Online Game: Barbarism And Civilization

Chapter 1038 Pure Player War (2)

Seeing Ning Yuan following his own rhythm, the smile on Ye Ziqing's face became more brilliant, he gently shook the feather fan and said:

"No problem, the live broadcast area is only limited to the Hekou County area, and the duel between the player corps is also limited to the Hekou County area. Yuanjiang and Hekou County are not included.

Ning Yuan, since we are going to have a pure battle between players, and the players on both sides of the battle are basically men, how about a war between men instead of Tathagata? "

After Ning Yuan agreed to broadcast live and fight a war in which only the player participated in the war, Ye Ziqing's fox tail gradually emerged.

"What is a war between men? Isn't our current war a war between men?"

Ning Yuan knew that Ye Ziqing must have suffocated a lot of bad farts, but he really didn't bother to figure out what the other party's purpose was. He was going to wait for the other party to reveal his true intentions before he could act accordingly.

Shaking the feather fan lightly, Ye Ziqing replied: "A real man must be full of passion, go forward courageously, and have the spirit of chivalry that will never give up.

Real men disdain to attack the enemy from behind, disdain to hide behind the crowd and release cold arrows secretly.

A real man must enjoy the collision between iron and blood, flesh and flesh, and crush all enemies with absolute strength.

Ning Yuan, I know that your Condor Empire occupies the Hualong Pond. Players can be randomly transformed into various races. Many domestic players think that the players of your Condor Empire are the strongest players in overall strength.

Although our China Guild Alliance does not have the natural wonders of Hualongchi similar to the BUG, ​​and cannot provide the alliance’s players with the convenience of transforming into different races, the players who join our alliance are the real elites in China.

Even if the players of your Condor Empire can easily acquire some more powerful races, in terms of real strength, the players of our alliance are better.

We think that the players of your condor empire are just mere appearances, not worthy of the title of the strongest player army, so we have to fight with you a war between men only, and let you lose convinced.

How about it? Do you dare to wage a war with us only between men and decide the real strongest?

If you are scared, it doesn't matter. In the future, as long as your Condor Empire players stop on the forum, we will never laugh at you. "

At the end, Ye Ziqing smiled and looked at the Dragon Army players behind Ning Yuan, his eyes full of provocation.

"Ye Ziqing, you have a little white face, and you have the ability. Now let's have a fight between men only. How about daddy giving you a hand? Who counsels who is a dog."

"I'm pooh, does daddy need you to assess whether or not daddy is a man? Or go home and let your wife come and assess whether daddy is a man or not!"

"Little white face, not good-natured, if you have the ability to fight for a while, don't hide behind, and watch daddy not crush your eggs by then."


In the face of Ye Ziqing's naked provocation, Ning Yuan hadn't even spoken to fight back, and the Tenglong Army players behind him directly cursed and sent cordial greetings to Ye Ziqing's family.

Seeing that Ye Ziqing did not become irritated by the verbal abuse of the Dragon Army players, but he continued to stand there with a smile just like an okay person, Ning Yuan immediately reached out to stop the verbal abuse from the Dragon Army players behind him.

Hey, the old white face of Ye Ziqing is worthy of being an old fritters who have been intriguing all the time. It only took a few words to get around himself, and then used the radical method to successfully anger the players of the Dragon Army. Now even if he can't think of it No agreement is allowed.

Biting his lower lip with his teeth, Ning Yuan said in a deep voice, "Okay, isn't it just a fight between men?

I agree. If one party uses the long-range attack first, the player of which party will never be raised.

Ye Ziqing, if you want to be a man, please hurry up and ask for any other requirements. Don't be like a lady, chirping, you can't hold a fart for a long time. "

After knowing that he was calculated by Ye Ziqing, Ning Yuan's words also began to be stabbed. He knew that he could not calculate the old white face of Ye Ziqing, so he began to disgust the other party with words and vent his anger.

As if he hadn't heard the irony in Ning Yuan's words, Ye Ziqing still looked like a Pian Pianjia son, "The rest is about the distribution of live broadcast income, and the honor should belong to the winner.

Ning Yuan, let’s stop discussing the distribution ratio. How about which party wins and which party monopolizes all the income of this live broadcast? "

"No problem, it's up to you, are there other things? Hurry up and apply for the live broadcast, and then start playing." Ning Yuan looked impatient.

"Okay, I am like Nuwa god-tier applying for live broadcast, wait a moment."

After speaking, Ye Ziqing opened the virtual panel and started to operate.

About ten minutes later, Nuwa's voice suddenly rang in the ears of all the players in China.

When the players learned that Nuwa god-tier was going to broadcast live on the war between the China Guild League and the Condor Empire, all the players put aside the things in their hands, immediately opened the virtual panel, and began to watch attentively.

After waiting for a few minutes, Ye Ziqing immediately reiterated the agreement with Ning Yuan in front of all China players, and asked all the players in China to give them a testimony.

When the players who watched the live broadcast learned that the two forces were going to fight a war that only belonged to the players, and that it was still the kind of close hand-to-hand combat, the players' emotions were immediately mobilized.

The blood in many people began to become restless, hoping that both sides could bring them a visual feast.

Since this live broadcast only faces players in China, players in other countries cannot watch through the video function on the virtual panel, so those China players in the world of adventurers immediately became popular.

In order to watch this battle in China, many foreign players in Adventurer World have paid to purchase viewing rights, allowing those China players who can watch live broadcasts to share their own virtual panels with them and watch them with them.

Watching a live broadcast is only a dime per hour, which is already very cheap, even if you watch it all day, you can’t spend a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, now not only does not need to spend money, but can also make a fortune.

So some business-minded China players immediately prepared peanuts, melon seeds, and mineral water, and started a small business in the adventurer's world. Everyone was eating melon seeds while watching the live broadcast.

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