For the few people in front of him, since he was captured and sent to Yuyang, Li Tianlong has never treated him badly.

The food and drink are offered, and the freedom of several people has not been restricted, and they can even walk in Yuyang City at will.

The two Xiahou brothers are Cao*'s relatives and generals: Li Tianlong has no other thoughts from beginning to end. It is impossible to recruit these two people. However, Chen Gong and Chen Deng, there are still some opportunities.

Now that Chen Gong has resolutely stated his position, only Chen Deng is left, and for Chen Deng, Li Tianlong's expectations are still not small.

chatted with a few people again, and was about to go back to the backyard to see Cai Yan Zhen Mi, but saw Cai Yang leading Liu Zhang and Zhang Song over.

Liu Zhang was dressed in leather armor and had a saber hanging from his waist, and his originally weak and fair face now had a little perseverance and bronze color. And Zhang Song is also dressed up, but the leather armor and saber reflect Zhang Song's sharp-beaked monkey cheeks, how funny it looks.

"Brother Li!" Liu

Zhang walked over with a laugh, with a sigh on his face, but said: "Brother Li, where do you guess my brother has been these days

?" Li Tianlong looked Liu Zhang up and down, a little uncertain, and said: "Could it be that Brother Liu is really a mercenary and went on a mission?"

But now that his appearance has changed greatly, Li Tianlong can't help but be surprised.

"Haha, that's good!" Liu Zhang smiled and sighed: "The life of this mercenary is really exciting. In the past month, I have traveled to Beihai, Liaodong, dealing with Ding Lingren on the grassland, and being with wild beasts in the mountains and wilderness, which is really indescribable!"

Everyone present was very surprised when they heard this.

Especially the few people who knew Liu Zhang's personality were even more surprised.

With Liu Zhang's character, it is rare to be able to endure the hardships of being a mercenary!

"Uh..." Li Tianlong's throat froze, and he turned to say, "Brother Liu, my uncle sent a letter the day before yesterday, asking you to return to Yizhou as soon as possible, you see.." What are you going to do back to Yizhou?" Where do you know, Liu Zhangjing shook his head without hesitation and said: "I found that I have fallen in love with the life of a mercenary, I want to become a top mercenary, and I want to establish a mercenary group, to..."

Zhang Song, who originally heard Li Tianlong's words and showed a happy color, instantly collapsed his face, like a dead mother.

In Youzhou, the glory of mercenaries is only under the army. Being a mercenary, especially a successful mercenary, not only has a lot of money to gain, but also has many honorary titles. However, outsiders really don't know the suffering.

Sometimes, it is necessary to deal with savage alien races, such as the Ding Ling, who have not yet been completely conquered.

Sometimes, it is necessary to go without sleep for days on end, just to be in a hurry and complete the task within the stipulated time frame. / Sometimes, it is life and death to face the threat of wild beasts.

Sometimes, when nature is angry, it is even more thrilling

! Among them, there are great opportunities, and of course, there are many dangers!

From the establishment of the Mercenary Guild to now, in just half a year, according to statistics, nearly 100 people have been disabled and dozens have died. In such a peaceful and tranquil environment in Youzhou, there is such a large casualty rate in just half a year, which shows its danger!

And Liu Zhang, without Li Tianlong's knowledge, spent a month to complete two tasks, which can be regarded as quite outstanding. Of course, this has a lot to do with Liu Zhang's own group of personal guards.

Or there is also the care of the Youzhou government. Li Tianlong thought about it for a while, and he roughly understood. Liu Zhang is an important person after all, and Li Tianlong has already given orders to the dark department, one to monitor him, and the other to protect his safety.

I don't think he did anything out of the ordinary, or encountered great danger, and the shadows didn't report it in detail. Of course, there are also relationships that Li Tianlong himself ignores.

"Brother Liu, you are like this, I can't explain it to my uncle.

Li Tianlong's face was full of embarrassment.

Liu Zhang waved his hand and said unmoved: "This is a trivial matter.

I wrote a letter to Brother Li to send someone to my father.

Liu Zhang said, arched his hand, and said: "Brother is tired these days, I really want to take a comfortable bath and sleep." So I took my leave.

Li Tianlong stretched out his hand, held back the words in his throat, turned his face and nodded to the few people present, and turned to leave.

Liu Zhang and Zhang Song returned to the room, first bathed, and then asked their subordinates to serve some wine and food, and the two sat opposite each other, drinking and chatting.

"Yongnian, you give me an idea, how can I upgrade to a fifth-level mercenary as soon as possible and establish a mercenary group?" Liu Zhang gulped down his food, what royal elegance, what rules of eating, he had already been thrown to Java in this month.

Zhang Song looked at Liu Zhang with a tangled face, and said, "Young master, do you really want to stay in Youzhou all the time and be this lowly mercenary

?" Liu Zhang paused, raised his head, frowned, and said: "Cheap? Yongnian, are you scolding me or yourself?"

"Uh..."Zhang Song froze for a moment, knowing that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly said: "The subordinates made an unintentional mistake..."

"Okay!" Liu Zhang put the chopsticks down and said, "Let you give me an idea." "

Young master, the lord is still waiting for you to go back..."

/ "A huge Yizhou, still waiting for the young master to inherit, young master, you can't let your subordinates and the lord down!" Zhang Song said bitterly: "Now that I have obtained a lot of useful things in Youzhou, it's time to go back and show

my strength!" "Show your strength?" Liu Zhang's face showed a hint of mockery: "I'll ask you." What do you think of the general trend in today's world?"

Zhang Song didn't understand how Liu Zhang turned the topic to this, but still replied: "Naturally, the Yuyang Wang family is dominant, 'That's right!'" Liu Zhang interrupted Zhang Song and said, "After these months of observation, I feel more and more that my Li brother is terrible. Both the military, the government, and the people's livelihood have reached the point of being impeccable! It can be said that almost all of the world has become something in his pocket! Is it right or not?"

Zhang Song nodded involuntarily.

"Isn't this over?" Liu Zhang smiled: "Since Yizhou will be my brother Li sooner or later, then what should I do when I go back? It is better to lay a good foundation in Youzhou now and prepare for the future."

Then choose the opportunity to offer Yizhou, my brother Li will not treat me badly!"

Zhang Song looked at Liu Zhang stupidly.

Who said that Liu Zhang was stupid? Who said that Liu Zhang had no foresight

? Unfortunately, Zhang Song was a little unwilling, and said: "Before the last moment, how can the young master give up his nickname? Relying on the geographical advantages of Yizhou and the things he got from Youzhou, there is still a great opportunity..."

Liu Zhang waved his hand again and interrupted Zhang Song: "You are just deceiving yourself. Those princes in the Central Plains don't know the situation in Youzhou, and they are still stubbornly resisting, but there are some things that you have witnessed with your own eyes, how can you not be sober and sober? If you are so stubborn, when the time comes, you will be annihilated, you will be sorry for your ancestors, sorry for your descendants, and you will suffer the people in the middle, is it good?"

Zhang Song was silent.

"I'll fix a letter later, and you can personally send it back to ~>I-I, and tell my father in detail about the situation, and I'm sure my father will agree with me. After

that, Liu Zhang stopped talking and ate arrogantly.

It is said that after Zhang Zhao and Li Tianlong reached an agreement, they returned to the post house and pondered to themselves.

The meteorological moments of Youzhou are circulating in his heart, and the image of Li Tianlong is deeply rooted in his mind. and that solicitation sentence, which made him a little moved.

"People say that the king of Yuyang is a human slaughter, ruthless and perverse, disloyal and unfilial. Now it seems that it is bold and cordial, peaceful and simple, which makes people feel good. Moreover, the weather in Youzhou all shows the eloquence of the King of Yuyang.

Zhang Zhao pondered: "According to the current situation, as long as there is no big accident, this day will be in the pocket of King Yuyang sooner or later." Whether it is Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Cao* or others, they can't resist it. Zhang Zhao sat there fixedly, straight for more than an hour, but he still hadn't made up his mind.

The reason is because Zhang Zhao is from a family.


, Zhang Zhao stood up and waved his sleeves, as if he wanted to shake off the sorrow in his heart. Suddenly, something flew out of its sleeve and landed on the ground. Zhang Zhao took a look, but it wasn't the letter that Chen Gui asked him to hand over to Chen Deng before leaving.

Zhang Zhao bent down to pick it up and shook it, trying to shake off the dust that fell on the ground, but with the dust, the envelope mouth was raised, and the letter also slipped out.

But it turned out that the letter was not sealed at all.

The two pieces of letter paper flew down, Zhang Zhao hurriedly picked them up, and inadvertently, Zhang Zhao glanced at a few words.

“... voted for the Yuyang King..."

Zhang Zhao sighed, full of curiosity in his heart.

Could it be that this old man Chen Gui actually wants Chen Deng to serve

Yuyang? Why? He, the Chen family, is really a great family in Xuzhou! It should be the target of the Yuyang King's key attack.

"Isn't Chen Gui old confused?"

Zhang Zhao wanted to take a closer look, but felt immoral, so he had to suppress the curiosity in his heart, re-packed the letter, and carefully hid it in his sleeve.

Sighing, Zhang Zhao looked at the sky through the window, and the idea of going out and having a look rose in his heart.

If you have an idea, you have to put it into practice. Zhang Zhao straightened his dress, walked out of the door with two entourages, and walked onto the streets of Yuyang City.

It was noon, and the wide bluestone street was bustling with pedestrians and traffic, but it was endless.

The streets are neat and clean, and if there is garbage in the hands of pedestrians, it will automatically throw it in some small boxes on the side of the street. Zhang Zhao took a closer look, and the words 'garbage can' were written on the box.

At the same time, every short distance, there are some people wearing uniforms, J people, holding brooms and other cleaning tools, walking back and forth. On the clothes of these people, there are three words on the front, and four words on the back, Yuyang County Ya.

There are no stalls on either side of the street, and the sight is clear.

Zhang Zhao walked slowly on the street, sighing in his heart.

Although I made some rough observations when I came, I have a deeper understanding when I look at it now.

After walking for a while, Zhang Zhao noticed an interesting thing: there were no horses walking on this street. Curious, he walked up to a middle-aged cleaner and asked, "This brother, let me ask a question, I don't know if it's convenient or not?"

The middle-aged cleaner smiled and said, "You ask."

"Why aren't there any hawkers setting up stalls on this street, and why aren't there any horses passing by?" The

middle-aged cleaner looked Zhang Zhao up and down: "This gentleman must be a foreigner?"

Zhang Zhao nodded.

"That's right. The cleaner smiled and said proudly: "Our Yuyang City is different from ordinary cities. There is a strict plan for all aspects. For example, hawkers set up stalls, not without them, nor are they forbidden, but they have changed places. The cleaner pointed to the south and said, "There is a big trading market in the south of the city, and it is where the vendors set up their stalls. Except for the big trade market, stalls are not allowed in other locations. "

I see!" Zhang Zhao suddenly said, "So there are plans for horses?" "That's right!" The cleaner said: "We have horse supervision offices outside the four gates of Yuyang City. Before riding into the city, the horses had to be deposited at the prison and retrieved when they left the city.

Speaking of which, we didn't have this rule in Yuyang City a few years ago, but after the end of this year, the county government issued a rule. You see," the cleaner swept around the street, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he pointed to a car that was not moving fast or slow in the distance, and said, "Since horses are not allowed to enter the city, the county government has introduced such a rickshaw. Yuyang is not small after all, just walking, some people can't stand it, so... Hehe, but now because I am not familiar with it, there are still few people who choose tricycles, and I think it will gradually increase in the future.

Zhang Zhao stared at the so-called manpower tricycle with a pair of stunned eyes, and his heart was full of doubts.

This car doesn't need to be pulled, no need to push, no horses, I saw a person sitting in front of it, holding the dragon head in both hands, and between the ups and downs under his feet, a big car was driving fast!

" "It's unbelievable

, isn't it?" The cleaner smiled: "These things, but the Mo masters in the academy developed them!" With full of surprise, Zhang Zhao said goodbye to the cleaners, and experienced the shock brought by the mercenary guild and the newspaper, and the blood in his heart fluctuated, which was really difficult to calm down.

Seeing that noon was approaching, Zhang Zhao was about to find a wine to fill his stomach, and when he looked around, he saw a restaurant on the side of the street that seemed to be unsmiling. So Shi Shiran led two entourages and strode in.


At the door, the two flower girls smiled skillfully, bowed slightly, and stretched out their hands to lead Zhang Zhao in.

This way Zhang Zhao is not strange. The Hero Building in Xuzhou also adopts this model, and Zhang Zhao is still a frequent visitor in the building.

"Alas, this guest officer is please!" A

uniformed junior came over and said to Zhang Zhao with a smile: "Is Mr. staying or dining?"

"Dining, second floor." Zhang Zhao*.

"Okay. Xiao Er smiled and led Zhang Zhao up to the second floor and found a seat by the window to sit down.

"What do you want to eat, sir?" Xiao Er handed the menu in his hand to Zhang Zhao and said, "We have all the dishes in our Zhangjia Restaurant, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, running in the woods, everything." Whatever you want to eat, sir, order whatever you want.

Zhang Zhao opened the menu, ordered a few dishes casually, and said to Xiao'er: "Little brother, let's just have a few, and another pot of twenty-year-old wine."

"Yes, sir, you can wait a moment. Xiao Er bowed slightly, turned around and left.

After a while, Xiao Er came over with a plate, a wine jug, a wine glass and chopsticks on it, and set it up for Zhang Zhao.

"Little brother, I am a foreigner, and it is the first time I have come to Yuyang, can you introduce me to some of the characteristics of Yuyang?" Zhang Zhao said with a smile.

Xiao Er smiled and said, "Sir, you can ask the right person."

My name is Li Xiang, I am a native of Yuyang, and I know everything about Yuyang.

"You sit and speak slowly.

Xiao Er bowed slightly, sat down as he said, and talked about Yuyang.

From ten years ago, to now.

Yuyang's various changes, developments and comparisons are indeed clear and clear, and his speech and demeanor are very decent.

Zhang Zhao was very strange in his heart. It stands to reason that with such eloquence as Li Xiang, he should not be a little second. So he said: "Little Brother Li, I see that you speak rigorously, politely and politely, why did you choose such a job?"

Li Xiang was stunned, smiled, and said, "Hi, Mr. doesn't know anything." I'm still in school, and I haven't graduated yet. "Oh!" Zhang Zhao was surprised: "Are you a student of Youzhou Academy?"

Li Xiang nodded and said, "I'm just a part-time job in this Zhang family's restaurant." While earning some extra money, I learned some principles of how to behave in the world, and practiced the theories I learned, and that's it.

Zhang Zhao nodded again and again, and praised: "All kinds of Youzhou are addictive and admirable!"/"Of course!" Li Xiang said proudly: "With the King of Yuyang, there is no place in the world that can compare to our Youzhou!"

Zhang Zhao had eaten, left Zhang's restaurant, and walked back.

Walking through a street, I suddenly saw a slightly smaller restaurant and replied to Zhang's restaurant. There's something strange in my heart. I walked another street, and at the corner of the street, I saw a Zhangjia restaurant again.

Zhang Zhao was

even more strange in his heart, so he asked the roadside cleaner again, "Why is there a Zhang's restaurant on every street?"

The cleaner replied: "What's so strange about this? "Which Zhang family?" Zhang Zhao said.

The Zhang family of Zhang Zhangfei of the Liaodong Army replied.

When Zhang Zhao heard this, he was silent.

He slowly returned to the inn, thought for a long time, and was cheerful.

Finally, it suddenly became clear that "Youzhou, there is still a family!" Zhang

Zhao came to this conclusion.

"It turns out that what King Yuyang wants is an obedient family, and what he suppresses is a family that is disobedient or violates interests!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhao's heart was even clearer.

If there is no family in Youzhou, then how can the Zhen family, as one of the four major merchants in the world, be counted? Although the Zhen family was only a merchant before, but now that they are married to the king of Yuyang, their status has been sharply raised, how is it not a real family?

There is also the Mi family. Since the king of Yuyang agreed to get married, it means that he can tolerate the existence of the Mi family. And the Mi family is not only a businessman, but also a family! There is also the Zhang family

of Zhang Fei, the commander of the Liaodong Army.

All of this shows that Youzhou is not intolerant of the family, but of the disobedient family!/"It turns out that I have been kept in the dark by myself!" Zhang Zhao shook his head. He has always been obsessed with the matter of King Yuyang's suppression of the family, and neglected the support outside of the suppression!

Zhang Zhao perked up, and a smile appeared on his face.

The next day, Zhang Zhao went to the palace, met Chen Deng, and handed over Chen Gui's letter to Chen Deng.

After another day, Zhang Zhao had his own house, and at the same time, he went in and out of the office building of the Yuyang Government Mansion and worked under the command of Li Tianlong's Mansion, assisting in the frustration and handling policies and people's livelihood.

At the same time, he was accompanied by Chen Deng and Wang Lang.

Don't talk about Youzhou, let's look at Yuzhou.

It is said that Han Hao led an army of 50,000 to escort Er Qiao back to the north. After passing through Xincai, he passed under Cai Mao's nose in a big way, and then passed through Pingyu and came to Nanton.

This road of 50,000 horses passed through Runan County, attracting most of the attention of Cao * and Liu Biao.

Cao * in the camp.

Xun You looked at the wire newspaper in his hand and laughed.

Cao * was strange in his heart, and said, "Why is Gongda laughing?"

Gou Yu said: "I laugh at Yuan Shuqian's poor donkey skills." "

What do you say?" Cao * perked up.

"Then Han Hao made such a big noise, just to attract the attention of the lord and Liu Jingzhou. In fact, he secretly wants to do some means to turn the tide of the battle!" Xun You said with a smile: "The lord still needs to give an order immediately, it is best to transfer a large general, and return to Chen County to guard the grain and grass!"

Cao * suddenly said with a smile: "It turns out that Yuan Shu is fighting such an idea, and it is indeed out of standard."

Gou Yu nodded and said, "Even so, some people are afraid that they will fall for the trick!" Cao

* smiled: "Isn't that better?"

"Not bad." Gou Yu said: "When Han Hao's army passes through Nanton, and there is news over there, the lord should immediately wave his army, seize Pingyu, and go south to Runan

!" Cao * said: "That's right!"

Han Hao's army also walked under Nanton City in a big way, and even made many provocative behaviors, which made the garrison Cao army very crazy, but because of Cao *'s order, they couldn't move. The army went all the way north and soon entered the boundary of Yanzhou.

On this day, Cao Jun was in the chamber.

Cao* sat on the main seat, and Xun Yu was beside him. Cao Ren and other generals in the hall sat in second place one by one.

"Just got the news. Cao * said solemnly: "Cai Mao took it lightly, was attacked by Yuan Shujun, burned all the grain and grass, and now he has failed again and again, and is slowly retreating. The Wenpin army was also attacked and the losses were not small.

When Cao Ren heard this, he stood up violently and said in surprise: "That Chen County?!" Cao

* laughed: "I have already made arrangements." Zixiao can know that Zi Waterfall is flying

" Cao Ren thought for a moment, and then suddenly said: "I said why I haven't seen Zilian's trace in the past few days, it turns out that the eldest brother has already made arrangements!"

"Presumably, Zilian's good news is coming soon." "Cao*'s voice just fell, and sure enough, there were soldiers outside the hall who asked to see him.

"Report, lord, good news has come from Chen County, General Cao Hong will wipe out all the enemy troops in the future, and Chen County will be unharmed

!" "Okay, good

!" Cao * was overjoyed and said: "Cao Ren

!" "The last general

!" "Let you be the vanguard, lead an army of 20,000, and immediately attack Pingyu, be sure to take it down for me before it gets dark

!" "No!"

The rest of the gentlemen, gather a large army with the Honshu Mu, and we will go south later



, Xiangyang. Liu Biao couldn't help but be furious when he learned that Cai Mao and Wen Ping had lost.

"Straw bales! are all straw bales!" Liu

Biao scolded non-stop.

Kuai Liang pondered on the side: "Lord, now that General Cai and General Wen have both lost, I don't know how Cao Jun is

?" Liu Biao suppressed his anger and groaned: "Presumably it is also ordinary, right?"

Kuai Liang shook his head and said, "Not necessarily." Cao Jun's military advisor is Xun You, this person has far-reaching wisdom, I'm afraid I can also see that it's greasy!"

Liu Biao was silent.

In fact, Kuai Yue and Kuai Liang also analyzed Yuan Shu's plans before this and informed Liu Biao. Liu Biao has also sent someone to remind Cai Fmao and Wen Ping. But not long after the men sent out, the report of the defeat over there arrived.

"My lord, the only way to do it is for now, and my subordinates have three suggestions.

Kuai Liang said: "First, withdraw the troops and let Cao * bear the pressure of Yuan Shu alone, and the final result is that the lord and Cao * are busy, and the lord and Cao * are at odds.

"Second, immediately send more grain and grass to attack with all your might. The end result was that Cao* won the first move and occupied Runan, while the lord gained nothing.

"Third, first make a fierce counterattack to confuse Cao*, and after Cao* occupies Pingyu, immediately withdraw the army, so that Cao* is surrounded on three sides, and Yuan Shu will hit Cao*!"

After listening to Kuailiang's strategy, Liu Biao fell into a tangle.

"Am I getting nothing apart from these three?" Liu said.

"No, no, no," Kuai Liang shook his head and said, "It's just a ploy against Runan." The lord can look farther and change his goal. "

Where do you start with this?"

"Do you remember General Huang Zu's report the day before yesterday?"

Kuai Yue smiled: "I heard that Sun Jian's father and son have become prisoners of the Yuyang King, and Yuan Shu's current strength is almost all invested in Runan, so Jiujiang and Lujiang are almost empty..."

Liu Biao's eyes lit up, and he immediately clapped his hands again and again.

"Good strategy! Good strategy

!" "That's it!" Liu Biao said fiercely: "Anyway, I can't get Runan, and I can't make Cao * feel better." Sooner or later, he will be an enemy, and now he should be weakened and hit hard. "

In this case, the lord should secretly dispatch troops and horses, and order General Huang Zu to prepare to seize Lujiang and Jiujiang!" The

news that Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Shangxiang, father and son, father and daughter were captured came back, and Huang Gai was shocked. If you want to pursue, the troops are insufficient, and Huang Zu is contained, so you can't do it. Helpless, Huang Gai had no choice but to preserve his strength, used means, confused Huang Zu overnight, retreated from the army, and wanted to return to Jiujiang.

On the way back to Jiujiang, Huang Gai's army passed by Lujiang Shu County, Lujiang Taishou Lu Kang prepared wine and food to entertain him, but he didn't expect Huang Gai to think of what happened to the lord Sun Jian after he was drunk, and he was crazy and killed Lujiang Taishou Lu Kang's family all over the house.

When he woke up the next day, Huang Gai regretted it very much, but thinking that Sun Ce's wrecked Lujiang Taishou would also be counted as a share, he took it for granted.

Back in Jiujiang, Huang Gai told Mrs. Wu what was going on.

Mrs. Wu was angry and sad, and Jing fell ill.

So Jiujiang fell into the hands of Sun Jian's second son, Sun Quan.

Sun Quan sent an envoy to Youzhou with a heavy gift.

While accepting Huang Gai's opinion, he was ready to expand his power without mentioning it.

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