Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 141 7-Star And 8-Star Rabbit Ears, The New Teammate Zi Opened!

Look at the rabbit ears.

Ye Chen's eyes lit up first, then frowned.

His prediction was wrong, the attribute increase of rabbit ear star growth was less than 58%, and after 4 stars, only 40% increase.

Moreover, the official website shows 90-level rabbit ears.

Ye Chen level 58, doing story missions can only get level 50 rabbit ears.

Level 50 equipment is 20% away from level 90 equipment, and there is a 20% attribute gap.

Ye Chen should do the story loop mission at level 60, which is more cost-effective.

But even these two points.

The rabbit ears lying in Ye Chen's backpack are still scary.

"You two are also enlightened..."

It's really a blast! Get the highest 8-star rabbit ears in one go.

I originally wanted to keep a low profile, but now I really can't keep a low profile.

This rabbit ear must be used by itself, as soon as the gem is on, the system notification brushes the screen, and the whole area immediately vibrates, and even vibrates out of the service!

"730" [Rabbit ears (8 stars), level 50, basic internal and external defense 170, blood +8466, qi +4357, internal strength +1496, physical strength 79, body method 43]

[Producer: Ye Buxiu]

Perfect internal equipment, perfect Emei equipment, randomly obtained attributes are good.

The increased HP and stamina are higher than the 8-star blood coat sold by Ye Chen488.

Handmade hats make no bleeding upper limit, further increasing the value of rabbit ears.

"Worth 10 million bases!"

Ye Buxiu's name was more European, and Ye Chen completely regained his confidence.

Without any hesitation, open another round.

[Your baby rare beast snail has been successfully reproduced...]

After the second round is done, just enough to take a pet.

View the backpack.

This time it's seven stars.

[Rabbit Ears (7 stars), Level 50, Basic Internal and External Defense 170, Blood +6047, Qi +3112, External Strength +1069, Strength +57, All Attributes +9]

Without physical strength, the value drops a lot, but it is also three million bottoms.

Ye Chen: I'll go get the baby.

Krypton Gold changed his life: Boss, what kind of god pet did you give birth to this time?

God blessed: Big guy, this time you are going to give birth to two thousand three? Or two thousand four?

Ye Chen: Helped 8L students, and........ Can you two stop and stop? Doron can't lick it without either of you!

Ye Chen withdrew with a smile.

View 8L location, in Luoyang, no teaming.


If you need to repair more 8L, it is difficult to receive the 8-star ring talisman with 34 attribute attacks, and it is even more difficult for the necklace to carry 34 attribute attacks and blood caps and physical strength at the same time.

Ye Chen has never seen an auction house with such top-of-the-line equipment as an auction.

8L may only have to do it yourself, crazy to throw money to do it.

Ye Chen contact: Take the baby.

Send past team applications.

Pass through immediately over there, and teleport to Suzhou first.

Ye Chen followed, directly took out the breeding rare beast, no cheats, no metaphysics, all rely on two words, 仄!

[Ye Buxiu brought the rare beast to find Yun Feifei, and when he went back, he also brought a second-generation snail, which is so cute. ] 】

[The second-generation snail ran around Yun Feifei, and Yun Feifei called: "LLLLLLLI, take away the baby of your precious beast!" 】

Ye Chen opened his own in seconds.

[Second-generation snail (grade 4 mutation) 55 carrying, balanced, herbivorous, growth unknown]

【Personality: Cautious】

【Physical Qualification:2414】


"This guy really has opened the light!"

God blessed, and really stepped on the horse blessed.

But it was not he who blessed him, but Ye Chen.

This guy, twice prophesied Ye Chen, turned out to be true!

"I'll go, prisoners!"

Team channels.

8L photo.

【Second generation snail.............】

【Personality: Loyalty】

【Physical Qualification:2313】

"How about changing the krypton gold to the blessing of the gods?"

Ye Chen smirked.

Krypton Gold changed his life inexplicably and felt a coolness, and he snorted.

If the prophecy is correct, Ye Chen must play with him every day.


Ye Chen: How? Satisfied?

8L: I'm thinking about what you mean by heaven and earth. Two thousand three and two thousand four, the highest qualification of the rare beasts currently bred is these two!

8L was surprised, much more surprised than when he saw the praying mantis of three thousand two.

Therefore, this time with his participation, the first in all services, invincible luck, has half of his credit.

This good luck and cards made him feel good.

8L: So, I'll give you an auspicious number, 648, how about it?

Help breed and earn more than six hundred Dabu, what else can Ye Chen not be satisfied with?

Naturally it is pleasant to accept.

[LLLLLLLI transferred 6.48 million to your account, and the amount that can be withdrawn from your account is currently 22.144 million.144 million. 】


The 8L is not that tall.

Poke his excitement, and when faced with something he likes, just as cheesy...

After getting this pair of top-changed snails, he immediately took it to the forum to post pictures.

Show off that the pair of top-changing snails they gave birth to are the most qualified pets in the region!

Ye Chen chatted with 8L.

Loudspeakers and private messages have long been blown up.

Brother, I was also worried that your name change would affect your luck, and as a result, your luck was even more against the sky! Your luck, I really envy to death!

Liver and gallbladder: Brother, last time you promised to accompany me to breed mice, I have already washed and brought it, just wait for you three words: there is time!

Desert Boundless: Brother, my crab is ready, I have also set up a move and waited for you for a day, just waiting for you to start, haha!

Royal Lawless: Brother, I have two perfect mandarin ducks here, if you ask you to help give birth, how much money do you need, you open your mouth as soon as possible.

Perfect Tianyan: Da, please accompany me to give birth to panda cats! If you can give birth to the kind of qualification just now, I will invite you to dinner!" Mmmmmm

My friend frantically begged Ye Chen to help give birth to a pet, and there were several messages in a row.

Crazier than the last time! More urgent! I'm afraid to miss this wave of European gas!

It's all like Ye Chen doesn't agree, and he is entangled to the end.

Ye Chen sighed.

"This is your initiative to send money, but I am not black.

Unified response.

Ye Chen: 8L asked me to help breed, the appearance fee was 20W, giving birth to highly qualified pets, and compensating according to the market price, the total price of this pair of snails is 668W.

I thought that this scary price would dissuade a few people, but these people turned out to be more positive

Ye Chen0.4 didn't expect it.

In the eyes of these people, Ye Chen's reply seems to be confident, and there are clearly breeding secrets.

All thought.

200,000, if you can rub Ye Chen's Ouqi and change your breeding luck, it's worth it!

Knowing the time when Ye Chen gave birth to the baby and took the baby, you may be able to speculate the reproduction secret, which is more worthwhile!

Earn both horizontally and vertically!

【Faceless to invite you to form a team】


Perfect Tianyan immediately flew over. "Big [do you want it or your mother's?]

Ye Chen: I want you.

Perfect Tianyan: Help me give birth to a baby first!

Ye Chen: Give it to me.

【Your baby panda has entered breeding】

Right away.

[Xiaoyao King transferred 200,000 to your account, and the amount that can be withdrawn from your account is currently 22.344 million. 】

Sure enough, it was the unjust apprentice who paid for it.

Maybe you have to pay for Ye Chen's dinner with Perfect Tianyan.............

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