Online Game: Barbarism And Civilization

Chapter 1069 Pure Player War (33) Combo

"Your Majesty, if the target person is found, do I need to click them off?"

Hearing that Ning Yuan asked himself to search for the three hidden Dragon Terran warriors, Yao Jingyun immediately made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Shaking his head gently, Ning Yuan vetoed: "No, you just need to remember their looks, and then tell their location to the nearby Seraphim army. At that time, Seraphim scouts will take over for you to monitor them. Every move.

You must bear in mind that the three enemy dragon warriors are just a potential threat to us, and you, as the fifth demon shadow, are even more important to our Condor Empire.

It doesn't matter whether you can find the three Dragon Warriors or not in this mission, but your identity must not be revealed. Remember, everything must be your own safety.

Also, as the demon shadow messenger of the Demon Shadow Pavilion, you must learn to restrain your own murderous aura, because some people are very sensitive to danger. As long as you leak a little murderous aura, they can immediately perceive that there is danger. Befall.

Therefore, you must treat each task as a trial, and exercise your hidden abilities at all times. Only when you are fully grown, I can rest assured to give you more important tasks. "

Seeing Yao Jingyun's murderous aura unintentionally and his eagerness to make a contribution, Ning Yuan immediately began to correct it.

"Thank your Majesty for correcting me. Jingyun understands. Please rest assured, Jingyun will not disappoint his majesty."

After feeling Ning Yuan's respect for own from his words, Yao Jingyun thanked her for showing her loyalty again.

Holding up the demon Jingyun who was kneeling on one knee with both hands, Ning Yuan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Today you should not have much demonization time left, so today you will stay in the camp and take a good rest. Wait for tomorrow to sneak back.

Well, you go down and rest first, I have to return to the front line to direct the battle. "

"Your Majesty Xie is compassionate, Jingyun retire!"

After Chao Ningyuan bowed and saluted, Yao Jingyun turned and exited the camp.

After watching the demon Jingyun leave, Ning Yuan's eyes immediately became fierce. He kept pacing in the camp, thinking about how to deal with the China Guild Alliance's conspiracy against own.

From the information brought back by Yao Jingyun, it can be known that the China Guild Alliance was prepared this time. They have prepared several sets of plans. After the current set of plans have failed, they are ready to show the last one. A hole card.

If there is no such agreement with Ye Ziqing, let alone a three-headed player dragon, even if it is 30, Ning Yuan would not put it in his eyes, because the current Eagle Empire Flying Corps is not afraid of the so-called. Dragon Legion.

As long as those giant dragons dared to show up, then Ning Yuan would kill them. It was not the first time that he slayed a dragon. He had a wealth of experience in slaying dragons against giant dragons.

However, at this time, even if he knows that the China Guild Alliance is going to play Yin with him, he can't start to be strong, because the dragon players before they become dragons are indeed not in the flying unit, and those who did not use the owl. The same is true for the human player of the Owl conversion scroll.

Moreover, before the dragon human players were transformed into dragons, there was no difference between them and ordinary human players. As long as they did not actively release the dragon scales on their bodies, no one would be able to know their true identity.

This is also one of the main reasons why Ning Yuan wanted to prevent Yao Jingyun from carrying out the assassination, because Ye Ziqing and others would definitely protect the three Dragonoid players the most thorough, and Yao Jingyun might not be able to find their true bodies.The current situation is that if Ning Yuan does not want to violate the agreement first, then he can only passively wait, waiting for the China Association to attack first, and then he waits for the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

However, being passively beaten is not Ning Yuan's style. Besides, he is not confident enough to escape from the combined encirclement of the three player dragons and ascend to heaven.

Especially after hearing that Ye Ziqing wanted one of the giant player dragons to chew himself up, Ning Yuan didn't even dare to take the risk.

Because if he accidentally died, after losing his command, Hekou County might really be attacked by the China Guild Alliance.

It's not that he didn't believe in the commanding ability of Tang Yu and Yan Qing and others, but that they simply couldn't command Ning Yuan's direct-line Condor Army troops.

Because Ning Yuan has never let go of the power of the players for the command of the direct legions, and he does not want to delegate power to the players, this is his bottom line and cannot be overstepped.

The reason why he refuses to delegate power is actually not that he refuses to believe in Tang Yu and Yan Qing, but as a generation of emperors, he must have his own legion. Only in this way can he control the other legions that have been fighting abroad all the year round. .

If anyone can command his descendant legion, he will fall into an extremely passive situation once someone wants to harm him, and it may even cause the huge Condor Empire to fall apart in a short period of time.

These things were told by Tang Yu to Ning Yuan, because the Silver Star Elf Empire is a lesson for the past. If it weren’t for Elf King Cameron’s large-scale decentralization, no one would dare to deal with Cameron even with the intervention of major guild players. Secretly.

Although the situation of the Condor Empire is much better than that of the Silver Star Elf Empire, after Ning Yuan begins to recruit players on a large scale, he will also face the threat of player forces.

In order to prevent the tragedy of the Silver Star Elf Empire from repeating in the Condor Empire, Ning Yuan must divide the player power and the aboriginal power into two, and absolutely prohibit players from encroaching on the aboriginal army of the Condor Empire.

In order to set an example for those players who joined the Condor Empire, and to prevent players from making irresponsible remarks, Tang Yu took the initiative to abandon the Silver Pegasus Knights that belonged to the original Silver Star Elf Empire under his command. , Giving his command to Ning Yuan completely.

Although the Aboriginal Army of the Condor Empire and the Tamron Army composed of players often fight side by side, in many cases they are actually led by the generals of the Aboriginal Army, and the Tamron Army only cooperates.

And when Ning Yuan came to Hekou County this time, there were no Aboriginal generals beside him, only Tang Yu and Yan Qing and other Tenglong Army player generals, so Ning Yuan himself, as the co-commander of the Aboriginal Army and the Tenglong Army There must be no mistakes.

If Ning Yuan himself, as the highest commander, cannot make any mistakes, then after he learns of the conspiracy of Ye Ziqing and others, he will no longer be able to lead his troops to kill the enemy himself, because he is not sure that he will be able to kill the enemy. The head player escaped alive under the joint encirclement and suppression of giant dragons.

However, if he no longer fights to kill the enemy suddenly, then Ye Ziqing and others will definitely have doubts. The Yao Jingyun lurking into the enemy camp is likely to be in danger, because when he is no longer in battle, Ye Ziqing and others will be in danger. It will definitely be suspected for the first time that someone has leaked the information of the final insurance plan.

What excuse should I find for not going to battle in person, and then not being suspicious by Ye Ziqing and others?

After learning that Ye Ziqing and others specially prepared a lore for himself, Ning Yuan immediately thought of a strategy that could drag the player army of the China Guild Alliance here, but if he wanted to implement this strategy, he had to It is necessary to prevent Ye Ziqing and others from being suspicious.

As long as Ye Ziqing and others didn't know that Ning Yuan had understood their conspiracy, they would always have hope.

As long as they still have hope, their player army will stay here, waiting for an opportunity to launch the ultimate move.


After pacing back and forth for half an hour in the camp, Ning Yuan's mind suddenly flashed, and he thought of a good way to keep Ye Ziqing and the others from being suspicious.

After working out a solution, Ning Yuan immediately left the camp and returned to the battlefield.

After returning to the battlefield, Ning Yuan did not show any signs, and directly led a guard army waiting there to kill again.

Just like the previous few times, after rushing forward for a certain distance, Ning Yuan led the guards and turned again and killed the enemy horizontally.

Ning Yuan, who returned to the battlefield, was still invincible and unstoppable. No player from the China Guild Alliance could stop Ning Yuan from charging forward.

Just when the players watching the game thought that Ning Yuan would continue to fight in this way, and eventually destroy the player army of the China Guild Alliance, Ning Yuan suddenly stopped killing.

"MD, there isn't a decent opponent, it's really boring, Lin Xiao, let's go back, lest people say that we are bullying the small and not winning.

Brothers, I'll go back and prepare food and drinks for you first, and these Chinese guild alliances will be handed over to you. "

After stopping, Ning Yuan suddenly yelled without beginning and ending, and then immediately walked back with the fire axe.

Seeing that Ning Yuan was finally getting tired of killing him, Lin Xiao finally let out a sigh of relief, and then followed up.

Different from Ning Yuan's stamina, Lin Xiao was already sweating profusely at this time.

Having accompanied Ning Yuan on the battle to kill the enemy many times, Lin Xiao's physical strength had already been exhausted. At this time, Ning Yuan took the initiative to withdraw and he was in line with him. If he continued to fight, he really didn't know whether he could go back alive today.


Seeing that Ning Yuan suddenly led people back to the base camp of the Dragon Army, and then never returned to the battlefield, Ye Ziqing and others, who were always watching Ning Yuan's every move, immediately frowned.

"Come here, immediately send a team of people to the front line to find out why Ning Yuan suddenly withdrew?"

Ye Ziqing and others were also preparing to launch a decapitation tactic against Ning Yuan and then implement the final insurance plan. Now Ning Yuan suddenly withdrew, immediately disrupting their next overall plan.

So in order to find out, they immediately sent someone to the front line to find out what happened there just now.

"Report to the chairman. Just now, Ning Yuan suddenly said that there was no decent opponent. This battle was boring, and then he returned with the guards who followed him."

Soon, several players who went to inquire about intelligence brought back detailed intelligence to Ye Ziqing and others.

Hearing that Ning Yuan was war-weary because of the loneliness of the master, Ye Ziqing and the others immediately looked at each other and felt very speechless.

"Chairman Ye, if Ning Yuan never goes to battle in person again, will our final insurance plan still be implemented?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Huang Zihua, who was more curious, broke the silence first.

Taking a look at Huang Zihua, Ye Ziqing shook his head and replied: "This final insurance plan was specifically formulated for Ning Yuan. If Ning Yuan is no longer in battle, then this plan will have no medium to start.As a master who can determine the trend of the battle, Ning Yuan even said that he would not fight if he didn't fight. How could he get him to go into battle again? "

Ye Ziqing never dreamed that Ning Yuan would be tired of fighting because of the loneliness of the master. After answering Huang Zihua's question, he couldn't help but mutter.

"In fact, the inability to activate the final insurance plan is not necessarily bad news for us."

Just as Ye Ziqing was muttering there, a voice suddenly sounded, and everyone walked around and found that the person who had just spoken was Dongfang Ming.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Dongfang Ming smiled faintly, and said, "The main reason why we have to implement the final insurance plan is because Ning Yuan personally took part in the battle, because none of our players is Ning Yuan’s opponent. , So I had to start the final insurance plan.

Now Ning Yuan is war-weary because of the loneliness of the master, and all the factors that were unfavorable to us before have disappeared.

Without the threat of Ning Yuan, our player army and the Tamron Army are back on the same starting line. Even if the final insurance plan cannot be activated, we can also defeat the Tamron Army with other tactics.

Although this final insurance plan cannot be activated this time, it can be kept as our killer. When Ning Yuan personally puts on the battle, we will execute this plan to kill him.

If we can defeat the Tamron Army without using this final insurance plan, then it will be easier for us to get the favor of those neutral players who watch the game. I believe that after seeing our outstanding performance, they will definitely be more willing to invest in our arms. "

After listening to Dongfang Ming's explanation, Ye Ziqing shook his head, and said, "But I'm afraid we just gained some advantage. That guy from Ning Yuan who played cards according to common sense immediately went out again with his team.

Just like before, we finally managed to break through the Dragon Army's big formation through a series of tactics, but Ning Yuan just led people to rush and kill a few times, and the advantage we finally gained disappeared immediately.

If he continues to be so erratic, it will be difficult for us to achieve too much breakthrough. "

Hearing Ye Ziqing's worry, Dongfang Ming's expression also became solemn. He pondered for a moment and suddenly said, "If Ning Yuan is really capricious, then we can only risk implementing the final insurance plan.

At that time, as long as he personally enters the battle, we will immediately send the three players of the dragon race to execute the beheading plan on him. "

"Is that too risky?

If it is too close to the base camp of the Dragon Army, Ning Yuan will most likely escape back, and after being transformed into a dragon, the three player dragons will also face the siege of the Silver Pegasus knights.

Once the three player dragons are killed by the Silver Pegasus knights, it will have a huge impact on our next tough plan. After all, their mission is not only to kill Ning Yuan, but we will take the three of them. The absolute main force for the downfall.

So if the safety of the three of them cannot be guaranteed, then I would rather choose not to implement this final insurance plan. "

Seeing Dongfang Ming's aggressive progress, Ye Ziqing immediately raised an objection.

"Then what if Ning Yuan is always erratic? Are we going to stalemate here with him all the time?

You have to know that if the stalemate persists, we must be the first to be unable to hold on. "

Seeing Ye Ziqing's opposition to own proposal, Dongfang Ming immediately raised Ye Ziqing's previous concerns.

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