"The King?" "The king has been captured by them." The soldiers of Tiger Village were suddenly confused.

Li Tianlong quickly ordered the soldiers of Tianlong Village to surround the people of Tiger Village, who had lost their fighting spirit.

At this time, Yan Xing and the others escorted Zhao Hu to Li Tianlong's side and said to him, "Lord." Yan Ming has taken down Zhao Hu. This person is Zhao Hu.

After hearing this, Li Tianlong looked at Zhao Hu, about 40 years old, tall and big, with all his beard and hair.

"You are Zhao Hu of Tiger Village?" Although he knew that this person was Zhao Hu, Li Tianlong still asked again.

"It's your grandfather, the rats only know how to sneak attack. Do you dare to let me go alone? Zhao Hu shouted.

"Hehe~~~ The prisoner of the stairs dares to be so arrogant? Good! As you wish. Yanming, you go and meet him! Big bull, you let him go. Li Tianlong wanted to see what this Zhao Hu was capable of.

"It's the lord." Yan Xing is not afraid of this person named Zhao Hu.

"Good! If you can overcome me, I will take refuge in you. "Zhao Hu was taken down by Yan Xing and the others while he was sleeping, and he didn't know Yan Xing's strength yet.

"Is that true?" Li Tianlong didn't expect that if he gave Zhao Hu a chance to go head-to-head, as long as he won the battle, he could subdue Zhao Hu.

"Hehe~~~ This Zhao Hu seems to be a reckless man! I don't need to waste my tongue. Li Tianlong thought.

"Grandpa counts when he talks!" Zhao Hu shouted at Li Tianlong.

"Good! Yan Ming. This Zhao Hu is handed over to you. Li Tianlong said to this Yan Xing.

"Rest assured, my lord." After speaking, Li Tianlong walked to a place 3 meters in front of Zhao Hu and stopped.

"Yan Xing, the second master of Tianlong Village, learn the skills of the master of Zhao Hu Village." Yan Xing hugged his fist at Zhao Hu.

"Grandma's, don't come to this. Pick up. "Zhao Hu, a reckless man, didn't care about the rules before the heads-up, snatched the long knife in Da Niu's hand and took the lead in killing Yan Xing.

I saw that the long knife in Zhao Hu's hand emitted bursts of black gas, and each black gas was like a long snake winding towards Yan Xing.

The soldiers of the Tiger Village saw that their owner was so brave, and they all cheered loudly.

"The King." "The King."

The soldiers of the Tiger Village shouted. But soon, they couldn't shout.

The soldiers of the Tiger Village only saw a flash of white light where the two were fighting, and when they regained their sight, they saw that their owner had been captured by the young man named Yan Xing. The long knife in his hand also fell to the ground.

Yan Xing now has the strength to approach the first-class generals, and Zhao Hu has just been stuck on the edge of the threshold of the third-rate generals. The strength of the two is one heaven and one earth.

After Li Tianlong saw that Zhao Hu was captured by Yan Xing, he walked up and said to Zhao Hu, "How is it?" Zhao Hu, are you convinced?

"Convincing! I, Zhao Hu, lost convincingly. "How dare Zhao Hu be a little dissatisfied now! But he was subdued by a passive move. If people want to kill him, it's not a piece of cake?

"Yan Ming. Let him go. After Li Tianlong heard Zhao Hu's words, he commanded Yan Xing.

"Zhao Hu visited the lord, and in the future, Zhao Hu's life will be the lord's, but the lord has something to order, and his subordinates will never give up." After Zhao Hu was let go by Yan Xing, he quickly knelt down and bowed to Li Tianlong.

"Personal system prompt: Level 40 intermediate military general Zhao Hu wants to worship the player Li Tianlong as the main father, do you accept it?" As soon as Zhao Hu finished speaking, Li Tianlong heard the prompt sound of the system.

"Accept." It's not easy! Li Tianlong has another general who can barely handle it.

"Good! Zhao Hu, get up quickly. From now on, you, Zhao Hu, will be the leader of my guards. I've put my life in your hands. "Li Tianlong has long wanted to have a team of his own escort team. However, except for Yan Xing, the highest strength of the others in the cottage is also a low-level general. For these low-level generals, Li Tianlong did not want to form an escort team.

After subduing Zhao Hu today, Li Tianlong felt that this Zhao Hu was more straightforward, as long as he trusted him, he could be loyal to himself and die.

Zhao Hu didn't expect that the lord who had just confessed to him trusted him so much, and immediately knelt down to Li Tianlong and said excitedly: "Subordinate Zhao Hu will swear to protect the safety of the lord to the death."

"Good! After the cottage, you will choose 100 people to join the escort team, and you will lead it. "

It's my lord." After Zhao Hu agreed, he stood up.

"Zhao Hu. Take me to the warehouse. Li Tianlong wanted to see if there were any medium-sized cottage construction drawings in the warehouse of Menghu Village.

"Yes, my lord." After Zhao Hu finished speaking, he took Li Tianlong and the others to the warehouse.

After coming to the warehouse area of Menghu Village, Li Tianlong saw 5 granaries full of grain, 1 warehouse full of equipment, 3 warehouses with wood, stones, iron ingots and 1 warehouse with money.

"Sai Liang, order the soldiers to move these out and count them clearly." Li Tianlong commanded to Sai Liang beside him.

"It's the lord."

"Zhao Hu, do you have any medium-sized cottage construction drawings for this cottage?" Li Tianlong asked Zhao Hudao.

"Yes! In the grocery warehouse. My lord, please come to me.

Zhao Hu took Li Tianlong and the others to the warehouse area, and finally faced a small warehouse.

Walking into the grocery warehouse, Li Tianlong saw a warehouse of calligraphy, paintings, and antiques.

"Zhao Hu, where are the drawings?" Li Tianlong didn't want to blindly look for that drawing in this pile of things.

"Wait a minute, my lord, I'll bring it to you."

I saw Zhao Hu turn around a few times in the pile of calligraphy, painting and antiques, and walked to the back of the warehouse.

"Lord, this is the drawing you want, you can take a look." After Zhao Hu got the drawings, he walked to Li Tianlong's side and said to him.

"Yes." Li Tianlong sighed and took the drawings handed over by Zhao Hu.

Medium-sized cottage construction drawings can be upgraded to medium-sized cottages on the basis of the original small cottages.

Upgrade Requirements: All buildings in the small cottage are full.

There must be a low-ranking general in the cottage.

The strength of the cottage reaches the maximum strength of the small cottage.

10 taels of gold, 20,000 catties of grain, 1,000 units of wood, 1,000 units of stone, and 500 units of iron ingots.

Boy! The resources used to upgrade this medium-sized cottage are almost twice as large as those used in the middle village to the large village!

Li Tianlong didn't expect that upgrading a medium-sized cottage would require so many resources.

Of course, Li Tianlong just sighed. Today's Tianlongzhai resources are still very sufficient. Li Tianlong didn't pay attention to the little material used in the upgrade.

As long as you have a medium-sized cottage, you won't have anything in the future!

"My lord! All the resources of the Tiger Village have been sorted out, and the lord can go and install them. Sai Liang walked in from outside and said to Li Tianlong.

"Okay, I'll just go. You're ordering someone to take an inventory of all of them. As he spoke, Li Tianlong pointed to the calligraphy, paintings and antiques in the warehouse.

"It's the lord."

When he came to the * training ground, Li Tianlong put all the loot captured from the Tiger Village into his backpack.

Zhao Hu, a native of Xu Wu County, Youzhou, 35 years old, a 40-level intermediate general; Commander 40, Martial Force 55, Intelligence 21, Politics 12, Perception 64, Charisma 48, Lucky 6.

Weapon used: Lang Huan's broadsword.

General skills: 0.2% advanced sword skills, 21% advanced combat skills, 58% intermediate training soldiers, and 15% intermediate riding skills.

Special Skill: Shout: Shouting at your opponent before a battle will reduce their morale by a certain range.

Slash: Use the weapon in your hand to pick up the opponent's weapon and quickly slash down.

Big Bull Tiansha (Knife System): With a violent battle intent turned into a fierce black qi and swept towards the opponent, once the opponent was affected, he was either killed or injured.

Encouragement: If the skill is successfully performed, the morale of the soldiers under your command will be given a certain bonus, and the effect will be stacked. Maximum morale increase of 100, group skills.

Formation: Circular Formation: Circular Defensive Formation, Golden Drum Banner Deployed in the Center, No Obvious Weaknesses.

Several Formations: Dense battle formations, concentrating on defense and offense.

Glaive Formation: The whole army is in an arc-shaped configuration, shaped like a crescent, which is an asymmetrical formation, and the general's formation is usually located at the bottom of the crescent concave. During the battle, pay attention to the attack flank, with a thick moon wheel to resist the enemy, the crescent recess seems to be weak, but it contains danger, the general should have a strong combat force, the strong will be brave, and it is also suitable for some asymmetrical terrain.

There is one less special skill than Yan Xing, and it seems that Zhao Hu is mainly singles. There is no group attack. Li Tianlong ordered him to be the commander of the guards, and he chose the right one.

After smashing the jade of Tiger Village, Li Tianlong led the people of Tianlong Village to return home.

After returning to Tianlong Village, Li Tianlong came to the Juyi Hall and took out the medium-sized cottage construction drawings and clicked to use them. I saw that the whole cottage suddenly shook violently.

Li Tianlong was caught off guard and was almost shaken to the ground.

"The sun's! It's such an upgrade to a cottage and come to play earthquake! Li Tianlong cursed in a low voice.

After the cottage shook for a few seconds, Li Tianlong saw that the hill where the Tianlong Village was located was constantly rising.

The higher the level of the cottage, the higher the hill where it is located.

At the same time as the cottage is improving, the entire Tianlong Village is also constantly expanding.

After everything calmed down, Li Tianlong heard the prompt sound of the system.

"System personal prompt: Player Li Tianlong, your cottage Tianlong Zhai has successfully upgraded to a medium-sized cottage. Because the player Li Tianlong is the first player in the system to upgrade to a medium-sized cottage, he will be given prestige +10. I hope that the player Li Tianlong will continue to work hard in the future. "

Tianlong Village - Medium-sized cottage, the prestige of the bandit is 48, the satisfaction of the bandit is 82, the master of the big village is 17 strategists Li Tianlong, and the second village master is the 48th level military general Yan Xing.

Strength: (8600/30000) 1600 archers, 1000 daggers, 1500 archers, 1000 pikemen, 1000 daggers, 600 horse thieves, 900 longbowmen; 2,000 swordsmen, pikemen, etc.

Horse thief: Level 20, good at long knives, can use short bows.

Cottage population: 2,600 women and children, artisans.

There are cottage buildings: a first-class cottage hall, a junior blacksmith shop, and a first-class thatched house.

Can build cottage buildings: large arrow tower, (for 5 people) stone wall, stone house, second-level juyi hall, second-level barracks, large bandits* training ground, primary stonemason shop...

Warehouse storage: 326 taels of gold, 4 taels of silver, 26 wen; 600,000 catties of grain, 10,000 units of wood, 6,000 units of stone, 4,000 units of iron ingots, more than 4,000 pieces of level 20 equipment, more than 1,600 pieces of level 30 equipment, and 450 pieces of level 40 equipment. There are more than 1,500 pieces of calligraphy, paintings and antiques, 100,000 coarse iron arrows, 15,000 ordinary iron arrows, and more than 2,000 delicate iron arrows. Burn knives 23,000 pounds. All kinds of beast furs are not counted.

The recent harvest has been really gratifying.

"Xuechang!" After Li Tianlong read it, he shouted Xuechang.

"The owner of the village! What's up? After Xuechang heard Li Tianlong's shout, he immediately rushed towards Li Tianlong.

"Xuechang. I now order you to be the head of the cottage, and manage the affairs of the cottage in the future. "

Thank you for the promotion of the lord of the village." Xuechang didn't expect that he could also be the head of the cottage.

"Yes. Now there are several tasks for you. Li Tianlong said to Xuechang.

"The owner of the village, please command."

"First, some women and children craftsmen who have not been resettled in the cottage were sent to Xiangyun Village. The soldiers brought from the Tiger Village were all settled.

Second, the weeds, trees, and hills around the cottage were leveled for me to make my vision wider.

Third, build all the buildings that can be built in the cottage.

Fourth, he ordered the stone wall to be built.

Fifth, more stone houses are being built, and another 5,000 will be built. Keep the excess for later.

Sixth, large arrow towers are built every 20 meters along the wall.

Seventh, send people out to search for ores, and organize people to collect them as soon as they find them. At the same time, the protection of soldiers was arranged.

Eighth, order the craftsmen in the cottage to upgrade their skills as their top priority. Each person who is promoted from beginner to intermediate will be rewarded with 100 Wen, and each person who is promoted from intermediate to advanced will be rewarded with 500 Wen. Alright, that's all. Xuechang, you can do it right away!

"Yes. The villain will go. After speaking, Xuechang went to carry out the task ordered by Li Tianlong.

"Zhao Hu, you immediately select 100 soldiers from among all the soldiers to join the escort team." Li Tianlong said to Zhao Hu beside him again.

"It's the lord."

"Let's go rest when you're done!" It's ugly time now.

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