Online Game: Barbarism And Civilization

Chapter 505 Herd Niwa (two in one)

After entering India, the Chinese coalition forces have been invincible all the way under the rising momentum.

Under the leadership of Ning Yuan, the vanguard army successively defeated three blocking armies composed of Indian players and captured all the towns along the way.

After a short rest, Ning Yuan led the vanguard to the town of Hardwani, a major town in northern India.

Facing the Indian player standing on the wall, Ning Yuan hesitated.

Their expeditionary force came to India purely for sightseeing, because they did not carry any siege equipment except for some food and grass.

If it is some low town, they can also use their strength to attack.

But if there is no siege equipment in a strong city like Herdniwa, they will have to use their lives to fill it up.

Ning Yuan wanted to bypass Heldeniva and attack those towns without any protection. Anyway, they came here to prepare to burn, kill, and looting. Where is the looting instead of looting? Why smash with the enemy under the wall.

What Ning Yuan is best at is the field battle. In the field battle, he can lead the players to tear open the enemy's defense line with his strong personal strength.

In the siege battle, his strength was not only severely suppressed, but the mithril armor of his whole body could not bring him the protection he deserved, so he was unwilling to take this risk. The city is handed over to the main army behind.

He hasn't grabbed the beautiful Aryan girl yet, so he doesn't want to end this trip to India so soon.

When Ning Yuan put forward his own suggestion, the players of the vanguard immediately expressed strong opposition.

The players thought that the previous battles were all small fights, and it was not interesting. Now they have finally met a decent opponent, and they don't want to just give up to those behind.

As the vanguard, they must be famous as a player in the China area, so they must capture the city of Heldniwa.

At first, Ning Yuan also thought that the players must attack Heldeniva for the reputation of the vanguard. For this reason, he was very ashamed for his own little selfishness.

The task of the vanguard army is to clear the obstacles for the large forces behind, and as the top commander of the vanguard army, he only wants to pinch the persimmon, which is indeed a bit unnatural.

But when he heard the follow-up chats of the players, the sense of shame disappeared immediately.

The players who love is the vanguard think that there are a lot of Aryan beauties and gold in Heldeniva, so they don't want to make the guys behind them cheaper.

But no matter what the players think, now that the decision has been made, Ning Yuan can't discourage everyone.

Their expeditionary army was originally put together improvised. Everyone came here to vent their dissatisfaction and promote China's national prestige. Many people may only be interested for a while, so Ning Yuan could not demand them in accordance with the standards of the regular army.

Taking advantage of the high morale and interest of everyone, they should fight a few more big battles and a few more beautiful battles, otherwise they will be ridiculed by the domestic players once they go back dingy.After deciding to attack the city, Ning Yuan took the players and immediately began to rush to build the ladder and bumping wood used for the siege.

They have made the kind of siege tower used by the regular army, and there is no time for them to slowly tinker with those things, so the light and strong siege ladder that the players make the most is the kind of siege tower.

The walls of Heldeniva are more than ten meters high. In order to prevent the ladder from being overthrown by the enemy, the ladders made by the players are all over thirty meters in length.

After spending a day building a large number of ladders, on the second day, the vanguard of the Chinese coalition army launched a fierce attack on the city of Heldeneva.

In order to give full play to his military strength, Ning Yuan directly adopted the strategy of siege from all sides. He personally commanded 50,000 people to launch a fierce attack on the southern city wall.

Facing the defenders who were waiting in battle, the Chinese players shouted slogans, carried the ladder, and rushed up against the rain of arrows on the top of the city.

Although from time to time there will be players being shot by sharp arrows, but they can't affect their aura in the slightest. This is their first siege battle in India. Everyone is already mooing their energy and will not break the front of them. This city, they will not give up.

After rushing through the blockade of the arrow rain, the players immediately formed a shield formation along the moat, covering the players behind to fill the river.

When the moat was filled, the siege war finally officially began.

As the dense ladders were placed on the top of the city, the players bit their weapons with their mouths, and then held a shield in one hand to protect their heads, while holding the ladder in the other, they climbed up.

Seeing the enemy began to climb the ladder, the Indian defenders on the city wall immediately smashed the prepared rocks down.

With a scream, China player was smashed down the ladder every minute.

Looking at the group of guys who obviously couldn't feel any pain, but still wanted to shout, the black line at Ning Yuan's end.

MD, all the pain is reduced to a minimum, and it's a chicken feather. Is it possible to be excited by being stoned?

Although the stone rain of the Indian defenders caused a lot of casualties to the Chinese coalition forces, it could not extinguish the enthusiasm of the players. If the player in front fell, the player behind would immediately rush up, as if they were deliberately rushing to die. .

In fact, those Chinese coalition players who are siege of the city are indeed going to die.

Many players have fought on the walls of Sun Moon City, and they know very well how difficult it is to attack the city.

Although the city wall of Heldeniva is not as tall as Sun Moon City, it is difficult to break through the city with a few simple ladders, so the players took a different approach and thought of a good way to break the city.

The siege will still siege normally, but the players never thought about breaking the city immediately.

The method they thought of to break the city was actually based on the sacrifice of a certain number of troops.

The players plan to build a corpse ladder using the corpses of the dead players, and then follow the corpse ladder directly to the top of the city.

The Wolfhoof Empire used this method at the time, so the players of the Chinese Allied Forces have learned to use it.

Everyone has just entered India, and no one wants to die, so the order of siege to die is decided by lottery.

The lottery is from one to ten, and the player with the small number is the first to attack the city. After they die, the players behind will immediately substitute until the number of corpses is enough to build a corpse ladder.

The entire vanguard of the 200,000 army is based on battalions, and everyone has to draw lots to determine their lives and deaths, with Ning Yuan being the exception.

Originally, as a player, Ning Yuan was not immune, even if he was a commander.

However, considering that after the corpse ladder was built, Ning Yuan still needed to take the lead in the charge, so the players temporarily spared Ning Yuan.

From the players' point of view, Ning Yuan could die in battle, but he must not die under the city wall. Even if he died, he would also die on the city wall.

As more and more China players died in battle, densely packed corpses were already piled under the city walls.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Ning Yuan immediately dispatched a deadly death team.

The players of the Dead Pile of Dead Squad faced the attack on the city wall and quickly piled up the corpses of each player.

After more than an hour of hard work, a corpse ladder with a length of more than 40 meters and a width of more than ten meters was successfully erected.

Seeing that the corpse ladder was still two or three meters high from the city wall, Ning Yuan immediately sent the next group of squads up.

Holding sandbags full of mud in their arms, the squad members rushed to the city wall along the corpse ladder, and then fell on the corpse ladder one by one.

Facing the corpse ladder built by the Chinese coalition forces, the Indian defenders on the wall immediately mobilized a large amount of kerosene from the city. They poured the kerosene on the corpse, and then threw the torch in an attempt to light the corpse.

But they still underestimated the wisdom of the China player. In order to prevent the enemy from setting fire, when the players set up the corpse ladder, someone specially raised a lot of mud on it.

Although the kerosene can catch fire, the damp soil has isolated the medium that the flame can burn, so the raging fire that the Indian defenders wanted can always burn.

When the height of the corpse ladder was about the same as the city wall, the fully armed Ning Yuan immediately led a team of players who had been reserving for a long time and rushed up.

Stepping on the uneven corpse ladder, against the rain of arrows shot from the wall, Ning Yuan roared, jumped onto the top of the city, and then began to slaughter.

Ning Yuan was able to kill Tiger Warriors alone when he had only one iron rod before, but now he was fully armed, and it was even more important to kill the defenders on the city wall.

Wearing invulnerable armor, Ning Yuan directly ignored the enemy's long-range attacks. In close combat, the Indian defenders were not his opponents. Those who wanted to get close to him were all swept away by the Dragon's Breaking Halberd.

Therefore, under Ning Yuan's mass killings, the Chinese coalition forces immediately seized a piece of land on the city.

After a large number of players boarded the city wall, Ning Yuan led the troops to immediately clear the defenders on the southern city wall, and then directly killed the city wall to support the players on the other walls.

Ning Yuan led the players to help the players who attacked several other walls to capture the walls. After all the walls fell into the hands of the Chinese Allied Forces, they left some troops to defend the walls, and then the army began to clear the city and still resist. Enemy.

After the walls on all four sides fell one after another, the third brothers in the city became the turtles in the urn. They knew that the Chinese players would not let them go, so they were all ready to fight to the end.

They stubbornly guarded every house and stubbornly carried out the final resistance.Facing the tenacious third brothers, Ning Yuan could only helplessly lead the Chinese coalition forces to clean up house by house.

Almost every house in Heldniwa city left the blood of the third brothers. After the Chinese Allied Forces completely cleared out the Indian players in the city, the sky was completely dark.

After a day of intense fighting, the players were very tired, so after clearing out the Indian players in the city, they all chose to rest quietly.

So the problems that the aborigines in Heldeniva were worried about did not appear.

However, after a night of rest, the Chinese players immediately became restless and energetic again.

Since many players have never been to India, even in the game, they are full of curiosity about it.

After the sun rose high, the players began to stroll around the city in groups.

As winners, they broke into every house unscrupulously, looking for gold and silver treasures and exotic Aryan beauties.

Although out of courtesy, justice and shame, the players didn't make some overlord bows on the spot, but in order to compete for the beautiful Aryan beauty, they still fought.

Faced with various temptations, the Chinese coalition forces that were united as one suddenly split into countless small groups.

In order to compete for treasure and beauty, these small groups began to fight in the city.

At this time, the gap between the player army and the regular army became apparent.

Although Ning Yuan was the commander of this vanguard army in name, he couldn't command this group of great men at all except during the war, so he directly adopted a compromise method.

As the players competed for various treasures and Aryan beauties, especially Aryan beauties were simply too many monks and porridge, so Ning Yuan simply took the approach of playing with the mud and let the players compete in martial arts to recruit relatives and compete for the ownership of the Aryan beauties.

He gathered all the controversial Aryan beauties in the city, and then set up a ring for every beauty. If anyone sees the Aryan beauties on the stage, whoever is on the stage will go to the stage to compete. In the end, he will win. The person obtains the right to belong to the Aryan beauty.

As for whether the players will suffer casualties during the competition, Ning Yuan doesn't care, anyway, as long as there is no large-scale riot.

In nature, in order to fight for the right to mate with females, those wild animals were not beaten to the blood. Therefore, for the guys with the brains of sperm, Ning Yuan directly treated them as male animals in heat.

If it hadn't been for this siege battle, where the 200,000 vanguards had killed more than 100,000, Ning Yuan wouldn't care about them. He would have taken this group of energetic guys to the next goal.

Now he has to wait here for the main force to arrive, and then replenish his strength, so he can only turn one eye and close one eye. As long as there is no big trouble, just let the players toss.

Therefore, under Ning Yuan's inaction, the Chinese players in the city directly staged fierce battles in order to compete for the ownership of the Aryan beauty.

Since it is in the game, there is no such thing as breaking the rules. Players start desperately when they enter the ring.

They are like those male animals in the natural world.

When the setting sun went down, the victors happily walked off the ring with their own trophies, while the losers, their bodies were thrown out of the city indiscriminately, and they themselves ended this trip to India depressedly.

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