When Li Tianlong took people back, he happened to see it, and when the military advisor saw Li Tianlong coming, he hurriedly said.

"Wang, just now the spies came to report that a group of about 200 troops are rushing to our side, only 30 miles away from

us" Li Tianlong said as soon as he heard this: "Hurry up and go to investigate again, are you sure you are coming to us?"

After a while, I saw a small minion come to report, "King, you are sure that you have come to us, and now it is only 20 miles away from us

" After Li Tianlong heard this, he ordered, "Zhang San, go and arrange the rolling wood, fire oil, and archers on the city wall, especially the arrow tower." "

Then arrange for the sword and shield soldiers to wait behind the walled gate

" "Yes, the king" After speaking, Zhang San hurriedly went to arrange.

After arranging this way, I saw someone running towards the cottage at the bottom of the mountain.

At this time, the people below began to shout: "Listen to the people above, labor and management are the subordinates of Wang Hu, the king of the Tiger Village, now hurry up and surrender, otherwise they will break your cottage in a while, rob your women, and burn your cottage in a fire."

Zhang San shouted at this time: "Your mother, boy, come up and try." With

that, he gave the order to start firing arrows.

I saw that the rain of arrows took lives one by one, and at this time they also rushed to the door of the cottage.

Before they could be pleased, they saw that the rolling log above was lowered, and the stupid thieves below were either stoned to death or had broken arms and legs, and were already howling.

Seeing that there were not many people below, Li Tianlong opened the gate of the village and rushed out to slash and kill, leaving two alive and the rest were killed.

After sending someone to clean up the battlefield, Li Tianlong began to ask the two captives.

"Who else is there in your cottage, where is it"

The two captives didn't dare to say more, so they hurriedly told the situation in the Tiger Village.

Li Tianlong heard it, there are only 50 bandits there, and there are some captives, hehe, what is missing.

Li Tianlong pulled the dog-headed military master over and put him in charge of dealing with the aftermath. Organize your own army to crusade against the Tiger Village.

"Brethren, now I have decided to go and rob the Tiger Village. Reliable intelligence, there are less than 50 thieves there in Tiger Village. There are beautiful women there, there is money. I don't know which brothers would like to go with me. I knew that my brothers were tired right now, and I decided to give all the women I grabbed to the brother who had the most credit. One per person. After getting along for a while, Li Tianlong also knew that what these bandits were thinking about was money and women. It is said that these can arouse their gangsterism the most.

"Willing", "willing." As soon as they heard about robbing money and women, these bandits were all in high spirits. I don't feel tired at all.

"Everyone hurried to eat and rest, and set off in half an hour. "

After Ping Xuechang cleaned up the battlefield, he came to report. 9254 Wen, 53 LV20 knives, 42 long swords, 30 short guns, 21 short bows, 10 LV30 maces, 6 LV30 sabers, and 124 sets of light leather armor. and a few other bits and pieces. It's all back to storage.

Not bad. Now there are as many as 11 coins. First come to the minion barracks, spend 50,000 Wen to recruit 50: 50 spearmen. It's really painful, when will it come down? Due to the small stock of cottage arrows, only 30 thick iron-headed arrows were brought with them when recruiting. Now I can't find anyone who can make arrows. I had no choice but to give up the archers for the time being. The spearmen are considered to be the Pak sword soldiers, and the attack power of the long sword soldiers is the highest.

Instructed Zhang San, the boss who had been promoted to level 30, to select 9 minions who had been upgraded to level 25. Replaced with the LV20 light Kai captured yesterday, the LV20 ring head broadsword. Composed a Shi and appointed Zhang San as his own bodyguard. Zhang San was equipped with a lv30 slashing knife. Put this guy happy.

Prepare the bandits. 30 short archers, 50 short spearmen, 30 Pak sword soldiers. It's all promoted and in good shape. Instructed the dog-headed military division to continue to clean up the scene. Don't worry about the corpses of the bandits, the system will automatically refresh itself after 6 hours. However, the cottage gate, the wooden fence still needs to be repaired. Rolling wood, fire oil, and stone have to be remade. It's a good thing to look at. Without these things, Li Tianlong would have been killed today. Thanks to the old man who died, he left a life-saving legacy for himself.

He also ordered 30 large wooden blocks to be made, and called two minions who had surrendered to lead the way. In the moonlight, march to the Tiger Village.

Li Tianlong prayed all the way for a big harvest tonight. It's a pity, Ping Xuechang reported that there were only 12,834 catties of grain in the warehouse. Now the population of the whole village is fighting 6,7,100 minions, and 100 people are logging and quarrying. It consumes 324 catties of grain per day in one day. Less than 6 days of cottages. Motivated by women and money, the bandits marched quickly. It took more than 2 hours to arrive at the Tiger Village. I saw a 100-meter-high hill with a cottage towering. It is the same scale as Tianlong Village, with a wooden fence and a wooden sword tower.

Tell the minions to eat dry food and rest for half an hour to make final preparations for the attack.

"Zhang San, call those two new companions over. "It's good to ask about the situation, in case the other party has a lot of rolling wood and stones, it will be difficult to do. After all, I saw his power today. In such a condescending situation, facing it can only be self-defeating.

"The King. "

Tell me about the specific situation of your cottage, the layout, the level. "

Yes, my lord. Tiger Village was originally a medium-sized cottage. But it's not long since it was here, and it's now just a small cottage. The owner of the village is 40 level Wang Hu, the military division leopard level 30, and there are 3 arrow towers. Most of the minions below are around level 25. "


After the rest, the bandits were in good spirits. A group of people quietly touched the mountain. The mountains are not very steep, but the forests are abundant. Lurking about 100 meters away from the gate of the cottage, Li Tianlong carefully looked at the cottage in front of him.

It was pitch black inside the cottage, and only two piles of firewood were burning at the entrance of the village. Through the moonlight, I saw a figure swaying on each of the arrow towers on both sides. I guess I thought that the people who went out had already knocked down my stockade, so I slept so confidently and boldly. Good opportunity, just caught him off guard.

"Quietly climb up and stop at 20 meters. The archers were divided into three groups. Each group shoots an arrow tower. After the arrow tower was completed, Zhang San immediately went to cut down the gate with the escort team. Be careful, be careful with me, don't speak. With

a wave of his hand, 30 iron-tipped arrows were fired.

"Ahh A miserable cry pierced the night sky. I don't know if I'm dead, but I shouldn't have combat effectiveness.

Zhang San immediately rushed up with someone and slashed with a big knife. 1 down, 2 down...

Li Tianlong led the bandits to line up behind. Someone had already been awakened, and oil lamps were constantly lit up in the dark village. The scolding also kept coming: "Which turtle grandson is screaming... "I guess I didn't realize that someone was attacking the mountain.

"Dangdang ... "

Someone is attacking the mountain. "The gong of the arrow tower sounded above, and it is estimated that which bandit has not died yet.

"Cut it, Zhang San. Li Tianlong became anxious.

"Bah" Zhang San suddenly shouted, rounded the horse slashing knife, and slashed down. The gate that had already been cut down by everyone was shattered.

"Rush, brothers," Li Tianlong shouted. The bandits poured in like a tidal wave.

Rushing into the cottage, Li Tianlong saw that there were already many bandits rushing over with big knives in front of him. Looking at the arrow tower next to him, he made a move: "Archer, the high-level horse will go up to the arrow tower to shoot."

Li Tianlong stopped the charge: "Pu Dao hand is in front of the shield, the gunner is in the middle, and the archer is in the back to shoot." A

group of bandits immediately lined up in front of the tower. Thirty Pak swordsmen were in front with large wooden blocks, and short gunners were waiting for the opportunity to attack in the rear. The archers kept drawing their bows and shooting arrows. Although Li Tianlong has not yet learned the military formation, these basic things are still not a problem for this fan who reads more YY texts and Three Kingdoms.

The bandits of the Tiger Village, who were still in a daze, pulled their trousers and rushed towards the gate of the village with a big knife. Pity. Before he could rush in front of the people, he was shot to the ground by many bows and arrows. The archers arranged by Li Tianlong on the arrow tower played a huge role.

The thieves in the tiger village were very fierce, and they rushed to the front to fight with everyone.

Frightened, screaming, crying... Ringing constantly.

The arrows kept shooting, and the short guns kept thrusting. There were about 30 people who fell in front. Almost, after estimating the situation in front of you, it's time to settle the battle.

"Rush forward and cut down these deadly thieves for me.

Zhang San rushed to the front with the escort. A group of deadly bandits wielded weapons and bloodthirsty howls. Keep cutting down those who stand in your way. Blood and minced flesh fly.

Li Tianlong followed with 30 archers, constantly pulling his bow and shooting arrows. Li Tianlong is now level 14. However, since he is mostly in command, there are 5 attribute points added to the commander, 2 force, 1 intelligence, and 1 politics. Level 4 is 9 points, and it seems that the number of points at each level is not completely fixed. Li Tianlong thought.

The fight continued for about half an hour, and there were no more bandits in sight. The overall situation has been decided, Li Tianlong thought.

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