The 30,000 player troops composed of the three major guilds of Xu Wu County were already lined up 300 meters away from Tianwang Village. Just waiting for an order, they will charge towards the Tianwang Village.

These 30,000 player troops are all from the three major guilds in Xu Wu County. Other players wouldn't be stupid enough to come forward and die. They came just to pick up the cheap.

The three of them looked at each other, and they waved their hands. Suddenly, the entire player army shouted and rushed towards Tianwang Village.

The bandits of Tianwangzhai faced tens of thousands of player corps, commanded by Zhenwu, the lord of Sanzhai, and suddenly a piece of bows and arrows shot into the player troops. Because Tianwangzhai is on the top of the mountain, and the surrounding road up the mountain is only this mountain road with a width of nearly 200 meters.

As a result, the 30,000 player troops were crowded on the mountain trails. This gave the bandits of Tianwangzhai a good chance to fight back.

The bandits shoot arrows almost twice as fast as usual, and when they shoot arrows, they don't need to aim at all, they just shoot blindly into the crowd. Each of the bandits' arrows will hit a player.

In just 5 minutes, 30,000 players managed to enter only 150 meters. was repelled by the archers of Tianwangzhai. Nearly 10,000 players were lost, and more than 4,000 players were injured.

When the player's troops come back, it's the medicine that should be taken, and the blessing that should be blessed. Bless didn't die in the first attack.

"Brother Optimus! What do you think of this? When is a play like this a head? I think we're all dead, and Tianwangzhai can't be destroyed. Seeing that the first attack had been repulsed, the knight walked over to Optimus and said to him.

"Grass! I didn't expect it to be so troublesome to attack a cottage. I haven't encountered any of these things when playing games before! It seems that the messenger and the county lieutenant have spoken. There happened to be archers there among the officers and soldiers, and they were told to cover our attack. Qingtian said depressedly.

"It seems that this is the only way to go. We've never played a game like this before, so how did we know that we would encounter so much trouble when attacking bandits. "None of the previous games were of the construction type, and Chivalry and others didn't know what it took to attack a copycat.

"That's good! I'll send someone to report to the county lieutenant. Let's ask for his support. "Dynamom doesn't want to watch the players in his guild do this senseless sacrifice.

"My lord! Someone from the army at the front came to visit. A soldier's voice rang out in front of Cheng Pu.

"Oh? Someone of them is coming? Call them in. "As soon as Cheng Pu and Li Tianlong arrived on the slope of the hill where Tianwangzhai was located, they heard the scout say that someone from the player legion in front had come to report the situation.

Not long after the scout went down, Li Tianlong saw a player dressed as a strategist come to Cheng Puma and said, "My lord." After a round of attacks, our three major guilds found that the thief archers of Tianwangzhai were not something we could deal with. Therefore, our three guilds asked the county lieutenant's archers for fire support. "

Oh? The first time he was repelled by the bow and arrow of Tianwangzhai? "

Yes, Lord Prefectural."

"Okay, I got it. I immediately ordered the archers to come to their aid. Go back and tell the three unions to prepare for the second round of attack.

"Good! I'm just going. After the strategist player finished speaking, he turned and ran towards the top of the mountain.

"Captain Li! I order you to lead your archers and my archers to the outside of Tianwang Village to support the three unions in Xu Wu County. Cheng Pu turned his head to Li Tianlong and ordered.

"It's the county lieutenant, I'll come forward to support." After speaking, Li Tianlong took the soldiers of Tianlongzhai and the archers of Xu Wuxian to run towards the mountain.

In order to be afraid of being recognized by Qingtian and the others, Li Tianlong has already equipped a level 40 armor - Cloud Piercing Heavy Armor. Armed yourself from start to finish. Yan Xing and Da Niu are also equipped with cloud-piercing heavy armor like Li Tianlong.

Qingtian and the others were very happy when they saw the archers of the officers and soldiers coming to support. Immediately organize the player to attack in the second round.

In addition to the total 40,000 people of the three major guilds, there were more than 20,000 other players in this attack.

"Your Excellency! The archers of Tianwangzhai will be handed over to you! "After organizing the number player, Qingtian and chivalry, I love Mercedes-Benz came to Li Tianlong's side and said to Li Tianlong. They treat Li Tianlong as an NPC.

"You can rest assured, I will try my best to help you contain the archers of Tianwang Village." Li Tianlong said to Qingtian and the others in a different voice.

"Thank you, sir."

After Qingtian and the others left, Li Tianlong led the archers to stand 200 meters away from Tianwangzhai and fired arrows towards Tianwangzhai.

The player troops quickly rushed towards the gate of the Tianwang Village.

It's hard for the archers in the Tianwang Village now, they don't know which side to shoot first.

If you shoot that group of archers, then those player troops can easily break through the gate. Shoot player troops, and they will become live targets for officers and archers.

In the end, the archers of Tianwangzhai were divided into two teams, one to attack the player troops and the other to attack the officers and archers.

In this way, the archers and player troops of Tianwangzhai are dying every moment. The archers led by Li Tianlong only lost 200 officers and soldiers. The archers of the officers and soldiers were only level 20 longbowmen, and they were not comparable to Li Tianlong's level 40 archers.

After 10 minutes. The front of the player's unit came into contact with the gate of Tianwang Village. The players desperately slashed at the gate of the wall. Two clicks.

"Damn! It's about to be breached. Come on, brothers! "

I've opened a big hole here, brothers rush with me!"

"It's poured! Poured! Kill! Merit I'm coming. All

kinds of shouts sounded in front of the gate of Tianwang Village. The player unit will face the melee units in the Heavenly King Village.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, more than 100 people were killed or wounded.

When Li Tianlong led the archers into the cottage, the battle between the two sides was already in full swing. Most of the bandits in Tianwangzhai are above level 20. And the highest level of players is just over 15 points.

It's impossible to compare with the bandits in Tianwangzhai in terms of level, but there are many players. 2 beats you one, it's not easy to lose. In addition, after Li Tianlong led the archers into the cottage, he stood behind the player and shot arrows at the bandits in Tianwang Village.

Gradually, the player's troops slowly gain the upper hand. The bandits who almost began to suppress the Tianwang Village.

At this moment, Cheng Pu led the officers and soldiers of Xu Wuxian to rush into the Tianwang Village.

Without saying a word, the officers and soldiers went to kill the bandits in Tianwangzhai. These officers and soldiers are regular troops, and they are comparable to those bandits and players.

Zhenwu, the master of the three villages of Tianwang Village, was beaten to death by the players when they first rushed into the cottage. Erzhai Lord Zhenwen was also killed by the player in the chaos just now. The remaining Tianwang of the Great Village of Tianwang Village was still in front of the door of the Juyi Hall to resist the attacks of the officers and soldiers.

"Yan Ming. Shoot the king of that Tianwang Village! Li Tianlong turned his head to Yan Xing and ordered. That's 50 merit!

The mission of Tianwangzhai was finally successfully completed with the participation of officers and soldiers led by county lieutenant Cheng Pu.

The officers and soldiers of Xu Wuxian put the finishing touches on the work, and all the materials of Tianwangzhai entered the warehouse of Xu Wuxian.

Li Tianlong's eyes are red! That's all the resources of a large cottage! How much does that have to be?

After this mission, the level of the archers and guards led by Li Tianlong has been improved to a certain extent. Li Tianlong even reached level 20. Became the highest-level player in the game.

After Yan Xing passed the mission of Tianwang Village, he finally broke through the level 50 mark. Successfully upgraded to level 51.

Yan Xing--Zi Yanming, a native of Jincheng, Liangzhou, 20 years old, a level 51 NPC general; Commander: 75 (often leads troops to fight and rise) Force: 73 (there are too few opportunities to shoot, mainly because there is no opponent) Intelligence: 51 Politics: 47 Perception: 80 Charisma: 70 Luck: 8.

Da Niu's level has just risen to level 47, and there is still some distance from level 50.

Li Tianlong's mission in Tianwangzhai earned a total of 705 meritorious points. is the one with the most players.

At this time, everyone returned to the county, received the reward, and went back to their respective homes.

Under the leadership of Ping Xuechang, most of the cottage buildings in Tianlong Village have been established.

Li Tianlong found Wu Yong and asked about the situation of the cottage in the past two days.

"My lord, after these few days of fighting. The task you received in Xu Wu County will be completed in one day. Wu Yong said to Li Tianlong about the progress of the mission in the past few days.

"Yes. After tonight's mission is completed, I will go to Xuwu County again. Li Tianlong felt that his ass was almost unbearable. It takes 2 days to make a round trip. It's all bumpy on the horse along the way. What if in reality that ass doesn't bloom anymore?

At this time, Li Tianlong saw that the food in the cottage was still a little less, and now Tianlong Village and Xiangyun Village could consume nearly one million catties of grain in a month. Li Tianlong decided to go to the county seat to buy more grain.

In a few days, Xiangyun Village will be able to harvest grain, but it will only be 20,000 catties. It's not enough for the soldiers of Tianlong Village to consume in a day! Buying food is a necessity.

After Xiangyun Village sows the 2,500 acres of farmland next month, it can alleviate the food problem in Tianlong Village and Xiangyun Village.

You can't save money playing construction streams! Whatever it is, money is needed.

Xiangyun Village has Zhu Xi there, and Li Tianlong is still very relieved.

Now Li Tianlong's mind is full of the word 'grain'. If Li Tianlong wants to go all out to develop the cottage and the village, he must buy a large amount of grain.

Now the players have not yet appeared soldiers, so the price of food in the county is still 2 wen per catty. By the time the player has a large number of soldiers, the price of food will increase several times.

"If you buy a bunch of grain early now, you can make a lot of money by reselling it later." Li Tianlong thought so.

There is a junior liquor shop in the cottage that sells roasted knife wine, and a part of the military salary received by the cottage soldiers can be recovered every day.

Bandits love women, wine and money. Some of the thieves are heavy drinkers. Most of their salaries were thrown into the liquor stores.

"If only there were a brothel, then you could save a lot of money!" Li Tianlong was thinking about how to get back the military salary in the hands of the soldiers.

Brothel: also known as Qinglou, entertainment place. It can only be built when you are in a small town. The construction conditions required 10 women and one bustard.

But the town construction drawings are not so easy to get!

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