Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 14 System Release Development Direction Options...

Spotless smiled and asked, "Will you brush chess together later?" ”

Ye Chen nodded in agreement.

Looking at the Xiaoyao King's side, it is already level 27, a few seconds a monster, a person occupies a large point and has to wait for refresh.

Brushing experience efficiency is faster than brushing chess, you should be too lazy to brush chess.

Ye Chen looked spotless. "You let me kill once, I'll send you the positioning of the barrel uncle, how?"

Spotlessly clean promised. "Okay."

"Huh?" Ye Chen Yilang, so cheerful, don't ask the reason..."You don't ask?" ”

Spotlessly smiled and said, "You definitely want to try the output!" ”

Even help think of the reason.

This girl is so nice!

"That's right, that's it."

Trade the Heavenly Spirit Bead to Spotless.

Ye Chen declares war, and Zhaojun fights.

A wave of flat A can drop four or five thousand blood, and it takes less than thirty seconds to send it away.

Spotlessly clean: you really kill!

Ye Chen: Huh? Are you angry?

Spotless: That's not true, I just think you're too straight, and it's hard to like you.

Ye Chen: Again... Da Mi himself is a wealthy family, also known as the domineering Boss Yang, with a straight personality, why don't you like straight men? Besides, I'm not a straight man in reality!

Spotless: So how do you know if the big power is still that straight personality in private? Do you understand the personality? Personality!

Ye Chen: Dear, stop pretending that you know a lot about powers, okay? I'm her husband, husband, you know?

Spotlessly clean: poof... Brush up on chess!

Ye Chen: Hey, hey, what do you mean?

Spotlessly clean: it is... Burst! means.

Spotlessly clean hair to form a team application.

Ye Chen agreed.

The reward of the system is sent.

[Second-generation panda (level 2 mutation), level 5 carrying, balance, herbivorous, perfect growth]

【Personality: Loyalty】

【Strength qualification: 1420】

【Reiki Qualification: 1270】

【Physical Qualification:2398】

【Concentration: 1498】

【Body qualification: 1110】

[Skills: Meat Wall, Kindness, Loyalty, Beating]

"System, powerful!"

It is said that it is a physical qualification of more than 2,000 two, and the actual physical qualification given is fast 2,004.

And already full of initial skills.

Much better than the previous mutant rabbit.

Level 5 pets that can be carried have such a high qualification, four words to describe, unique!

The rest of the players are born for a few years, and it is impossible to give birth to such an excellent level 5 panda.

【System release development direction option.】 】

[One: Go to Zhenbeast Island to capture Zhenbeast, there is a follow-up. ] 】

[Two: Go to brush chess, there is a follow-up. ] 】

[Three: Stay in the ancient tomb for five minutes, there is a follow-up. 】

Ye Chen asked. "System, disclose the information, we are brothers."

[The host is so smart, guess for yourself! ] 】


"Can't you really give face?"

[Today's face is enough, another day! ] 】


All right.

Ye Chen does not challenge the system's bottom line of patience.

The system is his future dependency, and the relationship must be done well.


Ye Chen began the analysis.

On the way to the treasure cave earlier, he probably swept the items of the mall.

The Tianlong here, in order to make ordinary players more motivated and work harder to serve the guys, has reduced a lot of Yuanbao Mall props.

Many of the pet training items and equipment crafting materials in the mall must be obtained through events.

For example, pet advanced skill books, spirit beast pills used to improve pet skill levels, handmade cotton, fine iron, and Mithril all need to be obtained through activities.

As long as ordinary players are online for a long time and actively participate in various activities, they can make a lot of money from Guy.

Direct cash transactions.

It is not difficult to play this game thoroughly and earn more than going to work.

"Option one, it should be to obtain props for cultivating pets, advanced skill books or spirit beast pills."

This option may allow Ye Chen to create two pets that are currently invincible.

The panda uses it himself, and the mutant rabbit takes it to kill the pig, and the benefits are not small.

Chess brushing is a daily activity, and the follow-up to option two is definitely to continue participating in daily activities.

With the degree of power of the system, the harvest must be increased tenfold and hundredfold.

It is also a lot of gains.

Option three at the end.

Continuing to stay in the ancient tomb, a PK holy place where killing people does not increase murderous energy, will only be one result, and the PK fight will not stop.

"It's only twenty levels to focus on fighting, it's definitely a careful choice!"

Ye Chen gems are not complete, and their skills are not pointed, and they are not yet arrogant.

"System, give me face one last time."

"Shall I choose one or the other?"

"The guys are all full of ninth-level stones, if I can't make up the gap from other aspects, I can't compare with them at all."

"As a unique system, you don't want to be too faceless, do you?"

[It makes sense, I'll consider it...]

[Okay. 】

[For the sake of the host being so sincere and so motivated, I will give you multiple choices for the last time. ] 】

[But this is definitely the last time.] 】

[As a system, I am also principled, and the host has not followed the rules, and it also does not give me face. ] 】

"No problem!"

"Brother, guarantee the last time."

"The absolute advantage of winning pets and materials today is that the gems are almost bad, and I have the confidence to face those guys."

Of course.

Ye Chen will not take the initiative to make enemies of the forces represented by the Jiao.

But as a person who is a level 8 and level 9 gem, he will definitely be forced to take sides.

If he does not take sides, he will be suppressed, so that he will not become a threat in the future.

Taking sides is a thorn in the side of other forces.

It's hard to please.

Tenryu is such a game!

"System, I choose one and two at the same time."

[The system publishes the selection of Rare Beast Island.] 】

[One: Capture a mutated rare beast of any level, and the full qualification of the rare beast will be increased by 50%. 】

[Two: Catch a second-level mutated squirrel, the full qualification of the rare beast is increased by 60%. 】

[Three: Kill three female players with the Island Protection Beast, reward the Mutation Halo × 3, and open the follow-up options. ] 】

[Mutation Aura: Killing an adult rare beast will definitely drop a top mutant rare beast with a full qualification bonus of 70%. 】

Ye Chen thought to himself.

A mutant pet carried by level 5, Ye Chen himself has a maximum qualification of 1,000 eight.

I've seen other people shoot more than two thousand green turtles.

At such a level, the bonus of 50%, 60%, 70% is simply scary.

The guy is definitely willing to throw money at the rush.

However, the growth rate of mutated pets dropped by killing adult rare beasts is ordinary, and the attribute growth is much worse than that of perfectly grown babies.

"They shouldn't understand the gap yet, right?"

"After all, the most basic common sense of gemstone carving and resistance reduction is unknown..."

Thinking of this, Ye Chen smiled wickedly.

"I pick three!"

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