After Li Tianlong returned from Xuwu County, he ordered Shanzhai and Xiangyun Town to step up military training, and wait a few days to start attacking Heifeng Village.

Li Tianlong's current total strength is 34,100 intermediate troops in Tianlong Village, and 5,000 intermediate troops in Xiangyun Town have a total of 40,000 soldiers.

When attacking Heifeng Village, Li Tianlong decided to dispatch 40,000 soldiers. Coupled with the 20,000 soldiers in Xu Wuxian, Li Tianlong felt that it was almost there.

The total strength of Black Wind Village: 20,000 Xiaolo, 30,000 low-level troops, 30,000 intermediate-level troops, 2,000 high-level troops, plus the total number of Hello commanders and low-level generals is about 82,068 people.

If you don't use a sneak attack, Li Tianlong is sure to take down Heifeng Village. Li Tianlong can be all middle-level troops! The 2,000 high-level soldiers in Heifeng Village were much less than Li Tianlong expected.

Li Tianlong didn't want to think about it, high-level troops were so easy to recruit? Black Wind Village has only recently obtained the 'Snitch Camp Construction Blueprints'. By now, 2,000 people have been recruited.

A week later, Li Tianlong came to Xu Wu County to find Cheng Pu. 20000 mid-level soldiers were borrowed from him.

The borrowed soldiers' casualty consolation is: 1, for every soldier who dies, Li Tianlong will take out 300 Wen as a soldier's settlement fee.

2. During the period when Li Tianlong borrowed troops, the salaries of these 20,000 soldiers were paid by Li Tianlong. And, after receiving the soldiers, Li Tianlong will give the remaining soldiers of Xu Wuxian a reward of 20 Wen each.

3. Ensure that the level of the soldiers in Xu Wuxian is raised. When Li Tianlong returned the soldiers, he had to ensure that the average level of the remaining soldiers increased by 1 level.

After confirming the soldiers, Li Tianlong returned to Tianlong Village with 20,000 soldiers borrowed from Cheng Pu.

The next afternoon.

In Xiangyun Town, Tianlong Village and Yilei Village, Li Tianlong ordered 200 soldiers to stay behind to guard outside. The rest of the soldiers all gathered outside Tianlong Village to prepare for tonight's battle.


After the soldiers finished dinner in Tianlong Village, they were led by Li Tianlong and ran in the direction of Heifeng Village.

After Li Tianlong used the 'One Word Long Snake Formation'. Suddenly, 60,000 soldiers formed a straight long dragon one by one.

After the soldiers came to a small dense forest 500 meters outside the Black Wind Village, Li Tianlong took Yan Xing and the others to the vicinity of the Black Wind Village first.

"My lord! I didn't expect the guards of this Black Wind Village to be so strict! After seeing the defense of Black Wind Village, Yan Xing whispered to Li Tianlong solemnly.

"Yes! The defense of large cottages is not comparable to those of small cottages. Let's try a sneak attack first, if it doesn't work, let's fight them! "Li Tianlong's 'large-scale cottage construction drawings' are bound to be obtained. Although I don't know if there is that drawing in the Black Wind Village.

If it is hard to fight with Heifeng Village, Li Tianlong is not afraid. It's just a big deal to lose a little more gold and time. After the capture of the Black Wind Village, there will be more gold waiting for him.

"I think that's all I can do. Lord, I will first lead a group of low-level generals to infiltrate the cottage and eliminate some guards. The lord is outside to eliminate the archers on the cottage arrow tower. Yan Xing said to Li Tianlong.

After hearing this, Li Tianlong nodded, and instructed Yan Xing: "That's it, Yanming, you must pay attention to safety after you sneak in." Don't be reckless if you can't do anything.

"Lord, don't worry! Yanming won't be reckless. After Yan Xing finished speaking to Li Tianlong, he took Zhang Long, Wang Hu, Da Niu and others to sneak towards Heifeng Village.

After Li Tianlong saw Yan Xing and the others leave, he returned to the grove where the soldiers were hiding.

The defense of Black Wind Village can be said to be quite tight. There are nearly 30 arrow towers alone, and there is one every 20 meters. There are also patrols walking back and forth under the reflection of the torches in the flash village.

Seeing such a defense, Li Tianlong felt that there was only a half chance that he could succeed in a sneak attack.

Li Tianlong looked at the time when it was almost time, and Yan Xing and the others had already sneaked into the cottage to have a pillar of incense.

In order to increase the chances of success in the sneak attack on Black Wind Village tonight, Li Tianlong decided to attack one arrow tower of Black Wind Village every 60 or so archers.

Li Tianlong didn't believe that the five guards on an arrow tower could pant under more than 60 bows and arrows. If there is still gasping for breath, it can only mean that Li Tianlong is unlucky tonight.

Li Tianlong led 2,000 archers to the back of a small hill 50 meters away from Heifeng Village.

Li Tianlong ordered the archers to raise their bows and arrows to prepare, and at the same time once again observed the defenses inside the Black Wind Village.

After seeing that there was no change, Li Tianlong gave the order to attack the archers.


"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

The sound of arrows breaking through the air kept ringing in Li Tianlong's ears.

I saw a large rain of arrows flying towards the arrow tower of Black Wind Village. The sound of a large number of arrows sounded steadily like a swarm of wasps.

The sound of arrows was soon heard by the guards on the arrow tower, and after the guards on the arrow tower looked up and saw the large rain of arrows, they also knew that danger was coming, and wanted to remind the bandits who were resting in the cottage.

They want to warn the bandits inside the cottage that it's possible? The speed of the rain of arrows shot into them the moment they looked up. They did not make another sound until they died.

Each dead tower guard had 6 or 7 bows and arrows hanging from them.

After Li Tianlong saw that the guards of the arrow tower did not make any sound, he ordered Tian Qi to go forward and lead the melee soldiers to prepare for the attack.

There were also some patrols in the cottage who saw it, but before they could react, they were wiped by Yan Xing and others.

After Tian Qi led all the soldiers to Li Tianlong's side, Li Tianlong ordered the soldiers to attack the gate of Heifeng Village.

Suddenly, I saw the 20-meter-wide gate of Heifeng Village. Crowded with Li Tianlong's soldiers.

Under the attack of many weapons, the gate fell down like pouring water.

Three minutes later, the gate of Heifeng Village was breached by Li Tianlong's soldiers. Fortunately, the gate did not fall into the cottage. And hung by the walls of the cottage.

If the gate falls, it will make a noise after all. At that time, it may wake up the bandits who are resting in the cottage.

The gate of the cottage has not fallen, it seems that this is really the system taking care of Li Tianlong.

When the gate of the cottage was breached, the soldiers immediately rushed into the cottage.

After the soldiers rushed into the cottage, they immediately rushed into the stone house in the cottage.

Now being able to kill a bandit in Black Wind Village will increase Li Tianlongfang's strength a little. It is impossible to sneak attack Black Wind Village without losses.

On the contrary, the losses are still very large. How to say that the total strength of Heifeng Village has reached more than 82,000 people. And Li Tianlongfang only has 60,000 people.

Li Tianlong's soldiers killed a bandit from Black Wind Village in a sneak attack, and there will be 22,000 bandits left. What's more, the only ones who sneaked into the stone house to attack were those melee soldiers. It is impossible for an archer to rush into a stone house and play a sneak attack.


"Who are you? Yes! Suddenly

, screams, and cries continued to be heard from the stone houses in the Black Wind Village.

Li Tianlong led the archers to line up behind. There are already thieves in the cottage who have been awakened, and there are oil lamps constantly lit up in the dark cottage. The scolding also kept coming: "Which turtle son is screaming... "I guess the eldest brother hasn't realized that someone is coming to attack the mountain.


"Someone is attacking Shanla." The patrolmen who did not die suddenly rang the gongs in their hands one after another.

"Zhang Long! Immediately ordered the soldiers to assemble and go quickly. "The bandits in Black Wind Village have basically risen, and Li Tianlong has decided to have a face-to-face decisive battle with them.

Li Tianlong's soldiers haven't gone through a big battle scene yet! I used to play sneak attacks.

"My lord. I'm coming! After Li Tianlong finished instructing the bandits, Yan Xing, Zhang Long and others also walked out of a stone house.

"Yanming, you've come just in time. I will prepare for a face-to-face battle with Black Wind Village, and you will command the battle. Zhang Long and others assisted. Li Tianlong commanded Yan Xing.

"It's my lord, I'm going." After Yan Xing finished speaking to Li Tianlong, he took Zhang Long and the others to gather the soldiers.

When Li Tianlong's soldiers all came out, Yan Xing had already ordered the soldiers to line up in a 'goose-shaped array'.

I saw that the soldiers spread out horizontally in the open space in the Black Wind Village, and the two wings were arranged backwards in echelons, forming an inverted 'V' shape. Behind the wings were archers, and in front were melee soldiers.

There are no cavalry here, so this 'goose-shaped formation' can't exert too much attack power.

Just after Yan Xing and the soldiers set up the formation, the bandits of Heifeng Village, who were still in a daze, pulled their trousers one by one, carrying big knives, spears and other weapons, and rushed towards the soldiers of Li Tianlong's side who had already set up the 'goose-shaped array'.

Pity. Before he could rush to the formation, he was shot to the ground by many archers on both wings. The archers arranged by Yan Xing on both flanks of the 'Wild Goose Formation' played a huge role.

It seems that after the two wings of this 'goose-shaped array' are arranged with archers, its power is also relatively strong.

The bandits in this Black Wind Village were still very fierce, and they rushed to the front of the battle in a pile and fought with Li Tianlong's soldiers.

Long-range arrows are constantly being shot in the hands of archers, and spears, swords and other weapons are constantly being thrusted in the hands of melee soldiers.

Li Tianlong looked at the battle situation, and it was estimated that it was time to settle the battle.

Yan Xing shouted to the soldiers, "Brothers, rush, kill all these enemies in front of you."

Yan Xing and Zhang Long rushed to the front with the soldiers at the front of the formation. The other soldiers waved the weapons in their hands, following Yan Xing, Zhang Long and other soldiers to maintain a formation, screaming one after another. Constantly waving the weapon in his hand. Blood and minced flesh were constantly flying everywhere.

After about a quarter of an hour of fighting, Hua Long, the master of the Black Wind Village, was late.

"Who dares to attack my Black Wind Village?" Hua Long yelled at the people who were fighting.

After hearing the voice of their master, the people of Black Wind Village stopped fighting and retreated to Hualong's side.

Needless to say, this person is Hualong. Li Tianlong looks at it, this flower dragon is really a bit primitive style. 'Eight feet tall, huge, eyes like brass bells, upper body*, a circle of beard, shaped like an ape', if put it in reality, it won't frighten the kindergarten children!

After Hua Long saw that all the thieves in Heifeng Village had retreated, he looked at Li Tianlong's side and shouted to Yan Xing at the front of the formation: "Which cottage are you from?" Dare to come and attack my Black Wind Village! Is it a long life?

After Li Tianlong, who was behind, heard Hualong's words, he almost didn't fall to the ground.

Oh, my God! What kind of person is this! Didn't he see which side had the advantage?

Li Tianlong only has a two-word evaluation of this flower dragon: 'reckless man'.

It seems that this flower dragon is self-sustaining and brave!

After Yan Xing heard Hualong's words, he looked at him unscrupulously and said, "Your grandfather, I am the second master of Tianlong Village, 'Yan Xing', and when you go to the underworld after you die, you can say my name to the king of Hades."

"The thief is looking for death! Eat your grandfather with a knife. Hua Long said, and then raised his knife and rushed towards Yan Xing.

"Come on, kill that kid!"

"The owner of the village is invincible!"

After the bandits in Black Wind Village saw Hualong rushing away, they all kept shouting.

When Yan Xing saw Hua Long rushing towards him, he sneered. Dark luck mental method, using the skill 'Thunder Gun'.

I saw that the heirloom 'Iron Halberd Snake Spear' in Yan Xing's hand emitted a dazzling light, and quickly swung towards the flower dragon.

At the same time, there was a faint sound of thunder coming from the 'Iron Halberd Snake Spear'.

After Hua Long saw Yan Xing's move, he saw the power of this move and wanted to dodge it. But he was already jumping up with his sword in his hand as he rushed over, and it was impossible to dodge in the air. Hua Long could only change the direction of the big knife in his hand, from a downward split to an upward split. Trying to block the power of Yan Xing's spear.


The sound of metal colliding sounded, but then the sound of Hualong's broadsword breaking.


After Yan Xing's 'Iron Halberd Snake Spear' stabbed Hua Long's broadsword, it stabbed into Hua Long's heart without slowing down. At this time, the flower dragon had not yet fallen from the sky. In this way, Yan Xing used the 'Iron Halberd Snake Spear' in his hand to pick up the corpse of the flower dragon in mid-air.


After Hua Long's body twitched a few more times, he was hung on the weapon by Yan Xing in unison. And the big knife in Hua Long's hand also fell to the ground.

"The owner of the village

", "the master of the big village", "


The remaining bandits in Black Wind Village were a little dumbfounded when they looked at the flower dragon who was hanging motionless on their weapons. They didn't see the battle just now, they were still cheering for their village owner just now!

"The owner of the village is dead!"

I don't know who shouted. Suddenly, the bandits in Black Wind Village were all in chaos.

After throwing away their weapons, some bandits crouched down with their heads in their hands and surrendered. Some threw away their weapons and tried to escape. There are even some bandits with weapons clamoring to avenge the owner of the village.

However, when those thieves who wanted to avenge Hualong just rushed out of the ranks, they were shot by Li Tianlong and the archers with random arrows.

After Yan Xing saw it, after shaking off the corpse of the flower dragon on the weapon, he shouted to the remaining bandits in the Black Wind Village: "Your village master is dead, now as long as you surrender, we will never harm you." Hearing

Yan Xing's words, the bandits who wanted to escape also squatted on the ground one by one with their heads in their hands.

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