After returning to the cottage, Li Tianlong came to the Juyi Hall and went offline.

On the way back to the cottage, Li Tianlong thought of a way. That is to walk out of the Xu Wu Mountains and go to the surrounding mountains to brush the cottage.

After walking out of the game warehouse, Li Tianlong got up and came to the study and turned on the computer. I found the map of Youzhou during the Three Kingdoms period that I had stored on my computer before.

After watching it a few times, Li Tianlong found out. There are also several large mountains around the Xuwu Mountains, and the smallest of these mountains is more than twice the size of the Xuwu Mountains. In those big mountains, the highest level of the cottage is a giant cottage! I also saw that Youbeiping in the Three Kingdoms period also had an outlet to the sea Qinhuangdao on the edge of present-day Jilin, so we can develop a navy in the future.

After the final screening, Li Tianlong decided to brush the cottage in the 'Pingding Mountain' to the west of the Xu Wu Mountains, where the resources are abundant.

After determining the goal, Li Tianlong turned off the computer and went online again.

"Wu Yong, you immediately call all the people above the low-level generals in the cottage. Call them to come to the Justice Hall, and I have something to explain. Walking out of the Juyi Hall, Li Tianlong took the lead in finding Wu Yong, the head of Tianlong Village, and instructed him to go and inform the generals of Tianlong Village.

"It's the lord.

After seeing Wu Yong turn around and leave, Li Tianlong returned to the conference room of the Juyi Hall and waited for the arrival of the generals.

After all the generals of the cottage came to the conference room, Li Tianlong cleared his throat, stood up and said to everyone: "Okay, everyone is here." Then I will talk about the tasks for the next few days. After a pause, Li Tianlong looked at the people around him, and then said: "I think everyone has also seen that in recent times, there is no more cottage for us to train troops in the Xu Wu Mountain Range, where we are located. So I decided that let's go out of the Xuwu Mountains and go to the 'Pingding Mountain' in the south. There, there will be a large number of copycats for us to attack them. "

Lord, if you want to go out to fight, you can't miss my big bull!" Before Li Tianlong finished speaking, the big bull couldn't wait to get up and shouted.

"Haha~~~ Da Niu, you can rest assured! That battle is less than you?" Li Tianlong said to him with a smile after seeing Da Niu's appearance.

"Hehe~~~ I'm just saying, I know the Lord Guild let me participate. Da Niu embarrassedly touched his head with his hand and smirked.

"Haha~~~" Da Niu's actions caused a burst of laughter from everyone.

"Ahem~ Okay, let's get down to business. After Li Tianlong laughed, he coughed and said to the people who were still laughing.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Li Tianlong continued: "Okay! Now I will announce the appointment."

After Li Tianlong finished speaking, he looked at Yan Xing and said, "Yan Ming." "

The subordinates are here. After Yan Xing heard Li Tianlong shouting his name, he immediately got up and replied.

"Command you to be the commander of this operation.

"The subordinates obeyed. "

Zhou Meng, Xiang Yong, Da Niu, Wang Chao, Wang Hu, Ma Han, Zhao Hu. Then Li Tianlong shouted the names of the seven people.

"Subordinates wait for orders. After being called by name, Zhou Meng and the others got up and bowed to Li Tianlong.

"Order the seven of you to participate in this operation and assist Yan Ming. Remember, everything is about strict commands. There must be no objection. Li Tianlong commanded the seven people.

"Remember the Lord's command. "

Yes. Li Tianlong nodded, waved his hand and motioned for the seven people to sit down, Li Tianlong continued: "This time, the distribution of soldiers is like this. A total of 55,000 soldiers were transferred from Tianlong Village, including 10,000 swordsmen, 5,000 spearmen, 8,000 archers, 10,000 high-ranking horse thieves, 10,000 snitches, and 2,000 high-level guards.

"Then 5,000 swordsmen and 3,000 archers were transferred from Xiangyun City, a total of 8,000 soldiers.

"Tianlei Village transferred 5,000 high-ranking horse thieves, 5,000 spearmen, 5,000 broadsword soldiers, and 5,000 archers, a total of 20,000 soldiers.

"Then two generals from Xiangyun City and Tianlei Village will be selected to participate in this operation together. In this way, the total number of soldiers participating in the operation was 83,000, including 12 generals of all ranks. At the same time, another 5,000 rangers will be dispatched to escort grain and grass for you under the leadership of Zhang Long and Li Daxiong. The rest of the men led the remaining soldiers to stay behind and stepped up their training. Do you understand?" After speaking, Li Tianlong looked at the surrounding generals and said.

"Yes. All the generals stood up and shouted.

"Yes. Li Tianlong nodded, and instructed Zhang Du and Li Dazhuang beside him: "In this way, Xiangyun City and Tianlei Village will be informed by Zhang Du and Li Dazhuang, the two of you." Tell them to gather at Tianlong Village after breakfast tomorrow morning. At the same time, they were instructed to tell each soldier to carry half a month's rations with him. "

It's the lord. Zhang Du and Li Dazhuang responded.

"Yes, alright. If you don't have any objections, let's go back and rest!" Li Tianlong said, waving his hand to everyone.

"The subordinates and others retired.

After Zhang Du and Li Dazhuang walked out of the Juyi Hall, they rode to Xiangyun City and Tianlei Village to deliver orders.

"Haha~~~ There's a fight, it's cool!" As soon as he walked out of the justice hall, Da Niu's big voice began to shout.

"Haha~~~ That's it! I didn't have a fight during this time, but it suffocated me to death. Now, tomorrow we can go on the expedition. I want to let the bandits in Pingdingshan see how powerful their grandfather Zhou Meng is!haha~~~ Kill!!" As soon as Da Niu's words fell, Zhou Meng on the side also laughed.

"Hehe~~~ Look at the past few days, there is no battle to fight, and I will stuff you. When the time comes, how about I order you two to be the forwards?" Yan Xing said with a smile after hearing the words of Da Niu and Zhou Meng.

"Okay!My old Zhou likes to be a striker!haha~~~"

No, there can only be one striker." How can the two of them be together? Bogong, you will give me the position of striker. When the victory returns, I will invite you to drink. After hearing Yan Xing's words, Da Niu came to Zhou Meng's side and discussed with Zhou Meng.

"No, this striker is my old Zhou. Don't rob me of any of you. Besides, isn't there any wine here? The lord has never cared about us drinking, and the wine in the wine cellar is not as much as you can have?

Hearing Zhou Meng's answer, Da Niu immediately scratched his head and scratched his ears.

"Bogong, are we good brothers, aren't we? You just give me this position as a striker, and when I come back, what do you tell me to do, I will never say anything." "

Really?" Zhou Meng asked after hearing Da Niu's words.

"Really, when did my big bull break his word. After seeing that there was hope in this matter, Da Niu kept nodding his head.

"Well, well, then you can let me think about it, and I'll give you an answer tomorrow. After Zhou Meng finished speaking, he and Xiang Yong walked towards the residence with a smile.

"Tomorrow, why tomorrow! Bogong, just give me a sentence now!" The next day, the large bandits* in Tianlong Village were on the training ground. 83,000 soldiers and 12 generals who were ready to go to battle stood on it. And Li Tianlong stood on the parade platform in front of the * training ground, doing a mobilization meeting before the battle.

"Brothers, do you want your name to be engraved in the history books and passed down through the ages?"

"Yes. "

Brothers, do you want to eat meat and drink a lot of wine in the future?"


"Do you want a lot of gold, brothers?"

"Yes. "

Brothers, do you want a lot of women?"


"Well, then you will use your actions to prove your existence, and want to get the woman I just mentioned, Gold. You can only rely on yourself, and no one else can help you. Today, you are going to set off for the battle at the 'Pingdingshan' in the west. It is your battlefield, where you can get the honor, fame, and gold and women you want. Tell me out loud, do you want to get this for yourself on the battlefield?"

"Yes. "

Very good, this is my Li Tianlong's subordinate. I will set up a feast in the cottage and wait for your victorious return. At that time, let us drink for three days!

" "Oh !!" "Long live the owner of the village!" "

Yan Ming, these brothers will be handed over to you." I hope that when you return with your brothers, they will return with their own honor.

"Don't worry, Yan Ming will not disappoint the lord.

"Yes, okay. Then you can go!, remember, send a herald to report your situation to the cottage at all times. I will also order Zhang Du and Li Dazhuang to escort grain and grass for you from time to time, so that you will have no worries and fight wholeheartedly. "

Yes, my lord. "

Yes, all right. Let's go!" Li Tianlong waved his hand.

"All of them, let's go. Yan Xing pointed in the direction of Pingdingshan and shouted, "Target 'Pingdingshan'." Kill

!!" and "kill !!" The 83,000 soldiers shouted in unison following Yan Xing's slogan.

After seeing the figures of the soldiers disappearing at the gate of the village, Li Tianlong took Zhang Du and Li Dazhuang to the granary. At the same time, find the Wu use in it.

"How is it?Wu Yong, how is the grain and grass prepared?" Li Tianlong asked Wu Yong.

"Back to the lord, it will be finished immediately. A total of 300 wagons were filled, each with 200 stone of grain. Wu Yong replied.

"That's six days' worth of food?" Li Tianlong asked.

"Yes, my lord. "

Well, it's almost enough!" The soldiers who went out on the expedition, Li Tianlong ordered each of them to carry half a month's food with them. Plus these can be eaten for 6 days, for a total of 21 days.

When the soldiers of the high-level arms go out to fight, they have to consume 6 catties of food every day.

"Zhang Long, Li Daxiong. Li Tianlong shouted to the two.

"My lord. "

Well, you will lead the rangers of the cottage to set off this afternoon, and follow the rear of the large army, one is to reinforce the grain and grass, and the other is to transport the materials that Yan Ming and their capture back to the cottage. Do you understand?" Li Tianlong said to the two of them.

"It's the lord, and the subordinates understand. The two replied.

"Well, go down and rest first, and get ready to leave in the afternoon. Li Tianlong waved his hand.

"Lord, my subordinates retire. After Zhang Long and the two left, Li Tianlong stood alone in front of the granary.

"It seems that there is not enough food! It's only been 21 days. Looking at the granary, Li Tianlong pondered in his heart.

From the Xuwu Mountains to the Pingding Mountains, it will take three days along the way. If you want to capture a medium-sized or large cottage in one day, you can farm 15 in 21 days. It's just speculation, but what accidents might happen along the way?"

Li Tianlong thought in his heart.

After thinking about it, Li Tianlong found Wu Yong again.

"Wu Yong. Li Tianlong shouted.

"Lord, is there anything else you have to explain?" Wu said.

"Yes. That's the case, I think the food may not be enough, you go to Xiangyun City and Tianlei Village to bring all the 200 stone carriages to the cottage. And fill it with food, and when the front army needs it, send it immediately. Li Tianlong nodded and ordered.

"Obey the Lord. Wu Yong responded.

"The brothers led by the lord of the second village have entered the territory of Pingdingshan last night. The forward troops led by the three village owners had already captured a small cottage on the outskirts of Pingdingshan last night. Three days later, Li Tianlong listened to the battle report in front of him in the cottage gathering hall.

"And what about our losses?" asked Li Tianlong.

"Back to my lord, we don't have any casualties. Even a few brothers were slightly injured, and they were all dressed with medicine, and there was no major problem. "

Yes, all right. You go down first, remember, whatever happens will be reported immediately. After Li Tianlong waved the scout away, he thought about his future plans alone.

"I don't know where Cheng Pu can get the task of suppressing bandits?" Li Tianlong still has a few meritorious deeds before he can be promoted to the position of 'partial general'. At that time, Li Tianlong will be able to lead an additional 4,000 archers.

Thinking of it, Li Tianlong immediately walked to the stable and took out the big black horse, and after telling Wu Yong to take care of the cottage, Li Tianlong took two rangers on the road.

After coming to Xu Wu County, Li Tianlong did not go to Xu Wu Inn first to fight as before, but led two ranger guards to go straight to the county governor's mansion.

"Brother Cheng, I wonder if the task of suppressing bandits has begun?" After seeing Cheng Pu, Li Tianlong immediately asked.

"Back to the lord, Xu Wuxian's task of suppressing bandits is not open. Cheng Pu replied.

"No, why?" asked Li Tianlong.

"I heard from the people above that it seems to be a quota for the imperial court, and the number of bandits in each county is the same, otherwise everyone will have a lot of contributions by then, so it is not easy to do business in the court. Cheng Pu explained.

"How can this be! My partial general! My 40,000 cavalry archers!" After Li Tianlong heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry!

At present, Li Tianlong's official position has not yet reached the fifth rank, and when he is a partial general, he will be a fifth-rank official position. Li Tianlong's idea is to slowly rise to the third grade in the future. Even if you can't be promoted to the third rank, you can be promoted to the fourth rank of official position. In that case, you can subdue the generals during the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

The size of the official position is very important for the subjugation of military generals. If you are a big official, the generals will come to you for refuge. Because many generals are reckless, they don't care how talented you are, as long as you have strength, they will take refuge in you.

Just like Liu Bei, the 'big-eared thief' in history, apart from the earliest Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, where are there any other generals! Even Zhao Yun also took refuge in Liu Bei under the hypocrisy of the big-eared thief. At the beginning, Zhao Yun was unwilling to be at Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zhan, and Liu Bei's hypocrisy made the young Zhao Yun swear allegiance.

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