At this moment, his subordinates reported that Su Shuang was coming.

Li Tianlong called him over.

"Haha, Master Li hasn't seen you for a while, don't come to harm's fine.

"Shopkeeper Su, it's not just something about coming from afar, it's not just to come to see me. Li Tianlong looked at Su Shuang as if he had something to say.

"I still can't hide it from Lord Li, then I won't hide it from you, it's like this that I have observed that Lord Li is a person who does great things, and I want to take refuge in you. Su Shuang had no choice but to tell the truth at this time.

Listening to Su Shuang's words, Li Tianlong's eyes lit up, who is Su Shuang, that is the cattle who funded Liu Bei, and he is not welcome to come to take refuge, so he said.

"Haha... Since Shopkeeper Su trusts me so much, rest assured that I will not disappoint your expectations. At

this time, the system prompted "Player Li Tianlong recovered the historical merchant Su Shuang, loyalty 85, special reward player charm +5"

Seeing that Su Shuang is still full of loyalty.

"Lord," Su Shuang shouted.

Seeing that Li Tianlong had accepted another talent, Yang Du thought that such a lord would be good, so he congratulated.

"Congratulations, the lord has another talent. "

Haha, it's good to come to Yang Du, this time you will cooperate more to the grassland to make a lot of money.

"Yes, my lord.

When they went out, Li Tianlong thought that it would be better to go to Luoyang as soon as possible. Li Tianlong stayed in Tianlong Village for two days, and on the morning of the third day, Li Tianlong took Zhou Meng, Xiang Yong and 200 ranger guards to ride south and go to Luoyang, the capital division.

And everything in Tianlong Village is managed by Ping Xuechang and Wu Yong, Xiangyun City is managed by Su Xiaoxiao, Xu Wuxian is managed by Dangyin, Tian Yu and Cheng Pu.

Along the way, Li Tianlong took Zhou Meng, Xiang Yong and others on a tour of the mountains and rivers along the way. Li Tianlong has not been out of the door so far since he started the game. I haven't really grasped the true charm of Conquest yet.

Originally, I wanted to be a big vulture, but I didn't think about the swagger, and I had to ride a horse if it didn't meet the low-key development.

Nowadays, many elderly people have entered the game of Conquest, just to experience this real magic of nature that cannot be experienced in reality.

Within a month, Li Tianlong took Zhou Meng, Xiang Yong and others to the outside of Luoyang City.

Li Tianlong stood under the city of Luoyang, looking at the only systematic imperial city in China, and was amazed.

Covering an area of more than 2,000 square kilometers and a total population of more than 20 million, this is not only in China, but also in those areas of foreign countries, there is no second imperial city as big as Luoyang City. Luoyang City is currently the largest and most majestic city in the game.

The walls of Luoyang City alone are breathtaking. The Son of Heaven is the honor of the ninety-five, and he pays attention to the number of ninety-nine. Therefore, the city wall of Luoyang City is as high as nine zhang and nine feet and nine inches high, which is in line with the number of ninety-nine. And the walls of Luoyang City are all made of hard granite boulders. The megalithic walls stretched to both sides along with the city gates. Li Tianlong felt that he was so small in front of the walls of Luoyang City.

The whole Luoyang City is divided into three parts: the outer city, the middle city and the inner city. The inner city is where the palace of today's prince is located, with a total area of 9981 square kilometers, and 72 concubines of today's son and three palaces and six courtyards are inhabited during this period. The city covers an area of 600 square kilometers, and it is inhabited by the dignitaries of the imperial court and the most luxurious entertainment venues in Beijing. Further outward, there is the outer city, where the ordinary people of Jingshi live.

The most elite army of the entire Han Dynasty guarding Luoyang City, the ultimate army of the Han Dynasty, the Yulin Army and the Tiger Army, as well as the five captains of the Northern Army, and the twelve city gate soldiers, with a total strength of tens of millions. These most elite and powerful soldiers of the Han Dynasty were not only responsible for defending Luoyang, but they also had the heavy responsibility of conquering the rebellion of the whole country.

Li Tianlong looked at such a majestic city in front of him, and with the tens of millions of elite soldiers of the Han Dynasty, it was hard to imagine how many troops it would take to capture the largest imperial city in the game.

Historically, Luoyang City was roughly a rectangle long from north to south and short from east to west. "Imperial Century" said that Luoyang "six miles from east to west and eleven steps, nine miles from north to south and one hundred steps", so it is commonly known as "ninety-six cities". Luoyang City is surrounded by 12 city gates, and the city gate captain and Sima and other officials are in charge, and each gate is set up with a "Hou" person, who is responsible for guarding the affairs of the city gate. The location and name of the city gate are: the east city wall from north to south is the upper east gate, the middle east gate, and the Wangjing gate (also known as the Yang Gate), and the south city wall from east to west is the Kaiyang Gate, the Ping City Gate (also known as the Ping Gate), the Yuan Gate (also known as the Xiaoyuan Gate), and the Jin Gate (also known as the Jinyang Gate). Among them, the Pingcheng Gate was originally the palace gate, and the Tun Sima was placed without a marquis, and the emperor entered and exited from this gate more, and was the most honorable among the gates. From south to north, the west city wall is Guangyang Gate, Yongmen, and Upper West Gate. Among them, the upper west gate is decorated with red lacquer, with copper and jade balance, to Qi Qizheng. From west to east, the north wall is the summer gate and the valley gate. There are pavilions at the twelve city gates.

The economic activity centers of Luoyang City are mainly concentrated in three cities, namely Jinshi, Mashi and Nanshi. The big city is called Jinshi, which is in the middle of the city, the south city is in the south of the city, and the horse market is in the east of the city. The gold market is in the western part of the city, the horse market is on the main road outside the East Gate, and the South City is on the bank of the Luo River in the south of the city, on the main road outside the Jinmen. The three cities all occupy advantageous geographical advantages and prosperous commerce, and are the three major business districts of Luoyang City.

Li Tianlong led everyone into the city, and what came into view was a bluestone avenue with a width of ninety-nine zhang. From the outer city to the middle city and the inner city where the Son of Heaven lived. On both sides of Bluestone Avenue are commercial facilities such as shops, hotels, inns and teahouses.

Watching the endless stream of people coming and going in it, the street and alley are all performing with big knives, broken stones and spears. After walking into the outer city of Luoyang City, Li Tianlong took Zhou Meng, Xiang Yong and others to take a look here and there, and they all felt very fresh.

Li Tianlong lives in modern times, and has never seen ancient Ming art acrobatics such as those chest crushing stones and top spears. So as soon as I entered Luoyang City, I was fascinated by those various acrobatics.

And Zhou Meng, Xiang Yong and the others came to Luoyang City for the first time, and they wanted to see what Luoyang City was like.

Stopping and stopping along the way, it took Li Tianlong and the others half a day to walk to the gate of Zhongcheng.

Facing the obstruction of the guards, Li Tianlong lit up the title representing his official position in his attribute column. When the soldiers guarding the gate saw Li Tianlong's name on it, they immediately bowed down and retreated to the side, making way for Li Tianlong and the others.

At this time, Li Tianlong found a servant and took them to the official post station.

Li Tianlong led Zhou Meng, Xiang Yong, and 200 ranger guards under the leadership of the official in front. Continue walking south.

"My lord, this is the station. Let's lead the adults in. Your Excellency, your place is right here. After Li Tianlong and the others followed the official to an inn, the official stopped and said to Li Tianlong.

"Yes. Li Tianlong looked at the word 'post station' on the door and nodded.

Under the leadership of the officer, Li Tianlong and the others walked into the post station.

"My lord, this is where my lord lived during his mission in the capital. After leading Li Tianlong and the others into the post station, the official came to the door of a small courtyard behind the post station and said to Li Tianlong.

Li Tianlong looked up through the open courtyard door, nodded with satisfaction, and said to the official with a smile: "Thank you, brother officer, I am very satisfied here." It's a little money, ask the brother for a little wine. Saying that, Li Tianlong took out 5 taels of silver from his backpack and handed it to the officer.

The official looked at the five taels of silver in his hand, and his eyes were full of greed.

"Thank you for the reward, if you have any instructions in the future, please tell the villain, the villain is in the post station. After quickly putting the silver in his hand into his sleeve, the official bowed to Li Tianlong flatteringly.

"Okay, I'll have to worry about my brother in the future. Li Tianlong said with a smile.

"The adults don't have to be polite, if there is nothing to do, the villain will retire first. The official bowed to Li Tianlong and said.

"Well, brother, let's go and get busy with the rest first! I'll send someone to call you if there's anything going on. Li Tianlong said.

After the official left, Li Tianlong led everyone into the small courtyard.

"Lord, there are so many of our brothers who can't live here!" Zhou Meng looked at the room in the small courtyard and said to Li Tianlong.

"Yes, my lord, I think this place can only accommodate about 20 people. Xiang Yong on the side echoed.

"Well, just leave 10 brothers in this small courtyard. The other brothers will ask Zhao Da to lead them out and find an inn to rest later!" Li Tianlong listened to the words of the two and nodded and said.

"Then my lord, where do we live with Ziwu?" Listening to Li Tianlong's words, Zhou Meng on the side asked Li Tianlong.

"Haha~~~ Of course you and Ziwu live here!" Li Tianlong said to Zhou Meng with a smile.

Listening to Li Tianlong's words, Zhou Meng smiled on the side.

In the small courtyard where Li Tianlong and others live, there is a rockery and a small artificial lake. There are several willows planted around the artificial lake, and the weeping willows are still clinging, and the scenery is very beautiful.

The turquoise lake, the tender green lotus leaves, the pink lotus flowers, the freshly sprouted willow leaves.

It is worthy of being the residence of the Han Dynasty to entertain the envoys of various ethnic groups outside the Saiwai and the envoys of various counties, which is really luxurious!

After arranging the room, Li Tianlong saw that it was already early, so he ordered Zhou Meng and the others to go out to eat together.

Early the next morning, Li Tianlong walked to Zhang Rang's mansion outside the palace with antiques, calligraphy and paintings that he wanted to bribe Zhang Rang and other ten permanent servants.

The ten permanent servants refer to Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, Xia Yun, Guo Sheng, Sun Zhang, Bi Lan, Li Song, Duan Qi, Gao Wang, Zhang Gong, Han Kui, Song Dian and other twelve eunuchs. They all serve as regular attendants. It was a famous eunuch group in the Eastern Han Dynasty at that time. Known as the "Ten Standing Servants", its leaders are Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong. They played Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty in the palm of their hands, so much so that Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty often said that "Zhang Changshi is my father, and Zhao Changshi is my mother". Their fathers, brothers, and children are all over the world, rampant in the countryside, harming the people, and no official dares to manage them.

In the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the ten permanent servants refer to Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, Feng Zhen, Duan Qi, Cao Jie, Hou Lan, Cheng Kuang, Jian Shuo, Xia Yun, and Guo Sheng.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world-famous 'Xiyuan Selling Officials' was an official exchange, with a clear price and open selling officials. This was instigated and led by Zhang Rang and other eunuchs. In order to better please Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, the Ten Standing Servants ordered people to build the "Naked Tour Hall", "Liuxiang Canal", "Gongzhong City" and other places in the West Garden for Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty to collect money and enjoy themselves.

Who did Emperor Ling of Han trust the most? It was not the three princes and nine kings in the court, not his children, or his empresses and nobles, but the ten permanent attendants headed by Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the group of ten permanent eunuchs headed by Zhang Rang dominated the dynasty and dominated the world. He went from being a miscellaneous eunuch in the palace to gradually climbing to the chief eunuch of the regular attendant. He "transgressed" the dynasty system and built his manor higher than the palace, and was afraid that Emperor Ling would find out, so he tried to deceive Emperor Ling with "the Son of Heaven cannot ascend, and he will suffer a catastrophe if he ascends", and Emperor Ling of Han was convinced that he had something to say, and he kept claiming that Zhang Rang was his father, which shows Zhang Rang's status by Emperor Ling of Han.

Among the eunuchs in Chinese history, Li Tianlong felt that only the 'Zhao Gao' in the Qin Dynasty and the 'Wei Zhongxian' in the Ming Dynasty could be compared. Coming to Zhang Rang's mansion, Li Tianlong looked at the guards at his door. All high-level troops, ironclad pikemen. This scene is really magnificent.

"Where did Diao Min come from, dare to wander around outside Marquis Zhang's manor? As soon as Li Tianlong approached, one of the guards of Zhang Rang's mansion shouted to Li Tianlong.

"This big brother, I'm from Youzhou. I want to see your lord, and I have something important to discuss. This is my prayer post. As he spoke, Li Tianlong took out the visit post that had been prepared from his backpack and handed it to the guard. There are also 5 taels of silver that Li Tianlong took out at the bottom of the post.

The guard held the post handed by Li Tianlong in one hand, and reached under the post with the other hand to pinch the ingot of silver given by Li Tianlong, and immediately smiled at Li Tianlong and said: "The villain has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, it turns out to be General Li! Please wait a moment, the villain will go in and report to my family Marquis Zhang." "

Looking at the performance of this guard, Li Tianlong had to sigh that it was really 'Hades is good, but the little ghost is difficult'! Li Tianlong

waited outside for a while, and the guard who had just entered ran out from inside.

"My lord, my Marquis Zhang invites your lord in.

Following the guard, Li Tianlong walked into Zhang Rang's manor. After seven turns and eight turns, Li Tianlong finally met Zhang Rang, the head of the famous ten permanent servants in Chinese history.

When Li Tianlong saw Zhang Rang, his appearance was that of a kind old man, and everyone knew the sinister in his heart at that time.

"Xiaguan Youzhou County ordered Li Tianlong to meet Marquis Zhang. Li Tianlong said to Zhang Rang.

"Hehe~~~ General Li doesn't have to be polite. As far as we know, General Li is the best among the 'other people'!" Zhang Rang said to Li Tianlong with a smile.

"Marquis Zhang has won the award, and the lower officials are lucky. Li Tianlong said.

"Haha~~~ General Li is really modest. Get your seat. Smiling, Zhang Rang led Li Tianlong to sit down.

After taking a seat, Li Tianlong took out the calligraphy, painting and antiques that had been prepared from his backpack and handed them to Zhang Rang.

"Hou Ye Zhang, just a little courtesy, I hope Hou Ye Zhang smiles. "

What are these?" asked Zhang Rang, as a result of the calligraphy, paintings, and antiques handed over by Li Tianlong, suspiciously.

"Tang Bohu's "Mountain Road Pine Sound Map" and Wang Xizhi's "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface"?" Seeing the two paintings and calligraphy, Zhang Rang made a greedy voice.

Li Tianlong listened to Zhang Rang's cry and smiled secretly in his heart.

"This, this, this is the sword of King Goujian?" Zhang Rang took the short sword in his hand and looked at Li Tianlong and asked.

"Yes, Marquis Zhang. This is the famous Yue Wang Sword. Li Tianlong said to Zhang Rang with a smile.

"Okay, these are priceless treasures! General Li, since you have sent so many valuable treasures to our family. There must be something that needs our help, right? General Li just said that. Zhang Rang greedily stroked the Yue Wang Sword in his hand with his hand, and asked Li Tianlong with a smile.

"Hehe~~~ Hou Ye Zhang, Xia Guan just wants to ask Hou Ye Zhang to give a few good words to the emperor today. Xia Guan also wants to be a big official!" Li Tianlong said to Zhang Rang with a smile.

"Haha~~~ Okay, what's the big deal for General Li to give such a precious gift! I didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter! Please rest assured General Li, it's wrapped around our family. Zhang Rang laughed and said, at first, Zhang Rang was still worried that Li Tianlong gave him so many priceless treasures because he wanted him to do something important that would harm the interests of the Han Dynasty!

"That Ziyun has thanked Hou Ye Zhang in advance. Li Tianlong said.

"Haha~~~" Zhang Rang laughed.

"That, Master Hou... Li Tianlong said and looked at Zhang Rang.

"Hehe~~~ General Li rest assured, this matter is on our family. Our family guarantees that General Li will be a high-ranking official. Zhang Rang laughed at this Li Tianlong.

"Then the lower official will thank Hou Ye Zhang. Li Tianlong arched his hand.

"Hehe~~~ Don't worry! Come and drink tea, this tea is the best ginseng tea that the emperor rewarded our family, and it has a lot of benefits for the body. General Lee tasted it. Saying that, Zhang Rang held up the teacup and said to Li Tianlong.

"Master Xie. Li Tianlong picked up the teacup and took a sip. Fuck, this tastes different! Corruption!!

After Li Tianlong sat at Zhang Rang's place for a while, he got up and said goodbye to Zhang Rang and left.

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