Gou Yu asked the whole thing clearly, thought about it for a long time, and then slowly said to Cao*: "Lord, there is news from Yanzhou that Li Tianlong has occupied Qingzhou, so he has no action, and it seems that he will not attack Yanzhou again. However, the current tense situation will inevitably cause extraneous complications, and if you can not be offended, you will not be offended. In this regard, the opinion of the subordinates is up to him. After the ticket person enters the lord's sphere of influence, he can be escorted a little, and the Borg's favor is not bad.

Cao * nodded and said, "Gongda, you see, can you make some fuss about

this matter and get Yuan Shu or Liu Biao into it?" According to Cao *'s thoughts, if you can do a good job in this matter, so that Yuan Shu or Liu Biao can offend Li Tianlong, it will be wonderful!

Xun You shook his head when he heard this, and said, "This matter is not allowed. "

What?" Cao* was puzzled.

"Lord, Li Tianlong's minions are everywhere. If no one knows about the things of this world, he must not do them unless he does. This framing matter, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape Li Tianlong's eyes, when the time comes..."

Cao * heard this, his heart chuckled, and he was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Don't mention it.

Xun You nodded and said, "That's fine." However, the lord still needs to pay attention to Yuan Shu. Although Yuan Shu is a straw bag, there are also a few discerning people under his command, and he is afraid that he must take precautions against it.

Cao * calmed down his mood and was gracious: "Are you worried that Yuan Shu will..."

Cao* nodded.

At this time, three carriages slowly marched on the official road. Wei Yan and Huang Zhong sat at the front of the first carriage, chatting about something. The car was filled with Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, who were tied up with five flowers.

The second carriage was driven by Zhang Shan, and there was a sound of laughter and laughter from time to time in the car, and the crisp and pleasant sound caused people to itch.

The third carriage was driven by Zhou Wen, who was bored, looking around at the spring scenery with a lazy expression.

There were more than a dozen riders cruising around, but they were Wei Yan's henchmen and knights.

They seemed to be at ease, but they didn't know that the eyes of several princes had been staring at them. The entire war in Jiangnan and the Central Plains seems to revolve around these three carriages.

The group was walking when they suddenly heard the sound of horses' hooves behind them. Huang Zhong's spirit tightened, his ears moved, and he soon recognized that there were only a few horses, so he put his mind at ease and stopped paying attention.

As the sound of the horse's hooves got closer and closer, only the sound of whirring and drinking could be heard, and the sound was crisp. A dozen or so knights looked back, but it turned out that the riders who were getting closer and closer on the road behind them turned out to be women.

"Alas, the people in front, stop!" Sun

Shangxiangjiao shouted, flicked the whip fiercely, and galloped forward, parallel to the first carriage.

"Hey, I ask you. Sun Shangxiang glanced at Wei Yan and Huang Zhong, and asked with a big grin: "Is it you who arrested my eldest brother?"

At this time, there was a whining sound in the carriage.

But when Sun Ce heard Sun Shangxiang's voice, he was in a hurry and wanted to warn, but his mouth was blocked and he couldn't speak.

"Huh?" Wei Yan glanced up and down at the heroic woman in front of him, very curious, and said, "We have tied up two people, but I don't know if there is your eldest brother." "

You're the one, Wei Yan, right?" Sun Shangxiang pulled the horse's head violently, crossed the road, and blocked the carriage.

"Stop!" Sun Shangxiangjiao snorted, pulled out the sword at his waist, and pointed directly at Wei Yan, who was hurriedly pulling the reins, and said: "Wei Yan, quickly dismount and be bound, let my eldest brother go, and go to my father's seat with Miss Ben to ask for guilt!" Wei Yan

smiled, and Huang Zhong also smiled.

This little lady is so pretty, is she beautiful? But she seems to be a little bolder? Doesn't she know that even his father Sun Jian has returned with a feather?" "Hey, I said little lady, you are not afraid that Wei will tie you up too?" Wei Yan jumped out of the carriage and pulled out the big knife that was placed on the frame.

"Wei Yan, you despicable villain, you just tied up my eldest brother with tricks, and you dare to speak wildly! Look how I clean you up!" Sun

Shangxiang pulled the reins, shook his wrist, and the sword cut out more than a dozen sword flowers, and immediately covered Wei Yan.

Wei Yan's eyes froze, and the momentum of his whole body suddenly exploded, and the big knife in his hand was horizontal, and he handed it out with a few knives.

Ding Ding Ding... There was a crisp sound, the firelight burst out, and Sun Shangxiang hit the horse and ran past Wei Yan's side, twisting Xiangxiang's shoulders involuntarily.

"This man... It's so powerful!"

Sun Shangxiang said secretly. However, after a round of confrontation, Sun Shangxiang didn't think that Wei Yan could really beat him, so he immediately turned his horse's head and rushed forward with his sword.

The two fought for more than ten times, Sun Shangxiang was shocked by Wei Yan and sweated, and Wei Yan's clothes had a few cracks, but he was not really injured.

Wei Yan's powerful and powerful moves are vigorous, while Sun Shangxiang's sword moves are delicate and small, and his delicate body sits on a horse, using swordsmanship, but it seems to be dancing.

"The little lady's martial arts are good!" Wei Yan laughed, took a step forward, and his body shot up, jumping to a height, and the big knife in his hand opened the momentum of the world and slashed hard.


a bang, the sword in Sun Shangxiang's hand was blown away, and the entire delicate body flew out sideways and fell to the ground.

Wei Yan laughed, put the big knife in his hand still on the frame, pulled a rope casually, and strode forward to tie Sun Shangxiang.


Only a crisp sound was heard, Wei Yan's eyes narrowed, and he felt a sharp mang coming towards him, and he couldn't help but subconsciously tilt his head. At this time, a whine sounded behind Wei Yan at the same time, and a sharp arrow slashed through the root of Wei Yan's ear.


spark flashed in the air, and Wei Yan opened his eyes to see two feathered arrows landing at his feet.

But it turned out that when Sun Shangxiang landed, he quickly took off his bow and arrow, and it was an arrow in front of Wei Yan. At the same time, Huang Zhong, who was still sitting on the frame on the 1st, also lifted his bow and arrow, and knocked the arrow shot by Sun Shangxiang to the ground with one arrow.

A cold sweat broke out behind Wei Yan's back.

"Good little lady, it's really ruthless!"

Wei Yan took advantage of Sun Shangxiang's stunned moment, hurriedly stepped forward and tied Sun Shangxiang firmly in a few strokes.

At the same time, the four female guards brought by Sun Shangxiang were also defeated by Wei Yan's henchmen and knights, and they were all arrested.

"Go in, you!" Wei Yan held the rope, lifted the car door with one hand, and threw Sun Shangxiang into the car with the other.

Sun Ce looked at Sun Shangxiang, who was tied up strongly, and his eyes were full of helplessness.


Not long after Wei Yan and his party left, Sun Jian led his army to rush here.

"Lord, there is a sword here!"

the soldier lifted an unsheathed blade from the ground and handed it to Sun Jian.

"This is..."Sun Jian's eyes widened, looking at the word 'Shang Xiang' on the hilt of the sword, his heart was full of grief and indignation.

"Shang Xiang!" Sun

Jian shouted violently: "Hurry up, speed up for me, catch up!"

If you want to say how Sun Shangxiang rushed before Sun Jian, there is naturally his reason. It turned out that Sun Shangxiang learned that Sun Jian was going to save Sun Ce, so he planned to participate in one by himself, but in order not to run into a wall with Sun Jian, Sun Shangxiang took a detour and bypassed Sun Jian. At the same time, because Sun Shangxiang had few people, and they all rode horses, and their speed was fast, they rushed to catch up with Huang Zhong and his party before Sun Jian.

Not to mention that Sun Jian went to chase Huang Zhong and others, trying to save his children.

Let's talk about Luoyang Yuan Shao.

It is said that Yuan Shao wanted to take advantage of Cao*'s attack on Yuzhou, stick a knife in his back, and be willing to put a piece of meat, so he sent the general Zhang He, led 50,000 troops, and went out of Bishui Pass to attack Chen Liu.

Before Cao* left Yanzhou, he made relevant arrangements for Yanzhou's defense.

The one who guarded Chen Liu and defended Yuan Shao was that Cao Chun.

Cao Chun received the order of General Cao * and led an army of 30,000 to guard Chenliu, while stepping up the training of cavalry, and at the same time paying close attention to the movements of Yuan Shao's army in Bishui Pass.

Sure enough, on this day, Cao Chun received a tip-off that Yuan Shao's general Zhang He led an army of 50,000 troops, out of Bishui Pass, and went straight to Chenliu.

When Cao Chun heard this, instead of being worried, he was eager to try.

But it turns out that Cao Chun's newly trained tiger and leopard cavalry has just become an army, and it is just about to be a big battle to test the power of the tiger and leopard cavalry, and Zhang Jaw sent it to the door at the right time, how can Cao Chun not be happy?"

"Pass the order, let the big armament department get ready, and this general will stay here and wait for him to open his jaw!" At the same time, pass this news to the lord, so that he doesn't have to worry, I will ensure that Chen will not be lost, and I will give the lord a big gift!"

Cao Chun's words were full of confidence.

Thinking of the elite cavalry that he personally trained, and the war horses and equipment were all taken from Youzhou, Cao Chun couldn't help laughing: "Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao!

He naturally didn't believe that the generals of the Cao army were all fools, especially Cao Chun, who was entrusted with the important task by Cao * to guard Chen Liu alone and defend against Yuan Shao.

So he slowed down the speed of the march, and what he did was the word 'steady', gradually advancing to prevent Cao Chun's sneak attack.

But where did he expect that Cao Chun didn't want to hide from him at all, but wanted to fight with him with real knives and guns. At the same time, Zhang Jaw did not expect that most of the armaments that Cao * had purchased from Li Tianlong were in Cao Chun's hands!

The 50,000-strong army spent two full days and advanced 90 miles, and finally came to the city of Chen Liu.

Cao Chun stood at the head of the city, looking at the heads of people under the city who couldn't see the end at a glance, and nodded slightly.

Although the enemy army under the city can't do it like a forest and don't move like a mountain, it also has a bit of weather.

"This jaw is also a bit capable. Cao Chun naturally knew that although Yuan Shao had a lot of soldiers and horses, there were not many real elite soldiers in a hundred battles, such as the 50,000 horses under the city, he knew at a glance that the murderous spirit was insufficient, and it was a completely newly trained army.

Then, there was a routine persuasion.

Zhang Jaw sent people to look at the city to shoot books, and said, if you don't surrender, the chickens and dogs will not stay. Seeing this, Cao Chun just smiled disdainfully. When he turned around and went down the city, he took with him 5,000 'tigers and leopards' and 10,000 foot soldiers, and poured out of the city.

"Huh?" Zhang Jaw was shocked when he saw this.

If you look closely, you will feel bad.

Of these 15,000 men and horses, one-third of them are cavalry, and they are well-equipped and well-trained

!"That equipment..."Zhang Jaw suddenly remembered that Cao * had purchased armaments and materials in Youzhou

!"Big spending!" Zhang Jaw's face was calm: "Cao * actually put half of the equipment he bought into this army.


Jaw!" Over there, Cao Chun shouted: "This time, I will definitely beat you to the ground!"

Zhang Jaw was furious when he heard this.

You have excellent equipment, what about the elite cavalry? It's not the Youzhou Army! Falling Flowers and Flowing Water!? I will definitely beat you up with falling flowers and flowing water!

Cao Chun ordered the infantry to set up the formation, and at the same time let the cavalry prepare to charge.

At the same time, Zhang Jaw also practiced waving the command flag, and the 50,000-strong army was quickly mobilized.


Kill!" "Kill!"

The earth-shattering drums sounded, and Cao Chun's cavalry was in the center and went straight to the middle army with open jaws. There were 5,000 foot soldiers on both wings, and among the 5,000 infantry, there were also 1,000 elite infantry wearing iron armor and machetes!

15,000 people, with tigers and leopards as arrows, formed a crane wing formation, and went straight to the jaw opening army formation.

Five hundred steps, one hundred steps, eighty steps, sixty steps, the tiger and leopard rode faster and faster, and they rushed into the sixty steps of the Zhang Jaw Army.


the arrows!" Zhang Jaw shouted sharply, and as soon as he waved the flag, he heard a loud noise, and bursts of arrows rained down from the sky!

Cao Chun took the lead, bowing his head slightly, his eyes shining, staring straight at the banner of the Chinese army with his jaw open, and ignoring the arrow array that flew in.

Ding Ding Ding... After a rain of arrows, the tiger and leopard rode well-equipped with minimal damage.

Then a second rain of arrows followed.

The third rain of arrows had not yet been prepared, and the tiger and leopard cavalry had already entered the Zhangjaw army formation!

Like a spear splashing water, combined with the huge impact of the war horse, the Zhangjaw saber and shield soldiers were killed. Behind him, five thousand tigers and leopards rode on Cao Chun, and in an instant, they tore apart the Zhangjaw army array

! "Block! You must block!" Zhang

Jaw roared again and again, and then shook his spear and killed Cao Chun.

The cavalry must be stopped, otherwise the army will be in danger!

At this time, the infantry soldiers on both wings who cooperated with the cavalry charging into formation also came up.

Ordinary ± soldiers in leather armor cooperated with elite infantry soldiers to defeat and retreat from the Zhangjaw army, suffering heavy casualties! The tiger and leopard cavalry tore apart the enemy formation, greatly boosting the morale of Cao's army.

In contrast, in the face of Cao's fierce attack, Zhangjaw's army fell into passivity and was already losing and retreating.

The sound of war drums became louder and louder, and on the head of the city, a burst of shouts and shouts resounded through the world like a mountain and a tsunami, shocking the enemy's fear.

Cao Chun opened his jaw, the two shots intersected, and sparks burst out.

The two big guns were like swimming dragons, tossing up and down, the sound of clanging was endless, the blood burst out, the murderous aura was surging, and within a radius of a few zhang, the soldiers could not get close.

After more than ten times, the pressure on Jiang Chun's hands became more and more intense, and he felt that he was not an opponent with open jaws, so he shook a shot, gave up his open jaws, and joined the army, just rushing to kill, ignoring Zhang Jaw's angry shouting and scolding.

Zhang Jaw was helpless, so he had to find a soldier to start.

It's a pity that the enemy has been formed, and he alone is powerless to return to the sky.

The army rushed to kill bravely, fearless of death, and there were new cavalry to destroy the withering and decaying, boosting morale, and the 50,000-strong army of the Zhangjaw army was quickly defeated.

In order to avoid excessive losses, Zhang Jaw had no choice but to withdraw his troops and retreat in defeat.

Cao Chun led the army to chase and kill for a while, and in order to prevent an ambush, he immediately returned to the army and guarded Chen Liu.

Let's not talk about the follow-up of the battle of Chen Liu, let's look at Huang Zhong, Wei Yan and others.

Wei Yan captured Sun Shangxiang by himself, so he and Huang Zhong sped up, galloped all the way, and within half a day, they rushed to Anfeng County, north of the Lujiang River. Fortunately, it is the official road that has been taken all the way, although the official road has been abandoned for many years, but the speed can still be improved, otherwise it would have been caught up by Sun Jian's army.

And Sun Shangxiang drank and scolded all the way, and he didn't stop for half a day.

Not only was Wei Yan and Huang Zhong upset when they were scolded, but Sun Ce and Zhou Yu also had a headache. Fortunately, Wei Yan couldn't listen anymore, so she gagged her mouth, and then stopped.

The three carriages stopped in Anfeng for a quarter of an hour, and Wei Yan entered the city to replenish some daily necessities, and then immediately drove away, bypassing Anfeng and heading to Yangquan.

Not long after the carriage left the range of Yangquan, it was already caught by Sun Jian's rank.

Sun Jian has been hit before, but this time he is much more cautious. After discovering the traces of Huang Zhong and others, they did not immediately chase after them to fight and rescue, but sent a large number of scouts to investigate around to avoid accidents.

It's a pity that although Sun Jian was cautious, he didn't find the slightest clue. Seeing

that there was nothing to gain, Sun Jian thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said secretly: "No matter what, we must rescue Ce'er and Shang Xiang, otherwise, think about it, Sun Jian waved his hand, and the two thousand army quickly accelerated and chased after him."

The three carriages turned a corner, and suddenly, Huang Zhong grabbed the reins of the horse and stood up from the frame violently, his face full of murder. Then, Wei Yan's face also changed, and he put the big knife pressed under his butt in his hand.

The hearts of the three carriages and the hearts of one or twenty people all raised their throats!

"Wei Yanxiao'er, quickly hand over my son and my daughter, otherwise, die!"

Before the words fell, Sun Jian took the lead, rushed through the corner, and appeared in Wei Yan Huang Zhong's eyes.

"Sun Jian!" Wei Yan rolled his eyes, grabbed the car door, reached out and lifted Sun Shangxiang out, put the big knife on her neck, no matter how she struggled, shouted: "Sun Jian, if you dare to take a step forward, this woman's head will not be protected!"

Seeing this, Sun Jian

was in a hurry, and hurriedly reined in the horse's reins, his expression was both anxious and gloomy.

Suddenly, Sun Jian remembered a faint voice behind him: "Kill!" In

the dense forest on the side of the bend, there was a sudden earth-shattering shout of killing, and then, a loud sound sounded, and pieces of arrows rained down, and Sun Jian's army retreated again and again. Then, I don't know how many people rushed out of the dense forest with a roar and slaughtered into the frightened and bewildered Sun Jian's

army! Huang Zhong Wei Yan's face was stunned, but he vaguely saw that the attacker who came out of his head was completely dressed as a Jingzhou army!

Sun Jian turned around violently and looked at it, and his face suddenly changed greatly.

"Steady, steady!" Sun

Jian shouted, and he didn't have time to pay attention to Wei Yan anymore, but with a wave of his big sword, he turned around and rushed over! Sun Jian

had a sharp sword in his hand, and he quickly stabilized his position, and he couldn't hold on to the attacking Jingzhou army. Sun Jian slashed and slashed while looking around, but when he saw that this wave of attackers had not yet been led by a general, his mind changed, and his face suddenly became even more solemn.

How could there be no generals to lead the march and fight? Presumably, the 3,000 or so people in front of him may not be the main force!

Sun Jian made a conscious effort and spared three points of strength.

Huang Zu closely watched Sun Jian's every move in the dense forest, even if because of Sun Jian's joining, his 3,000 army that rushed out of the dense forest was already in a rout, Huang Zu was unmoved.

It wasn't until Sun Jian seemed to be completely engaged in the battle that Huang Zu slowly took off the bow and arrow behind his back, put on the arrow, and aimed at Sun Jian's face door tightly!

Sun Jian only felt a tingling pain in his face, and a cold air rushed from the soles of his feet to his head, and his heart was cold, and he suddenly turned his head!

A feather arrow mixed with a piercing neighing sound passed through Sun Jian's ears, Sun Jian secretly said that it was dangerous, and before he had time to rejoice, he suddenly felt a pain in his right chest, and when he looked down, he saw a sharp arrow passing through his chest!


!" Sun Jian only felt that he couldn't breathe, his eyes were black, and he shook on the horse's back, and fell down with a thud!


Seeing this, Sun Jian's soldiers around him were in a hurry, and one by one, they rushed to the front and helped Sun Jian up.

At the same time, Sun Shangxiang, who was held in Wei Yan's hand, was full of horror, and in a pair of big eyes, two pearls rolled down

!"Haha, Sun Jian is dead, soldiers, rush with this general!" Huang

Zu laughed loudly, pinned the bow and arrow behind his back with his backhand, and at the same time took a big knife from the hands of the soldiers, and rushed out of the woods like a tiger descending

from the mountain! Sun Jian's fall from the horse directly led to the collapse of Sun Jian's army's morale, and the soldiers were at a loss!

However, the morale of the Jingzhou army was like a rainbow, and they went forward one after another, wanting to hold

Sun Jian's 'corpse' and win a great victory! Sun Jian relieved himself, pushed away the soldiers who were supporting him, and shouted with all his might: "Brothers, stabilize Lao Tzu!" Hurry

up, Sun Jian only felt that he couldn't breathe, and a mouthful of blood gushed up his throat, but he was pressed down by him.

Seeing that Sun Jian was fine, the soldiers of Sun Jian's army had a backbone, and immediately rose up to resist, and the battle situation gradually turned around, showing anxiety.

Huang Zu rushed out of the woods, and when he saw Sun Jian actually standing up, he couldn't help but be stunned, and then laughed: "Sun Jian's sick cat is the end of the crossbow, hold it hard! Soldiers, give me arrows and shoot Sun Jian!" Sun Jian

had a pair of tiger eyes, staring at the general who had just rushed out of the dense forest. He knew that the person who could seriously injure him with one arrow must be a general, otherwise, how could an ordinary soldier shoot through his strong body and hit him hard

? "Huang Zu!" After dealing with Huang Zu for nearly half a year, how could Sun Jian not know him?

As soon as Huang

Zu's voice fell, a large rain of arrows fell into the air, surrounding Sun Jian's area for several zhang in a radius. Sun Jian was unmoved, only staring at Huang Zu, and the ancient ingot knife in his hand tightened and tightened.

Puff... When the rain of arrows fell, Sun Jian only stretched out his hand to help a few people in front of the front door, and helped the arrows that were about to hit the front door open, and the others were shot on his body, only making a sound of defeat among the people, but Sun Jian was unharmed.


powerful arrow with a buzzing roar flew over in the rain of arrows, and Sun Jian's ancient ingot knife swung with golden light, shattering it! But it was the arrow shot by Huang Zu!

After Sun Jian fell off his horse, he stood up again, making Sun Shangxiang breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, I felt that all my strength was drawn by that arrow. Sun Shangxiang's eyes rolled slightly, and he suddenly looked at Wei Yan sideways, with a pleading expression on his face.

Wei Yan seemed to realize something, turned his gaze back from the battlefield, glanced at Sun Shangxiang, and knew what Sun Shangxiang meant when his heart turned.

Sun Jian was now battered and his forces were about to be exhausted, and he was almost in a desperate situation. And as a daughter, how could Sun Shangxiang watch her father being killed? So she wanted to pray for Wei Yan's help to save Sun Jian.

Wei Yan only felt amused and said, "Sun Jian is my enemy, and you are also my enemy." I have nothing to do when I'm full, save the enemy?"

Sun Shangxiang's face turned pale, and his expression was full of despair.

At this moment, there was a sudden rumbling sound from the north, and it became more and more intense, and the whole land trembled.

Then, I saw a big Korean flag appearing in front of everyone. At the head, he was in iron armor, holding a spear in his hand, and he was arrogant. Behind him, the army of Bianzi Spoon was swarming at a glance, and in an instant, it surrounded this place, and the water could not be passed.

Seeing this, Huang Zu was in a hurry, but he didn't dare to move anymore, so he had to gather his soldiers and horses and gather together. At the same time, Sun Jian's remnants also surrounded Sun Jian's side, extremely vigilant.

Huang Zhong and Wei Yan also raised their blades and stood by the carriage, and behind them, more than ten knights also tightly surrounded the two of them.

In an instant, the entire battlefield suddenly fell silent.

Huang Zu, Sun Jian, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan, all three of them stared closely at the sudden tens of thousands of troops, and their hearts were nervous, which was really indescribable.

"Hahaha..."The general who was the leader rode out of his horse, arched his hand to Huang Zhong and the others first, and said with a smile: "This general is Han Hao, who is under the command of the general." Now, on the orders of the general, I came to escort Princess Yuyang back to the north, don't misunderstand!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Yan and Huang Zhong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Tens of thousands of troops were actually to escort Er Qiao. The end is incredible.

Huang Zu and Sun Jianju both widened their eyes and stared straight at Han Hao, speechless.


As soon as Han Hao's words fell, suddenly, nearly a hundred black-clothed people appeared around the carriage in the air! Such abruptness and weirdness frightened Han Hao to retreat again and again. Not only Han Hao, but Huang Zu was even more startled, and his throat kept rolling. and Sun Jian, even if he had seen such an elusive man in black once, he could barely suppress the blood in his throat.

After the nearly 100 black-clothed people appeared, they quickly flickered, and in the blink of an eye, surrounded the three carriages, and a hundred pairs of sharp eyes stared at Han Hao, killing and surging, so that Han Hao didn't dare to move.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion on the periphery of Han Hao's army.

Then, a soldier ran to Han Hao and reported loudly: "General, there are a thousand people on the periphery who call themselves Youzhou Navy and want to come in, you see..."

"When General Jiang Qin arrived.

Among the men in black, a deep voice sounded, and Han Hao hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Get out of the way." After

a while, Jiang Qin strode in with more than ten people in full armor and guards.

"Hello everyone, this general is under the command of the King of Yuyang, and Jiang Qin, the governor of the Yangtze River Naval Division, I have seen you!" Jiang Qin first hugged his fists, saluted Han Hao, Sun Jian, Huang Zu, Wei Yan, and Huang Zhong respectively, and then strode forward, and the man in black suddenly got out of the way and gave way to the carriage in the middle.

"The two princesses, Jiang Gongyi asked to see them.

Jiang Qin respectfully saluted the carriage.

In the carriage, there was a sudden sound of Hui Han's frankness, and then, the door opened, and Da Qiao got off the car elegantly, followed by Xiao Qiao, and then Huang Diewu and Mrs. Huang.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao's faces were flushed and a little shy, while Huang Diewu was teasing and secretly laughing.

"Who... Who is the princess..."Xiao Qiao curled her rosy little mouth and replied shyly.

Da Qiao glared at her, and Xiao Qiao immediately shut up obediently, looking like a lady.

As soon as the three girls appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

Da Qiao is elegant and noble, very quiet; although Xiao Qiao pretends to be well-behaved, when people look at her big eyes that are purring blindly, they know that this girl is lively and active, shrewd and clever; Huang Diewu has a heroic face, and has some of the temperament of a small jasper.

Han Hao looked at Sun Shangxiang, who Wei Yan was still holding in his hand, and then looked at Da Qiao's group, and wondered a little, isn't it the two princesses, how can there be one more? And who is the one who is tied up? He automatically excluded Mrs. Huang, because although Mrs. Huang is a little beautiful, she is middle-aged after all.

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