"Now with the help of Zhengnan, I am more confident to break through in the troubled times in the future. After reading the attributes of the trial, Li Tianlong said to the trial.

"The lord rest assured, Zhengnan will definitely go to the soup for the great cause of the lord, and he will never give up. The judge said.

"Okay, then we will share blessings and hardships in the future. Create a great cause together. Li Tianlong was suddenly arrogant.

"That's right, my lord. I have a cousin. The surname is Zhou, and the name is Bogong. He is a rare fierce general. Now someone else is in Handan City, Guangping County, waiting for me to repair a book and summon him. Assist the main public cause together. The judge said to Li Tianlong.

"Okay, Zhengnan quickly fix the book. Let's recruit Bogong as soon as possible. Li Tianlong urged.

"It's the lord. The judge came to the desk as he spoke, picked up the pen and wrote a letter to Zhou Meng.

After seeing the judge writing a letter on the desk, Li Tianlong stood aside and thought about the name Zhou Meng.

According to Li Tianlong's understanding of the history of the Three Kingdoms, there is no such character as Zhou Meng. I don't know who Bogong is this week. Cousin of the trial, it shouldn't be too bad!"

After the judge finished writing the letter, he immediately opened his mouth and shouted to the guards outside the house.

"My lord, what do you command?

"Now I order you to take this letter immediately to Handan City in Guangping County and hand it over to the second son. After receiving the letter, he was ordered to rush to Xu Wuxian County. "The judge immediately took the written letter and instructed the guard named 'Zhaosu'.

"Yes. The guard answered, and turned away with the letter handed to him by the judge.

"Lord, Zhengnan heard Brother Tian Yu say that a large-scale Taiping Dao chaos will break out in February two years later, and according to the records of your player world, the center of the chaos is Jizhou?"

"Not bad. At that time, Jizhou will become the center of the war, and we are fortunate that there are no people, so I don't know what will happen then. And coupled with the fact that we have more than 1 billion alternative players in this chaos, the outcome of this chaos is very unpredictable. According to our history, the Taiping Road Uprising lasted for 8 months. After October, the large army of Taiping Dao will be suppressed by the imperial court. But when the time comes, the defeated rebels will each take over the mountain. Continue to fight against the imperial court. Li Tianlong explained this trial.

"Well, no matter what, Zhengnan still thinks that the lord's previous idea is very good, as long as we control this Xu Wuxian, then our strength will have a stable stronghold, but we still have to think about how we should develop in the future. Strength is the key. Now it's not just the lord that there are many alien players like you, but those big families and big valves are even more powerful, and without strong troops, there is no way to make great benefits for themselves in the chaotic war. The judge said.

"Well, what Jeongnam said is yes! I've already thought about all of this. The 300,000 soldiers in Tianlong Village are now all above the intermediate level, and there are a few soldiers whose strength has reached the advanced level. My plan is to raise the strength of all the soldiers in Tianlong Village to above the advanced level before the Taiping Dao chaos. "Li Tianlong told this trial that he had set up a plan for Tianlong Village!"

Only then can we gain a foothold in the chaos of war. The judge nodded.

"Not bad. Tianlong Village also has an attached cottage - Tianlei Village, which was only a third-level cottage before. However, after completing the task you gave me in the south, I typed out two more construction drawings of small cottages and medium-sized cottages. I have already ordered someone to send it to Tianlei Village, so that our strength will increase by nearly 50,000. There are also 100,000 people in Tianxian Village, and my total strength is almost 500,000. Li Tianlong said with a smile to the judge.

"Hehe~~~ I didn't expect that the task given to the lord by Zhengnan would also get the construction drawings for the lord. It seems that the lord is really a blessed man!" After listening to Li Tianlong's words, the judge immediately said with a smile.

"Haha~~~ This is all Zhengnan's reason! If it weren't for Zhengnan's task to me, I might not have been able to get those two drawings!"

"What is not attached to it, let's not talk about this. Let's go, let's go talk to Brother Tian and them.

Then Li Tianlong and the trial found Tian Yu who was in the study.

"Lord, when did you come? Why didn't you notify your subordinates in advance? Your subordinates also ordered someone to go to greet your lord. When Tian Yu saw Li Tianlong coming, he got up and stepped forward and said.

"Hehe~~~ I arrived last night, and I saw that it was getting late, so I didn't come to disturb your rest. I came in a hurry, and I didn't tell you beforehand. Li Tianlong immediately laughed.

"Quick, lord. Please take a seat. I immediately ordered someone to call Cheng Pu over. Tian Yu led Li Tianlong to the chair behind the desk.

After seeing Li Tianlong sit down, Tian Yu walked out of the study and gave a few orders to the guards outside the door. The guard answered, and then turned to leave. It seems that he went to call Cheng Pu.

When Tian Yu turned around and walked into the study, he saw that the judge was still standing there alone, so he immediately stepped forward and said, "Lord Judge, why are you still standing? Here, the judge does not need to be polite. "

Hehe~~~ Don't bother Brother Tian, I'll sit here. The judge said and sat down on the chair in front of the desk.

Just when Li Tianlong and the other three were drinking tea and chatting, Cheng Pu walked into the study.

"Subordinate Cheng Pu see the lord. As soon as he entered the door, Cheng Pu bowed to Li Tianlong, who was in the main seat.

"Hehe~~~ Brother Cheng, don't be polite, please sit down. Li Tianlong raised his hand and said to Cheng Pu.

"Thank you, Lord.

After Cheng Pu sat down, Li Tianlong told Tian Yu and Cheng Pu about the acceptance and trial.

"Haha~~~ With the addition of Zhengnan, our strength will be greatly increased!" After listening to Li Tianlong's words, Tian Yu immediately smiled at Li Tianlong.

"Yes, the strength of the judge must not be ordinary!" Cheng Pu also asked Li Tianlong on the side.

"That is, Zhengnan is familiar with military books, and he is very proficient in leading troops to fight! Brother Cheng, you have to learn more from Zhengnan in the future and see how Zhengnan leads the troops. Li Tianlong said to this Cheng Pu.

"Obey the order, my old Cheng must learn more from Master Ju. Cheng Pu stood up and bowed to Li Tianlong.

After hearing Cheng Pu's words, Li Tianlong turned his head to the judge and smiled: "Hehe~~~ Zhengnan, Brother Cheng will bother you to give more guidance in the future."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely guide Brother Hu with my heart." "Brother Cheng, the officers and soldiers of Xu Wuxian must pay close attention to training. After the chaos breaks out, we will have the strength to fight against the rebel army!" After listening to the system announcement, Li Tianlong said to Cheng Pu beside him.

"Obey the Lord. I, Lao Hu, will definitely train the soldiers well. The lord can rest assured. Cheng Pu patted his chest and said.

"Brother Tian, what level is Xu Wuxian now?" If you want to say what issue Li Tianlong is most concerned about, it is still the level of Xu Wuxian County. Only the level of the town is higher, and the more soldiers are recruited. Now soldiers are strength! How can you get mixed up in such a game without soldiers?"

Tian Yu replied.

"Big Town, when can it be upgraded to a small town?" asked Li Tianlong eagerly.

"It's going to take about half a month!' The 'small city construction drawings' are already available, and they were issued by the imperial court. However, the population problem is a bit tight, and the population of Xuwu County has not yet reached the upper limit of the number of people stipulated by the big town. Tian Yu explained to Li Tianlong.

"Population, this is easy to do! Wait for Brother Huitian, you select a group of people from those affiliated villages, and ask them to join our Xuwu County first. Our main task at the moment is to upgrade to a small town. Li Tianlong came up with an idea.

"Okay lord, I'll do it later. Tian Yu nodded in response.

"Yes. Li Tianlong nodded, turned to Cheng Pu and said, "Brother Cheng, after you are upgraded to a small city, you will immediately recruit soldiers." That's right, Brother Cheng. I don't know what is the upper limit of the city's military strength after this upgrade to the small city?"

"Hui Zhugong, 200,000. Cheng Pu told Li Tianlong about the upper limit of recruitment.

"200,000? Okay, after upgrading to a small city, Brother Cheng, you will recruit all the soldiers and step up training. The combat effectiveness of the soldiers will be raised to a higher level before the chaos comes. Li Tianlong instructed Cheng Pu.

"Brother Tian, I wonder if there is enough money in the treasury of Xu Wuxian County to recruit these 100,000 soldiers?" Li Tianlong asked Tian Yu.

"My lord, the money in the treasury is only enough to recruit 50,000 mid-level troops. And that's not even the cost of upgrading the town and building it. Tian Yu thought about it and said to Li Tianlong.

"Why is Xu Wuxian so little money?" Li Tianlong asked in surprise when he heard Tian Yu's answer.

"My lord, that's a lot. In the past, we couldn't even pay for recruiting 10,000 soldiers in Xu Wuxian County!" Tian Yu said to Li Tianlong in a low tone.

"All the money has been handed over?"

"Yes, my lord.

After listening to Tian Yu's answer, Li Tianlong was directly speechless.

"Brother Tian goes, go to the silver vault. I will leave you 10,000 taels of gold, and you will give me efforts to develop the construction of Xuwu County and the army. "10,000 taels of gold! When Li Tianlong said it, his heart ached to death. But for the sake of future development in the game, it is not possible to be generous.

After the four of them came to the silver vault, Li Tianlong immediately took out 10,000 taels of gold from his backpack and put it in the silver vault.

"Brother Cheng, after having this money. When you recruit more soldiers, you will have to recruit more high-level troops. In this way, the strength of the soldiers will be greatly strengthened. I don't know what type of high-level troops we can recruit in Xu Wuxian County?" After putting away the 10,000 taels of gold, Li Tianlong turned his head to Cheng Pu and asked.

"Don't worry, my lord, my old Hu will definitely recruit more of those high-level soldiers. At present, we have a 'Ranger Battalion', a 'Pak Dao Barracks' and a 'Spear Heavy Cavalry Battalion' in our barracks. There are only three of them. Cheng Pu replied.

After hearing this, Li Tianlong nodded, and said to Cheng Pu: "Okay! In this way, we will use 'rangers, spear and heavy cavalry as supplements, and configure two teams of Pu Dao soldiers." "


Later, after Li Tianlong explained some questions to Tian Yu and Cheng Pu, he took the trial to Xiangyun Town.

"Come, due south. Let me introduce you to you, this is the inner jade sword. Now it's our Xiangyun Town's husband. After coming to Xiangyun Town, Li Tianlong found Su Xiaoxiao and introduced him to the judge.

"Jade Sword, this is the trial trial Zhengnan I mentioned to you. Zhengnan is a civil

and military all-rounder!""Haha~~~ Where did the lord say, Zhengnan has read for a few years, where can he be worthy of the lord's 'civil and military all-rounder'. After hearing Li Tianlong's words, the judge said with a smile.

"The subordinate is due south, see the master mother. After laughing, the judge walked to Su Xiaoxiao's side and bowed.

"Don't be polite, we will have to assist the judge in the future.

As they spoke, everyone walked towards the conference room in Xiangyun Town.

"Lord, our Xiangyun Town is still a big town!" After sitting down, the judge asked Li Tianlong.

"It's Dazhen, what's wrong?" Li Tianlong looked at the judge.

"Haha~~~ That's good, I still have a 'small town construction blueprint' in the county town. It was seized during a crackdown on banditry. When I returned, I immediately ordered someone to send it to my lord. After hearing Li Tianlong's words, the judge immediately laughed and said.

"Haha~~~ due south, I didn't expect you to have 'small city construction drawings'. That's great. At present, our Xiangyun Town is lacking this. Since Xiangyun Town was upgraded to a big town, I have been looking for how to get the 'small town construction blueprint', but I didn't expect that you just came to Zhengnan and brought me this good news. "Until now, there hasn't been a single town in the game. Li Tianlong didn't know what the reason was. It stands to reason that after the game opens the game currency exchange business, there should be a lot of these small towns. However, Li Tianlong only heard that the players upgraded the villages to small towns one by one, and he did not hear a single player upgrade to large towns and small towns. Li Tianlong thinks there is something wrong, and it seems that he will have to take a look on the official forum of the game. See how players reacted to the update.

"My lord, I'll send someone as soon as I get back. "

Okay!" Then everyone measured the situation in Xiangyun Town again.

Since the game update added that 'each village has an extra outcast or refugee every day, there is a certain chance to surrender it, if the surrender fails, the outcast or refugee will mutiny, become a rebel, and appear directly next to the village's jade, attacking its jade. After that, in the past few days, there have been player villages that have been attacked by those thieves, and we still have more people from the homeless camp, but fortunately there are many soldiers in my town.

In response to this, Su Xiaoxiao specially arranged two soldiers to guard the jade side of Xiangyun Town. By now, the first refugee from Xiangyun Town had been surrendered by Su Xiaoxiao.

Recently, under the management of Su Xiaoxiao, Zhu Xi and others, everything in Xiangyun Town has developed very smoothly. Blacksmith shops, tailor shops, copper mines, black oil mines, etc., can produce stably every day.

The planning of Xiangyun Town was also completed in accordance with Li Tianlong's instructions. There are still some unreasonable places in it, which have also been corrected by Su Xiaoxiao. In general, this Xiangyun Town is basically managed by Su Xiaoxiao.

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