As the night deepened, two hours passed slowly, and the noisy shouts and hooves of horses in the entire Gaotang did not weaken in the slightest.

It sounds like there is still a big war, but if someone goes to the street to take a look, it is the soldiers who are cleaning the battlefield who are yelling and shouting, where is the battle still fighting?

"Report, General! The Light Infantry Corps suffered 28 casualties and 98 wounded! 200,000 enemy troops were captured!" "Report, no casualties in the Heavy Infantry Corps!" 210,000 enemy troops were captured

!" "Report, no casualties among the Mo Dao Hands

! No prisoners!" "Report, no casualties among the siege troops!" No prisoners!" "Report

, more than 100,000 casualties and more than 250,000 prisoners of the Qingzhou Army!"

Listening to these battle reports, Ko Yi's face remained unchanged, but Liu Xiang and his generals all changed color

! This time, the number of Youzhou troops thrown into the battlefield, plus the siege troops that had never participated in the battle, was no more than 280,000, but it captured 400,000 enemy troops, wounded 98 people, and killed 28 people! While the Qingzhou army, with 1.2 million people, only captured more than 250,000 prisoners, and killed more than 100,000 people in battle

! What a big difference!

Ten times as much


Tai Shici fidgeted while listening, and felt a little embarrassed. After all, although most of these 1.2 million horses had no experience in warfare, some of them were also the 'elites' trained by him!"

"I haven't been caught

!" "I must have escaped!" Liu Xuan sighed on the side: "Chen Deng is too cunning, I'm afraid he has already prepared to abandon

the army and escape!" "Hearing this, Lu Yi looked at him and said in a deep voice: "He can't escape

!" "Someone is coming, order Zhang Niujiao, Yu Poison and Chen Yi to pay attention to the capture of Chen Deng and Cao Bao, in addition, the three-way army and horses do not need to enter the city, hide on the spot, just wait for the signal of the general!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and Liu Miao said: "It's hard to be powerful," Yes, it's Cao Jun!" Lu Yi looked at him and said: "Cao Jun hid to the side, if he wants to be a yellow bird, this general will give him a chance!"

"No wonder General Koji made the army shout non-stop, but it was of great use

!" "Then Cao Jun probably thought that the city was still scorching, and he would definitely be deceived

!" "General Koji Yi is like a god with soldiers, and he really deserves to be the pillar of Youzhou!"

The compliments continued, and Koji Yi frowned, obviously not adapting. In the Youzhou army, it has always been realistic and realistic, and it is rare to have such an obvious slap on the back, and Lu Yi listened to these disgusting exclamations, and suddenly wanted to vomit.

Pan Feng led the army out of the barracks and walked thirty miles to the west, then turned around and slowly marched south.

While sending scouts to search for the enemy, he kept his mind calm and took care to hide his tracks.

Until the time of You, the sky was almost completely dark, and Pan Feng still did not find any trace of Cao Jun.

"Sure enough, it's a bit famous. Pan Feng looked up at the sky and sighed secretly: "You must find Cao Jun's whereabouts as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad if the general's major affairs are ruined!"

At this moment, Pan Feng felt a sense and looked stunned, and a man in black appeared in front of him.

"Dark No. 1199, General Yu, Cao Jun is hiding in the dense forest twelve miles southeast at the moment!"

Pan Feng's face was completely stretched, and a little worry completely dissipated.

With the help of the shadows, even an ant can't escape the eyes and ears!

"Twelve miles? It's close!" Pan Feng muttered to himself.

"Order the army to camp on the spot, and do all the means of concealment, in case the enemy army finds traces!" "

Order the scout team, give the general this general a firm eye on the Cao army, and report back immediately if there is any movement!" "Order

the scouts, get in touch with the soldiers and horses of the headquarters immediately, contact every half an hour, and keep it at any time. Orders

were given one after another, and the 100,000-strong army soon fell silent behind the hillside, without a trace to be seen.

Thirty miles south of Gaotang City, in the dense forest.

Xiahou Chun, Xiahou Yuan, and Chen Gong sat around the simple tent and didn't say a word.

They, waiting, waiting for an opportunity, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow.

The sky gradually darkened, Xiahou Chun couldn't sit still, went out of the tent a few times, and finally returned to the tent, walking back and forth.

"The Youzhou army will not keep that so-called promise, and most of them will attack the city overnight tonight. It's just that why I didn't take the opportunity to capture Gaotang at that time still makes me a little puzzled. Not

only Xiahou Chun, but also Chen Gong was very puzzled.

According to the most correct way of thinking, when the Youzhou army defeated Tai Shici in a battle, it should attack the city. Not to mention that after the battle formation, the morale in Gaotang City has dropped greatly, that is, the morale has not been reduced, with the current situation of the Gaotang City Wall, Chen Gong also has reason to believe that it will not be able to stop the Youzhou Army at all.

But why did Koji retreat?

"I also have a hunch that the city will be attacked tonight. Thinking that there might be any other calculations in Na Liyi, we haven't found out, Xiahou Yuan also frowned.

Chen Gong was tepid, and his face was always very indifferent: "Why bother so much, we just have to wait for the opportunity." The

two of them were stunned and nodded at the same time.

Indeed, it is not necessary to do much care.

Anyway, they retreat quickly, hide well, and are not afraid that anyone will know the traces. As the saying goes, the enemy is in the open and I am in the dark, and we only need to show off our moves, are we still afraid that something will go wrong?

Time flies quickly, and it is already the end of the day.

Suddenly, a faint shout of killing came from the north, and the three of them were startled at the same time and stood up.

"It's a fight!" Xiahou

Chun perked up and said to Chen Fu: "It's started, when will you act?" Chen

Gong walked out of the tent, looked at the sky that was getting brighter and brighter thirty miles away, and said in a deep voice: "Wait another quarter of an hour." "

A moment later.

The shouts of killing from the north became louder and louder, and it sounded as if the battle had entered a scorching heat!

"Two generals, gather the army and prepare to go!"

Chen Gong said indifferently.

The 400,000 Cao army under the command of Xiahou Chun and Xiahou Yuan quickly assembled, and a quarter of an hour later, taking advantage of the night, the Cao army slowly moved north, gradually approaching Gaotang.

At the same time, Pan Feng also received a scout report.

"Hey, the time is just right!" After

laughing, Pan Feng immediately gathered a large army, and quietly bit Cao Jun's tail after a distance of more than ten miles.

Thirty miles, if you march at the fastest speed, in less than half an hour, you can reach it. And it took Cao Jun more than an hour straight to reach five miles outside Gaotang City.

Faintly, Chen Gong looked at the huge fire rising in the middle of the south gate, listening to the seemingly ubiquitous shouts of killing, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, the sound of shouting and fighting sounded in the south gate, and in a moment, the gate creaked and creaked open, and an embarrassed Qingzhou army rushed out of the city! "It's the Qingzhou rout!" Xiahou

Chun's eyes were scorching, and he said to Chen Gong: "Kill in now!?"

The south gate

is wide open, and it is the best time to kill in.

"No!" Chen Gong said: "What if you kill it? Do you think you can wipe out the Youzhou army in

the city?" Xiahou Chun was stunned and said, "It's not impossible, right? There are 1.2 million people in the city, plus our 400,000 military horses, there are nearly two million people. Now it's late at night, the light is dim, you can't see clearly, just the so-called indiscriminate punch to kill the master, the black light blinds, can the Youzhou army still be able to turn over the waves? Just fishing in troubled waters"

The army in ancient times was generally taboo to fight at night.

For some dietary or nutritional reasons, most people have night blindness. It's okay to go on a regular journey, but if you fight at night, you can cut it when you touch it, and you will be completely lost! Even if you cut your own people, it's not a new thing. + That's why Xiahou Chun said this.

However, for the Youzhou army, this matter has been completely overcome.

Because Youzhou has been rich for ten years, people eat and drink well, and their nutrition can naturally keep up. Especially in the army, Li Tianlong not only paid special attention to food and nutrition, but also specially underwent training similar to night combat, and there was no such taboo at all.

Chen Gong shook his head slowly: "If you want to enter the city, now you have lost the best opportunity." The

two of them were stunned, looking at the rout of Qingzhou, which was galloping quickly, and suddenly they were stunned.

The best time to join the war group is when the two sides are fighting anxiously, and now there are Qingzhou troops scattered out of the city, that is to say, the overall situation in the city has been controlled by the Youzhou army, and now it is just a few more dead people.

"And we're here to gain, not to lose. Chen Gong said again: "The Youzhou army is fierce, there is no need for us to fight the Youzhou cavalry on the terrain of Gaotang, it is better to take the opportunity to reap some benefits, quickly retreat south, meet with General Li Dian as soon as possible, and occupy an important pass city to resist the Youzhou army!"

Chen Gong's method is very safe and realistic.

Indeed, the terrain of Gaotang is flat, and the wise man does not do anything with his own shortcomings and the strengths of attacking others. It's better to get enough benefits, go south to join forces, and occupy half of Qingzhou!"

There is another important reason, that is, our plan to make yellow sparrows is too obvious, and others can see it at a glance. Maybe it's not impossible for that Koji to be in the city waiting for me to take the bait. "

Then, sir, why?"

the two Xiahou brothers were a little confused. In this case, why don't you retreat south early and come to this troubled water?"

"Hehe," Chen Gong shook his head lightly and said, "Our army is intimidated by the prestige of the Youzhou army today, and the morale of the army is lost. If you don't get back on the field, what qualifications do you have to face the Youzhou Army in the future and fight it head-on?"

the two of them said with admiration.

Indeed, today they were cowardly before the battle and fled in a hurry, although they did not lose anything, but their morale was completely lost!

All the soldiers had a kind of fear for the Youzhou army.

Iron ships

, steel monsters

, these things shattered the original beliefs in the hearts of the warriors, and made them lose their souls.

If he doesn't get back what he lost, no matter how powerful his army is in the future, it will be finished when he encounters the Youzhou army, and he won't be able to struggle.

"What Mr. means, no matter how big or small, you must win against the Youzhou army and save the confidence of the soldiers!" Chen

Gong nodded and said: "With the opening of the gate, the rout will inevitably increase gradually, and then there will be Youzhou squads chasing and killing, when the time comes, we will seize the opportunity to rush up, and if we can eliminate a few teams, we will eliminate a few teams, one will restore the confidence of the country, and the other will end the myth of the undefeated Youzhou army, and in turn hit their morale, it is killing two birds with one stone!"

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