"President, I am a scholar who sent someone to report. said that they were entangled by the bandits, and they have lost more than 10,000 players so far. "I'm a scholar, I really can't stand the sneak attack of Yan Xing and the others, so he immediately ordered a player to report the situation here to Qingtian.

"He's been pestered, really! You go and tell me it's a scholar right now, and tell him to lead the player back and assemble with the army. Form a line of defense at the back of the team to stop the bandits. Optimus said to the debriefing player.

"Yes. "

The hill roads on both sides of the canyon can only allow 10 people to go forward side by side, and now that they are blocked by the large arrow tower built by Li Tianlong, it is not so easy for players to open up the road on the hills.

"Brothers, you have seen it too. All three roads are guarded by bandit archers, and it will not be easy for us to break through this canyon. I don't know if you have any good suggestions?" asked Qingtian as he looked at the defense of the canyon and turned to the crowd around him.

"It seems that there is only a strong attack, otherwise there is no good way. "

Yes, assault. I don't believe that our 400,000 people can't break through their tens of thousands of defenses?"


presidents all agreed with the assault.

"Okay! Now that we've decided, we're going to split into three teams. You lead 50,000 players to attack the arrow towers on the north and south mountains. I led the rest of the players to attack the middle lane and go straight inside. "

Okay, just do as Brother Qingtian says. "

After seeing that the player legion was divided into three ways, the generals of the Tianlong Zhai side immediately prepared for battle.

The Great War is on the verge of breaking out.

"Tianmo, order 10,000 players in front and 20,000 soldiers in the back. Rush into the canyon with all your might, and be sure to take it down at the first charge. In front of the canyon, Qingtian commanded to Tianmo.

"Yes. "

Brothers, the cottage is ahead, everyone follow me!" shouted the lead player to the players who were about to charge.


the battle in the canyon kicked off first in the middle lane.

"All attention, draw your bow and aim diagonally upward. Projectile!" After seeing Xu Wuxian's forward player rushing within range of the archers, Zhang Long gave the order to shoot at the 5,000 archers.

As soon as Zhang Long's words fell, he saw 5,000 bows and arrows raining down on the attacking player army.


"Projectile. Zhang Long continued to lead the archers to launch a rain of arrows offensive.

When the dynasty on the hill saw the battle below, he decisively ordered 1,000 archers on each side of the hill to release arrows down the hill.

"Aim for the legion of players in the canyon and shoot. "Just after the players had just experienced the 5,000 bows and arrows in front of them, 2,000 bows and arrows were shot down by the archers of Tianlong Village from both sides.

"President, I don't think these 30,000 people will be able to take this canyon. Why don't we send another 30,000 players to support. Take control of the canyon as soon as possible. Seeing that the striker players and soldiers were facing a large number of arrows from three sides, Tianmo suggested to Qingtian.

"Okay, that's what you said. You immediately command another 30,000 players to charge. "Qingtian also wants to break through the canyon as soon as possible, he doesn't want to be exhausted by the archers of Tianlong Village.

Soon, 30,000 players rushed to the canyon to support.

"Brothers, follow me

!" "Kill!"

Just as the middle lane players sent a second group of players to charge, the north and south lanes also started fighting.

The 10 archers on the large turret were constantly firing arrows, and with the nearly 4,000 archers under the turret, the legions of players on both sides could not reach the bottom of the turret for a while.

The battle lasted for a quarter of an hour, and by this time the player legion had lost nearly 40,000 players. The archers of Tianlong Village lost more than 600 people. These more than 600 archers were killed by players who were lucky enough to rush through the rain of arrows. However, the group of players was quickly hung up by the pikemen led by Black Wind and Wang Hu.

"Boss, order all the players to charge! everyone is almost overwhelmed, these archers are too powerful, they can basically hang up a brother with one arrow. A player sweats profusely and runs up to Optimus, who is watching the battle, and shouts at him eagerly.

Instead of answering, Optimus looked up at the two battles above the canyon. The other two were also charging towards the tower with difficulty, but each time they were shot back by the bandits' bows and arrows.

Qingtian thought for a moment and said, "Let's go, this time I will fight in person, all the players will press me up, no matter how many people are sacrificed, I will also take down this canyon." "

The pressure on Qingtian is very direct now, the first time he attacked Tianlong Village, he made a large number of players relegated and reborn, if he can't take Tianlong Village this time, he doesn't have to think about gaining a foothold in Xu Wuxian. This is to capture Tianlong Village, even if the player loses more, he has something to say!"

Standing on a boulder, he looked at the hundreds of thousands of players in front of him, and suddenly became arrogant.

"After this canyon, there is a bandit cottage in front of you. Now let's take it in one go and attack the cottage ahead. "

Kill, kill!" and the players complied with Optimus' orders.

"Rush to the bandit cottage!" "Rush


Suddenly, Optimus led the players who remained outside the canyon to rush towards the canyon.

"Zhang Tou, the players have started to charge on a large scale, what should we do?" A cavalry archer from Tianlong Village turned his head to Zhang Long and asked after seeing all the players from Xu Wuxian rushing towards them.

"Fighting and retreating, slowly retreating towards the cottage. At the same time, increase the speed of shooting. Try to suppress the momentum of the players' charges, and don't make the players rush in front of us. "In the battle of the canyon, Zhang Long has completed the task assigned to him by Li Tianlong at that time. All he had to do now was to join up with the archers led by the dynasty on the hill, and then retreat to the cottage together.

"The brothers on the arrow tower quickly retreated, and we fought and retreated, and went to the back of the canyon to join the brothers in the middle lane. The dynasty on the hill also commanded the archers.

"Comrades, the bandits are running out of action. Everyone rush!

" "Kill!" The

players in Xu Wuxian who rushed to the front saw that the soldiers of Tianlong Village were retreating, and immediately shouted to the players behind them.

"Kill!" After

hearing the player's words, the wolf howled and raised his weapons and rushed towards the archers of Tianlong Village.

Because the archers of Tianlong Village were deployed behind the canyon, they converged relatively quickly.

"Old Black, Old Wang. I'll take care of the rest. After the soldiers of Tianlong Village converged, Zhang Long smiled at Hei Feng and Wang Hu.

"Haha~~~! You still don't worry about my old black business? Just leave the rest to me and Lao Wang, you just put cold arrows in the back. After Hei Feng finished speaking, he broke off with Wang Hu and a total of 10,000 pikemen from Tianlong Village. And Zhang Long and Wang Chao led the archers to turn back from time to time and let out a rain of arrows.

Soon after the soldiers of the player legion converged in Tianlong Village, they all converged.

"Brother Qingtian, let's rush. I'm going to go up and chop up those bunnies. His grandfather's, I've lost 26,000 players here!" As soon as they met, the leaders of the two guilds nagged at Optimus.

"My side also lost nearly 20,000 players. If it hadn't been for the bandits who took the initiative to retreat, I think our losses would have been even greater.

"yes! It's so depressing to fight like this.

After a while, the presidents gathered all their forces and chased in the direction where Zhang Long and the others retreated.

"My lord, the rockets have been divided, and each archer has two in his hands. Wu Yong came to Li Tianlong's side and said to Li Tianlong.

"Yes, good. Wait a minute, let's have a grand bonfire party here!" Li Tianlong pointed to the dead leaves in the woods in front of him that had been doused with black oil, and said to Wu Yong.

Li Tianlong and the others stood 200 meters in front of the woods, waiting for Zhang Long and the others to arrive.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour.

"My lord, the dynasty they have withdrawn. Wu Yong, who was on the side, saw Wang Chao and the others leading the archers out of the woods, so he turned his head and said to Li Tianlong.

"Lord, my subordinates are fortunate not to be dishonored!" As soon as Zhang Long and the others saw Li Tianlong, they quickly stepped forward to report the general situation of the battle in the canyon. Due to the relationship of time, the battle in the canyon was roughly said by Zhang Long and others in a few words.

"The lord, Hei Feng and Wang Hu and the others have also withdrawn from the woods.

When Zhang Long and the others had just finished reporting to Li Tianlong, Wu Yong's voice rang out again.

"Lord, quick. The players are about to rush out of the woods. As soon as Hei Feng and Wang Hu rushed out of the woods, they shouted loudly at Li Tianlong.

"Attention, rocket preparation, ignition, shooting. After listening to Hei Feng's words, Li Tianlong immediately ordered the archers behind him to ignite the rockets and shoot towards the woods.

I saw rockets flying in a beautiful arc towards the woods ahead.

"Boss, there seems to be something wrong with the smell in this woods. Tianmo, who was following Qingtian, wrinkled his nose and said to Qingtian.

"What's wrong?" asked Qingtian as he looked at Tianmo suspiciously.

"I can't say what it tastes like, anyway, I just think there's something to be in the army. Tianmo couldn't say one, two, or three in the face of Qingtian's questioning.

Black Oil's question is quite foreign to today's 21st-century gamers. It is estimated that few players can smell this smell of black oil.

"It doesn't matter what it tastes like. Tell them to go down and tell everyone to follow closely. Beyond this wood, it is a cottage of bandits. "Qingtian doesn't care so much, it's not far from Tianlong Village, he has long thought about bulldozing Tianlong Village.

"Got it. Tianmo responded and went to the players.

"It's so depressing to play this game! One of the players said to his friend after hearing Optimus's order.

"Yes, it's really depressing!But who said that our strength is not as good as theirs, not to mention that this game is the strength to play!" The player nodded in agreement.

"Hi buddy. What's that one in the sky?" one player asked, pointing to a rocket falling from the sky to the player next to him.

"What?" the player looked up at the sky, confused. I saw that at first it was still a rocket, and then it became a large number of rockets.

"Rockets, it's rockets. When the player saw the object, he immediately screamed loudly.

"! This game is set in ancient times. Where did you get the rocket? "One player didn't tell for a moment whether this rocket was another or the other.

"Run, the bandits set the fire. "When the rocket hit the ground, there was a series of 'crackling' sounds. The dead leaves of the trees that have been doused with black oil are immediately ignited when they meet the fire.

Gale also seemed to be helping Li Tianlong. Suddenly, the wind in the woods increased, and the west wind advanced with fire like a legion of players.

At this time, the players in Xu Wuxian were all disillusioned, shouting and rushing out of the woods. Due to the advance of the fire, the players' formations were immediately chaotic, and players were constantly being squeezed to the ground. Before the player could get to their feet, they were mercilessly overwhelmed by the fire that dared to come.

"Ah~~~~~" The miserable cry kept coming out of the woods, and Li Tianlong outside the forest was also silently chanting in his heart: "Ami Tofu, may the Buddha bless you to return to the Western Elysium as soon as possible."

Optimus's face turned pale when he saw the player running for his life, and now he realized what a wrong decision he had made to attack the cottage.

Now that he has gone through these two consecutive command battles, I believe that he will completely lose his leadership in front of all the players in Xu Wuxian in the future, and the players' trust in him.

With a silent sigh, Optimus immediately rushed towards the oncoming fiery serpent, a white light rose, and Optimus returned to his town to be reborn.

The players who were still outside the woods and did not enter the woods stood there stupidly as they watched the sudden fire in the woods. Listening to the screams of the players in the forest, the group found that their feet seemed to be filled with lead, and they didn't move half a step at all.

"This, this, that's hundreds of thousands of players! Just burned to death by a fire?"

"Kill!" Just when the players were in a daze, an army of nearly 50,000 led by Yan Xing Da Niu and Wang Da and others rushed in from the canyon and killed the group of players with their weapons.

Facing the imposing soldiers of Tianlong Zhai, the players have no fighting spirit. They were just mechanically using their weapons to fend off oncoming attacks.

The army of more than 100,000 players was slashed and killed at will by 50,000 Tianlongzhai soldiers.

"Brothers, we still have nearly 100,000 players. You can rush out, kill, cheer up, rush out. One player quickly reacted, there are still nearly 100,000 players on his own side! It is one that can run out of one.

"Yes, kill it. Brothers, rush!"

After the player's reminder, the other players reacted one after another. Raise your weapon and rush into the canyon.

Bright red blood continued to sprinkle on the walls of the canyon, and severed hands and severed heads continued to fly in the canyon.

Yan Xing wields the heirloom 'Iron Halberd Serpent Spear' and moves freely within the player's legion. The skill 'Broken Sky White Rainbow' continued to be used, and the snake spear swung back and forth, and every time it emitted an air explosion, it would take the lives of dozens of players.

Gradually, the players also realized how powerful Yan Xing was. As long as Yan Xing kills wherever he goes, players everywhere will avoid it one after another.

After watching the big bull, I saw that after the big bull used the skill 'Black Wind and Heavenly Evil', the fierce black gas around him flew wildly, as long as the player next to him was either dead or injured, so he was not overbearing.

"Drink. I saw the big bull shouting at the players in front of him, and suddenly the group of players found that they were in a trance and their minds were dizzy. When they came to their senses, they could see the sky.

The sky was still so blue, but the ground was red! There was the bright red of the fire in the woods, and the blood red that kept flowing from the canyon.

The red ones are so gorgeous.

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