miao and Tai Shici, carefully explored the ten miles around Gaotang, especially the port, which was the key observation target.

After everyone returned to the city together, Chen Gong took the lead and said: "Liu Taishou, this Gaotang County is easy to attack and difficult to defend!" Chen

Deng also nodded on the side: "The city is not very strong, the city wall is not high, and the terrain here is too flat

!" "Not bad!" Xiahou Yuan frowned and said: "As we all know, that Youzhou and the army are the best in the world with cavalry, and the terrain here is flat, if you fight with it, you will definitely lose

!" "That's right!" Xiahou Chun also said: " The terrain is flat, this is the number of days, and it cannot be changed. "

In this war, either the enemy army will be kept out of the harbor and will not be allowed to land, but unfortunately there is no defensive fortification at the port, or it will be allowed to land and rely on the city to fight with it, and the city walls are too small, and they have been in disrepair for many years, and many of them are aging. Therefore, neither of these two options is the best choice!" Chen Gong pondered: "The only way

to do this is to try to make up for it, and it is right to reduce the loopholes!" Liu Xuan's eyes flashed again and again, and he said: "When you make up for it, you have to come up with a charter."

Chen Deng glanced at him and said, "First of all, it is naturally the most important place in the port. If you can keep the enemy out of the harbor, it is the best option, so you have to send heavy troops and hurry up to build all kinds of fortifications in the harbor, such as arrow towers, traps, etc., etc. At the same time, the city wall was repaired and more materials were prepared. They

discussed it for a few more moments before they came to a conclusion.

Cao Jun and Tao Jun were in charge of the port fortifications, while Liu Xuan's Qingzhou Army was in charge of repairing the city.

When Cao Jun and Tao Jun were in full swing in the port, countless people in Gaotang County were forced to move out of the city on the grounds that the war was approaching and innocent people were inevitably injured, and at the same time, batches of firewood and grass were mixed with various materials and quietly put into the private houses in the city.

Liu Miao did this secretively and meticulously, although Cao and Tao had a lot of eyeliner in the city, but they didn't find anything wrong.

At the same time, an eagle flew out of the county office and flew straight north, carrying a roll of paper on the eagle's legs.

When Lu Yi received Liu Xuan's tip, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he sneered.


!" "General!" the soldier walked through the door, saluted, and waited for orders.

"Is the water master in place?" asked Koji.

"It's already there!" replied the soldier.

Koji nodded, his majestic body stood up, and shouted: "Order, within half an hour, the army must be assembled at the dock, and those who violate the order will be killed

!" "No!"



Thundered... The sound of horses' hooves rumbled, and the whole plain trembled.

Under the leadership of the general, a large army hurriedly walked out of the barracks, like a hundred rivers converging, quickly gathered together, and then under the leadership of the general, quickly looked at the dock and rushed to the pier.

Koji Yi took five hundred guards, stepping on the early spring sun, and soon arrived at the dock.


General Zhou!" Lu Yi turned over and dismounted, and exchanged fists with Zhou Tai who came up, and said, "General Zhou came at the right time!" "

I just arrived for an hour.

Zhou Tai said: "Are you going to start?" Lu Yi nodded and said solemnly: "Please prepare General Zhou's sailors, and after half an hour, the army will board the ship and march south to Qingzhou

!" "Okay!" Zhou Tai laughed: "I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Half an hour later, the elite army of 500,000 Jizhou Legion gathered at the wharf, no one was late, Koji Yi first said two words, boosted morale, and then waved his hand, 500,000 horses under the command of the general, lined up in a neat line, and boarded 800 iron warships at a very fast speed.

Everything was ready, Ko Yi and Zhou Tai stood at the bow of the ship, waved their hands violently, and between the banners, a loud shout came out: "Pull out!"

Eight hundred warships lined up neatly and strictly, and sailed out of the port one after another, lined up in an array, and quickly headed south.


, look!" Xiahou Yuan was urging the soldiers to build a water village, suddenly, the soldiers around him screamed, Xiahou Yuan couldn't help but look up, and his face suddenly changed drastically

! "Not good!" Xiahou Yuan shouted: "The army is assembled, hurry!



Chun arrived here at the same time as Chen Gong at this time, and when he looked at it, he suddenly became anxious.

"What a big fleet!" Xiahou Chun waved his fist fiercely: "The enemy army is coming really fast, and the construction of the water village has not yet been completed!" Chen

Gong looked around, only to see that the entire port, the water village has only been half established, and many defense facilities, arrow towers and so on, are only half-finished, and it is difficult to play a real role at all, and he is immediately very anxious.

"Someone, spread the news to Gaotang City!" Xiahou Yuan ordered: "Order the army to assemble, the archers prepare rockets, and the sword and shield soldiers prepare to cover the archers!" The

appearance of the Jizhou fleet made the entire port chaotic for a moment, and under the command of the Xiahou brothers, they finally stabilized their positions, relying on various semi-finished fortifications to line up the military formation, and waited for the battle.

When the huge fleet broke through the mist and completely appeared in Cao Jun's sight, everyone couldn't help but gasp, and under the faint sunlight, the steel hull was shining with a faint glow, and in the steel guardrail on the side of the ship, rows of infantry, cavalry, crossbowmen and other soldiers in excellent armor could be faintly seen, standing firmly on the ship, two large flags several feet high were waving in the wind, and the words 'koji' 7 weeks and 7 were written on them.

On the sides of the iron ship, there are densely packed fixed steel giant crossbows, and on the deck, more massive steel machinery stands, and the faint cold light emits out, and a rush of killing power makes people's hearts tremble. After the sails are folded, the mast of the big ship is basically an arrow with iron sheets, and the tower is five stories high, and several giant crossbows are fixed on each floor

! The whole big ship is a war machine at all

! Hideous and vicious!

Just like a giant beast in mythology!

Chen Gong looked at the slowly approaching fleet in amazement, and said in his mouth: "The northerners are not good at water, why don't the enemy soldiers feel the slightest discomfort? This ship is really an iron ship... The giant crossbow turned out to be made of iron, too... What is that monster.."

Brother Xiahou's face gradually turned white as the fleet slowly approached.

"What should I do, brother!" Xiahou Yuan looked at Xiahou Chun with a sideways face.

"Retreat!" Xiahou Chun gritted his teeth and said: "This battle can't be fought! It can't be fought at all!"

With that, Xiahou Chun waved his hand and immediately ordered the army to retreat, Xiahou Yuan grabbed Chen Gong, who was still distracted, turned over his horse, and galloped away.

Xiahou Chun ordered the army to retreat, and the entire 400,000 horses and horses breathed a sigh of relief, and with the two generals, they fled and went straight to Gaotang City.

All the soldiers believed that if they really fought the low-poly steel fleet in this unfortified port, they would die an ugly death!

Xiahou Chun originally knew that the Youzhou Navy Division was equipped with iron boats, but he thought to himself, the iron boat was a rarity, and the Youzhou army must not be equipped with too much, and it was not necessarily willing to be sent out in the real war, so he still asked the soldiers to prepare a large number of rockets, fire oil and other things to set fire, but at this time, at a glance, nearly a thousand big ships,

all of them were iron ships! And all of them were iron ships like war fortresses!

With the towering mast and crossbow tower, the cold and faint steel crossbow, Xiahou Chun could even imagine the miserable situation of his own army after the battle!

Fighting here is completely an act of death.

So he retreated without hesitation!

Chen Gong was caught by Xiahou Yuan, and the bump of the war horse finally brought him back to his senses.

"General Xiahou, this is... Retreat?" Chen Gong said.

'L exactly. Xiahou Yuanleng replied with such a blue and black face.

"It's good to retreat, it's good to retreat!" Chen Gong said: "If the fortifications have not been established, they can't stop the enemy army at all!"

Xiahou Yuan nodded wordlessly.

"In which direction are you retreating?" Chen Gong asked again.

"Gaotang City, rely on the city wall, and fight with it!" Xiahou Yuan said succinctly.

"No!" Chen Gong exclaimed: "No! Gao Tang

can't hold it, he can't hold it at all!" Xiahou Yuan said fiercely: "Why can't you hold it!? In the water, we can't do anything about the iron boat, when we get to the shore, hehe,,. can the iron boat also go ashore?!" "The iron boat can't

go ashore." But does the general know the role of the monster on the bow deck?" Chen Gong said: "I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I finally have a general understanding of the role of the iron-skinned monster

!" "What is the function?" Can it be used to siege the city?!" Xiahou Yuan was shocked. Urgently.

"Yes, according to my opinion, that thing must be used for siege purposes!" Chen Gong said categorically: "With the city wall of Gaotang County, how can it stop that kind of iron monster?!"

Although Chen Gong didn't fully understand the role of the siege machine, he probably had some guesses.

"Once the city is broken, Youzhou Iron Cavalry will be vertically and horizontally! With such a flat terrain, how can our army escape the slaughter!" Chen

Fu said quickly: "The only way to do this is to preserve strength, inform General Li Dian and others, abandon Qingzhou, and retreat to Yanzhou

!" "This won't work!" Xiahou Yuan shouted: "The lord ordered me to take Qingzhou, how can you disobey the order?!".

"This is not disobedience!" Chen Gong shouted: "Youzhou has such siege equipment, which city in the entire Qingzhou can stop it? ! It can't be stopped at all, Qingzhou has no giant city, no passes, and if you insist on occupying Qingzhou, you can only lose the strength that the lord has accumulated so hard in vain! General Xiahou, you have to think about the lord's hegemony, and you can't just focus on the gains and losses in front of you!"

Xiahou Yuan was silent.

Seeing that Xiahou Yuan was a little loose, Chen Gong suddenly struck while the iron was hot and said, "I know that it is a shame to retreat without a fight as a general. But we retreat without a fight for the sake of the lord's hegemony! Besides, we can also compromise. The general can lead the army to hide first, and then observe in the dark to see if the enemy's steel monster is really powerful, if it is powerful, then retreat immediately, if it is a silver-like wax spear head, it is not too late to make a decision

!" Xiahou Yuan's brows suddenly stretched, and said, "That's it!"

Immediately, Xiahou Yuan pulled out the horse's head, clamped Chen Gong, and approached Xiahou Chun, while galloping, while saying the original words just now. Xiahou Chun groaned slightly, and then adopted the opinion, so he led the army to make a turn and gallop into the distance.

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