At this time, Lao Zhu now admires Li Tianis is something, "The village chief is a cow, it's only been a few days, and he has got the blueprints of a large village by himself, and now if you don't worship the lord, when will you stay!" "

Personal system prompt: Level 15 NPC celebrity Zhu Xi wants to worship the player Li Tianlong as the lord, do you accept it?"

"En? accept." "I think that when I came here, Lao Zhu didn't really recognize the master.

"Zhu Xi greeted the lord. After thinking about it, Lao Zhu confessed to Li Tian.

Li Tian hurriedly helped Lao Zhu up with both hands: "Lao Zhu doesn't need to be polite, in the future, we will be a family, and the affairs of Xiangyun Village will require Lao Zhu to be more careful."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will do my best to develop the village." Lao Zhu said confidently.

"Lao Zhu, is there a carpenter in our village?" Li Tian turned his head to Lao Zhu and said.

Lao Zhu nodded and said, "There are carpenters, not only carpenters, but also cooks and merchants in our village. "

Where did it come from?" Li Tian wondered.

"They are all homeless people, their village was robbed by bandits, and they came to our village. After speaking, Lao Zhu said to Li Tian again: "By the way, lord, I found an intermediate military general in this group of people, it is a Jincheng clan, his name is Yan Xing, and his name is Yanming. I just turned 20 this year. "

Li Tianyi listened, good guy, intermediate general, that's a second-rate military general in history. "Lao Zhu, hurry up and ask him to come to see me. "I'll catch this person well, don't let him run away.

"It's my lord, I'll call it. After saying that, Lao Zhu ran towards the village.

Li Tian was so happy in his heart, an intermediate general, he was only 20 years old? Yan Xing, the word Yanming.

"The name seems to be... Who is here? I can't remember. Li Tian felt that the name Yan Xing was very familiar. "There is no him in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", by the way, it is "Wei Luo", hehe, I say how familiar it is. "When Li Tian was in college, he read "Wei Luo" once, and there were some records about Yan Xing.

Yan Xing, a native of Jincheng, was later named Yan and the word Yanming.

Image: There are few health names, starting as a young general, with Han Yue. In the fourteenth year, he was appointed by the covenant to the Taizu, and the Taizu met him with kindness, and worshiped Qianwei as the Taishou.

Record: At the beginning of Jian'an, he attacked with Ma Teng. Teng Zichao is also known as Jian. When the line is stabbed, the spear is broken, because the spear is over-itemized, and several kills are killed. wanted to defeat Ma Chao, who was known as Lu Bu's second, Zhang Fei couldn't take off his helmet, Xu Zhu couldn't take off his armor, Zhao Yun didn't go on, and Guan Yu even suffered a loss when he beat Pang De. It's a pity that Yan Xing probably didn't want to show his face, and his good martial arts were buried like this.

"I didn't expect that this Yan Xing can be promoted to a cow who is close to the ultimate general. and Ma Chao have PK, talents. But it seems that he is from Liangzhou, how did he come here, whatever, such a talent must be used by me. Li Tian thought secretly.

After a while, Lao Zhu came to Li Tian with a young man.

Li Tian saw this young man: eight feet long, with a majestic posture, walking up, waving his arms vigorously, and at first glance he was a brave and fierce person.

"What a young hero! No wonder you can say goodbye to Ma Chao of the 'Five Tiger Generals'. Li Tian sighed.

"Lord, this young hero is Yan Xing, a native of Jincheng, whose name is Yanming. Lao Zhu introduced Yan Xing to Li Tian.

"Well, okay! What a young hero! I wonder if Yan Ming is willing to follow me to do a great job?" Li Tian said to Yan Xing.

Yan Xing replied: "I don't know what the village chief thinks of the current court and the world?"

Li Tian was stunned and thought: "Dare to love this Yan Xing is not a reckless man, it seems that his intelligence is quite high." "

Don't hide it from Yanming, now the court is governed by eunuchs, the people are not living, I see the chaos in the world gradually arise, I am sure that within 3 years (now it is 181 AD), the world will be in chaos, why not Yanming come forward, you can not only give full play to your talents, but also the world is a bright future, but also to show off the scenery of your Yan family!"

"I, Li Tianlong, am not talented, and I am willing to lead my brothers in the cottage to solve problems for the people." It's also a good thing in the world.

Yan Xing immediately bowed to the ground when he heard this, "My lord, please forgive my subordinates for the crime of disrespect just now." Yan Ming should be the main public service dog and horse. "

Personal system prompt: Level 42 military general Yan Xing, the word is strict and wants to worship the player Li Tianlong as the main father, do you accept it?"

"It would be foolish not to accept it.

"Player Li Tianlong successfully subdued the historical generals, and the system is about to make a system-wide announcement, do you want to display the player's name?"

"Don't be famous.

"System announcement: Player** has subdued Yan Xingzi, the first historical general of the system, and will be rewarded with prestige +10 and a first-class barracks construction blueprint. Hereby announced, I hope players continue to work hard. "

The blueprint for the construction of the first-class barracks?" Li Tian looked at the drawings in his hand.

Reward-type first-level barracks construction blueprint: A barracks given by the system, which can be built in villages of any level. After the barracks are completed, a training school will be attached.

"Mom, how can all this good fortune be connected together? Does the system want to murder me?" This happiness came so quickly that Li Tian couldn't find the southeast and northwest for a while.

Li Tian hurriedly helped Yan Xingdao up: "What does Yan Ming say about this? From now on, we will be a family, do the family still speak two words? Now come with me to build a barracks, and Lao Zhu will also come."

After speaking, Li Tian pulled Yan Xing and Lao Zhu towards the village.

Reward-type first-class barracks: 20 level regular soldiers, 50 people/day, 100 Wen/person. The maximum number of soldiers accumulated in the barracks is 500. There is a chance to refresh the level 22 captain, the level 25 captain, and the level 27 captain. Class: Swordsman, Swordsman, Pikeman, or Longbowman spawn randomly. Equip light leather armor. The daily consumption of grain is 2 catties, and the food salary is 2 Wen/day.

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